This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Ghét vclYamicchi wrote:
• Normal và Easy tắt Widescreen SB đi Thực ra có thể sau này sẽ có SB, thôi cứ tắt tạm đã
• Nên add custom colours? Khi nào tìm được BG và có SB thì sẽ add
• kh rõ là tags có được dùng Unicode không nữa Tiếng Nhật có phải Unicode không má =))
• Có official Source kh nhỉ? Tôi tìm được thế thôi. Single release mà[Normal]
• 00:41:532 (3) - 00:52:441 (1,3) - 01:00:078 (4) - 01:03:350 (3) - Từ đầu cho đến preview point, ngoài mấy cái slider tui nói ra, còn lại lỗi blanket D: check và sửa lại đi Okay
• 01:03:350 (3) - Riêng có mỗi phần này là dùng reverse sliders, phần tiếp theo đó lại chuyển về slider dài. Inconsistent Thích dài
• 01:07:714 (3) - Về mặt lý thuyết thì kh sao nhưng khi chơi thì nó sẽ hơi khó nhìn, mà tui biết ông lười sửa cái chỗ này lắm, nên cân nhắc Test rồi mà, okay
• 01:23:532 (2,3) - Như phần trước ông làm reverse slider là ổn r, nhịp chỗ (3) kh mạnh lắm nên clickable thì khá mâu thuẫn Ừ
• 01:39:350 (5) - Thể hiện cho cái synth, cũng có sáng tạo nhưng cái slider này lúa quá :/ Để thế cho player tỉnh người -_- Map easy nhạt quá
• 01:44:805 (1,3) - cái slider body sao cho whistle làm gì v, nghe nó dở tệ ấy Tôi thấy hay thì tôi...
• 02:06:623 (1) - ^ ^[Hard]
• 00:40:987 (1) - 1 circle là đủ rồi, slider có vẻ hơi overmap. với lại ông cũng chỉ dùng 1/2 slider cho synth thôi, cái tiếng tick tick đó cũng có 1/2 slider thì hơi kì. Đoạn sau cũng có vài chỗ tương tự Mình thích âm đó
• 00:46:441 (2) - bỏ slider whistle? (y)
• 01:33:896 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - quá nhiều rồi ? :v ?
• 02:02:259 (1) - bad shape slider I like it, myself
• 02:08:805 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Cái 6 lần này, cảm thấy nên thể hiện âm 02:10:714 -[Shadow]
• 00:57:896 (3) - Có nhất thiết phải dùng nhiều anchor vậy kh :v Đây không phải là curve tròn đâu. Mà kể cả có thì kệ cmn đi -_-
• 00:58:987 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - cái chỗ này pattern đè đè lên nhau nhìn khá xấu, với lại tui nghĩ ctrl + g (2,3) thì flow sẽ ổn hơn. À, sửa lại cho khỏi đè thôi nhé 01:16:441 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - cái này ổn nè
• 01:13:168 (3) - mấy cái phần sau, cái slider này ông làm rõ khác, kh khác spacing thì cũng khác shape so với (1,2) mà cái này ông lại làm cho nó i chang? :v ?
• 02:09:896 (4,5,6) - quào, spacing gì kì v :/ nhỏ xíu ? :v ?
• 00:37:714 (2) - cái này rõ ràng là overmap ? Tôi vẫn thấy ổn mà?
• 00:41:532 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - nhịp mạnh ngang nhau mà sao ông lại dùng spacing khác thế? Okay
• 00:56:805 (1) - hoặc là stack với slider end hoặc là dời nó đi xa hơn chứ cái spacing này kh ổn Tôi thấy ổn
• 01:44:805 (1) - bad shape ( o^o)p Fixed XD
• 02:04:441 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - sao cái phần này lại balance spacing thế? kh nhấn, kh jump gì cả? Cuối mỗi đoạn đều đều đó đều có 1 đoạn jump mà?
Chocobo wrote:
M4M req from my queue;
Modded hard and shadow;Shadow00:46:987 (5,6,7) - spacing between 5 and 6 can be smaller, since the vocal stops enhancing; Nice
00:54:623 (1,2,3,4) - Spacing problem, gradually increase or decrease rather than being randomly; Okay
00:55:714 (5,1) - blanket nazi; They has a 1 beat space, could be unable to see the blanket clearly
Spacing in kiai time can be a bit bigger to emphasize it; No? I just want the star burst
02:19:032 (5,6) - A bit overmapped; what?
