
TAG Scoreboards

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +232
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Hello. It's 2:28AM and I didn't find anything like this. I found few threads, but they were more all about clan/guild shit. This should be done by anyone in the same multiplayer room without having to make any clans or guilds. This is quite major thing, so I am not expecting to this to arrive soon.

Okay, so we have this amazing multiplayer gametype called TAG CO-OP. Tho, we can also count TEAM TAG VS in this request. What if there would be a new scoreboard for every beatmap - TAG TOP40? It would be awesome to us who love TAG playing.

The question is - how we can make it look cool without names raping the whole screen? After all, there can be 8 players in TAG CO-OP.
Add a name for your command before posting your top score
Set the captain of the team?
Mayonnaise Dad
List the name of the room leader, then a link to all players in the room at the time rather than have them all on the same screen.

Basically what grumd said he ninjad me
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What I meant about my question is when you are looking at the scoreboard via in-game.

Fit 8 names in that kind of scoreboard.
I could imagine something for a certain number of the TAG team but don't you think that 8 players have a bigger advantage than 2?
I mean if you play DT or FL this is quiet easier with many people.

I support the idea though
Archangel Tirael
All is good, but how to put
Scoreboard so it is not much
in the way, when not needed?
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Bumping, this needs to be done.
Supporting this idea, I like it! Unfortunately, i have no votes left. :<
[Kanzaki Ranko]
How about premade teams (they would be named previously, so there aren't giant strings in the highscores)?

This seems a better idea than that-thread-with-2k+-stars to me. (I'm completely against that one btw, but that's not even the case)
Yus, it should be quite awesome.
I would revive TNL for the sake of it

this is awesome we wanted something like this way back
I have you like 10 stars because i support the fuck out of this
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BRBP wrote:

Is this about a ranking list consisting of random 2-8 player tag plays or a separate ranking for every amount of players? Iirc they were implementing a some sort of team system; Team rankings?

Editing this a bit: Wouldn't 8-player plays be pretty easy compared to 2-player plays?
Sorry for bad explanation; I'll try to fix OP a bit better.

It's not necessarily easier to play with 8 players, but I can see situations where it can be much easier. One solution could be splitting TAGs in 2-3 groups; TAG2, TAG4 and/or TAG8.

Team ranking would be totally cool with this.
and TAG diffs could be rankable again (?)
TAG Scoreboards would require teams to be prebuild. Playing TAG without forming an "arranged team" seems illogical to me.
So before we implement TAG Scoreboards, we should people give the possibilities to found "TAG Teams" first.

I am sure there is a feature request (the Clan ones is the closest one) that suggests teams already, also there have been an attempt by Echo to code teams within osu!, but I wonder if this will ever get picked up again.

Yet supporting. If we will ever get TAG Scoreboards, we might establish an official TAG World Cup.

Pizzicato wrote:

I would revive TNL for the sake of it

this is awesome we wanted something like this way back
ahaha. that's great.

and well, this would be a great idea. i'd shoot stars, but well.. yeah.
N i k k i
I really like this idea
I support it :D
N i k k i

Loctav wrote:

TAG Scoreboards would require teams to be prebuild. Playing TAG without forming an "arranged team" seems illogical to me.
So before we implement TAG Scoreboards, we should people give the possibilities to found "TAG Teams" first.

I am sure there is a feature request (the Clan ones is the closest one) that suggests teams already, also there have been an attempt by Echo to code teams within osu!, but I wonder if this will ever get picked up again.

Yet supporting. If we will ever get TAG Scoreboards, we might establish an official TAG World Cup.
I think the idea with the Taf World Cup is very nice ;D
And it yould be really funny, but a bit to much i think, because there would be many teams i think XD
But like i said it would be really really funny :3
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Loctav, sounds coolio.

Maybe one day.... maybe one day.

Loctav wrote:

TAG Scoreboards would require teams to be prebuild. Playing TAG without forming an "arranged team" seems illogical to me.
So before we implement TAG Scoreboards, we should people give the possibilities to found "TAG Teams" first.
why is that
just record any combination of players that plays it in a multiplayer room, if it's the right number of players. when ranking a TAG diff set the number of players needed and then if a team plays it in multiplayer, the score can be recorded regardless of any preset "teams" 0.0
It would be a nice feature.
+1 support

pieguy1372 wrote:

Loctav wrote:

TAG Scoreboards would require teams to be prebuild. Playing TAG without forming an "arranged team" seems illogical to me.
So before we implement TAG Scoreboards, we should people give the possibilities to found "TAG Teams" first.
why is that
just record any combination of players that plays it in a multiplayer room, if it's the right number of players. when ranking a TAG diff set the number of players needed and then if a team plays it in multiplayer, the score can be recorded regardless of any preset "teams" 0.0
Issue with that is that a group of like 3 people could spam the entire scoreboard of a map themselves if they just find a couple of fourth players for a TAG4 record each. I can guarantee that there would be some people with enough dedication to pull that off.
Bumping, and, asking you people out there, what would you think about separated page (just like tom's calculator) for submitting scores, managing team, and seeing rankings?
^placeholder, and overall idea (it's just ranking page for now, i use it on index page for easier access, but it is NOT main page)
I've been also talking with Mara and decided:

  • Teams:
  1. There is concept of teams, teams would be created by anyone (or restrict it?), once you go into one team, you cannot go out, unless administrator / moderator deletes your team
  2. Deleting team means deleting all scores
  3. Teams consist of unlimited (limited?) amount of players, they can join upon invitation (don't restrict?)
  4. Once someone joins a team, he cannot go out, unless leader / administrator deletes him from one
  5. After getting kicked out from team, every score including you is deleted (or hidden for public view)Example: may it be, team Dongsquad, consisting of 3 players - X,Y,Z, Z then gets into argument with leader, and gets kicked out, but his team is having 2 scores: on map A, players X and Y, and on map B players X and Z. Second score would be disqualified since he is no longer member of the team (may be visible again if he joins again).
  6. One team, may have only one score on certain map, and certain difficulty for example: Players X, Y plays map B, and score 1523 points, and they're placed #13 on the scoreboard, but then Player X decides to play same map with player Z, and beats a score by 10 points, making it 1533 points, and placing them on #9 place, then only the highest score (independently of who played it) for certain team is taken into account.
  7. Scoreboards are being separated for all TAG modes, that means 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 TAGs are having all separated scoreboard.
  8. Only leader would be able to submit scores
  9. Members of team, would submit scores to the team group, and then leader may approve, or not approve to show it on scoreboard (that opens a possibility to choose only best scores though)
  10. People submit scores using their multiplayer match link (makes impossible to cheat).
  11. In order to use page, you must authenticate your account, with osu! account (it may be possible, by for example, putting a certain code into your profile details, and then the page would read it and associate your profile. Done
  12. Players may choose, which round from match link, they want to submit.
Any more ideas?
Edit: Also looking for someone to give me an idea for designing main page / team managment page ;_;

- Fixed registering, you can now register your osu! account using authentication /o/ that makes 90% cases impossible for multi accounts / accounts sharing, etc.
- Made page look fancier
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Marcin, the saviour of TAG.

Can't wait to see that ready.
Take my star
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