
[Archived] osu! crashed on mac xd

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Problem Details: When i opened up osu! it gave me the crash screen, I've been playing on this mac since July, don't know why it suddenly crashed. Running on sierra 10.12.5. Playing on the alpha release for mac.

This stuff shows up:

System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.
at System.IO.Path.CheckInvalidPathChars(String path)
at System.IO.Path.InternalCombine(String path1, String path2)
at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CreateSearchResult(SearchData localSearchData, WIN32_FIND_DATA findData)
at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames(String path, String userPathOriginal, String searchPattern, Boolean includeFiles, Boolean includeDirs, SearchOption searchOption)
at System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(String path)
at #=qFWVl6EW5Fw2Sj0o4rFW_KPcGd_KWB2lCRe13YdopS3TcmmDhhqd5SJiQoZj$371v.#=qygtV8IduBXyNwAKHfGfvU3y2h674oQ8YNjKMLUnbuOc=()
at #=qFWVl6EW5Fw2Sj0o4rFW_KPcGd_KWB2lCRe13YdopS3TcmmDhhqd5SJiQoZj$371v.#=qjGEGSQ7nUDJWdDORpMsGEg==(String #=qEJ7RRcJ21T3KFgGNF2cVDQ==, Boolean #=qjRHtKwhc$pQlqrAP$$b0vg==)
at #=qFWVl6EW5Fw2Sj0o4rFW_KPcGd_KWB2lCRe13YdopS3TcmmDhhqd5SJiQoZj$371v.#=qhW8oXyMknHzZcmLaWGrFfg==()
at #=qs4t3_C4j4WxxHYOvfRQkvw==.#=qhW8oXyMknHzZcmLaWGrFfg==()
at #=qHve5$3btetzpTHuog0aNCg6kx71Zh0TtJqdK$KCKw_I=.#=qCcwXgriiuijkrrzzBBzCcg==()
at #=qdzJAvNfmJRfge23$mU_ivQ==.#=qhPqX8kJfRVKIWmdLKQ3eVQ==(String #=qmMk2dfE8NSf9pDvCwLawBA==, Boolean #=qF$RCA5MgeO$wDrIfjbYzgaXxbMnyzyx6zOEZSnxykpE=, Boolean #=q217psdqP8XYblUxcLUzucA==)

If anyone could help me I would greatly appreciate it! thanks :)

osu! version: mac alpha

Navigate to your osu! folder, check inside your songs folder for any maps that may have a weird character (e.g. "/", "?", "|", etc). There is a list of these characters here. Even though you are on Mac OS, make sure no Windows illegal characters exist either. If you have recently imported any maps those would be the first to check.

While you are inside your osu! folder, make sure none of the other paths to anything have a weird characters in them.
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yooo thank you so much homie!!! i made a skin today with " in it. thanks a bunch!!!!!!!! :)

mac os osu will live on
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