Since there are so many repeated sections in the whole song, try to keep the patterns of them be the same.
e.g: 01:48:078 (3,4) - DS:1.13, similar section: 01:56:805 (3,4) - DS:0.86, 02:05:259 (4,5,6) - and here goes quiet strange; Nice suggestion. I will try to fix them laterHard01:34:441 (3) - I changed it to(400,132), of course, following notes may also be changed; Feel bad when the DS is diminutival, and I don't like big angle jumps
02:19:032 (5,6) - Overmapped, and does not fit the rhythm well; Changed a bit
P.S. RIP corners, no notes there;Where is BG?
The whole map goes well, nothing so serious found;
Good luck ~
Annika Flina wrote:
Sorry, I won't be able to do mods anytime soon because something came up my my life.
Have a star instead. GL
Background images, Combo colors... will be added laterConsider adding these soon. A map without these will look like it's still work-in-progress. If it is, consider moving it to the WIP forum and updating your post on the offline #modreqs thread accordingly.
From the offline #modreqs thread
Background images, Combo colors... will be added laterConsider adding these soon. A map without these will look like it's still work-in-progress. If it is, consider moving it to the WIP forum and updating your post on the offline #modreqs thread accordingly. Oops, I thought this is pending, but I will change them soon- In your tags you have the word "dương" twice, this is not necessary, I'd suggest removing it. Speaking of this, add "duong" and "dai" as well, since writing those characters might be difficult without that specific typeset. Ehr, no. "Dương Đại Dương" is the real name of Triple D. And I will keep them in tags, just like people keep Japanese Characters. But I will add "duong dai duong"
- Consider adding the following tags:
Okay- I'm sure BNs would be interested in where you found your current metadata, so I'd recommend you add the related sources into your description so it is verified easier. I couldn't find any references to the tags "dương đại" where I searched.
- Is countdown intentional? There's a very long pause in the beginning of every difficulty due to the "half" setting, and I'm sure this could get tedious for many players. Most of the time, the countdown would be in the way of the playing field anyway and make it harder to see the notes in the very beginning of the map. Consider disabling it. removed "GO" instead
- 01:05:532 (1,3) - Overlapping like this is highly discouraged in Easy difficulties, because as a new player it is of outmost importance that you see all the elements from the moment they appear. Seeing things overlapping like this will likely get confusing. I'd suggest you change their positioning. Overlapping like you did at 02:10:987 (1,3) - is perfectly fine though, as neither the head nor the tails of said sliders are overlapped. Don't change, cuz I tested it with some newbies
- 01:05:532 (1) - Speaking of this part, is there any specific reason why this slider in particular is shaped like it is? I don't really see the connection with the music in this case. Previously these sounds have been mapped by using sliders with relatively few nodes and anchors. Consider reshaping this slider for consistency with sliders on previous similar sounds. Take 00:39:350 (1) - as an example. I think this slider fits the music, so I will keep.
- 01:39:350 (5) - You should refrain from making the slider shapes cramped like this. Not seeing the shape properly will make it difficult for newer players to follow it. It also doesn't look very aesthetic at the moment in my opinion. You seem to have mapped most of these sounds with wobbles like this, but I'd think a single anchor point would be better. Fixed
- 01:55:714 (3) - Try ending this slider on the anchor from 01:53:532 (1) - . Done
- 00:34:987 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Avoid using a rhythm twice consecutively like this in easier difficulties. Doing this often will cause your map to be repetitive, as there's little to no possibility to vary it through spacing due to DS. Try some rhythm like this instead. No, I use that rhythm because of the accenting
- 01:21:078 (2,1) - This overlap doesn't look very good. Generally you'd want your overlapping to be a recurring and consistent theme in your map if you're going to use them, and they should preferably be used for aesthetic or gameplay purposes only. In this case it is neither aesthetic nor does it add to gameplay, so I'd recommend you move the notes a bit to avoid overlapping. Fixed
- 00:57:896 (3) - Is using so many slider nodes really necessary? There's even an anchor here. Why don't you just make it a single point like this? Because I make that blanket to cover a slider, not a circle
- 01:25:168 (1,2,3) - I'm sure making this a triangle would fit the overall theme of your map better, due to concept consistency. So I'd suggest you to do so. Okay
