
Brian the Sun - HEROES

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016. július 30., szombat at 14:54:53

Artist: Brian the Sun
Source: 僕のヒーローアカデミア
Tags: tv size boku no my hero academia ending ed deku super powers anime midoriya izuku bakugou katsuki
BPM: 198
Filesize: 2312kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,46 stars, 90 notes)
  2. Extra (5,63 stars, 376 notes)
  3. Hard (3,57 stars, 238 notes)
  4. Insane (4,66 stars, 325 notes)
  5. Normal (2,2 stars, 157 notes)
Download: Brian the Sun - HEROES
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

The mapset is done, currently I'm waiting for mods! :D Enjoy!

2016 05 11 - Timing (Done)

2016 05 12 - Mapping (Done)

2016 05 14 - Mapping (Done)

2016 05 14 - Mapping (Done, thx Spkz!)

2016 05 24 - Mapping (Done)

2016 05 28 (Done)

Done 2016 06 05

2016 06 15 - Mapping (Done)

Wow! Thank you! ;)
Jó estét!~ :D


  1. A timinggal alapvetőlen nincs semmi probléma, viszont a piros pontod nem jó helyen van, mozgasd a 1629 offseten lévő noteocskára és resnappold a noteokat, ha esetleg kellene
  1. Rengeteg note nincsen rendesen a timeline-ra snappelve, fixáld őket:
Metadata, Song setup
  1. A source legyen inkább az eredeti nyelven: 僕のヒーローアカデミア
  2. A tagokat vessző nélkül, space-el elválasztva kell megadni. Ha már átírtad az eredeti nyelvre a sourceot, a romanised címet bent hagyhatod a tagok között, viszont a diff nevét szedd ki onnan. Valamint a háttéren található karaktereket se árt felvenni a tagok közé. Bár én még nem láttam az animet, merész tippem Midoriya Izuku és Bakugou Katsuki (javíts ki ha tévedek). Összefoglalva, nézzen ki így a tags: boku no my hero academia ending ed deku super powers anime midoriya izuku bakugou katsuki
  3. A backgroundhoz illő kombószíneket se választottad még ki, ezt majd ne felejtsd el
  4. A statok nagyjából rendben vannak, bár én az OD7-et nagyon keveslem. Szerintem egy OD8-at legalább elbírna a map
  5. A háttérképed dimenziója 1365x768, de a szabvány 1366x768, javítsd kérlek (tudom hogy szőrszálhasogatás, de ha én nem mondom, más fogja)
  1. 00:01:629 (1) - én speciel ezekre a noteokra egy slideres megoldást sokkal jobban el tudnék képzelni, valami ilyesmit:
  2. 00:14:357 (3) - ez a stream 00:14:876 (10) - eddig tart, a következő (11)-es note helyett pedig lehetne egy 1/2 slider
  3. 00:20:252 (4) - ilyet szinte soha se csinálunk, ha csak a dallam/ritmus meg nem követeli tőlünk, a fél slidereket lehetőleg mindig a fehér ticken kell kezdeni, ezzel a ritmus is jobban kijön és kényelmesebb is lesz a slidereket leütni, csak tegyél egy próbát magad eszerint: Ez egy visszatérő hiba, úgyhogy már csak highlightolni fogom, ahol ilyeneket vétettél
  4. 00:27:538 (2) - ^ (bár ez nem annyira evidens, de ezt én 2 notera alakítanám mindenképp)
  5. 00:28:750 (1,2) - ^
  6. 00:30:872 (4) - ^
  7. 00:33:750 (2,3) - ^ (ezt egy CTRL+G megoldja)
  8. 00:34:811 (1) - ^
  9. 00:39:357 (5) - ^
  10. 00:40:266 (2,3) - ^
  11. 00:43:599 (4,1) - ^ (ezt egy CTRL+G megoldja)
  12. 00:46:023 (1) - ^
  13. 00:49:357 (2,3) - ^ (ezt egy CTRL+G megoldja)
  14. 00:50:569 (3,4,1) - ^
  15. 00:55:417 (2) - ^ (bár ebben nem vagyok biztos, de szerintem nem jó)
  16. 00:58:750 (1) - ^
  17. 01:01:478 (2) - ^ (ebben szintén nem vagyok biztos)
  18. 01:02:690 (1,2,3,4) - ^ (mindegyik pont rosszra jön ki xD)
  19. 01:05:114 (3) - ^
  20. 01:07:538 (2) - ^
  21. 01:09:963 (6) - ^ (ez megint nem biztos)
  22. 01:11:175 (2) - ^ (nagyon furán érződnek ezek)
  23. 01:15:114 (1) - ^
  24. 01:17:841 (1,2) - ^
  25. 01:25:417 (1) - ^
  26. 01:28:144 (6) - ^ (ez inkább legyen két note)
Nah, most hogy ezzel megvagyunk jöhet a többi cuccli :D

