Inconsistent spacing, SV mess, at times overmapping, at times under mapping, rhythm problems. I don’t think i have it in me to mod spacing, considering that rhythms aren’t right.
00:06:552 (1,2,3,4) - this is literally almost the final difficulty, map the flute. You need to have rhythm and intensity progression across difficulties. It’s absurd that you’re mapping 00:05:352 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - more actively than the flute section.
00:11:952 (1,2,3,4,5) - spacing not justified. It’s literally only vocals, violin kicks back in only on 00:12:952 (6) -. There is nothing in the song that calls for that spacing.
00:14:552 (5) - rhythm gap created cuz you covered the active sound with a slider end. Same for: 00:20:952 (5) -
00:16:752 (8,9) - those should be ¾ sliders starting on 00:16:952 -
00:22:552 (5) - if you’re following vocals
00:24:752 (1,2,3,4,5) - spacing issue.
00:25:752 (6) - too much downtime. There is more rhythm to be mapped.
00:35:352 (1,2,3,4) - could be turned into 3/4s
00:38:552 (1) - you’re covering the active note with the slider end again. Same for 00:44:952 (7) - 00:46:552 (5) -
00:41:752 (5,6,7) - Because vocals are in the forefront in this section, this kind of sounds a bit off. 00:41:752 - ½ “mons-” and 00:42:052 - ½ “-ters” (yes, the “-ters” thing starts on a blue tick). That should probably be followed by a circle and then by a slider. Same for 01:32:952 (1,2) - and probably some other vocal split somewhere in the song.
00:51:352 - 01:02:552 - needs to be more active. You also keep transferring this pattern between difficulties 00:57:752 (1,2,3,4,5) -, but it isn't very good from the gameplay standpoint. Consider increasing SV on it and rearranging.
01:05:752 (5) - covering the active sound with a slider end again. Same for 01:18:552 (6) -
01:04:152 (5,6,7,8,9) - there is no burst here. Same for 01:10:552 (1,2,3,4,5) - , 01:12:552 (1,2,3,4,5) - , 01:14:152 (1,2,3,4,5) - 01:16:952 (2,3,4,5,6) - , 01:20:552 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - , 01:23:352 (1,2,3,4,5) - etc
01:17:552 (1,2,3,4,5) - you can’t really introduce kicks out of nowhere like that. There has to be established logic behind using them, and as of right now you kind of just whipped it out in the middle of nowhere. You have to tie down the kick spam to a certain sound sequence and keep utilizing them consistently if you want to get away with it.
01:29:752 (1) - covering active sound with a slider end, same for 01:31:352 (4) -, 01:36:152 (7) - , 01:37:752 (3) -
01:34:952 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - slider to represent a clap on 01:35:352 (3) -.
Song loops after that so apply the above mentioned to the loop.
Refer to RC. Your SVs are incoherent, consider limiting and reworking them.
00:06:552 - 00:38:552 -. This section is not active enough. After the beginning there’s a flute that you can map, and after that there are vocals. You don’t need to make it as intense as the sections containing claps/drums, kiais, but you can’t keep iterating the simplified rhythm of the lower difficulties here. Otherwise you’re creating a mismatch not only between the subsequent parts, but across the difficulties in general.
00:43:752 (1) - unjustified pause in the rhythm. There is nothing in the song calling for a 3 second pause in rhythm so neither should you make a player drag this slow ass slider.
00:51:352 - 01:02:552 - section not active enough. Consider not covering potentially active sounds with slider ends, that way you will be able to maintain a more active rhythm without creating 1/1 rhythms gaps. 01:00:952 (1,2,3,4) - you could just make these into ½ or ¾ sliders, would make it more active.
Same 1/6th mistakes as the hard diff:
01:04:152 (1,2,3) - this isn’t a ¼ triple. 01:04:152 (1) - is a note. 01:04:352 (3) - start of a 1/6th burst. I think the best way to cover this rhythm without confusing a player would be making a ½ slider and stacking 1/6th burst on/near the slider end.
Same for: 01:16:952 (1,2,3) - , 01:23:352 (1,2,3) -
01:10:352 - start of a 1/6th burst.
01:12:152 (7) - Why is this a circle and not a slider transitioning into the following sound sequence. You have used 1/1 sliders as transitions earlier, here 01:05:752 -. Stay consistent and try not to create rhythm gaps. Same for 01:13:752 (7) -, 01:24:952 (7) - , 01:26:552 (7) -
01:15:352 (7) - Too dragged out. There are mappable sounds underneath this thing.
