Why is Lazer's pp so far off the server pp? I've gotten a 120pp on this song and a 131 pp (my best yet) on another and neither of them are more than 90 in my profile.
lazer's client pp calculation has been updated to the upcoming performance rework values. once the change is deployed to the osu! servers, the values on your profile will be identical to the ones in lazer
I wish these maps got ranked in 2023… it’s perfect because it doesn’t go too extreme on any style such as the 1-2 sotarks jumps or the Leah Kate lionheart glory days etc. stream speed farm maps or the 2023 “gimmick” maps. Fort managed to make a simple song that repeats aiae over and over again into a masterpiece that is extremely fun to play, not just for one difficulty, but for all of them