  1. 00:12:530 (1) - összességében próbálj meg többet overlappolni. néhány helyen odafigyelsz rá, de sok helyen kihagyod. itt például tök jól lehetne ovberlappolni ennek a slidernek a végét 00:11:326 (1) - ennek a slidernek a kezdőpontjához. jobban is néz ki, és jobb flow-t is ad gameplaynél. nem fogom az összes ilyet highlightolni megint, de nézd végig és ahol lehetőségeket látsz, ott ragadd meg, de ne borítsd fel az egész mapod az overlappok miatt.
  2. 00:16:175 (5) - nagyon messze van ez a slider, a streamekhez képest, jobb felül csekkold a távolságot, legyen egyenlő a stream notejai közötti lévő távolsággal
  3. 00:24:357 (4) - overlap lehetőség
  4. 00:25:872 (7) - messze a slider a streamtől megint
  5. 00:30:872 (4) - ez a slider lehetne egy kicsit szebb, én leginkább curveos slidert tennék oda
  6. 00:31:629 (7) - erről az offsetről teljesen hiányzik egy hang (az időt nézd, a 7-es noteot csak odatettem)
  7. 00:37:084 (5) - ez a reverse slider ötlet jó, csak 00:37:235 (6) - eddig tart (egy tickel kevesebb 8-adokban)
  8. 00:37:387 (1,2,3) - ezek lehetnének párhuzamosak, de ez nem olyan nagy hiba, csak szebb lenne imho
  9. 00:50:569 (3) - ez a slider lehetne 00:50:872 (4) - ennek a tükrözöttje, szerintem jobban festene
  10. 00:54:205 (2,3,4,5,6) - inkonzisztens spacing, csekkold jobb felül
  11. 00:55:872 (4) - ez a slider adhatna blanketet 00:54:963 (1) - erre a sliderre, valahogy így:
  12. 00:57:387 (1) - ez is lehetne szebb blanket a (2)-esre
  13. 01:12:387 (4,5) - nem azért mert kötözködni szeretnék, ne érts félre de szerintem ezek nagyon nem szépek, próbáld meg őket reshape-elni
Nos, első körben ennyi, elég sok ritmust kell remappolnod, úgyhogy miután végeztél, rám dobsz egy pm-et és folytatom a hitsoundokkal és object placementekkel, itt ahol abbahagytam.

GL =)
Topic Starter

Spkz wrote:

Jó estét!~ :D


  1. A timinggal alapvetőlen nincs semmi probléma, viszont a piros pontod nem jó helyen van, mozgasd a 1629 offseten lévő noteocskára és resnappold a noteokat, ha esetleg kellene
Értettem, javítva minden!

  1. Rengeteg note nincsen rendesen a timeline-ra snappelve, fixáld őket:
Ezt bizony észre sem vettem, köszi, javítva!

Metadata, Song setup
  1. A source legyen inkább az eredeti nyelven: 僕のヒーローアカデミア
  2. A tagokat vessző nélkül, space-el elválasztva kell megadni. Ha már átírtad az eredeti nyelvre a sourceot, a romanised címet bent hagyhatod a tagok között, viszont a diff nevét szedd ki onnan. Valamint a háttéren található karaktereket se árt felvenni a tagok közé. Bár én még nem láttam az animet, merész tippem Midoriya Izuku és Bakugou Katsuki (javíts ki ha tévedek). Összefoglalva, nézzen ki így a tags: boku no my hero academia ending ed deku super powers anime midoriya izuku bakugou katsuki
  3. A backgroundhoz illő kombószíneket se választottad még ki, ezt majd ne felejtsd el
  4. A statok nagyjából rendben vannak, bár én az OD7-et nagyon keveslem. Szerintem egy OD8-at legalább elbírna a map

  5. A háttérképed dimenziója 1365x768, de a szabvány 1366x768, javítsd kérlek (tudom hogy szőrszálhasogatás, de ha én nem mondom, más fogja)
Javítva minden!


  1. 00:01:629 (1) - én speciel ezekre a noteokra egy slideres megoldást sokkal jobban el tudnék képzelni, valami ilyesmit:
  2. Ezt nem fogom átjavítani, mivel nekem nagyon tetszik így, minden arra a hangra szólal meg. :)
    00:14:357 (3) - ez a stream 00:14:876 (10) - eddig tart, a következő (11)-es note helyett pedig lehetne egy 1/2 slider

  3. 00:20:252 (4) - ilyet szinte soha se csinálunk, ha csak a dallam/ritmus meg nem követeli tőlünk, a fél slidereket lehetőleg mindig a fehér ticken kell kezdeni, ezzel a ritmus is jobban kijön és kényelmesebb is lesz a slidereket leütni, csak tegyél egy próbát magad eszerint: Ez egy visszatérő hiba, úgyhogy már csak highlightolni fogom, ahol ilyeneket vétettél

  4. 00:27:538 (2) - ^ (bár ez nem annyira evidens, de ezt én 2 notera alakítanám mindenképp)
  5. 00:28:750 (1,2) - ^

  6. 00:30:872 (4) - ^

  7. 00:33:750 (2,3) - ^ (ezt egy CTRL+G megoldja)

