so fun
that crossfade transition is so jarring i thought i was having a stroke when i was playing
@anna apple 01:09:143 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - why.
bruh idek how i map now how am i supposed to know how i mapped like 10 years ago lmao
this is equal to brainrot
These patterns are the exact opposite of brain rot.
New pishi map Pog
Hell yeah
finally qualified!
Where is the !
we're back
wym 2017 was 7 years ago 🤒
i like how 19 out of 27 tags are just bor's names
i can’t unhear this on the preview point thanks nido
We're back
yo didnt know you were still around
This map is so damn good dude do more PTV theres so few
sad that is not ranked. I am obessed with your pierce maps because pierce is my favorite band but oh well at least you did my favorite song
wake up bro pishifat on qualified