First 1k map
Dead comments 😭😭😭
Little over 4 years later, this map still slaps. Screw the dice has got to be one of the best maps i ever played, everything flows so seamlessly, playing it makes me feel like i'm better than i actually am, what a gem of a map!
i agree on every point lmao i just got a 900 combo on screw the dice and it felt so nice lmao
Good job! :D
testo diff so good
this map is so good
hate last diff ending
Such a fun map would love to get this as my top play someday
Im so dumb i have a 2 miss on a dt play and i forgot i had nf on smh
how to aim
why am i not able to pass this its literally only 6.7* somebody please help me
this user does not exist
firetruck the dice
this is so amazing
underweighted star wise
cool pattern for the jumps
govno iz jopi
Ya Zhenyus' na Devochke iz Anime
almost did all of them but then i rage quited
mili is nice
you can find this map by searching that.
channel link doesn't work
me likey
Love the mapset :)
I love this
another one
cool song check this video, this is all you need
oko osu
I actually liked the map but voted 1 anyways because I decided I would before I even played. Sorry
you're the type of kid that puts a rock on the other end of the see-saw at recess
how do you even vote 1 before you've played it? I thought you had to vote after you play it
I decided what I was going to vote before I played it. I played it, enjoyed the map, and still voted.
how dare you vote 1 on an oko map
Your name is on it too though.
Thank for this amazing set, love u
it is wednesday
indeed my dudes
This is fun to play ffs rank that
I wouldn't have made all these diffs if i was to just let it sit here lol
oh yea well i would
ok this is epic