
*namirin - Songs Compilation

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2017년 6월 24일 토요일 at 오후 3:50:14

Artist: *namirin
Title: Songs Compilation
Tags: Kalibe 回る空うさぎ Mawaru Sora Usagi またフタリ恋をする Mata Futari Koi o Suru 惑星ループ Wakusei Loop 桜色タイムカプセル Sakurairo Time Capsule 優しさの理由 Yasashisa no Riyuu 恋のヒメヒメぺったんこ Koi no Hime Hime Pettanko Over 吹雪 FUBUKI 踊れオーケストラ Odore Ochestra 夢のポテンシャル Yume no Potential ノータイムリミット No Time Limit アマツキツネ Amatsu Kitsune 弧ギツネの乱 Kogitsune no Ran 雨音ノイズ Amaoto Noise
BPM: 120
Filesize: 26324kb
Play Time: 08:49
Difficulties Available:
  1. Princess (5.39 stars, 1409 notes)
Download: *namirin - Songs Compilation
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
<<|8th Ranked map|>>

<<|*namirin #2|>>

<<|Songs Compilation #2|>>

Songs list
1. 回る空うさぎ
2. またフタリ恋をする
3. 惑星ループ
4. 桜色タイムカプセル
5. 優しさの理由
6. 恋のヒメヒメぺったんこ
7. Over
8. 吹雪
9. 踊れオーケストラ
10. 夢のポテンシャル
11. ノータイムリミット
12. アマツキツネ
13. 弧ギツネの乱
14. 雨音ノイズ

manner maketh man
아 니마 제 겟난들간 맵 관리안함???
01:50:476 (2) - ,05:22:039 (4) - ,06:00:513 (1) - ,06:38:149 (1) - ,06:55:796 (4) - ,07:41:356 (1) -,07:46:279 (1) - 0.01 teemo meter stack (why i did find this?)
05:22:373 (1) - ,06:59:269 (3) - nazi blanket
02:18:272 (4,5,1,2) - ,02:19:684 (6,7,1,2) - 이런건 히든걸면 좀 빡칠듯
02:35:037 (7,8,9,10,1) - 옆으로 살짝 빼보시는건 어떰
03:10:542 (4) - 여기 겹치는건 별로..
04:45:190 (1,2,3) - 너무 일직선이라 특징이없는듯 살짝 내리기?
08:38:496 (7) - x:236 y:356 How about you?

too short mod sry :o
Lami tru? 아늬 갑자기 중간에 팍어려워ㅈ...

01:08:142 (2,3) - 이거슨... 블랭킷도 아니고 그렇다고 시작점과 3의 ds =/ 끝나는점 3의 ds 도 아니고.. 애매한 디자인
01:16:129 (8,9,10) - 매우 잘들리는 드럼은 1/4인데 연타가 나오다마는게 부자연스럽
02:22:684 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 반대로 여기는 6이 힛사가 앞의 12345와 다르게 잘 안들리는 소리라서
6번에서 오버매핑의 느낌이 남 물론 소리 들으면 노트 팍 넣을수야 있긴한데
드럼소리에 익숙해진 플레이어 입장에선 걍 오버매핑으로 들릴듯
05:34:539 (2,4) - 다른 노트들의 시각적 간격에 비하면 너무 가까운거같
Topic Starter
@Leaf 고친게 있긴한데 뭘 고쳤는지 까먹었음 ㅋㅋ
@Lami 히메히메 ㅎㅇ? 01:16:129 (8,9,10) - 이거는 지금 패턴바꾸기가 힘들어서 븡이 뭐라하면 바꾸겠음..
02:22:684 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 랭맵도 연타가 이렇게 나오기때문에 패스..
As requested~

