my mapping style is mostly techy-like, drawing inspiration from a bunch of mappers, mainly Zer0-, Aistre and hifu. i really enjoy mapping edm and sliders, but i'm open to trying new things!
i started mapping around the start of june this year because i wanted to make maps that could be "aim trainers" and so i could improve at the game using my own maps. i was still in my 7 digit days so i had no idea of any concepts that go into mapping. i was a complete noob for this entire year and barely spent time on mapping in general.
this year i started taking mapping a little more seriously and was confident enough in my skill to enter mbc june 2021, but then ended up takin last place kekw. around september i got olsonn and lugu as my mapping mentors, and that boosted my improvement by an insane margin. so much so that in december i managed to make a map that is now on its way to be ranked as soon as the storyboard is done! (soon!)
2022 is my current golden age and im slowly but surely perfecting my mapping style. over the year i have improved and changed so much and i am rlly proud of how much progress i have made this year. i also met a lot of cool mappers that are now dear friends of mine and i couldn't be more grateful. i rarely manage to finish a map but when i do it can be an absolute banger (in my opinion)
got sent to losers bracket at ro16 cause seed 16 is for some reason feckin cracked swept losers QF (12-0) 失败者支架运行 BURGER SWEEP 完全没有损失 12 - 0 每个人都死了 RO16 复仇 五个人汉堡赢了 ongoing