Why did you stop playing osu!standard competitively?
Two reasons really. Main reason being that my whole setup got changed around 2016, where I had to replace my two monitors that died out, replace my old computer and my tablet. This led to me having to adapt to my new setup, which stacked up with my second reason, the fact that I already got bored of the game.
So at that point I didn't see any reason to play for ranks anymore. I'm still on here and there playing for fun though.
Can you map this song, please?
No. Unfortunately as much as I'd loved to, I can't appeal to one person or two to map a certain song, artist or genre. Second reason would be that I'd force myself to map things. When I map stuff, it's because I genuinely want to, and I don't want it to be where I feel somewhat forced to make one. Which is why I prefer taking my time and map whatever and whenever I feel like it, and that's what you should do too rather than ask other people to do it for you.
Describe your mapping style.
My goal is to create maps that's simple to play, but does have some difficulty to it. I'm not trying to focus on making the hardest maps ever, but rather focus on the fun factor. Making the flow of the map feels good, streams that feels good to play etc. Often I would focus on putting down patterns that I personally find it more fun to play, more often so compared to what makes more sense being there. Just focus on whatever makes the map fun for you, rather than appeal to others.
Why don't you rank any of your maps?
I'm against ranking my own maps because I want the freedom of being able to map however I want. I simply do not want to alter my maps in a way where I have to meet certain conditions in order to get it ranked. I'm also not a fan of the modding scene.