When mapper will stop rank low ar for sr>4, nobody like it. And the combo with small cs is deadly. Look at the scoreboard, 17 score rank in 22 days. People who like the song will come, play 3s see the small cs and low ar and delete the map. What's the point of ranking a map if it's for having the least play count. Just to have a score board?
while simple it was far more enjoyable than most ranked maps that have the same 3 patterns on generic settings. the non-meta cs/ar made it a whole lot better to play as u have to be more accurate than some snoozer map. also is fitting due to how sparse density is and bpm wise.
low ar map is not mainstream in ranked section, but it doesnt mean it shouldn't be ranked. fyi a lot mappers don't that care about play count, map pp or not is just mapper's different choice. it's a rhythm game not a pp game though.
Have you played the map? Where is your score? I'm just saying fact. I've played 90% of the ranked specific diff. Almost all map with ar below 9 and sr higher than 4 have low score.