  8. 00:34:811 (1) - ^

  9. 00:39:357 (5) - ^
  10. 00:40:266 (2,3) - ^

  11. 00:43:599 (4,1) - ^ (ezt egy CTRL+G megoldja)

  12. 00:46:023 (1) - ^

  13. 00:49:357 (2,3) - ^ (ezt egy CTRL+G megoldja)

  14. 00:50:569 (3,4,1) - ^

  15. 00:55:417 (2) - ^ (bár ebben nem vagyok biztos, de szerintem nem jó)

  16. 00:58:750 (1) - ^

  17. 01:01:478 (2) - ^ (ebben szintén nem vagyok biztos)

  18. 01:02:690 (1,2,3,4) - ^ (mindegyik pont rosszra jön ki xD)

  19. 01:05:114 (3) - ^

  20. 01:07:538 (2) - ^

  21. 01:09:963 (6) - ^ (ez megint nem biztos)

  22. 01:11:175 (2) - ^ (nagyon furán érződnek ezek)

  23. 01:15:114 (1) - ^

  24. 01:17:841 (1,2) - ^

  25. 01:25:417 (1) - ^

  26. 01:28:144 (6) - ^ (ez inkább legyen két note)
01:01:478 (2) és 01:09:963 (6) kivételével, minden javítva! :D

Nah, most hogy ezzel megvagyunk jöhet a többi cuccli :D

  1. 00:12:530 (1) - összességében próbálj meg többet overlappolni. néhány helyen odafigyelsz rá, de sok helyen kihagyod. itt például tök jól lehetne ovberlappolni ennek a slidernek a végét 00:11:326 (1) - ennek a slidernek a kezdőpontjához. jobban is néz ki, és jobb flow-t is ad gameplaynél. nem fogom az összes ilyet highlightolni megint, de nézd végig és ahol lehetőségeket látsz, ott ragadd meg, de ne borítsd fel az egész mapod az overlappok miatt.

  2. 00:16:175 (5) - nagyon messze van ez a slider, a streamekhez képest, jobb felül csekkold a távolságot, legyen egyenlő a stream notejai közötti lévő távolsággal

  3. 00:24:357 (4) - overlap lehetőség

  4. 00:25:872 (7) - messze a slider a streamtől megint

  5. 00:30:872 (4) - ez a slider lehetne egy kicsit szebb, én leginkább curveos slidert tennék oda

  6. 00:31:629 (7) - erről az offsetről teljesen hiányzik egy hang (az időt nézd, a 7-es noteot csak odatettem)

  7. 00:37:084 (5) - ez a reverse slider ötlet jó, csak 00:37:235 (6) - eddig tart (egy tickel kevesebb 8-adokban) Itt nem igazán értem.

  8. 00:37:387 (1,2,3) - ezek lehetnének párhuzamosak, de ez nem olyan nagy hiba, csak szebb lenne imho

  9. 00:50:569 (3) - ez a slider lehetne 00:50:872 (4) - ennek a tükrözöttje, szerintem jobban festene

  10. 00:54:205 (2,3,4,5,6) - inkonzisztens spacing, csekkold jobb felül
  11. 00:55:872 (4) - ez a slider adhatna blanketet 00:54:963 (1) - erre a sliderre, valahogy így:

  12. 00:57:387 (1) - ez is lehetne szebb blanket a (2)-esre

  13. 01:12:387 (4,5) - nem azért mert kötözködni szeretnék, ne érts félre de szerintem ezek nagyon nem szépek, próbáld meg őket reshape-elni
Amit jónak láttam, javítva, majd pontosítok, ugyan is van amit nem értek. :P

Nos, első körben ennyi, elég sok ritmust kell remappolnod, úgyhogy miután végeztél, rám dobsz egy pm-et és folytatom a hitsoundokkal és object placementekkel, itt ahol abbahagytam.

[b]Köszi szépen! :D Látszik, hogy értesz te ehhez!

GL =)[/b]
Topic Starter
BTW, I can speak english. :D
00:30:870 (4,5) - This jump is waay too big.
00:52:234 (9,1) - These notes should have a bit of distance for intuitive play
00:53:598 (4,1) - ^
01:03:143 (2,3) - ^
01:12:386 (4) - This velocity change is too high, 100% of people will sliderbreak on their first try. (like me :roll:)
01:14:810 (2,3,1,2) - Distance snap these notes
01:26:476 (1) - Slider velocity again
01:27:840 (4,5,6,7) - Should have same distance between all these.

00:41:476 (8,1) - This distance is too short
00:49:961 (8,1) - ^
00:56:173 (4,5,6,7) - This jump doesnt feel backed up by the music
01:20:112 (3,4) - Needs a bit of distance
01:22:991 (3,4,5,6,7) - Keeping same DS will make this more natural to play
01:26:476 (1) - Back at it again with the slightly too fast slider change
I really liked this map, probably because i like jumps :)

00:13:294 (6,7,8) - These 3 notes dont feel motivated by the music. If you wanna those "jumps" here than place on at 00:12:537 - and one at 00:12:991 - because that is actually when that melody starts.
Topic Starter

HappyStreet wrote:

00:30:870 (4,5) - This jump is waay too big.
00:52:234 (9,1) - These notes should have a bit of distance for intuitive play
00:53:598 (4,1) - ^
01:03:143 (2,3) - ^
01:12:386 (4) - This velocity change is too high, 100% of people will sliderbreak on their first try. (like me :roll:)
01:14:810 (2,3,1,2) - Distance snap these notes
01:26:476 (1) - Slider velocity again
01:27:840 (4,5,6,7) - Should have same distance between all these.
Fixed all of them. Thanks!