01:21:752 (1,2) - you mapped these as sliders earlier. Stay consistent.
01:22:552 (3) - abysmal sv usage + slider body covers an active triple. This song barely has any sounds already. The higher the difficulty is, the more you have to latch onto any sound possible to cover rhythm gaps and create for a more active gameplay.
The song loops after kiai, so refer to the earlier criticism for the repeating parts.
Can’t speak on the structure much. It’s technically the same thing as hard, except now the distance between these wiggly zig-zags is higher 01:19:152 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - . Tho there are like 1 or 2 variations added. But you’ll have to work on the rhythm before we can talk about the structure.
Refer to RC. Nuke SVs. You can utilize more of them starting this difficulty but i don’t suggest trying anything complex yet. Don’t make stuff too slow. There aren’t a lot of points in the song that call for hard decels in the first place.
Also starting this difficulty you can actually start utilizing 1/4th, which means blue ticks are now available to you to try and make more complex and engaging rhythms.
01:04:152 (1,2,3) - doesn’t fall on the right beat. It’s a circle on 01:04:152 - and ⅙ burst starting on 01:04:352 -.
Same for: 01:10:552 (1,2,3) - , 01:16:952 (1,2,3) - 01:23:352 (1,2,3) - , 02:01:752 (1,2,3) - , 02:08:152 (1,2,3) - , 02:14:552 (1,2,3) -
00:24:152 (5,6) - inconsistent with the previous iteration of this sound sequence. This should be a 1/1 slider.
00:50:152 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - sequence started too early, first vocal lends here 00:50:352 (2) -. Additionally 00:50:552 (9,10) - should probably be ½ slider to capture the clap.
01:05:752 (10) - covers the beginning of that funny koto-like instrument on a white tick. Same for: 01:07:352 (6) - , 01:12:152 (10) - 01:13:752 (6) - , 01:18:552 (10) - , 01:20:152 (6) - , 01:24:952 (10) - , 01:26:552 (6) - (Same for the 2nd kiai)
This spam 01:34:952 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - is inconsistent with you following the claps with sliders 01:30:552 (2) - here 01:33:752 (6) - and etc. you can just turn 01:35:352 (3,4) - into a ½ slider and that would represent both the clap and follow the vocal with the slier end. Same applies to 00:39:352 (3,4,5,6,7) - 00:40:952 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:45:752 (4,5,6,7) - 00:47:352 (1,2,3,4,5) -
I don’t think that the rhythm overall is particularly engaging. Utilizing too mainly circles creates to cover 1/1 rhythm too much downtime on low bpm stuff. That doesn’t mean that everything should be a slider, but striking a balance would be nice. And since it’s a hard diff now, you can actually try to follow more than just basic 1/1 or ½ beats.
Too much downtime, 0 gameplay:
00:06:552 (7) -
00:25:752 (1) -
00:32:152 (1) -
00:51:352 (7) -
00:56:152 (4) -
01:42:552 (5) -
You’re no longer in Easy, normal diff range, you will need to map these more actively. There are plenty of points where you could split these long sliders and create room for gameplay.
Straight up unrankable stuff:
00:57:752 (1,2,3,4,5) -
01:48:952 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
This low Sv gimmick with consecutive overlaps doesn’t fall in line with RC for hard diffs.
Silly overlaps that might create problems:
00:39:352 (3,4,5,6,7) -
01:04:952 (6,9,10) - there plenty of space to move that slider, you don’t need to go back on where you’ve started the pattern
01:06:952 (4,5,6,1) - a bit too dense
01:08:952 (6) - plenty of room to make sure it isn’t overlapping .
01:13:352 (4,5,6) -
Structure/patterning. I guess you mainly have only one thing that resembles a pattern, that being snake/zig-zag wiggling ½ which you keep repeating over and over again. I think for the most part that it stems from your poor rhythm choices and the pointless SV changes. As long as you manage to establish proper rhythm with a good slider to circle balance, you will have a lot more things to use to actually create structure.
Again, as stated numerous times before, try to utilize as much of the playfield as possible and if you can try to not start a pattern in the middle of the screen. Given the opportunity to specifically start or end them in places that you would usually leave empty. It might seem difficult to keep track of, but pressing ctrl+a from time to time should give you a general idea of which parts of the playfield have been underutilized.
