Heyo! So overall i gotta say that it's not bad in my opinion. Rhythm choice and giving the patterns you make room to breathe through adequate spacing is alright. there still are some big-picture issues with it so I'll get right into it
Your patterns feel a little clunky. I'm having a hard time of thinking how to word this, so feel free to ask for elaboration but basically, most of them feel like the flow is slightly off and that they aren't concrete. 00:56:682 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - is an example of a relatively concrete pattern, while 00:18:578 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - is an example of something that's not concrete. this isn't to say it doesn't play okay, or that the rhythm choice is bad (it's not), but more so that the pattern could be more defined through symmetry or its relation to another pattern
Your visual spacing could use a little work. take 00:30:055 (2,2) - for example. Slight useless overlaps like these clutter up the map and make it look messy/feel messier to play. This kind of ties into the first point. It is important to understand, however, that overlaps aren't necessarily bad, but the overlaps should only happen as the result of patterns that support the notes being in those conflicting places
So I think the main things you can do to improve this map is to
-give more space between your patterns by utilizing the entire playfield.
-fix any unnecessary overlaps,
-work on making your patterns more defined.
if you want i could try and give some examples of more defined patterning, but be sure to read up on the aesthetics aspect of mapping
00:26:465 (1) - i wouldnt have the spinner end on a strong sound like that, i suggest having it end half a beat earlier and have a note for that beat
00:33:086 (1,1) - there are a lot of small overlaps like this throughout the map (or near overlaps 00:35:982 (3,1) - which are also yucky). These make it look and feel a lot more cluttered than it needs to be, and can affect gameplay/the overall feel of the map.
for example here you could just have 00:33:913 (1,2,3) - in the same pos as 00:32:258 (1,2,4) and it would look better
00:55:844 (1) - here you have the slider ending on a very strong sound, but then its never repeated. Typically sliders end on weaker sounds than they start on, but this rule can be broken if there is a consistent use of slider ends that is supported by the mappers' concepts. This being the only slider to follow this idea makes it feel off to play, and doesn't transition into the section that well
00:57:706 (1,2) - another example of visual spacing where small adjustments can make it look and play better. remember to give your patterns room to breathe
01:26:672 (4,3) - in this section there is some of that visual spacing mentioned earlier, but more importantly why do you decide to do the overlap concept only for the second and third set of triples (01:27:086 (1,2,3,1,2,3) -) and not the first?
01:56:879 (2,3,4) - for these kick sliders (1/4th sliders) it is harder to read due to the lack of spacing. This is inconsistent with some of your earlier decisions and when playing it many people will mistake it for a 1/2 slider. something as simple as this https://pasteboard.co/jjHVfIq07TvW.jpg can make it way easier to read
03:21:086 (1) - i understand here you're reducing the spacing to match the drop in intensity, but this could still benefit from some spacing/neater arrangement
example- instead of https://pasteboard.co/lrQbJeM4X5Dq.jpg you could do https://pasteboard.co/gDqBWpj2nQ5z.jpg or something similar throughout this section
Overall the main thing you should focus on is making patterns. Your rhythm choice is pretty good rn, but a lot of the patterns feel like there is no discernable direction with them. This is why i'd suggest making more concrete patterns. This helps develop that skill, and soon you can make very fluid AND clean-looking patterns.
Spacing is also a concern here. small overlaps that have no purpose make a map feel worse to play and makes it look cluttered. Don't be afraid to give things room to breathe, it won't ruin the concepts you're going for. if u have any questions about my suggestions don't hesitate to ask
00:26:465 (1) - i wouldnt have the spinner end on a strong sound like that, i suggest having it end half a beat earlier and have a note for that beat
00:33:086 (1,1) - there are a lot of small overlaps like this throughout the map (or near overlaps 00:35:982 (3,1) - which are also yucky). These make it look and feel a lot more cluttered than it needs to be, and can affect gameplay/the overall feel of the map.
for example here you could just have 00:33:913 (1,2,3) - in the same pos as 00:32:258 (1,2,4) and it would look better
00:55:844 (1) - here you have the slider ending on a very strong sound, but then its never repeated. Typically sliders end on weaker sounds than they start on, but this rule can be broken if there is a consistent use of slider ends that is supported by the mappers' concepts. This being the only slider to follow this idea makes it feel off to play, and doesn't transition into the section that well
00:57:706 (1,2) - another example of visual spacing where small adjustments can make it look and play better. remember to give your patterns room to breathe
01:26:672 (4,3) - in this section there is some of that visual spacing mentioned earlier, but more importantly why do you decide to do the overlap concept only for the second and third set of triples (01:27:086 (1,2,3,1,2,3) -) and not the first?
01:56:879 (2,3,4) - for these kick sliders (1/4th sliders) it is harder to read due to the lack of spacing. This is inconsistent with some of your earlier decisions and when playing it many people will mistake it for a 1/2 slider. something as simple as this https://pasteboard.co/jjHVfIq07TvW.jpg can make it way easier to read
03:21:086 (1) - i understand here you're reducing the spacing to match the drop in intensity, but this could still benefit from some spacing/neater arrangement
example- instead of https://pasteboard.co/lrQbJeM4X5Dq.jpg you could do https://pasteboard.co/gDqBWpj2nQ5z.jpg or something similar throughout this section
Your patterns feel a little clunky. I'm having a hard time of thinking how to word this, so feel free to ask for elaboration but basically, most of them feel like the flow is slightly off and that they aren't concrete. 00:56:682 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - is an example of a relatively concrete pattern, while 00:18:578 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - is an example of something that's not concrete. this isn't to say it doesn't play okay, or that the rhythm choice is bad (it's not), but more so that the pattern could be more defined through symmetry or its relation to another pattern
Your visual spacing could use a little work. take 00:30:055 (2,2) - for example. Slight useless overlaps like these clutter up the map and make it look messy/feel messier to play. This kind of ties into the first point. It is important to understand, however, that overlaps aren't necessarily bad, but the overlaps should only happen as the result of patterns that support the notes being in those conflicting places