02.06.2023: The latest small profile overhaul. First one I've done in a long time.
Tournament appearances
(in chronological order)
ARTIA1 [1v1] | End Result: RO32 (lost to Bartek22380)
Ripple Birthday Cup [3v3] (/w VankaTa, Martinch & Skiant) | End Result: Quarters LB
ARTIA2 [1v1] | End Result: RO16 (lost to explosionboom)
ARTIA3 [1v1] | End Result: RO32 (lost to Dada)
Suiji Spring Cup 2018 [4v4] (team Cyanide Flavor) | End Result: 4th (That was a SOLID run, GG)
Z-Tournament 2018 [4v4] (team Remont Karol) | End Result: Qualifiers (Played with a group of friends just for the funs)
omct!3 [1v0] | End Result: Round 1 (was too lazy to clear all LOL)
Project REKINDLING [1v1] | End Result: RO128 (lol)
osu! Double Yolk Cup [2v2] (team Tablet is Cheat) | End Result: RO16 LB (I cry)
osu! Conyoh Cup [4v4] (team peng's team) | End Result: Losers' Finals (I barely played here LOL)
4 Digit World Cup [4v4] (team Bulgaria, duh.) | End Result: Losers 1 (We lost 2 in a row but was a very good try)
RNG Tournament [2v2] (team Tablet is Cheat) | End Result: Losers 2 (Good run, although we were quite unlucky tbh)
Corsace 2018 [4v4] (team The Mythic Sin) | End Result: Groups (Yikers.)
Suiji Spring Cup 2019 [4v4] (team Au Revoir Fingers) | End Result: Losers Match 1.
4 Digit World Cup [4v4] (team Bulgaria, duh.) | End Result: Losers 1.
400pp "stream map" score DONE Get decent at EZ Get decent at HR Get decent at DT 3 digit ss/11824473 (9/22/2018) [size=125]The Unforgiving FC Kimi ni Shiranai Monogatari [Celestial] +HDDT FC (a.k.a 500pp) 190bpm non-stop stream practice FC (the one that rotates in squares) DONE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Have something/somebody to care about more so I can finally quit
16.10.2016: A big addition to the list and overhaul of it. I'm kinda sad that I didn't keep milestones, goals and stuff. If I did that I'd add more things but oh well. I'll come up with some new goals soon and write them down too.
First and foremost, thanks to everyone that has made my day better no matter when and how. You are awesome . I'll try to put everyone down here, sorry if I forgot somebody. (OUTDATED, I need to add like a thousand more people just because there are so many awesome people around. )
LoginOn -YellowBohr3- ninjakiwii Daramar Martinch Djambalaz Naomi_poof Skiant vladyushko chugleader (forever in my heart) Kyuukai(yaleufeu) : Very awesome, cool, helpful, friendly, funny. Also a pretty good player and a mapper (plz get a ranked map soon)
I met him in a multi lobby more than a year ago. At the time he was a lot better than me and I was always up for his challenges. All the maps he could pass and I couldn't. He was basicially my motivation to become a nomod player because my foundation wasn't good enough when I met him. I had started DT farming and I couldnt do the nomod songs he could. + my overall skill was a lot worse. I had told him that one day I'll be able to beat him. We were talking every day for hours. He was pretty good in my eyes. Anyway, I'm starting to repeat myself, so I'm just going to move on. I had to quit for a month or so and we kind of severed our contact because the only way we were communicating through was osu! . When I got back we kept talking but then he kind of lost motivation for playing and I was getting closer and closer to my goal to beat him. It became a lot easier when he stopped playing (December 2015) . That's not the point though. Even when he stopped playing he was still my motivation to continue because I still wasn't done with my goal. He started mapping after that.
Around the beggining of 2016 was the time I would say I officially became better than him. But the story does not stop there. I continued playing untill I hit a wall and then he gave me the idea to start mapping. He helped me go through the first stages of it and honestly even though I didn't see much improvement, he told me that I was getting better. Even though I still haven't progressed much in field I just wanted to mention it. He is always ready to help too.
You were basicially my motivation both for playing and for mapping, and I couldn't thank you enough for when you've always been there for me
kiril2011 : Very cool, amusing, straightforward, honest, good. On top of that a really good player. My goal is to beat his skill level. I'm still miles below him in terms of a lot of things, but I'm doing my best
I believe I met him in May 2016. The first times we multi'd together our skills were really close to each other. We were multiying pretty frequently untill he slowly started getting out of my reach in terms of skill. The matches were really fun, we got to know each other and stuff. I was having a hard time getting better at the game, and he was always there to bring my mood up. We kept communicating and he has always been there for me since then. We still multi every once in a while and do fun stuff such as tag and etc. together. Really fun to play with and to talk with
Thanks for everything
DivideByNone : Uhh... where do I start from... Let's say something positive! He is a cool and a friendly... person? Well time for the negatives. An awful mapper and an awful player and I don't even understand how he achieves the things he does. I think I'll call him my personal MinG (accuracy refference) ^^ (But hey, there is always room for improvement, if he wants to improve!)
