it's kinda sad that the 4/4 speed up was cut at the end but ngl that part is out of place (im now used to hear that part of the song included so it's kinda off that this was cut here)
Extending this: ziki_7's arrangement of U.N Owen Was Her is pretty wack (also look at 17.5 Seraphic Chicken) and it seems that in 41 sec to 50~ second mark, you got the bpm and the time signature incorrect. looked at the internet and found an interesting video that suggests the bpm changes (134-180) and time signatures (5/4 and 6/4) would suffice, if interested in fixing the signatures, this would help: (also the pinnned comment)
Extra note: it seems after the 50~ sec mark to before reaching the 5/4 slow part is also incorrect, what would be NC users be like when playing the map.
Another extra note: I actually timed the same song with the video link provided above (also the cause of me stumbling upon this map)
I think it's ok? Idk, there's a lot of resets in the song and I am aware that it sounds wild with NC but that shouldn't rlly affect timing the song itself