
[Discussion] Community Input on BN Checks ~ Please Read!

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A notice that this is done by myself, on my own free time. Other people or even BN's are of course welcomed to join me, but please be gentle with me for now ;w;


Hey, everyone! I decided that I want to bring this thread back due to a lacking amount of community presence and voice during the process of rank maps. There's no mistaking that the mode is "dying", and now that I'm off of my break, I want to help by whatever means necessary to change that once again. Since quality is my most important ideal in mapping, I want to use this thread to find out what the community at the current point in the meta feels is quality.

Compared to 2016 when I first made this thread, the amount of hard maps has kinda gone down. Players are leaving and modders are becoming fewer and fewer. Therefore, I'm looking to try and remedy the situation in hopes that people will help me to help them!

What does this mean?

Basically, I'd like to have community discussion here about what you all think are some great maps that you think deserved to be checked. THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE A MOD QUEUE, AND IT'S CERTAINLY NOT THE PLACE TO ASK FOR A MOD FROM ME. After you suggest a map here in this thread, and explain to me why you think it's a quality set (please give a good explanation, it will make me want to take a look at the maps more!), I will reply in turn. The map you suggest can be any map, of any skill level, of any mapper (CTB only of course). Hopefully, with each map suggestion, we can spark some discussion on each map, and hopefully I can help the community grasp a deeper look into what I, myself, look for in a quality map. My reply will be one of the following:
  1. I will agree with you, and end up taking a look on my own time, not necessarily for a Bubble/Heart/Rank, but to help the mapset get a little push to where it needs to be.
  2. I will explain why I can't help move this mapset forward, whether it be a lack of quality (which I will explain), unrankable issues such as incomplete spread, or other things.
  3. I will explain things that keep me away from modding such a map, whether it be my own skill as a player, a dislike of the genre, or other things that could factor in to my modding ability.
In short, I'd like to make the community feel that they can be more active in the process of mapset discussion, without having to cause drama on threads, get upset in general that things aren't being done, etc. Like I've said before - I want to help this community out. By me doing this, I really want to try to give top players the input they desire on mapping, if they aren't mappers themselves, as well as just all community members in general to have their voice heard in the nomination process. I'll repeat it again though, in bold red, that just because I look at a mapset from here and accept it, does NOT mean I'll move it to rank myself. It means I'll be modding it and hopefully providing the mapset with a boost to bring it the quality it needs. I ask that you PLEASE don't cause any drama here. Please be respectful of everyone's opinions, whether you agree with them or not, and be sure to keep a healthy discussion, which means not to belittle anyone, or terrorize any people in this thread. If I see any of it, I'll personally ask for punishment on them myself.

Thank you all for giving me your time, and hopefully I can help move this community forward, more united, and with more ranked maps for the community to enjoy ;)

Example post (Gonna use my own set cause lolol)
Hi. I think the mapset here by Ascendance would be a really exceptional map to take a look at. Not only does it have a lot of diffs for players to enjoy, but I think the variation of mapping styles across the higher diffs could be great for CTB. (then blah blah blah list some opinions about it)

Remember, keep this thread clean. I don't want to have it taken down and leave you guys in the dark :(
Yumeno Himiko
Hi, 1st to be in this thread XD
Not opening osu for now so I just recommend a few maps that I noticed having a potential.
Since it's not a modding queue so I think a wip map also works?

The map I recommend today is Camellia - d:for the DELTA by raianshimuzu

This map is designed clean and nice, even though the map contains a lot of 1/4~1/8 snaps, the mapper doesn't overmap it and mapped it with his own skills.

The second map I'm recommending is Nekomata Master feat. Hayashi Momoko - Rainbow after snow by -[ Asuna ]-
Asuna has been a known good mapper for a long time, and this is definitely one of his best works. The skiils he used in mapping the streams in Rain and Overdose diff are just beautiful and clean. However, it seems that the mapper is lazy to find modders? I don't know XD

The final map I wanna mention today is Mili - A Turtle's Heart by Krah
It gets dq'd 4 months ago, time to push it back to ranking process! 8-)

Good luck with your works Ascendance! And hope this thread can really help the good mappers that in need!
The Map I'm recommending is Maksim Mrvica - Croatian Rhapsody by ZHSteven
ZHsteven's Unique style of patterns & Hyperdash-usage was always something that fascinates me, his timing&spacing always feels very precise and fitting to the general Threwline of the songs he maps, while playing through the whole Diff-Set i couldn't find anything out of the ordinary that would make be consider that this map would be still be a WIP.