I won’t be going in depth on this diff too since, well, there it’s not at the level where modding of individual parts would improve things, since the flaws are more fundamental.
Refer to easy diff, same criticisms apply.
Tl;dr = Check Rc; Nuke SVs; DS 0.8x ~ 1.2x.
Playfield usage is orbiting around the center of the screen, the corners of the playfield are untouched, unlike the tips of the objects which are literally on the verge of overlapping.
You’ve got silly overlap issues like:
00:39:352 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) -
+both of your kiais
Now while I find the idea endlessly amusing, I don't think spamming kiais of your normal diff with ½ streams is a good idea.
Now in this difficulty for whatever reason you just decide to give up on trying to follow anything happening in the song and just spam circles. Both kiais are a good example of that. Another offender would be 00:39:352 (1,2,3,4,5) - in here you could have just made 00:39:352 (1,2,3) - into a single 1/1 slider. Same applied to the following sound sequences.
I can’t exactly give any detailed criticism, since your entire Normal is in a dire need for a remap. Please, download a bunch of ranked sets and go through their normal diffs.
I was going to post it in timeline, but it doesn't let me for some reason, so i'll paste it here:
00:00:152 (1,2,1,1,2,3,1,2,3) - this section is one consistent overlap hell, which I'm pretty sure isn’t acceptable by the ranking criteria. An easy solution to that problem would be to simply cover the first sounds of the violin sequences with a slider(s), and the last sound with a circle. That way you will be able to visually separate the sound sequences without a need for constant overlaps.
1/1 slider 00:00:152 - + circle on 00:00:952 -.
1/1 slider 00:01:752 - + circle on 00:02:552 -
1/1 slider on 00:03:352 - + 1/1 slider on 00:04:152 - + note on 00:04:952 -
Also probably 1/1 slider on 00:05:352 (1) -
Making 00:12:952 (1) - a circle creates a long inactive time gap until the next object, thus probably better to make it a slider instead. You could theoretically do the same thing that i proposed for the beginning. Or you could make a 3/2 slider + note on a white tick.
Kind of like this:
Same logic would apply to 00:14:552 (1,2) -, 00:19:352 (1,2) -, 00:20:952 (1,2) -.
00:25:752 - length of the slider is too long. 5 seconds of inactive playtime is a lot, even for a normal. Also easy and normal difficulties are advised against utilizing complex shapes, so perhaps hold off the funny heart concept until hard diffs or, even better, insane and higher. The speed of the slider is also abysmally slow.
If you still want to make a long slider emphasizing the vocals i would suggest cutting it at 00:27:352 -, this is where the vocals start going down in pitch.
Basically think about making this section a bit more active 00:25:752 - 00:35:352 -. Don’t overkill it tho, it’s still an easy diff.
This section 00:38:552 - 00:49:752 -, is actually ok, but it suffers from low sv, so as long as you fix that problem, this section should feel better
00:57:752 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - definitely against the ranking criteria. Too many consecutive sliders, all of which are overlapping. Just turn your ½ sliders into circles and it should be fine. Also, again, low SV problem. ( ignore the placement )
Kiai is too inactive, consider adding filler rhythms to give players at least something to do. When you have literally 2 whole empty beats between the objects that’s an overkill. Solution to that would be:
Make 01:04:152 - a 3/2 slider + add 1/1 slider on 01:04:952 -.
Same for 01:05:752 (3,4) -, 01:07:352 (5) - and the other repeats of this sound. Yes, that applies to the kiai repeat. (ignore the placement, just showing the rhythm)
Since the song technically just loops starting this point 01:29:752 (1) -, just apply the aforementioned solutions.
00:57:752 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - definitely against the ranking criteria. Too many consecutive sliders, all of which are overlapping. Just turn your ½ sliders into circles and it should be fine. Also, again, low SV problem. ( ignore the placement )
00:25:752 - length of the slider is too long. 5 seconds of inactive playtime is a lot, even for a normal. Also easy and normal difficulties are advised against utilizing complex shapes, so perhaps hold off the funny heart concept until hard diffs or, even better, insane and higher. The speed of the slider is also abysmally slow.
Making 00:12:952 (1) - a circle creates a long inactive time gap until the next object, thus probably better to make it a slider instead. You could theoretically do the same thing that i proposed for the beginning. Or you could make a 3/2 slider + note on a white tick.
Kind of like this:
Same logic would apply to 00:14:552 (1,2) -, 00:19:352 (1,2) -, 00:20:952 (1,2) -.