[7K] paulkappa's Normalmapped by kaulpakka
Yoake no Uta (feat. DAZBEE)SpotlightM2U
mapped by SurfChu85
Key Count
HP Drain
Star Rating
User Rating (8.83)
Rating Spread


The "Daybreak" difficulty was featured in the following tournaments:

  1. osu! Philippines Nationals 2021 (o!m 7K Division) - Qualifiers Stage 3
  2. osu!mania 7K World Cup 2022 - Round of 16
BG art (taken from the game) by SnowEgg. Mapset metadata edit by me
Storyboard by HowToPlayLN and paulkappa
Many thanks to ToGlette and Quenlla for helping us out with the English translation of the song's lyrics.

Please redownload if you had the set prior to December 2, 2022. (Storyboard update)

  1. paulkappa's Normal | 1.29*/o!m α-1/o2jam Lv. 2 | HP 7 OD 6 - Guest Difficulty by paulkappa. A basic difficulty that tests your finger independence and ability to decode what part of music the notes are charted to.
  2. Hard | 1.80*/o!m α-3/o2jam Lv. 11 | HP 8 OD 7 - At the skill level you are supposed to play this on, you should be adept at dealing with basic layering. Some liberties are used in terms of column placements and you may see some occasional 1/4 notes. The final chorus may be more difficulty for you to deal with than the rest of the chart, so be prepared.
  3. Insane | 2.47*/o!m α-8/o!m β-1/o2jam Lv. 21 | HP 8 OD 7 - The good stuff. A lot of the layering concepts you see in the Hard difficulty are found here and are more fleshed out. You're seeing more long notes being used, probably not on a level you probably are used to yet if you're building up from earlier difficulties. Don't be surprised if you can't pull off a decent score on this chart on your first go. It'll get better, promise.
  4. Daybreak | 3.50*/o!m β-4/o2jam Lv. 33 | HP 8 OD 7 - Collaboration with MapleSyrup-. The REAL good stuff. You're going to see more expressive charting here, emphasizing a lot of the flourishes from the flams, graces, and all the like. This is where your layer decoding skills get put to the test since the notes REALLY like to shift focus from one instrument to the other. If you think that's not hard enough, MapleSyrup- kicks it up a notch through changing up how the song is charted and makes a decent chunk of this chart into a full-on O2Jam-styled LN release-coordination bonanza which will make you rethink about how to deal with the notes here. The ending chorus and outro then echoes the sections that come before MapleSyrup-'s; but not without giving it a decent glow-up and making it harder on you as well. I hope you're still singing our song of promise, until the daybreak comes.
Note: 7K Insane Level Dans (the β dans) are based on the LN scale.
2021-05-29 | Uploaded set
2022-02-01 | Metadata updated, BG updated
2022-02-03 | Added HS Sample
2022-02-04 | Added Hard Difficulty (with own BG file), Cleaned up backgrounds
2022-02-17 | Added paulkappa's Easy Difficulty (with respective BG), Added Normal Diff BG file (in advance lol), Additional BG cleanup for HD and IN diffs
2022-02-18 | Patterning fixes on HD diff
2022-02-20 | Applied mods on Easy, Hard and Insane diffs, changed BG files to JPEG (thanks Kim_GodSSI!)
2022-03-07 | Offset fix, Metadata update
2022-03-17 | Added Normal diff, changed NM BG to reflect... me as the charter lol
2022-03-18 | Applied mods on Normal diff
2022-03-25 | Applied mods on Insane diff (Surf)
2022-04-09 | Applied mods on Insane diff (Surf)
2022-04-17 | Applied mods on Insane diff (Maple)
2022-04-20 | Applied mods on all diffs
2022-05-03 | Added Storyboard
2022-05-04 | Storyboard asset edits
2022-05-05 | Metadata update, Storyboard update
2022-05-07 | Applied mods on Normal diff. Patterning fixes on Hard and Insane
2022-05-24 | Applied mods on Storyboard
2022-06-06 | Storyboard fixes - reducing SB load
2022-07-11 | update to revive from graveyard, no other changes
2022-09-22 | set revived, Diff names changed, Applied mods. SB Update reflecting diff name changes pending.
2022-09-28 | SB updated to reflect diff name changes
2022-11-10 | set revived, AIMod fixes
2022-11-24 | Audio file change, EN Translation update, Added HS volumes, minor self-mods
2022-11-30 | Minor edits to Insane and Daybreak, applied mods
2022-12-01 | Applied mods
2022-12-02 | Storyboard update
2022-12-03 | QUALIFIED

Success Rate


Points of Failure


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