  1. 02:12:713 - I think this part is not well timed. 02:07:139 - This TP Should've 127139 offset.
  2. 00:09:049 (4,5,6) - Don't you think this flow will be better a bit when you'll move 00:09:549 (5,6) - these circles a bit to up? Like this. I think it makes this composition smoother to aim.
  3. 01:47:300 (1,2,3) - Ctrl+g would make it more comfortable and smoother I think.
  4. 01:53:653 (3) - What are you think about moving this slider a bit to left to obtain perfect symmetry triangle between ends of 01:52:947 (1,2,3) - these sliders? Something like this.
  5. 02:12:272 (2) - I think you can curve this slider less, because it will make nice blanket composition with 02:12:802 (1) - this slider. And ofc it will keep consistancy with other moments of map. If you do this I prefer stack 02:12:272 (2,3) - these sliderends.
  6. 02:33:978 (1,2) - I don't think these circles should be stacked, because rythm between them is too strong. You can stack 02:33:802 (6,2) - these circles and it should work well.
  7. 02:50:034 (4,5) - I think this flow is very uncomfortable. I prefer stack 02:50:373 (5) - this circle with 02:49:695 (3) - this sliderend to obtain better flow.
  8. 02:55:966 - This clap should be clickable. What are you think about rytmical Ctrl+g 02:55:627 (5,1) - here?
  9. 03:02:067 (3) - You can curve this slider less to down to obtain nice in visual slidershapes stack with 03:03:254 (2) - this slider, like this.
  10. 03:35:538 (2,4) - Why not blanket here? It'll make nice symmetry composition with 03:35:201 (1,3) - these sliders.
  11. 04:06:454 (1) - Ctrl+g will make flow between 04:06:121 (10,1) - these sliders more smoother and will add here nice circular movement.
  12. 04:15:288 (3,4,5) - This movement is weird. To fix it you can make small overlap 04:14:954 (2,4) - here, like this.
  13. 04:35:523 (4,5) - This compositon should be spaced more than previous, because rythm gap is bigger and currently one composition is very misleading while playing.
  14. 04:54:356 (8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - I think this stream is kinda overmapped, because you haven't here rythm like this.
  15. 06:09:432 (1) - This note should be emphasised a bit more (by increasing spacing)
  16. 06:24:673 (3) - I think you can curve this slider a bit more to make nice blanket shapes composition, like this.
  17. 06:37:989 (8) - This note is missing clap I think.
  18. 07:03:690 (1,2,3,4,1) - Looks overspaced, I think you can decrease spacing here a bit.
  19. 07:15:217 (2,3,4) - I think these sounds are not important like you emphasised them, better option is making here sliders instead of circles.
  20. 07:32:125 (3) - This wave can be more symmetrical (by moving 3rd slider path point a bit to left).
  21. 08:18:790 (1) - This slider should be spaced more, because you've stacked it like 08:17:614 (1,2) - these ones, but here you've much stronger rythm.
  22. 08:22:172 (1,2) - This flow is a bit weird, because 08:22:614 (2) - this circle seems a bit random placed. I prefer use composition like this.
Nice map, good luck with it!
Princess Namirin!

p.s. 세번째 모드기도 하고 입문 1년도 안되서 아직도 패턴이 잘 안보이네요.. 짧은 모드 죄송합니다ㅠㅠ

03:10:881 (1) - 이 서클 x:140 y:100 에 놓는게 더 에임하기도 편하고 자연스러운거같아요. 좀 더 왼쪽이여도 좋을듯해요.
04:35:190 (3,4) - 노트사이에 뭔가 없으니까 허전하네요..
06:22:748 (1) - 뭔가 실제 플레이하면 슬삑이나 그런 흐름이 끊기는 현상이 발생할거같아요. 처럼 슬라이더 마지막 축을 x:356 y:164 에 두는건 어떨까요..?
06:43:123 (5,1) - 이대로도 좋긴 한데 전 이쪽이 더 좋다고 생각해요.
07:19:953 (10,1) - 10번 노트를 07:18:848 (2) 이 있는 자리에 옮기고 나머지 1번노트를 x:412 y:32에 두는것도 나쁘지 않을거 같아요.
07:47:971 (4) - Move on x:128 y:264
Topic Starter
@Venix 02:50:034 (4,5) - it's not uncomfortable while playing. cuz it can beat likes drawing a circle.
02:55:966 - just for fun :D
03:35:538 (2,4) - cuz if blanket 03:35:538 (2) - this, 03:35:875 (3,4) - these notes ds is too close.
06:37:989 (8) - um.. there's not a clap!
07:15:217 (2,3,4) - same as 02:55:966 - :D

