Higan Torrent
Genryuu KaikoHalozy
mapped by Hollow Wings
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Cosmic Armonica ほたる 源流懐古 (for app)
Higan Torrent = Torrent plus (old style remapped)
bg by me plz redl before 2014/11/16
sb by me and ShallICompareThee lyrics' still written by me w 全屏狗爬注意噗
this is my most favourite song, MOST. and i've been listened to this song for over 1 thousand times, i'm not kidding. 最爱的曲子没有之一。这曲子我听了不下一千遍,我没开玩笑
Extra thx to Frostmourne's testing for me even with live play videos!!!
AND! with Garven's inspire!!!

special thx to Amamiya Yuko
this is also my very 1st map's song
i made this map when i didn't wanna go into mapping field... it's just some kind of map-for-fun thing, but i think it's still fun to play, and gave me lots of idea in mapping this song at this time.
now i wanna remap this again, for this is my true love
thx modding from
  1. 1PSA
  2. moonlightleaf
  3. 【CSGA】Ar3sgice ← baka!!!!!!
  5. Azure
  6. OblivioN
  7. sjoy
  8. imoutosan
  9. ColdTooth
  10. 【I】MMoRTal【S】
  11. Sharlo
  12. ThEBonzi
  13. Stefan
  14. Goonychan
  15. Scorpiour ------ bubbling #1
  16. Minakami Yuki ------ popping - rebubbling - 2nd rebubbling #2
  17. Lust ------ bubbling #2
  18. Oracle ------ qualifying
  19. TicClick ------ disqualifying
  20. OniJAM ------ 2nd qualifying
  21. MillhioreF
  22. Yauxo
  23. Ovoui
  24. VINXIS
  25. Halfslashed
  26. Tess
  27. appleeaterx
  28. 384059043
  29. Fluttershy03
  30. Jenny
  31. Loctav
  32. Its Depths
  33. Irreversible ------ 2nd rebubbling #1
  34. Garven
  35. Shiro
thx testing from
  1. Kanon:“这图还是属于玩票性质的吧? 真的要rank么?我觉得完全就是串和slider啊,神mapper的境界我理解不了惹;w;”
  2. GGBY:“这个HW也是... 日渐善良”(ps. 日渐善良,耶!) ------ big thanks
  3. 【Twinkle】:“滑条那边爽,前面完全遮挡有点不太好打。。。后面我应该可以打”
  4. Playing:“好难啊,这图超出我能力范围了”(ps. 最强tester就被我这么玩坏了。。。orz)
  5. Zucker:“我操,这,他妈,能玩?orz,太恐怖了。。。你要给搞rank?妈妈,救命啊”(ps. 我很久以前就不找你试图了因为你根本打不动。。。你还主动跑过来球试图这不就是自虐吗233)
  6. GunS_N_Rose:“好难> <”
  7. 3468990:“我。。。我已经不能理解难这个词了orz”
  8. Minakami Yuki:“你这个门槛,摸得有点远”
  9. Elinia:“orz耐力也有要求啊,不过蛮有趣的”
  10. hard to freeze:“其实我觉得这张图比你上一张有意思。。。节奏和音效都做的不错,滑条摆的很不错感觉和节奏完美契合,超喜欢这种和歌的节奏契合的十分完美的排列来的,总体来说我很喜欢这图”
  11. Dsan:“卧槽,丧病已经不能形容了啊,这能玩? 说真的,很乏味,感觉这么柔和的曲子,用来这种串串,真的不好玩,太单调了,完全没什么特别突出的地方。还有就是... 这么挡... 好看,不好玩”
  12. little Agile:“真難 ...這能PASS才有鬼吧QAQ,這是人玩的嗎.......”