00:41:476 (8,1) - This distance is too short
00:49:961 (8,1) - ^
00:56:173 (4,5,6,7) - This jump doesnt feel backed up by the music
01:20:112 (3,4) - Needs a bit of distance
01:22:991 (3,4,5,6,7) - Keeping same DS will make this more natural to play
01:26:476 (1) - Back at it again with the slightly too fast slider change
I really liked this map, probably because i like jumps :)
Fixed them too!

00:13:294 (6,7,8) - These 3 notes dont feel motivated by the music. If you wanna those "jumps" here than place on at 00:12:537 - and one at 00:12:991 - because that is actually when that melody starts.
Yeah that part was actually not good. Thx

Thanks for the mod! I really like these changes. ;D
Hello, from my queue.

Thanks for requesting a m4m in the sea of NMs ~

You can find the map to mod on either my profile (pick any of my pending or GD maps) or just on the front page of my queue.


Your normal is currently 2.02 stars, but for a mapset to be ranked it has to have 1 diff below 2 stars. I recommend making an Easy under 1.5 stars.


This map has distance issues, which are allowed in a Normal but generally not recommended. I would fix all of them, use ai-mod to find them.

00:04:052 (2,3) - I know what you're doing here with the overlap, I think, but it looks kinda bad. I'd just make a regular slider that doesn't touch 2.

00:08:900 (4) - Same with this and 3.

Alright, so I just noticed that you probably didn't use distance spacing for this entire map. Especially in the lower difficulties, I recommend using Distance Spacing. Find a solid number like 1.8 or 1.7 that fits the map well and follow that for the entire map. It will help with aesthetics (low circles so if everything is consistent it looks good), helps with difficulty, and consistency.

00:34:658 (4,5) - put the circle the direction the reverse slider ends on (so in this case, to the right)

00:38:597 (1,2) - ^ in this case a slider, but same idea

00:42:385 (1) - move to 00:42:537 so newer players aren't confused

SV changes are not recommended in a Normal so I'd just keep it the same (maybe find a speed between your starting speed and your kiai speed)

00:54:355 (1) - This looks like a kickslider even though it isn't one because the SV is so high, i'd just make it a 1/1 reverse instead of multiple 1/2 reverses

00:55:567 (3,6) - Overlap

01:01:021 (1,2) - looks bad when these touch like this

01:11:324 (3,4,5,6) - 3 overlapping with these sliders looks bad

Lots of long straight sliders in this map, try some different shapes out (see other ranked maps and what they do with their curves and bends)


00:12:537 (5) - NC

00:23:143 (4,1) - slight overlap here

00:26:324 (2,3) - fix blanket, 2 shouldn't curve into 3 like that unless you overlap it properly. in this case, just straighten the end of 2 out a bit.

00:26:931 (3,4) - blanket

00:55:567 (6) - Just make this a regular curve, it has too many sliderpoints

01:04:658 (1) - Rework this slider

01:06:931 (4,5) - maybe make these the same shape?

01:17:991 (6) - NC

01:21:476 (9,1) - blanket

01:22:537 (4,7) - overlap

01:25:718 (6,2) - Overlap


00:01:628 (1,2) - Try designing so these dont just straight overlap like this

00:20:113 (3,4) - bends in sliders this short should be symmetrical

00:31:022 (5) - ^

00:31:931 (2) - make it symmetrical

00:44:658 (10) - NC

00:51:324 (6,7) - If this is a blanket, make it a curve IMO.

00:54:355 (3,4,5,6) - this reduction in spacing felt weird, I don't think the song slows down enough to justify stacking these this close

01:01:022 (1,2,3,4,5) - really small spacing here, could be expanded

01:04:052 (6,1) - overlap


As said in my queue rules I wont' be able to help too much with this diff but i'll try :)

00:17:385 (1) - make symmetrical

Yeah, just overall in this diff work on your slider shapes. Some are alright, but a lot are just kinda weird. You use the sharp bends a lot, and they can look bad if they're not symmetrical or properly made. Like I said earlier, check out how ranked songs shape their sliders and model your style based off of that. Originality can be good, but there's a reason ppl dont use a lot of sliderpoints most of the time on shorter sliders.

Good luck ~
Topic Starter

Hobbes2 wrote:

Hello, from my queue.

Thanks for requesting a m4m in the sea of NMs ~

You can find the map to mod on either my profile (pick any of my pending or GD maps) or just on the front page of my queue.


Your normal is currently 2.02 stars, but for a mapset to be ranked it has to have 1 diff below 2 stars. I recommend making an Easy under 1.5 stars.