We had to wait for way to long for a new ZHSteven-Map, so pls if you guys find the time, give it a look and give it the finishing touches (which it probably doesn't even needs)
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examination wrote:

Hi, 1st to be in this thread XD
Not opening osu for now so I just recommend a few maps that I noticed having a potential.
Since it's not a modding queue so I think a wip map also works?

The map I recommend today is Camellia - d:for the DELTA by raianshimuzu

This map is designed clean and nice, even though the map contains a lot of 1/4~1/8 snaps, the mapper doesn't overmap it and mapped it with his own skills.

The second map I'm recommending is Nekomata Master feat. Hayashi Momoko - Rainbow after snow by -[ Asuna ]-
Asuna has been a known good mapper for a long time, and this is definitely one of his best works. The skiils he used in mapping the streams in Rain and Overdose diff are just beautiful and clean. However, it seems that the mapper is lazy to find modders? I don't know XD

The final map I wanna mention today is Mili - A Turtle's Heart by Krah
It gets dq'd 4 months ago, time to push it back to ranking process! 8-)

Good luck with your works Ascendance! And hope this thread can really help the good mappers that in need!
Hey :3 Rainbow After Snow seems like a really nice map! I won't mind to take a look at it sometime~
I won't do much with d:for the DELTA cause it's WIP of course, but it seems to be not bad so far, I like the usage of jump pattern
For Turtle's heart, I need Krah to come back ;A;

Kingkevin30 wrote:

The Map I'm recommending is Maksim Mrvica - Croatian Rhapsody by ZHSteven
ZHsteven's Unique style of patterns & Hyperdash-usage was always something that fascinates me, his timing&spacing always feels very precise and fitting to the general Threwline of the songs he maps, while playing through the whole Diff-Set i couldn't find anything out of the ordinary that would make be consider that this map would be still be a WIP.

We had to wait for way to long for a new ZHSteven-Map, so pls if you guys find the time, give it a look and give it the finishing touches (which it probably doesn't even needs)
This one I found particularly interesting due to the lack of hyperdashes, especially in the overdose. while I don't think it's 100% ready due to the fact that I found frequent timing dashes and some odd flowing patterns, I wouldn't mind taking more of a look into this since I enjoy looking at old-style maps. Since I'm pretty new to CTB, it fascinates me on how people used to map.
Onoken - P8107 Nervous Breakdown by CLSW
First and foremost I love how it has 3 parts. The beginning which is somewhat basic I suppose you could say. The Second part which is more timing focused with the change between dashing and normal moving. Like the Asymmetry map and one part in Cutie Panther. Kinda like a CLSW trademark in a sense since I have yet to see another mapper use this before him. And last part which is all streams. The transitions from each part is made really well, and is made in a sense that you can not let your guard down, even if it's a calm part. CLSW's take on streams is well polished and this part is a clear example of it. The stream part itself has 3 parts too from what I can remember. Each part has its own touch, and made so that it does not get boring.
Fleshgod Apocalypse Twisted Mind by Razor Sharp
This is his third hardest map by far. (Behind Apparition and The Deceit/The Violation) And I love how he tries to enforce leaderboard wars, which is only seen in standard. The map is unlike what you see on a regular, if even at all. The build is made really well, as nothing comes as a surprise, and everything works really well together. This is because the movements needed for the patterns are somewhat similar with a few exceptions. What I really love about this map is dash control. From having to dash into a slightly sharp antiflow stream and then release the dash for a clean pickup of the stream itself ending with a dash as a transition. The fast and sharp movements, including the timing for some of the places in the map is absolutely beautiful. Let alone, it makes you a much better player.