An irl friend who is overall very fun to talk with. There is always stuff to argue with him . He is kind of moody though, so sometimes I think I should hold back the argues a bit . Atleast he can make cool skins wooo. He was also there for me in times of hardships, so thanks . I was also the one who get him to play osu and now he is as addicted as me ;3
rint0 : Very chill, thoughtful, understanding, kind. Other than that an awful player tbh (Still better than my personal MinG )
Second IRL friend I'm listing here. We started playing basicially at the same time and we multied almost every day together, playing our favourite anime openings and endings. (He was the one who made me start watching anime.) There was one more guy who played with us but I probably won't be listing him here since he stopped playing long ago. So the 3 of us were pretty close skill wise (that was probably around April 2015) but then I slowly started getting better and better, 3rd guy stopped playing, and rint0 slowly started playing less and less. Basicially he is pretty lazy, even though I think he has potential. And it's just that he doesn't get that serious at games, he is more like the casual player. Still a fun person to talk and be with
DayAtNight67(or Daynebris) : An awesome person and the only guy who has accuracy more than 96% of my IRL friends XD.
Third IRL friend I'm listing here. My bae even though he sucks at the game and he doesn't play very often. His goal is to pass Negastrife. He'll need around 322141412 years but oh well, good luck. Also thanks for all the time you've been there for me
He is probably the guy who I've talked the least with from this list. But we know each other from long time ago. Back before I started playing osu!, and League of Legends (That means 3+ years ago) I was playing a game and knew him from there. He is pretty fun to talk with and he lives from the same city as me. (We should meet sometime for real) . I didn't know he was playing osu untill he talked to me first I don't know how long ago. Fun fact: He is also coconut milk, even though he denies it ;3 (For those of you who don't know, that is the censor of the word 'gay' in the osu chat) I don't know if this is good or bad but I just wanted to list it there for the lolz
He doesn't play the game anymore and we don't chat with each other anymore but I felt like listing him here just because I enjoyed watching his streams while it lasted. He was also one of the people who motivated me to get better. I think I was watching his streams even before I got to know yaleufeu so that would mean I was a 6 digit scrub(or a low 5 digit) when I was looking up to him. I got better from him before I got to know yaleu and he stopped playing osu daily, so slowly we stopped talking to each other.
He is probably the person that I have interracted the least. He is a friend of yaleufeu and I got to know Rioteck because of him. He can't chat in English pretty well so I haven't talked much with him but as far as I got to know him he is a very respectable player and he is always ready to help with anything he can.
EvilMalcho : An awesome person, and he can read HR better than me
I honestly don't remember much about him and how I met him. I stopped chatting with him because he stopped playing. But he is a really cool person and I chatted with him a lot at one point. I think I had activated my chatlogs before I met him(before some time I didn't have them on so rip yaleufeu chatlogs and some other people's) so I gotta go ahead and read them. He also gifted me supported once, which I'm very glad for. Thanks for being there for me
There is not much I can say about her since the time we chatted with each other was very limited and I think I didn't have chatlogs on at that point, so I've forgotten most of the things for her already. But in general a pretty fun person to chat with. Sadly I can't remember what we chatted about and stuff, all I know is that it was fun to play with her
- D e r p - : Another CtB beast and a cool person.
Pretty much the same as Kirinoya. I was talking with her at some point of my playtime but I don't really remember when and what we talked about. Sher was pretty fun to play with, though
So, moving on from the people above, some of the respected people there might not respect me back, but I honestly don't care . They should be the ones feeling bad and not me.
Respectable people : - Arthus -, VankaTa, Daramar, Lexiiii, DanielDimitrov, MrKevDawson, GenchoBG, Akairushi, DarkGodZereff, Makou, My Angel Sn0rY (Excuse me if I'm forgetting somebody)
People I don't know well enough : Sealeet, Defacer, Brokenn, Gintoki(+), ghosty98, Akio(+), CoinHero, bgfighter21, Angeloid_Alpha, Eternal_Shadow, Hardatyou, gman(-) and everyone else I don't know .
People I'm not really fond of : Supbads
Old pass challenge. (I stopped once I passed my first 8*)
5.9.2016 Right now what I decided to do in order to keep myself in shape is decide of a random challenge pass everyday (Obviously won't be too easy for me to pass, and play it untill I pass it.