Will do that thanks!


This map has distance issues, which are allowed in a Normal but generally not recommended. I would fix all of them, use ai-mod to find them.

00:04:052 (2,3) - I know what you're doing here with the overlap, I think, but it looks kinda bad. I'd just make a regular slider that doesn't touch 2.

00:08:900 (4) - Same with this and 3.

Alright, so I just noticed that you probably didn't use distance spacing for this entire map. Especially in the lower difficulties, I recommend using Distance Spacing. Find a solid number like 1.8 or 1.7 that fits the map well and follow that for the entire map. It will help with aesthetics (low circles so if everything is consistent it looks good), helps with difficulty, and consistency.

00:34:658 (4,5) - put the circle the direction the reverse slider ends on (so in this case, to the right)

00:38:597 (1,2) - ^ in this case a slider, but same idea

00:42:385 (1) - move to 00:42:537 so newer players aren't confused

SV changes are not recommended in a Normal so I'd just keep it the same (maybe find a speed between your starting speed and your kiai speed)

00:54:355 (1) - This looks like a kickslider even though it isn't one because the SV is so high, i'd just make it a 1/1 reverse instead of multiple 1/2 reverses

00:55:567 (3,6) - Overlap

01:01:021 (1,2) - looks bad when these touch like this

01:11:324 (3,4,5,6) - 3 overlapping with these sliders looks bad

Lots of long straight sliders in this map, try some different shapes out (see other ranked maps and what they do with their curves and bends)

Ok, so I remapped everything and respecting ur ideas, thanks!


00:12:537 (5) - NC

00:23:143 (4,1) - slight overlap here

00:26:324 (2,3) - fix blanket, 2 shouldn't curve into 3 like that unless you overlap it properly. in this case, just straighten the end of 2 out a bit.

00:26:931 (3,4) - blanket

00:55:567 (6) - Just make this a regular curve, it has too many sliderpoints

01:04:658 (1) - Rework this slider

01:06:931 (4,5) - maybe make these the same shape?

01:17:991 (6) - NC

01:21:476 (9,1) - blanket

01:22:537 (4,7) - overlap

01:25:718 (6,2) - Overlap

Changed everything, thanks!

00:01:628 (1,2) - Try designing so these dont just straight overlap like this

00:20:113 (3,4) - bends in sliders this short should be symmetrical

00:31:022 (5) - ^

00:31:931 (2) - make it symmetrical

00:44:658 (10) - NC

00:51:324 (6,7) - If this is a blanket, make it a curve IMO.

00:54:355 (3,4,5,6) - this reduction in spacing felt weird, I don't think the song slows down enough to justify stacking these this close

01:01:022 (1,2,3,4,5) - really small spacing here, could be expanded

01:04:052 (6,1) - overlap

Fixed them all!

As said in my queue rules I wont' be able to help too much with this diff but i'll try :)

00:17:385 (1) - make symmetrical

Yeah, just overall in this diff work on your slider shapes. Some are alright, but a lot are just kinda weird. You use the sharp bends a lot, and they can look bad if they're not symmetrical or properly made. Like I said earlier, check out how ranked songs shape their sliders and model your style based off of that. Originality can be good, but there's a reason ppl dont use a lot of sliderpoints most of the time on shorter sliders.

Ok, I will work on the sliders!
Good luck ~
Thank you for your mod! I will mod one of you maps soon! 8-)
Hi,from my quoue,for M4M.

[ General]
  1. 00:01:628 - Need not this line,remove plz
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Normal]
  1. 00:01:628 (1) - add finisher? - The sound of the big drum in the back.
  2. 00:04:052 (2) - ^
  3. 00:06:476 (3) - ^
  4. 00:08:900 (4) - ^
  5. 00:23:749 (2) - x:44,y:220 and 00:24:052 (3) - x:44,y:120? - blanket?
  6. 00:28:294 (7) - x:132,y:140 - ^
  7. 01:12:537 (5,6) - blanket?
  8. 01:23:597 (1) - add finisher?
  9. 01:27:688 (9) - ^
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Hard]
  1. 00:01:628 (1) - add finisher? - same as normal
  2. 00:04:052 (2) - ^
  3. 00:06:476 (3) - ^
  4. 00:08:900 (4) - ^
  5. spinner start 00:13:749 - ? - To the sound of the drum
  6. spinner start 00:42:840 - ? - I think the tricky.
  7. 00:45:264 (1) - add finisher? - to thr sound of the drum.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Insane]
  1. 00:01:628 (1) - add finisher? - same as normal
  2. 00:04:052 (2) - ^
  3. 00:06:476 (3) - ^
  4. 00:08:900 (4) - ^
  5. 00:25:264 (1) - remove finisher,and clap or whistle? - Since there is no sound emphasize.
  6. 00:45:264 (1) - add finisher? - to thr sound of the drum.
  7. 00:52:840 (2) - x:176,y:52? - I do not know well intended is to this note...
  8. 01:12:992 (5,6) - blanket.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Extra]
  1. 00:01:628 (1) - add finisher? - same as normal
  2. 00:04:052 (2) - ^
  3. 00:06:476 (3) - ^
  4. 00:08:900 (4) - ^
  5. 00:29:506 (1) - remove finisher,and clap or whistle? - Since there is no sound emphasize.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I hope my mod has been helpful you, good luck:3
really enjoy playing this beatmap good job :D :P
Topic Starter

chaica wrote:

Hi,from my quoue,for M4M.

