Thanks to the following for giving my broke ass supporter: * Grant (4 months) * HollyJollyPiano (6 months) * DarnTwine (1 year) * Ayykk (1 month) * -invy (1 month, Invytational Prize) * Egida/Jiuchu/LumenLogic (2 months, Sunset Summer Phantasy prize which I gave to perhap) * BaBeDiBeDon (broski gave me his 4 months prize from SSP so thanks)
ZaNy_ (MY CLASSMATE TURNED OUT TO BE A GIMMICK GOD?!) dtrcgy/YamiMyDaddy/LycaonMyHusband (This guy's vids is what made me aware that a five-digit tournament scene exists, now I'm here addicted to them) Caffeine (ButteredFlan) Dragon20942 Setsoku CursedFX Shissou suswich (smartass4) Zorokii perhap NathanRam1918 caetrn BasicallyA_NEET Ayykk -invy ashwagafu SilenceSuzuka ShadeX (Ayano Tateyama) LeFerraille
This includes all my tournament teammates.
Players I look up to: 5WC2024 PH TEAM A (LeFerraille, seeeen11l1, Zorokii, caetrn, MPDisplay, GabberSS, ZaNy_, [Shua]) mrekk skiatzo/skia/skihuahua Ruyaya stellasu