11.9.2016WAGAKI BAND - TENGAKU [NOCTURNE OF HEAVENS] 8* PASS 10.9.2016 Shinsaku no Shiawase wa Kochira [HAPPY~] NFFL : 85% B 9.9.2016: Omoide Kakera [Memories] pass 8.9.2016: Red Like Roses [Rose], Inai Sekai [Kimi ni Todoku ka na?] pass 7.9.2016: Nothing (Played mostly mania) 6.9.2016: Kikoku Doukaku Jigokuraku [Notch Hell] , The Big Black [AR 9.3] and Tsubaki [EX EX] pass 5.9.2016: Caffeine Fighter [Kilimandjaro] - 234BPM AR 10( a.k.a DT but not 10.3) pass - http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/6019048
Are we back? It was good fun to try to improve, even while I was struggling for most of the time... I doubt I'm going to be playing seriously for a long while now. See you next time...
07/10/2019: Alas, my reign as #2 Bulgaria is over.
Taking a break because of health issues... I might or might not come back. Peak rank: #2723 Never forget.
If I come back I'll start streaming! (Hopefully getting a new PC after recovery)
1.8.2016: Well... I actually think that I'm starting to finally comeback. I did a new top play 2 days ago and set an easy score but a score I couldnt set before. Also, I'm streaming with 2 BPM more, yay! On a serious note, I think this month is going to be a good one, let's see.
19.7.2016: Looks like I won't need to undergo a surgery! Today when I went to the doctor he said that it was not as serious as I initially thought. Too bad I already resigned from GAF :c . So now I will still be around and play, just a little bit less than usual, but it's all good. Time to derust now!
15.7.2016: And just when I was thinking about taking a break... It looks like I'll need to take a forced one. I'll probably not be able to play starting 19.7.2016 for around a month, maybe less, maybe more. Health problems... :c . I already withdrew from the GAF tournament which I won't be able to participate in because timing, and from a unofficial country tournament, because It's not really fun playing with the thought that I won't be able to play for a long time after that, hence why I won't play much the upcoming days too. Here is the last play I plan on submitting for a good few weeks, at the very least: ss/5614348 I decided to FC this with hidden not because it's very hard or anything, but because I really love the song and the singer, and the song's mood describes my mood in the moment. I will be back with a bang, hopefully. Peace, have fun clicking circles.
P.S : Also some formatting changes on my profile, nothing big. P.S.S : I might still be able to map, depending on how hard the circumstances will be, I will see.
14.7.2016 : Alright, so of course I won't be able to quit. Afterall, we are here forever xD. I won't be quitting, but I'll instead try the change my hand position of my left hand. Maybe It will work, we will see.
13.7.2016 : Well I played AR 10 for a couple of days and everything was going really smoothly but then I just stopped caring that much aboujt it and forgot how to read it again. Now I'm just sitting here not doing much, planning on taking a long break because my hands feel fucked up and everything, my fingers started fingerlocking on streams and stuff like that. I hope I can continue to get better once I get back. Peace.
30.6.2016 : Okay, I feel like I should start putting dates here now because people get confused . Anyway now I'm starting to play AR 10 and I'll see what will happen. I don't plan on gaining much pp for the next week or so.
Struggling in playing anything other than nomod and a little bit of HD. I just suck at both HR and DT and i want to learn them but I can't ;w; . Any help other than play more is appreciated.
Why do I feel like hacking on osu just to get banned and never play again, and never do anything again... I mean sounds stupid sitting here clicking circles but I fear than i will lose my last fun thing I have if I do that Seriously I don't even know like, it's not that I don't like or appreciate my life or anything I just feel like everything is gray and boring everyday it becomes harder and harder and even more boring and it just goes on and on and on And I don't have the will to try and stop it Soon, I'll probably quit osu, because ill get bored out of my life playing, just like it happened with anime. then I won't have anything left ... I feel like something inside of me died as I would describe it with in game terms im tilted for some reason I feel like I'm just living for playing osu While my life goes in the wrongest way possible For some reason I can't stop thinking that way This keeps rewinding me to the past, and the best moments of my life, like I could relive them again But sadly, it won't come back. Who am I kidding... my past wasn't wery interesting anyway. I don't know why it feels like that though... ... I feel like donating my life to someone that deserves it, but couldn't have a careless life like me... Here, in this huge world, im sitting, looking at a screen for like 1/3 of my life. Dosn't sound funny when I'm taking it like that, neither does it sound fun But that's the true reality of the things But what is reality in the end...? Is our daily lifestyle even intended to be lived like that? (Not talking about only me, but for everyone in the planet) Who is the God, or the Allah, or the Allien which says so... Life feels so wrong... I feel like donating my life to someone who knows how to trully live life... I'd be happy just watching him from aside, cheering for him, even though there is a huge chance that he might look very stupid in the eyes of today's "reality" and society Maybe we could be living a lot better... I feel like I'll never know if this is true though... Maybe we are living deceived by today's standars and we aren't even close to leading a fulfilling life... Another thing I'll never get to experience or know about... I don't even know why I'm typing this anymore That's how senseless my life has become... ... Maybe that simple thought about the past has gone too far...