[ General]
  1. 00:01:628 - Need not this line,remove plz
Oh thanks!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Normal]
  1. 00:01:628 (1) - add finisher? - The sound of the big drum in the back.
  2. 00:04:052 (2) - ^
  3. 00:06:476 (3) - ^
  4. 00:08:900 (4) - ^
  5. 00:23:749 (2) - x:44,y:220 and 00:24:052 (3) - x:44,y:120? - blanket?
  6. 00:28:294 (7) - x:132,y:140 - ^
  7. 01:12:537 (5,6) - blanket?
  8. 01:23:597 (1) - add finisher?
  9. 01:27:688 (9) - ^
Ok, I did something with the blankets and fixed the hitsounding.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Hard]
  1. 00:01:628 (1) - add finisher? - same as normal
  2. 00:04:052 (2) - ^
  3. 00:06:476 (3) - ^
  4. 00:08:900 (4) - ^
  5. spinner start 00:13:749 - ? - To the sound of the drum
  6. spinner start 00:42:840 - ? - I think the tricky.
  7. 00:45:264 (1) - add finisher? - to thr sound of the drum.

The sliders are not changed, but the others are fixed!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Insane]
  1. 00:01:628 (1) - add finisher? - same as normal
  2. 00:04:052 (2) - ^
  3. 00:06:476 (3) - ^
  4. 00:08:900 (4) - ^
  5. 00:25:264 (1) - remove finisher,and clap or whistle? - Since there is no sound emphasize.
  6. 00:45:264 (1) - add finisher? - to thr sound of the drum.
  7. 00:52:840 (2) - x:176,y:52? - I do not know well intended is to this note...
  8. 01:12:992 (5,6) - blanket.
Ok, fixed!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Extra]
  1. 00:01:628 (1) - add finisher? - same as normal
  2. 00:04:052 (2) - ^
  3. 00:06:476 (3) - ^
  4. 00:08:900 (4) - ^
  5. 00:29:506 (1) - remove finisher,and clap or whistle? - Since there is no sound emphasize.
Yep, thx!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I hope my mod has been helpful you, good luck:3

Thank you! ;)
Chihara Minori
M4M from My Queue

• 00:14:961 (3) - this slider supposed to be end at next red tick, also add light up curve
• 00:21:021 (3) - add down curve
• 00:23:446 (3) - blanket this, then stack (4) with last (2)
• 00:25:870 (1) - if you apply this ^, stack this with last (3)
• 00:31:324 (1) - add light up curve
• 00:48:900 (3,4,5) - you need better pattern here
• 00:54:355 (1) - blanket
• 00:57:385 (2,3) - you need to keep the spacing same
• 01:04:052 (1) - add right curve/angle
• 01:19:203 (1) - add light up curve
• 01:23:294 (3) - move it to next white tick
• 01:25:264 (2) - delete this note

• 00:01:628 (1,2,3,4) - you obv need better sliders, for (1,2) you can do this
• 00:11:324 (1,2) - this spacing wont works
• 00:20:718 (1) - add light down curve/angle
• 00:25:567 (1) - add right curve as much as next (3)
• 00:27:082 (4) - stack and blanket
• 00:39:506 (2,3) - better pattern
• 00:50:112 (1) - this fine already w
• 00:52:234 (1) - add light left curve
• 00:54:355 (1) - too hard too read in normal, prefer
• 01:01:627 (2) - too close with (1), dont make it touch one to other
• 01:03:143 (1) - move this slider to next white tick, then place a note here
• 01:09:506 (7,8) - 1 long slider instead
• 01:12:537 (5) - dont touch last slider
• 01:16:173 (6) - make the slider goes to right, not left
• 01:23:597 (1,2,3,4) - this rhytm feel better

• 00:01:628 (1) - isnt this slider end too fast? same SV with (2,3,4) indeed. and they need better slider imo
• 00:14:961 (11) - straight slider innstead and move the NC here
• 00:24:658 (5,6) - i think will feel better if you do same snapping as (3,4)
• 00:26:931 (2) - dont snap this
• 00:29:961 (4) - ^
• 00:30:112 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - better pattern here
• 00:38:597 (5) - move the angle to middle slider anfd make it lighter
• 00:39:203 (4) - light up curve slider instead
• 00:40:112 (1) - decrease the angle
• 00:40:415 (2) - add light down curve
• 00:46:931 (2) - this stack feels not right
• 00:51:931 (8) - straight slider instead
• 00:52:840 (2) - dont stack
• 00:57:385 (1,2,3) - better pattern
• 01:04:355 (8) - move angle to middle slider and decrease it a bit
• 01:09:961 (6) - this stacking isnt conf
• 01:12:385 (4,5,6) - better slider plaease
• 01:17:385 (9) - blanket
• 01:19:658 (3) - middle down angle slider instead