Imperial Circus Dead Decadance - Uta Madness by Kyuare
Kyuare is by far one of the most creative mappers I have seen. This map is like the embodiment of Kyuare. Not a single part is boring what so ever.
The reason for this is that he constantly comes with interesting, challenging and fun patterns. The love for actually moving your fingers to catch fruit is what I specifically love the most about this map, and his mapping style in general. The timing required for some parts of the map, and the changing from tight and strict movements to more forgiving movements really is satisfying when you hit them. The change between the two makes it stay fresh and doesn't exhaust you. As an example:
04:53:605 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) -
This part is absolutely lovely.

Ascendance wrote:

Kingkevin30 wrote:

The Map I'm recommending is Maksim Mrvica - Croatian Rhapsody by ZHSteven
ZHsteven's Unique style of patterns & Hyperdash-usage was always something that fascinates me, his timing&spacing always feels very precise and fitting to the general Threwline of the songs he maps, while playing through the whole Diff-Set i couldn't find anything out of the ordinary that would make be consider that this map would be still be a WIP.

We had to wait for way to long for a new ZHSteven-Map, so pls if you guys find the time, give it a look and give it the finishing touches (which it probably doesn't even needs)
This one I found particularly interesting due to the lack of hyperdashes, especially in the overdose. while I don't think it's 100% ready due to the fact that I found frequent timing dashes and some odd flowing patterns, I wouldn't mind taking more of a look into this since I enjoy looking at old-style maps. Since I'm pretty new to CTB, it fascinates me on how people used to map.
I can guess what you mean by odd flowing patterns, as there are some interchaining patterns that may seem a bit weird....
but with the frequent timing dashes, isn't that more of a choice of playstyle ? i mean those precise timed dashes are what makes ZHSteven Map's stand out, i think gameplay-wise they shouldn't be considered a "flaw". They are an integral part of its design...i mean what would "Wing my Way" be without its clever spacing&timing. Could you maybe give me a specific example that you find to be "to weirdly timed"
Excellent thread , I'm glad you finally listen to people and discover by that what maps deserves to be ranked
I'll do a list later , I hope you like to read because it will take times ahahahah : D
yay, I feel very happy with this thread as a player, not as a mapper/modder cause we need to hear what's the community needs, nice work Ascendance.
He Ang CTB
Red Lips by 224dj is very smooth but has some "controversial" patterns and pp rating. Not sure when can it get some quality attention D:

He Ang Erika wrote:

Red Lips by 224dj is very smooth but has some "controversial" patterns and pp rating. Not sure when can it get some quality attention D:
Red Lips is a single difficulty under 5 minutes drain, so it can't go for approval. A full ctb spread would be required in order for it to even be considered for rank.
And so what , doesn't mean that the spread is unfinished that it can't be ranked , it can have the POTENTIAL
What I want to explain is that BN should be interested on non finished spread too
There is a lot of talented mappers that only make 1 diff because they loose faith on ctb , they are sure that the criteria is too tough so they don't even try to make it ranked , but we loose a lot of masterpiece like that
Of course if the spread is unfinished it can't be ranked , I don't ask you to mod an unfinished spread
But if you can see the POTENTIAL on those , just take 20 sec of your time to tell the mapper "your map is interesting , finish your spread and maybe it can be ranked" thats something REALLY important we need to do , mappers needs to know that the BN are here to help them , with that they will know that they won't loose their time on making the whole spread you see
This is why I classify my list on Non finished Spread and finished spread , please take attention on all of theses !! o/

Non finished spread Soraru & Lon - Hurting for a Very Hurtful Pain (By Magiyuu)
This map is one of the best ctb maps I ever had to play , they patterns are so exciting to play , I wish it will get ranked one day Moe Shop - Shawty On (By Vincs)
Ok this isn't the best map ever xD but I really love to play this map , if it gets full spread and some nerf it can be an interesting map !! Customi-Z - COOLEST (By NoraRcat)
I really love this mapper , alaways make intensive patterns that fit well with everything Walkure - Ichido dake no Koi nara (By NoraRcat)
The deluges are all fun to play , they did a great job on them Rengoku Teien - Suikyou HEAVEN! (By Nagato)
Nagato is too much underrated as a mapper , he defintivly needs more recognition Jeff Williams - Red Like Roses (By PyonPyon)
This map is one of the most fun maps I ever played on unranked stuff , they need to finsih their spread !! JUST DO IT Jeff Williams - Red Like Roses (By Kyuare)
Man , this map really rocks , I'm so proud a baguette eater is a model for all of ctb mappers :) Daisuke Achiwa - BASARA (By Hirikoshi)
This map is really great , the music too , plz take a look on it you won't get dissapointed :D Warak - Cosmic invaders (By pizza kun)
This map is the definition of fun , if some BN tell him to finish the spread I'm sure pizza will get enough motivation to DO IT Nanjo Yoshino x Kayano Ai - Edge Works of Goddess ZABABA (By NoraRcat)
This map is really really really great , plz play it its so fun to play :D Helblinde - Grief & Malice (By Kyuare)
What else can I say ? Kyuare just rekt almost every mappers on this earth , and he even made a full spread <3