@Maris Atipir 03:10:881 (1) - 03:10:542 (4,5,1) - 이렇게 삼각형 모양을 만든것이기 때문에 패스
04:35:190 (3,4) - 보컬 중심 박자라 비는건 어쩔수 없는것..
06:43:123 (5,1) - 06:42:962 (4) - 를 복붙하여 모양을 낸것이기 때문에 패스
07:19:953 (10,1) - 마찬가지로 모양

Thanks for mod guyz :D
btw please fix that blanket /: 02:50:034 (4,1) -
학교 안가고 하는모딩


* 00:08:549 (2,3) - 여기에비해 00:16:549 (2,3) - 이게 보컬이 강조된 느낌이 부족한듯해서
삼각형 크기 약간 늘리는게 어떨까요

* 00:36:032 (1,2) - 이런식으로 컨h 하는게 흐름이 좀더 좋을거같음

* 01:11:454 (4) - 컨쥐? 앞의 01:05:415 (2,3,4,5) - 01:09:701 (7,8,1) - 이런 패턴들 때문에 드럼위주로 간다는 느낌이 있는데 01:11:454 (4) - 방향이 약간 어색한듯

* 01:12:038 (5) - 음 거리 너무 먼거 아닌가여 이 곡에서 제일 큰 점프가 여기인

* 01:59:212 (3,4) - 이 두개를 01:58:947 (2) - 살짝 겹치는건 어떨까요 이런식으로

* 02:33:260 (3,4,5,6) - 조금씩 겹치는 점프는 어떨까요 or 이런식으로

* 02:49:186 (1,2,3) - 이 곡이 전체적으로 시계방향으로 빙빙도는 흐름인데 비해 1에서2 2에서3 으로 급방향전환이 2번 연속으로 있어서 이 부분만 살짝 어색한 느낌이 있는듯 02:49:186 (1) - 을 컨쥐하는건 어떨까요

* 03:36:212 (4) - 이건 왜 안 컨쥐죠 03:37:560 (6) - 복붙해서 그대로 쓰면 될듯한데

* 04:47:523 (5) - 뉴콤

* 04:45:857 (4) - 04:47:190 (4) - 여기 뉴콤 넣는게 1/3리딩에 더 도움이 되지않을까 생각

* 05:23:039 (3) - 살짝위로? 05:22:373 (1) - 랑 너무 붙은듯

* 05:13:039 (1) - 이거 05:12:706 (4) - 랑 스택하는게 보기에 더 깔끔할듯

* 07:15:059 (1,2,3,4) - 여기 소리는 약한데 너무 오버매핑아닌지..? 1/2 단타랑은 좀 안맞는듯
1/2슬라 두개 쓰는게 어떨까요 대충 이런식으로

Topic Starter

SLM wrote:

학교 안가고 하는모딩


* 00:08:549 (2,3) - 여기에비해 00:16:549 (2,3) - 이게 보컬이 강조된 느낌이 부족한듯해서 이미 모양을 잡아놔서 고치긴 힘들듯
삼각형 크기 약간 늘리는게 어떨까요

* 00:36:032 (1,2) - 이런식으로 컨h 하는게 흐름이 좀더 좋을거같음 1에 강조를 주고싶어서
저렇게 둔거임

* 01:59:212 (3,4) - 이 두개를 01:58:947 (2) - 살짝 겹치는건 어떨까요 이런식으로 겹치는거
초초초초 야다

* 02:33:260 (3,4,5,6) - 조금씩 겹치는 점프는 어떨까요 or 이런식으로 ^

* 03:36:212 (4) - 이건 왜 안 컨쥐죠 03:37:560 (6) - 복붙해서 그대로 쓰면 될듯한데 for fun..

* 04:45:857 (4) - 04:47:190 (4) - 여기 뉴콤 넣는게 1/3리딩에 더 도움이 되지않을까 생각 별로 상관없을거 같음

* 05:13:039 (1) - 이거 05:12:706 (4) - 랑 스택하는게 보기에 더 깔끔할듯 1에 큰 점프를 주고싶지 않아서..

