i love this song :C
Nice map
muito ruim
concordo plenamente
my first success beatmap huhu
legendary opening
nobodos faster then me
yiyo es pana. Ta bueno bro sigue asi :)
my brudda
bruh the first tv sized map griffin isn't on,pogchamp
please we need one piece opening 22 pleaaaaaase
One of my favorite openings :D
Pretty OP
can i ask something this song is famouse but why does it only have 1 beatmap maker
where i can found the wallpaper of sanji???
inside the map's folder
i love it
esse fundo do sanji ta lindo d+
i love these song ty very munch!!!!!!!
It's very well made!
The hard diff with DT is free 4 star pass.
biuriful yiyi
Really like this song
i love one piece ty for posting this cutie yiyo
you're welcome c:
Thaaaaanks man! Awesome song!
when you 95,93% but get rank #30 XD
ya era hora.... jejeje GRACIAS!!!!
Great song and mapping <3
Love the song <3
SIIII Top 6 era top 3 pero baje :D
i`m in top LOLZ
yay finally \o/
omg finally, best opening ever
yes :D
gracias estaba esperando este opening desde que salió <3
De nada :3
Atsuro te quiero
Dayum boi