- 02:04:441 (1,2,3,4) - right angle patterns like squares are often the most difficult to follow due to the circular acceleration and loss of precision. As such many players don't like it, and I'd recommend you to change it to either a triangle or smoother pattern for this reason. I used to be unable to control squares, and I hated them. Now I no longer hate square but multiple triangle
- 02:06:350 (6) - The sound this note is reflecting is stronger than what the map is suggesting. The slider it's stacked under and the circle itself are quite different according to the song, unlike 02:07:714 (3,4) - , where this concept is used better. Try spacing it instead. Done
- 02:13:714 (2,3) - The flow between these notes isn't very good from what I can see. In what way is the player supposed circularly move their cursor to hit this note? Making a full circle isn't possible, and as such the player is forced to make a 180 degree turn. Try stacking 02:14:259 (3) - on 02:15:350 (1) - , like this, in order to allow a clockwise motion from the previous slider. The flow from (1) to (2) won't let you do something like 180 degree turn but a "horizontal waterdrop", I feel quite comfortable to move like that
Hit Objects
- 00:51:623 (5,6,7,8) - This rhythm could get confusing for players of this skill level, at least the two circles at the end of the pattern, I'd suggest you use two 1/4 sliders instead, possibly with repeats as well. The patterns you've used later like 02:01:168 (4,5,6,7) - are also fine, but just remember to do it consistently. Why are you confused on a 3 stars insane pattern? I don't like overmapping, and I hate slider that ends with a sound stronger than the head's sound
^ 01:09:214 (5,6,7) -
^ 01:26:668 (5,6,7) -
^ 02:01:578 (5,6,7) -- 01:00:623 (6,1) - The way the anti-jumps are spaced is very strange, because 00:49:168 (4,5) - is stacked, while other places like 00:42:078 (3,4) - are not. The distance between notes with anti-jumps should generally want to be consistent as well, so try making 00:42:078 (3,4) - as far away from each other as 00:49:168 (4,5) - and 01:00:623 (6,1) - . You'd also want to check your map for other anti-jumps and inconsistencies in spacing like this. The rhythm is simple, and players can regconize it easily. No need to care about consistencies. I just make them look beautiful, I think.
- 01:44:805 (1) - Slider art like this can be improved. You'll notice it's not forming a very perfect circle around the head, as seen when looking at this. I'd suggest you improve the shapes of sliders like these to be more aesthetic. The game shouldn't just be fun to play, it should be fun to look at as well. Try blanketing it like this. There are plenty of opportunities for aesthetics in the set, but I'm not seeing a lot of it. In this case you could do something like this with the surrounding sliders too. Nice suggestion, tho
Themes and aesthetic techniques:
There are basically 5 major aesthetic techniques. Blankets, parallel objects, symmetry, geometric shapes and overlapping. Click on one to see an example. These are used to various degrees within sets, consistently, in order to create a theme, a way to recognize the maps; what makes them different or similar to other maps. Patterns can also be used to create themes. For example, in TV-size maps, you'll very likely notice that there are a lot of circle jump patterns. In dubstep maps, you'll probably notice a lot of SV changes and sharp angled sliders. You'd often want to avoid using too much of one theme unless you're certain it will fit. Hollow Wings maps, for example, are often very themed to a certain style, be it huge fast sliders that cover the screen to a map purely of circles. What most mappers are trying to do nowadays, however, is mixing a few elements to create a recognizable theme, but keeping it simple and consistent as to allow players to read their maps properly, in accordance with the majority of other maps. The key to creating good slider art is using some of the 5 techniques inside your slider, so it'll blanket itself or go through itself, etc. in order to make the borders of the slider interact with itself. The more simple you make it while using one of the techniques, the better it looks usually. Anyway, take a look at this thread for more about sliders and aesthetics.- 01:59:805 (5,1,2,3) - Mentioned this in Hard, refrain from forming squares, as right angles can be very awkward to play.
^ 02:04:441 (1,2,3,4) - I don't want this diff to be too easy, but I won't keep that squares- 02:04:441 (1,2,3,4) - 02:06:623 (1,2,3,4) - I'm pretty sure you could space these more considering this is in kiai and that other parts such as 01:05:532 (1,2,3,4,5) - and 00:54:623 (1,2,3,4) - had larger spacing. Done
Hitsounds Just... updated. Too many to reply.Remember to update the hitsounds in all difficulties.
- 00:36:623 - Remove whistle, these don't reflect the sounds you placed whistles on, and as such there's no reason to keep them.
