Hi if you want/need any helps regarding mania & the SG mania community, feel free to message me. Don't be afraid to reach out lol I am just another random guy wasting his human life cycles in this game, wanting to get more SG mania players into the game and the community itself. Like actually please we need rising stars thanks xd
Hi! My name is Adam, not my actual real name but I prefer people calling me that. I am a 19 years old male college student who plays mainly mania. I also have a Youtube channel which I post some of my replays if I feel it is a good score set by me. If you have added me but I have not added you back, feel free to ask me for mutual if I am online or Discord that you have added me so I can add you back. I accept all friend request if the players are not toxic (Also I am a big vtuber simp, especially fubuki)
Discord:AdamAckerville Peak Global Rank:740 Peak Country Rank:10 Peak Country 4K Rank:5 4K Mania Binds: AS;' (I change it often) Keyboard: Wooting 60HE (actual cheat wtf) Member Of ERA (7/31/2023) Skin Donation Link Youtube Twitter
Thx Claren for the 1 month of supporter! Expandion thx for the 2 months supporter after u owed me for 2-3 months LOL Thx Sign for the 1 month of supporter! Thx Kibitz for the 1 month of supporter after winning ur cancer drawing event lol Thx Combro for the 1 month of supporter! Thx Utami for the 1 month of supporter even tho I told you not to fucking do so 💀 Thank you Utami for 1 month of supporter but stop giving me them LMAO Thank you DoubleA1 for giving me 1 month of supporter! Thank you Utami for 1 month of supporter but PLZ STOP GIVING THEM TO ME THANKS UTAMI FOR THE 1 YEAR OF SUPPORTER BUT PLEASE WTF
Wonder5193 - Without him I would have not aim for higher in this game especially mania, many got inspired by him and I am one of them, even after him quitting I still get shocked on some of his scores that withstood the past of times such as AiAe SS (still the only one on the map) and his skill. Without a doubt the best player in all of osu mania 4k history, opinion unchanged and biased.
KonekoKitten - May sound cringe to some older players but without him I would have literally never started mania, just from his Freedom Dive video I wanted to get better and soon go into osu mania just to beat him in skill. Sure I have surpassed him now but thank you for kickstarting my mania journey. (I wrote this before the whole drama happened)
Fubusan - Despite just meeting you and becoming friends I got to know how good you are in rice and using my skin no less lol, hearing you telling me that I inspired you to get better made me really happy as I don't think I have that impact on people. Seeing your rice skills and consistency made me realise that I can definitely get better with my skin and it doesn't matter what skin I use as long as I can play with them, thank you for being a fellow friend of mine.
Silhoueska Elze - Omg where do I even begin with you, saw your name all the way back in 2020 and look at where we are at now, my LN has gotten better due to your performance during MWC and other tournaments showing your LN skill is cracked. Thank you so much for being my LN inspiration, it will continue to improve. (also stop pulling deez nuts joke!)
Albania Illya - Welp, time to write an essay lol. First of all thank you for reaching out to me at the start of 2023 about LN improvement, I am really glad you did as I have seen you around on twitter and always wanted to reach out and become friends with you. Its pretty crazy how you went from 10th dan to almost yami in the span of only a year. That rate of improvement is what makes me want to try LN again, and also seeing you play 7k makes me want to get better at it again despite my hand injury issue. It makes me think that despite my hand injury I can still get somewhat good in 7k. Thank you so much for being such a good friend with me, I never would have reached this far without you ^^
Claren - It is crazy to think that I first heard of you back in 2019 when your username was "-Yue-" and then finally getting the chance to chat with you. That was the first time I ever watched MWC and your name caught my eyes, at first I was scared to talk with you as I was still new to the game and thought all pro players would be intimidating. But as time goes on I got comfortable with you, met up with you on multiple occasion and found out you are one of the most chill guy I've ever met. You are one of the reason why I continued playing because I always wanted to surpass you back then, now that I've done it I seriously think that I do not care now since I got something more important which is your friendship. Thanks so much for being one of my friend and inspiration to reach higher in singapore.
Utami - Ok controversy time, yes shit went down but it doesn't change the fact that he inspired me to get better at standard despite it not being my gamemode I still pushed to get relatively good at it. He gave me some advice on what I was doing wrong and I was able to reach almost top 50k in standard, but mostly it was due to his presence that I wanted to get better. I was lenient towards what he did due to him being underaged and not know what he was doing, but from the conversation I have with him he has definitely changed so much into a better person. Thanks so much for inspiring me to get better at standard despite my hatred with it lol, and thanks so much for being there for me when I was at the darkest of my time.
more will be added in due time ok i have short term memory loss
We the People of Ibumunesia, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Nation of Ibumunesia.
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the Ibumunesia, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several Ibumus, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the Ibumu Legislature.
No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the Nation of Ibumunesia, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that Ibumu in which he shall be chosen.
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Non-ibumunesians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the Nation of Ibumunesia, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of Ibumu shall be entitled to chuse three, Tai eight, Pantat and Tidak one, Tanya five, bacot lu six, anjing bisa four, diem kagak eight, aku sudah one, d8 six, ibumu ten, anda gemuk five, you tolol five, and bangsat kontol three.
(very out of context I was talking about black switches don't cancel me)
This gamer is horrible. It's a horrible. Very very a horrible. My daughter Emilia wanted download the it the game on her iPhone, and she me ask, and I said "sure, my child". But alas, when I returned, she was had been a the died. This game is a very cursed, and is bad and will haunt ruin and brain.