
Remix by COSIO - Jingle Bells (Trance Mix) [Taiko]

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
15:29 Niko-nyan: you may add a note on 00:32:349 - i hear a sound here
15:31 Niko-nyan: also 01:03:787 - shouldn't this d ? You put d on 01:10:363 - too D: and same sound for both
15:32 Niko-nyan: 01:11:801 - also same with before but depends on the pitch that you used before.
15:34 Chocola_2287: all fixed
15:34 Niko-nyan: should be fine now and moar pp <3
15:35 Chocola_2287: kudo
15:35 Niko-nyan: no it's fine :3/
15:35 Niko-nyan: i'm lazy to get some kudos :3/
15:35 Chocola_2287: ;w;

this one doesn't include the dd dd part (that one on #taiko as a #taco)
hi.from pm?

00:00:500 - K? - The other so
Slider end 00:32:965? - Hard pressing.
00:35:020(37,38,39,40) - remove finisher? -00:36:664 to show better.
00:45:294 - delete? - a little break
00:48:582 - ^
00:53:513 - ^
01:01:732 - ^
01:09:952 delete,and 01:09:541 add finisher? - I think the sound can be heard well.
01:11:595 delete,and 01:11:184 add finisher,and 01:12:006 delete finisher?

00:08:102 - delete? - no sound.
00:13:239 - delete.
00:21:458 - ^
00:23:102 - ^
00:24:746 - ^
00:26:390 - ^
00:37:075 - ^ - a little break
00:37:897 - delete finisher?
00:40:363 - ^
00:43:650 - ^
00:55:979 - delete finisher?
01:05:431 - ^
01:08:719 - ^
spinner end 01:17:349?
01:25:568 - delete finisher?
01:39:541 - delete
01:40:363 - ^
01:41:184 - ^
01:42:006 - ^

spinner end 00:06:664?
spinner end 00:34:609?
00:48:273 - delete?
01:00:191,01:00:705 - delete.
01:09:541 - add finisher?
01:11:184 - ^
01:12:828 - ^
spinner end 01:17:349?
01:33:582 - add note
01:36:869 - ^
01:44:883 - ddd kkk d

01:32:554~01:45:705 - Exactly the same is Futsuu.a little reduce the Futsuu of Notes

00:19:506 - kk?
00:33:273 - delete?
00:52:178 - - It fits in rhythm
01:09:541 - add finisher?
01:11:184 - ^
01:12:828 - ^

Good Luck~
Topic Starter
no comment = accept

chaica wrote:

hi.from pm?

00:00:500 - K? - The other so
Slider end 00:32:965? - Hard pressing.
00:35:020(37,38,39,40) - remove finisher? -00:36:664 to show better. Finishers are to fit SE
00:45:294 - delete? - a little break
00:48:582 - ^
00:53:513 - ^
01:01:732 - ^
^ notes will become awkward if those notes are gone
01:09:952 delete,and 01:09:541 add finisher? - I think the sound can be heard well.
01:11:595 delete,and 01:11:184 add finisher,and 01:12:006 delete finisher?
^ added finisher but not deleting notes
00:08:102 - delete? - no sound. There is
00:13:239 - delete.
00:21:458 - ^
00:23:102 - ^
00:24:746 - ^
^ don't see a point
00:26:390 - ^

00:37:075 - ^ - a little break
00:37:897 - delete finisher?
00:40:363 - ^
00:43:650 - ^
00:55:979 - delete finisher?
01:05:431 - ^
01:08:719 - ^
^ the notes are mapped to fit the SE
spinner end 01:17:349? <- not important
01:25:568 - delete finisher?
01:39:541 - delete
01:40:363 - ^
01:41:184 - ^
01:42:006 - ^
^ don't see a point
spinner end 00:06:664?
spinner end 00:34:609?
^ not important
00:48:273 - delete?
01:00:191,01:00:705 - delete.
01:09:541 - add finisher?