Thats what can i do for now, good luck
Topic Starter

eclipselotus wrote:

M4M from My Queue

• 00:14:961 (3) - this slider supposed to be end at next red tick, also add light up curve
• 00:21:021 (3) - add down curve
• 00:23:446 (3) - blanket this, then stack (4) with last (2)
• 00:25:870 (1) - if you apply this ^, stack this with last (3)
• 00:31:324 (1) - add light up curve
• 00:48:900 (3,4,5) - you need better pattern here
• 00:54:355 (1) - blanket
• 00:57:385 (2,3) - you need to keep the spacing same
• 01:04:052 (1) - add right curve/angle
• 01:19:203 (1) - add light up curve
• 01:23:294 (3) - move it to next white tick Nope, that must be on the red tick.
• 01:25:264 (2) - delete this note

Ok, fixed, everything.
• 00:01:628 (1,2,3,4) - you obv need better sliders, for (1,2) you can do this
• 00:11:324 (1,2) - this spacing wont works
• 00:20:718 (1) - add light down curve/angle
• 00:25:567 (1) - add right curve as much as next (3)
• 00:27:082 (4) - stack and blanket
• 00:39:506 (2,3) - better pattern
• 00:50:112 (1) - this fine already w
• 00:52:234 (1) - add light left curve
• 00:54:355 (1) - too hard too read in normal, prefer
• 01:01:627 (2) - too close with (1), dont make it touch one to other
• 01:03:143 (1) - move this slider to next white tick, then place a note here
• 01:09:506 (7,8) - 1 long slider instead
• 01:12:537 (5) - dont touch last slider
• 01:16:173 (6) - make the slider goes to right, not left
• 01:23:597 (1,2,3,4) - this rhytm feel better

Thank you, changed everything.

• 00:01:628 (1) - isnt this slider end too fast? same SV with (2,3,4) indeed. and they need better slider imo
• 00:14:961 (11) - straight slider innstead and move the NC here
• 00:24:658 (5,6) - i think will feel better if you do same snapping as (3,4)
• 00:26:931 (2) - dont snap this
• 00:29:961 (4) - ^
• 00:30:112 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - better pattern here
• 00:38:597 (5) - move the angle to middle slider anfd make it lighter
• 00:39:203 (4) - light up curve slider instead
• 00:40:112 (1) - decrease the angle
• 00:40:415 (2) - add light down curve
• 00:46:931 (2) - this stack feels not right
• 00:51:931 (8) - straight slider instead
• 00:52:840 (2) - dont stack
• 00:57:385 (1,2,3) - better pattern
• 01:04:355 (8) - move angle to middle slider and decrease it a bit
• 01:09:961 (6) - this stacking isnt conf
• 01:12:385 (4,5,6) - better slider plaease
• 01:17:385 (9) - blanket
• 01:19:658 (3) - middle down angle slider instead

Fixed, thx!

Thats what can i do for now, good luck
m4m from my queue
my english sucks

  1. delete (TV Size) in the title and add in tags
  2. check the all of AI mod.
  1. 00:10:718 (1) - Why do you start from here? I recmmand 00:01:628 - here
  2. 00:14:961 (3) - It's unrankable on Easy diff. high bpm 1/2 slider is difficult for beginners.
  3. 00:15:415 (4,2) - In the Easy difficulty does not allow overlap by default.
  4. 00:18:597 (1,2,3) - so dangerous. do not make successive single note. It's unrankable.
  5. 00:54:355 (1) - >>>>00:54:961 -
  6. kiai part have many unrankable issues. but I can't mod those since I'm not good at english.
  1. this map have too many overlap / distance snap same as 01:04:355 (2) - 01:22:537 (5) - / flow issues
  2. 01:26:476 (7) - 01:26:931 - end 01:27:082 - not here
  3. 01:27:688 (9) - 01:18:294 (3) - remove reverse... not very good
  4. 00:54:961 (2) - 01:03:446 (1) - 01:09:506 (7) - head crap
  1. sv isame as normal.... so slow. also 00:10:718 (1,1) - you can feel weird from here
[Insane, Extra]
  1. Most of the problem is the fundamental problem. I can't mod about that. (other diffs are same too.)
    I think you need a lot more experience. that's all from me.
hope it helps
good luck
Topic Starter

Beomsan wrote:

m4m from my queue
my english sucks

  1. delete (TV Size) in the title and add in tags
  2. check the all of AI mod.
  1. 00:10:718 (1) - Why do you start from here? I recmmand 00:01:628 - here
  2. 00:14:961 (3) - It's unrankable on Easy diff. high bpm 1/2 slider is difficult for beginners.
  3. 00:15:415 (4,2) - In the Easy difficulty does not allow overlap by default.
  4. 00:18:597 (1,2,3) - so dangerous. do not make successive single note. It's unrankable.
  5. 00:54:355 (1) - >>>>00:54:961 -
  6. kiai part have many unrankable issues. but I can't mod those since I'm not good at english.
  1. this map have too many overlap / distance snap same as 01:04:355 (2) - 01:22:537 (5) - / flow issues
  2. 01:26:476 (7) - 01:26:931 - end 01:27:082 - not here
  3. 01:27:688 (9) - 01:18:294 (3) - remove reverse... not very good
  4. 00:54:961 (2) - 01:03:446 (1) - 01:09:506 (7) - head crap
  1. sv isame as normal.... so slow. also 00:10:718 (1,1) - you can feel weird from here
[Insane, Extra]
  1. Most of the problem is the fundamental problem. I can't mod about that. (other diffs are same too.)
    I think you need a lot more experience. that's all from me.
hope it helps
good luck
Thank you, I fixed everything!

