This is my third beatmap, "Breakthrough" by Coming Century. It is also the 1st opening to the Eyeshield 21 anime.
I feel that it is very well timed and it uses consistent beatspacing all the way through the song. So, I hope this one is good enough to be ranked now!
So here it is, have fun playing it everyone. And if you like it, make sure to put a comment if you want it ranked!
EDIT: Added Easy Mode.
EDIT2: Re-offseted, re-snapped, and re-beatspaced according to Rolled suggestions.
EDIT3: In the process of making custom hitcircles and other pictures for this map.
EDIT4: Re-offsetted, resnapped, and re-spaced according to buraimaster1234's suggestions. Still working on custom pictures.
EDIT5: Spent 2 days revamping the entire beatspacing on easy and hard modes, as well as adding custom sounds, custom hitcircles, "are you ready?" pictures, etc. It's much improved.
EDIT6: Updated according to buraimaster1234's new suggestions. Also, I fixed a bug with the custom sounds that made it have only 2 whistles in the beginning instead of 3.
EDIT7: Updated according to buraimaster1234's latest suggestions.