Finished spread Imperial Circus Dead Decadance - Uta (By Kyuare)
The map isn't finished , I need to make the hitsounds , but don't forget this map , masterpiece incomming DJ Totoriott - Chronoxia (By Kyuare)
I think everyone knows this masterpiece but still , this needs to be ranked !! Qrispy Joybox feat.Sana - Twinkle Wonderland (By Del)
This map have several mistake , but with some mods it can be a great map !! Nakajima Megumi - TRY UNITE! (aran Remix) (By me)
Because why not : ) sweet ARMS - Installation (By Nitsches)
Yeah , this map really deserves a rank

I will make an another list later , I became a lazy ass right now xD but you can look at theses now
If some BN can see the potential on some non finished spread , just discuss with the mapper
We will revieve ctb by peaceful communication o/
He Ang CTB

Badis wrote:

But if you can see the POTENTIAL on those , just take 20 sec of your time to tell the mapper "your map is interesting , finish your spread and maybe it can be ranked" thats something REALLY important we need to do , mappers needs to know that the BN are here to help them , with that they will know that they won't loose their time on making the whole spread you see
Don't start unnecessary drama in this thread please, it is not the place.

Also, whilst Ascendance is checking this list a lot more than I am, I will be keeping my eye on this.

Badis wrote:

Finished spread Helblinde - Grief & Malice (By Kyuare)
What else can I say ? Kyuare just rekt almost every mappers on this earth , and he even made a full spread <3
Missing a rain :/
Maybe a platter too

CelegaS wrote:

Badis wrote:

Finished spread Helblinde - Grief & Malice (By Kyuare)
What else can I say ? Kyuare just rekt almost every mappers on this earth , and he even made a full spread <3
Missing a rain :/
Maybe a platter too
Oh yeah mah bad , fixing it
Topic Starter
Gonna take a look here near the end of the week. If anyone has anymore, feel free to keep going!
thank you for going out of your way to do this :cry: ASCENDANCE THE HERO CTB NEEDS BUT NOT THE ONE WE DESERVE

-Kurisu- wrote:

thank you for going out of your way to do this :cry: ASCENDANCE THE HERO CTB NEEDS BUT NOT THE ONE WE DESERVE
Nobody deserves to put up with him.
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Nelly wrote:

sakuzyo - Refel and Komiya Mao - (can you) understand me? :^)
Don't request your own maps please :(

Also, I've done a few maps from here in the past weeks, and I plan to do more soon. Sorry for the lack of clarity, just taking a slight break from modding

Ascendance wrote:

Nelly wrote:

sakuzyo - Refel and Komiya Mao - (can you) understand me? :^)
Don't request your own maps please :(

Also, I've done a few maps from here in the past weeks, and I plan to do more soon. Sorry for the lack of clarity, just taking a slight break from modding
Whoops, sorry I dont understand these rules a bit. And yes I know you did
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Moving to t/482180 , this thread can be locked!
it would be best to keep this available until your new queue is completely ready to go so people still have somewhere to make suggestions. Once you've worked out all the bugs in your new queue and are ready to open it, I'll lock this one.

EDIT: Locked since Ascendance isn't BN anymore and afaik no-one else is taking this over. Feel free to poke me if you want it re-instated.

EDIT #2: Unlocked since Ascendance is BN again and apparently he wants to do something with this.
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It's back! Please read the original post, it's pretty important with what I want to do here!
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