00:08:900 (4,2) - fix overlap
00:11:324 (1,6) - ^
00:11:931 (3,1) - ^
00:12:537 (1,5) - ^
00:16:173 (8,2,1) - ^
00:17:385 (1,4,6) - ^
00:19:809 (1) - rework slider
00:19:809 (1,2,4,6) - fix overlap
00:26:476 (3,1) - ^
00:40:870 (5,2) - stack
00:48:900 (1,6) - stack or fix overlap
00:59:203 (7,8) - remove note, and Listen to the 25% rate. there are other sounds which need a

01:00:112 (2,7) - fix overlap
01:02:688 (1,1,3,6) - ^
01:08:749 (4,5,6) - what's this ? it wrong is done not in music.
01:08:900 (1) - NC
01:11:779 (1,6) - fix overlap
01:13:143 (2,5) - ^
01:17:688 (8,3,6) - ^
01:21:324 (4,1,5) - ^

00:08:900 (4,2) - why?
00:11:931 (1,2,3,4) - remove. It's very hard on Insane
00:30:416 (1,2,4) - fix overlap
00:40:719 (3,1,2,3) - Make square
00:44:052 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - fix spacing on stream
00:44:658 (1) - why NC
00:45:870 (4,1) - blanket
00:45:870 (4,3,4) - - stack
01:08:901 (1,2,3,4) - make jumps
01:10:719 (1,3) - blanket
01:15:113 (1) - remove Nc
01:23:901 (4,2) - overlap

HP 4.5-6
00:15:415 (3) - NC
00:49:506 (6,8) - blanket
00:59:052 (6,7,8) - it's Hard. such jumps very difficult. Fix
01:07:537 (5,7) - blanket
01:23:446 (6) - ^

Sliders should be more than notes
AR 1.5-2.5
00:14:961 (3,4) - fix spacing
00:17:385 (3,1) - ^
00:23:446 (3,4) - ^
00:27:082 (3,4) - ^
00:42:840 (1,1) - stack
00:49:506 (4,1) - Fix spacing
00:54:355 (1,2) - ^

Work on the map more
Good Luck :)
Topic Starter

Fanteer wrote:


00:08:900 (4,2) - fix overlap
00:11:324 (1,6) - ^
00:11:931 (3,1) - ^
00:12:537 (1,5) - ^
00:16:173 (8,2,1) - ^
00:17:385 (1,4,6) - ^
00:19:809 (1) - rework slider
00:19:809 (1,2,4,6) - fix overlap
00:26:476 (3,1) - ^
00:40:870 (5,2) - stack
00:48:900 (1,6) - stack or fix overlap
00:59:203 (7,8) - remove note, and Listen to the 25% rate. there are other sounds which need a

01:00:112 (2,7) - fix overlap
01:02:688 (1,1,3,6) - ^
01:08:749 (4,5,6) - what's this ? it wrong is done not in music.
01:08:900 (1) - NC
01:11:779 (1,6) - fix overlap
01:13:143 (2,5) - ^
01:17:688 (8,3,6) - ^
01:21:324 (4,1,5) - ^

00:08:900 (4,2) - why?
00:11:931 (1,2,3,4) - remove. It's very hard on Insane
00:30:416 (1,2,4) - fix overlap
00:40:719 (3,1,2,3) - Make square
00:44:052 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - fix spacing on stream
00:44:658 (1) - why NC
00:45:870 (4,1) - blanket
00:45:870 (4,3,4) - - stack
01:08:901 (1,2,3,4) - make jumps
01:10:719 (1,3) - blanket
01:15:113 (1) - remove Nc
01:23:901 (4,2) - overlap

HP 4.5-6
00:15:415 (3) - NC
00:49:506 (6,8) - blanket
00:59:052 (6,7,8) - it's Hard. such jumps very difficult. Fix
01:07:537 (5,7) - blanket
01:23:446 (6) - ^

Sliders should be more than notes
AR 1.5-2.5
00:14:961 (3,4) - fix spacing
00:17:385 (3,1) - ^
00:23:446 (3,4) - ^
00:27:082 (3,4) - ^
00:42:840 (1,1) - stack
00:49:506 (4,1) - Fix spacing
00:54:355 (1,2) - ^

Work on the map more
Good Luck :)
Fixed everything! Thank you very much! 8-)

Topic Starter

Taeyang wrote:


Great job man! 8-)
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