  13. fanzhen0019:“最后反人体工学,至少我鼠标十分吃力。要是有键鼠玩家打你这图有1100combo以上我吃鼠标” (ps. 你打我图哪个不吃力你说,这图能app你已经要吃一个显示器了再多一个鼠标也不差hhh
  14. sammy711:“爷爷,这次是移动连打啊,Orz,夫妻... 额嘿嘿... 最后几下真是太爽了,正是因为有这种图 我这种player才能认识到自己的渺小,所以一定要加油啊。最后那几个滑条,赞,赞。以前都没发现那样的滑条那么爽,你这张图突然激发了我某部分细胞,另外也认识到自己连打有多烂Orz"
  15. wobeinimacao:”没有6分拍还是没多难 我弱项是手速 囧rz。:D建议你找些top测试“
  16. N a n o:”大间距连打要我命,最后那两个大概没几个人能打。这个就是大跳太多了,有点脱节,而且感觉有些地方是为了跳而跳,可以适当的降低一点难度。图很爽,好玩就行“
  17. masterkong:”好难啊,做练习图挺不错的“
  18. NightFiend:”好难哦,大间距我一直都不会打QAQ“
  19. Horo:“wow the streams, very difficult orz, those 2 deathstreams might be a little excessive. otherwise it seemed fine, there wasnt anything i couldnt read”
  20. Bless:“只能说这是我见过做的最正经的一张反人类图ww”
  21. Prophet:“这个真有人能打么... 感觉做成纯1/4还是不太符合歌的特点... 不过每个人都有自己的看法...”
  22. QAQ:“為什麼妳都要做這麼難呢”
  23. SpringLane:“太难了,完全打不动”
  24. Tarix:“so hard, but its fun, dont make it easier.”
  25. KAKALOTE:“怎么能这么摆... gg”
  26. InabaTewi:“我不知道这是BPM多少的连打了orz,打完只想说四个字... 我的妈妈啊。这个图给我感觉不仅爽,这个节奏下的。。。。太TM赞了!!!!这个打击音效,简直无话可说了”
  27. Bass:“i think that these high spaced streams should be changed, some of them... too hard”
  28. Katsura:“巨爽,主要是移动压力好大啊。简直重新做人~”
  29. RLC:“hard, fun map though, even though im bad at streams orz”
  30. yuxi822:“有点难。。。挺好玩~”
  31. Reisen Inaba:“把这么神的图打成这样感觉好愧疚qwq”
  32. Nobel-chan:“这实在是有点难,很久没有遇到这么难的图了OVO”
  33. Arthur_ Lin:“4.37,再见” “我试试” “再见”
  34. 【ZN】: “好难啊,但排列挺有趣的”
  35. H u y o n a:“太凶了orz”
  36. FlandreChan:“完 全 打 不 动,给鬼畜间距跪了好么,没摩天楼好玩了w”
  37. xsrsbsns:“wocao”
  38. Liselsia Cesarini:“观赏图一样的感觉,读不懂啊!!那个串也太丧心病狂,短滑条也不能当单点,,,总之就是各种反人类(翻桌”
  39. rinkon:“好难啊QvO,哭惹,没上次好”
  40. Lunatic:“92miss..”
  41. Pantsuki:“i dont think a lot of people gonna pass it, the spacing is too hard imo”
  42. 【_Crystal】:“这样的连打真的大丈夫? 爷爷OVQ”
  43. kiddly:“这游戏需要这么多给两三个人玩的图吗。。”
  44. sayonara-bye:“bad ---- normal -o--- good <- this point”
  45. waruo:“;w; very hard... It is unclearable.”
  46. spro:“15连太单调”
  47. power002:“好可怕,臥槽”
  48. Donato Chi-:“這根本... 不一樣了ww”
  49. SuperContact:“气势上来说很不错,而且似乎完全没有故意设坑的感觉,感觉很流畅... 是感觉上和以前作对比哦”(ps.简单来说就是略过了狂喷的步骤hhh
  50. zeluaR:“I NEED SOME PRACTICE, but your beat map is beautiful :3”
  51. ShallICompareThee:“都打连打去了,没空读图”
  52. CookEasy:“so nice, i love it, and shit i passed xD this is awesome”
  53. _____B:“osu好难玩”
  54. beeco:“やばい。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 It's too difficult('、3_ヽ)_”
  55. Rafis:“it's intense, this stream on beginning is little out of rhytm, but it's playable”
  56. Kyou-kun:“❤MAP”
  57. Ilayu:“...打不动2333”
  58. B e c k y:“太难了作为1个沙包pass不了”
  59. jesus1412:“nice streams”

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