* 07:15:059 (1,2,3,4) - 여기 소리는 약한데 너무 오버매핑아닌지..? 1/2 단타랑은 좀 안맞는듯
1/2슬라 두개 쓰는게 어떨까요 대충 이런식으로 For Fun

모딩 ㄳㄳ
저 로리콘임

00:11:049 (3,4,5) - 이 세개가 2로부터 같게하면 더 좋을듯
00:05:049 (3,5) - 스택 실화?
01:20:405 (2,3) - 맵 전반적으로, 이런 류 스택 정도를 같게해주면 좋음. 딱히 신경 안쓰는데 Lasse같은 애들은 좀 보더라...
01:43:594 (2,4) - 스택
01:48:712 (1,3) - 넘나 스택 많은데 더이상 안잡겠음
02:18:260 (4,5,1,2) - 패턴 자체로는 문제가 없는데, 마라톤이라는 걸 생각해보면, 여기서 이 패턴 삑나면 매우 화날거같음
02:23:113 (6) - 음이 없고, 02:23:025 (5) - 보컬이 세므로 02:23:025 (5) - 부터 킥슬쪽이 좋지 않을까 생각해봄
03:21:718 - 히메 다시찍으니까 좋냐????? 가아니라 여기가 좌우노래에 비해 너무 어려움. 제가 professional program 을 사용해본 결과
노래가 그렇게 좌우에비해 격렬하지도 않은데 너프부탁
04:02:288 (4,5) - 5 소리가 열라 약한거 생각하면 점프가 nonsense임. 4를 5쪽으로 붙이거나 스택해보는걸 생각해볼 수 있을 것 같음
05:07:039 (3,4) - 소리치고 멀고, 05:07:039 (3,4,1) - 동선 이대로 괜찮겠음?
07:15:059 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 아무리 보컬이 높다고 해도, 베이스가 전혀 없다시피 한데 점프가 좀 무리수인거같음. 글고 보컬마저도 노래 전반적으로 높아서 딱히 점프가 적합하다고 생각되지 않음

07:47:971 (4,1,2) - this kick slider 07:48:125 (1) - needs some emphasis cuz strong sound there, but flow is too straight. maybe can think this kind of flow

Good Luck
Topic Starter
@Left 다고치고 히메히메 너프하니까 0.18성 내려감 ㄹㅇ??
:) no kanade? :(
Topic Starter

_Meep_ wrote:

:) no kanade? :(
i really want to put it, but i can't find kanade mp3 ;w;

[C u r i] wrote:

_Meep_ wrote:

:) no kanade? :(
i really want to put it, but i can't find kanade mp3 ;w;
i mapped it owo u can add it if u want
ps leme map it if u do unless u dont want then its fine xd


02:12:260 - pls put preview point here it's the best song ww
i think you could try ar9 honestly owo

00:13:049 (3,4,5) - ctrl g rhythm? sounds nicer to me
00:28:049 (1,3) - maybe you could think of a way to make these not overlap? doesn't look that nice like this orz
01:59:653 (6,7,8,9,1) - you could move this downwards a bit? think it plays nicer
02:18:613 (2) - move it to 256|44? i think more fun to play w
02:20:025 (2) - move this one too if you do
03:10:966 (1) - end it here? 03:12:067 - because of the cymbal crash and loud kick
03:35:201 (1) - doing smth like this would fit more with how you stacked things
03:37:897 (1) - missing finish?
04:04:954 (4) - stack it on the head of 04:04:288 (2) - maybe, i think that would be better (btw this part is pretty confusing to read for no reason ;w;)
04:35:190 (3) - try this rhythm here: so that you dont have awkward break, also think slider on 04:35:301 - fits the vocal a lot
04:35:634 (6) - maybe 2 circles instead?
05:27:706 (1) - missing finish
06:54:217 (1,2,3,4,5) - mapping this as only circles would be a lot more fun imo owo
08:10:408 (4,1,2,3) - this flows really weirdly s: maybe consider changing it up a bit
08:20:849 (4,5,1) - this stack looks pretty ugly xd kalibe pls
08:36:878 (1) - remove nc?