01:11:184 - ^
01:12:828 - ^
^Tricky, keep
spinner end 01:17:349? *
01:33:582 - add note
01:36:869 - ^
^ No SE
01:44:883 - ddd kkk d

01:32:554~01:45:705 - Exactly the same is Futsuu.a little reduce the Futsuu of Notes

00:19:506 - kk? dk instead
00:33:273 - delete? follows SE
00:52:178 - - It fits in rhythm fixed in other way
01:09:541 - add finisher?
01:11:184 - ^
01:12:828 - ^

Good Luck~
short modding
20:50 Nanatsu: maybe i cant understand some random 3plots 00:38:308 - 00:47:349 -
20:50 Nanatsu: in kantan
20:51 Nanatsu: 00:39:952 - 00:40:773 - its able to use 3plots but like 00:44:883 - 00:45:705 - here
20:51 Nanatsu: maybe re-arrange?
20:51 Nanatsu: idk
20:51 Nanatsu: not huge deal tho
20:51 Chocola_2287: Uh
20:51 Chocola_2287: those note follow SE
20:51 Nanatsu: se?
20:51 Chocola_2287: sound effect
20:52 Nanatsu: ah
20:52 Nanatsu: yeah
20:52 Nanatsu: still has
20:52 Nanatsu: then change some color for difference?
20:52 Chocola_2287: no
20:52 Nanatsu: ok
20:52 Chocola_2287: SE have pitch as well
20:52 Nanatsu: 00:55:979 (75) - intention?
20:53 Chocola_2287: still follow SE
20:53 Nanatsu: 01:11:184 (102,104) - maybe swap to follow sound effect
20:54 Chocola_2287: uh
20:54 Nanatsu: if you can understand what i mean lol
20:54 Chocola_2287: I am thinking of k k D but it will become harder
20:54 Chocola_2287: i know
20:54 Chocola_2287: finishers
20:55 Nanatsu: 01:25:568 (13) - i tbh think k is more fit?
20:56 Nanatsu: oh yeah but k k D will be harder
20:56 Nanatsu: nvm
20:57 Nanatsu: 01:42:417 (41,42,43,44,45,46) - too many finisher stream for kantan? idk this thing well, maybe better to ask bn or qats
20:57 Chocola_2287: yeah i know that
20:57 Chocola_2287: it is unrankable but the SE force me to do that
20:57 Chocola_2287: idk, Ill just ask qat about it
20:58 Nanatsu: 2 plots for fuutsu is available?
20:58 Nanatsu: i didnt know
20:59 Nanatsu: ah nvm its 1/2 lol
20:59 Chocola_2287: no
20:59 Chocola_2287: wait
20:59 Chocola_2287: I thought u mean kantan lol#
20:59 Nanatsu: 00:12:006 (11,12,13,14,15) - same opinion. if they are not rankable, maybe better to re-arrange by 1/2 beatsnap
21:00 Nanatsu: 00:21:253 - 00:22:897 - add? up to you
21:01 Chocola_2287: well
21:01 Nanatsu: 00:51:664 - 00:54:952 - ^
21:01 Chocola_2287: it would be too harsh....
21:01 Chocola_2287: too dense
21:01 Nanatsu: oi
21:01 Nanatsu: oki
21:02 Nanatsu: 01:03:582 - delete sounds better for fuutsu?
21:02 Nanatsu: oh nvm too many thing to delete
21:02 Nanatsu: keep would be better
21:03 Chocola_2287: on
21:03 Chocola_2287: no
21:03 Nanatsu: 01:30:089 (36,37,38) - kdd for what?
21:03 Chocola_2287: this sound good, changed
21:03 Nanatsu: then 01:13:445 (100) - them too
21:03 Chocola_2287: that is for the lowering pitch of SE
21:04 Nanatsu: not much thing to look tbh -w- its still good
21:04 Nanatsu: or i dont have much experince on making lower diff
21:04 Nanatsu: maybe both
21:07 Chocola_2287: well
21:07 Nanatsu: 01:23:205 - too sudden to use 3 plots?
21:07 Nanatsu: muzukashii btw
21:07 Chocola_2287: not quite
21:08 Nanatsu: because i coudlnt hear some emphasized sound on there
21:08 Nanatsu: by 25% too
21:08 Nanatsu: maybe capable pattern for difficulty diff but not for muzu?
21:09 Nanatsu: 00:26:184 - add a circle?
21:09 Nanatsu: ah maybe strange a bit
21:10 Nanatsu: 01:11:184 (128,131) - consider using some finisher like there
21:11 Nanatsu: thats allll
21:15 Chocola_2287: well ty anyway
21:15 Chocola_2287: kudos
21:16 Nanatsu: should i post? i dont need tho
21:16 Chocola_2287: yes
21:16 Nanatsu: ok
M4M Request by Chocola_2287
  1. 00:49:815 (63) - D
  2. 00:53:924 (71) - d
  3. 00:55:979 (75,76) - swap
  4. 01:08:719 (98) - d
  5. 01:19:404 (1) - D
  6. 01:23:513 (9) - d
hi~ from game in chat.

