Hello!! my name is Deeto and I'm a seasoned tournament player for around ~4 years now. I play a lot of sports outside of osu. I also like watching anime and reading manga. In osu, I generally play a lot of dt, aim and tech. If you want to invite me to tournaments please do hit me up! If you're someone I know or I recognize and haven't added, just message me too
Play more, take long breaks in between, focus on pushing raw aim and skillcap by grinding HDDT jumps or fast speed maps, play low ar (EZ/HD) to push reading skillcap, play mappools to be more all-rounded when you become insane at the game. Then go for number ones for consistency, in that order. Focus on downloading muscle memory for your aim so loosen it up/don't be too tight. Same goes for tapping, its better to be more relaxed to have better technique. Focus on the process not the play (FCs don't matter too much for improvement, but just get more comfortable essentially). If you ever hit a roadblock, revisit your fundamentals (3-5* consistency aim/tapping). Kind of like how knowledge works easier if you have your pre-requisites. Always play to improve, aim for gaining ranks but don't be obsessed over it. also don't stay complacent or derank. That's all
(list is not really ordered) Thatnoobguy and Venta: some of my closest friends and teammates in this game, very thankful for their support in general and especially tournaments hehe Cookiezi: definitely can't have an inspi/respect list without the goat who inspired me to slave this game Angelsim: also another goat, but he was more of the model that i shaped my playstyle around Kahli: brought me to the world of team tournaments, really cool guy/friend and one of the people i can vouch for in tournaments cfood: one of the indo tourney all-rounders i used to look up to when i was new to the scene. rHO: really chill, cool person and at some point was the pinnacle of indo tournament that i strived to be at Astral420: the first friend i've ever made in osu! (if u see this i hope ur doing well man) Hyeok2044: huge supporter for me when playing tournaments, very kindhearted and never critical so i respect his perspective to the game. yet another cracked player i respect too. Maliszewski: Literally the perfect tournament player, i'd be begging to even be as close as possible to his level of play (w glaze) fragranceofpage: very chill guy, but also very very crazy player...
Thank you Fuvell for 1 month osu supporter on event (12/27/2020) Thank you Raids for 1 month on showmatch (4/13/2021) and for RWB (4/21/2021) and for Royale (4/28/2021) Thank you Fryl for 1 month on snipe event (7/6/2021) Thank you hzed for 1 month giveaway supporter (28/02/2022) Thank you LIFELINE for the 4 months supporter (20/07/2022) THE GOAT fr Thank you Kahli for the 1 month supporter on osu korea pc Bang meetup (19/12/2022)
THANK YOU YOROCCHI 1 years... honestly really shocked still (22/02/2023)