Topic Starter

Syph wrote:



02:12:260 - pls put preview point here it's the best song ww
i think you could try ar9 honestly owo Okay~

00:13:049 (3,4,5) - ctrl g rhythm? sounds nicer to me I don't feel that change is necessary
06:54:217 (1,2,3,4,5) - mapping this as only circles would be a lot more fun imo owo for acc lul

thx for mod!
about the keysounds for the first song i suggest to add an audible hitnormal to make it not weird to play
Avoid keysounding without hitnormal support. If hitsounds blend perfectly with the song, feedback is minimal.
also using multiple mp3 files isn't rankable, convert them to .wav

  1. 01:12:028 (5,6) - too closed, this is the only place you use such a small spacing for 1/1
  2. 02:23:113 (6) - clap? if it's on purpose i suggest to delete this note because missing one clap in a stream is kinda bad w
  3. 02:34:584 (4) - unnecessary to map it, this part is very calm so it doesn't need 1/4, also 02:34:672 (4,5) - spacing is too large, doesn't fit the song
  4. 02:51:898 - finish should be on 02:52:237 - instead i think
  5. 03:02:237 - whistle?
  6. 03:12:067 - whistle or clap here?
  7. 03:22:392 - missing whistle
  8. 03:36:212 (4) - how about ctrl+g because of 03:35:201 (1,2) - this
  9. 04:03:788 (1,3) - perfect stacked slider should be avoided ww, hard to read
  10. 04:35:301 (4,5) - why is the spacing so large? especially 04:35:745 (7,1) - this, it's too hard
  11. 04:45:745 (3,4) - try the same spacing with 04:45:412 (3,1) - ?
  12. 04:47:079 (3,4) - ^
  13. 06:54:217 (1) - ctrl+g then 06:54:532 (2) - it would be easier to click
  14. 07:31:433 (4) - don't think the drum whistle makes sense here
  15. 07:39:663 (1) - why new combo
Topic Starter
@Karen chan All fix my part! now waiting for Kalibe...
edit: also fix kalibe's part
karen linked this to me

00:23:549 (4) - nazi curve a bit more so its like 00:23:049 (3) -
00:04:049 - i know u need the soft hitnoramls here so it would be rankable but its so obnoxiously loud, can you instead lower the HS volume here and then just raise the volumes of the .wav files of the keysounds instead?
01:48:182 (6) - NC? combo getting a little long
02:13:672 (3,1) - dont overlap pls
02:47:661 (4) - 02:49:017 (5) - 02:50:373 (5) - imo triplets would fit very well in these places, it would require some work to fix tho, but i think triplets will express the vocals better
02:58:508 (4,5,5) - ^
02:52:237 - i think having a 1/1 slider here would be better instead there isn't really a strong sound on 02:52:576 - either so its better to extend it out
03:02:745 (1) - i would curve this a little more :S
04:47:523 (1) - prob should be on 1/3
04:48:357 (2,3) - why not follow vocal on 1/3
07:04:322 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i think its a bit excesive to use a stream, 2 1/4 repeats should be fine
07:46:279 (1) - lol can u make this wave a bit better
08:09:378 (1) - ^
08:36:437 - why the drum finish on the end here? dont hear anything in the music, sounds kind of unnatural
08:43:937 (3) - needs NC to be consistent with previous stuff?
08:49:378 (1) - imo you cud try just making a super slow SV slider here that ends on 08:49:378 (1) - since this sound is somewhat more extended
Topic Starter
@Kibb all fix u r mod :DD
uhm.. like. ALOT of your hitsounds have a bit of delay

although its not more than 5ms so its technically rankable, i don't think it's good either.
this will take a while to fix gl to u ><

also 08:49:378 - should the hitsounds here be on SC:4? because the clap doesn't sound to good here so i thought it might have been a mistake
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@Kibb asfdha;ruwmbtilrdf;gmk ALL DONE!!!!
let karen rebubble first
let me rebubble first
sorry for delay;

shit i was just planning to qualify this but found

00:38:049 -

edit: fk i think should get it rebubbled for that
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my MA didn't report anything x.x
alright, finally lol xD 24h passed

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hell yeeahhh \:D/
ㅁㅊ 큐리 요즘 좀 쩌네?????

Congrats !!!! :) :)
osu is dead
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