^ 00:45:350 -
^ 00:51:896 -
^ 00:54:078 -
^ 01:09:350 -
^ 01:11:532 -
^ 01:20:259 -
^ 01:26:805 -
^ 01:28:987 -
^ 01:37:714 -
^ 01:42:623 -
^ 01:46:441 -
^ 01:55:168 -
^ 01:59:532 -
^ 02:01:714 -
^ 02:03:896 -
^ 02:12:623 -
^ 02:19:168 -
If you didn't change these, add a whistle to 01:02:805 - for consistency.- 00:47:259 - Add whistle, because these, however, do reflect the sound.
^ 00:51:623 -
^ 00:52:032 -
^ 01:04:714 -
^ 01:09:078 -
^ 01:09:487 -
^ 01:22:168 -
^ 01:26:532 -
^ 01:26:941 -
^ 01:39:623 -
^ 01:57:078 -
^ 02:01:441 -
^ 02:01:850 -
^ 02:14:532 -
^ 02:18:896 -
^ 02:19:305 -- 00:40:987 - Move this whistle to 00:41:259 - instead, since there's a sound here.
^ 00:49:714 - 00:49:987 -
^ 00:58:441 - 00:58:714 -
^ 01:07:168 - 01:07:441 -
^ 01:15:896 - 01:16:168 -
^ 01:24:623 - 01:24:896 -
^ 01:33:350 - 01:33:623 -
^ 01:42:078 - 01:42:350 -
^ 01:50:805 - 01:51:078 -
^ 02:08:259 - 02:08:532 -
^ 02:16:987 - 02:17:259 -- 02:00:623 - Add drum sampleset and clap
^ 02:18:623 -
Good luck!
Thank you for your mod. I will try my best.Pereira006 wrote:
- 00:34:987 at 01:08:805 - I suprise why you didn't make spacing as 1.10x the whole this part ? I mean Normal is 1.10x begin to end, there no change spacing. But this Easy there is change spacing. Could better this part change to 1.10x to keep consistency other pattern and other diff's Done
- 01:05:532 (1,3) - I kindy worry this overlap in easy. Not easy not easy read for this level IMO I tested it with newbies. It's ok
- 01:34:987 (5,2) - ^ same happen ^
- 01:40:441 (6) - put new combo color then remove in color in 01:42:623 (1), this better. My fault :'(
- 01:53:532 (1,3) - overlap I want it to be
- 01:25:168 (1,2,3) - this stack is kindy hard to play as this level Normal, is better use unstack I know bpm is low but still hard I don't think so. And player won't miss it when it's repeated many times in the whole diff
- 01:33:896 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ same happen
- 02:00:078 (1,2,3) - ^ same happen
- 02:08:805 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ same
- 02:17:532 (1,2,3) - ^ same
Hitsound:look good but in kiai, that SV change is huge for this level Hard I feel I playing Insane, SV 1.20x is good but 1.50 is huge for this hard level. I'm not sure this is fine. I don't think this is too hard, because the slider's shape is not too hard to follow, and players has 01:09:896 - to 01:44:805 - to be familiar with faster sliders
- 00:48:078 (1) - missing add clap in begin Done
Gameplay:look fine
- 00:47:259 (6,7) - the objects is too far, because the sharpe Star look unsymentric. maybe this should move little to down to consistency placement as Changed the notes before it
- 00:45:896 (1,2,3,4,5), just improve symentric star At first, I don't aim to make a star, but that's a good idea
- 01:06:623 (5) - this could move little 1 right to consistency in 01:05:805 (2) Moved 01:05:532 (1,2) - instead
[] not bad map, but still need more work.
Good luck!
Thank you for your modJuiceys wrote:
00:34:987 (1,1) - Align the start of 00:34:987 (1) - with the end of 00:39:350 (1) - It's not completely needed but it will help Done
00:41:532 (3,4) - Move 3 to (X 368 Y 328) and 4 to (X 248 Y 328) so that they align Done
00:43:714 (1) - The curve in this isn't perfect, Make sure all the 3rd and 5th and 2nd and 6th points have the same Y coordinate to make the shape nicer Should I care about this?
00:45:896 (3) - Blanket this better with 00:43:714 (1) - Done
01:34:987 (5,2) - Move 01:37:168 (2) - down to overlap better with 01:34:987 (5) - I moved 2 to (X 240 Y 288) Nice suggestion