[ about]
  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is big don note
  4. K is big kat note
[ General]

  • good?
[ Kantan]

  • I think this map is little hard...

    00:25:157 (22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36) - I think hard for Kantan player.

    00:35:431 - You can remove.

    00:41:595 - 00:56:390 - so hard...1/1-trilet is many → 1/1-quintuplets ><;

    for example↓

    00:50:226 - remove. & 00:53:513 - remove. & 00:55:157 - remove. & 00:55:568 - 00:56:390 - I think d K d or k K d is good.more fit.

[ Futsuu]

  • 00:13:239 - You can remove.

    00:23:719 (40,41) - ^

    00:35:020 - 00:52:280 - 1/1 + 1/2 pattern is long...Please add 1/1 break time

    01:05:431 - & 01:08:719 - & 01:12:006 - I think no need finish...because,not strong sound...

    01:06:664 - change to d.I think low pitch. & same as 01:07:075 -

    01:13:239 - change to k?
sorry.short mod>< If get more mod,call me.I'll mod other diff></ Good luck
Topic Starter

Charlotte wrote:

hi~ from game in chat.

[ about]
  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is big don note
  4. K is big kat note
[ General]

  • good?

[ Kantan]

  • I think this map is little hard...

    00:25:157 (22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36) - I think hard for Kantan player.
    ^ I dont think so....
    00:35:431 - You can remove.

    00:41:595 - 00:56:390 - so hard...1/1-trilet is many → 1/1-quintuplets ><;

    for example↓

    00:50:226 - remove. & 00:53:513 - remove. & 00:55:157 - remove. & 00:55:568 - 00:56:390 - I think d K d or k K d is good.more fit.
    ^ Fixed a bit
[ Futsuu]

  • 00:13:239 - You can remove. <- no, it follows the SE

    00:23:719 (40,41) - ^ <- keep 41

    00:35:020 - 00:52:280 - 1/1 + 1/2 pattern is long...Please add 1/1 break time

    01:05:431 - & 01:08:719 - & 01:12:006 - I think no need finish...because,not strong sound...

    01:06:664 - change to d.I think low pitch. & same as 01:07:075 -

    01:13:239 - change to k?
    ^ Conflict? , the first one u want k d d and the 2nd one u want k k d
sorry.short mod>< If get more mod,call me.I'll mod other diff></ Good luck
Ty for mod, kudos given :)
first ODHP problems, if you mind follow mine
Kantan 8.5/3.5
Futsuu 7.5/4.5
Muzukashii 7/5
Oni 7/5.5

first, i don't really recommend about extending the SVs to 1.6x ( 00:32:349 - ), could you to recude it?, well becuase i have a DQ recent like this currently number of SVs,

01:44:164 (142,145) - k , it's the best choise to get the flow

well i don't the pattern like ox in muzukashii 00:21:150 (49,50) - , when i was in BN, i have to qualify the map like this pattern and ono DQ'd it, so the best option, could you to change these ox?

clean muzu

and the rest of the diffs are fine for me
Topic Starter

PatZar wrote:

first ODHP problems, if you mind follow mine
Kantan 8.5/3.5
Futsuu 7.5/4.5
Muzukashii 7/5
Oni 7/5.5
Kantan and futsuu fixed , muzu and oni keep

first, i don't really recommend about extending the SVs to 1.6x ( 00:32:349 - ), could you to recude it?, well becuase i have a DQ recent like this currently number of SVs, (reduced to 1.35x)

01:44:164 (142,145) - k , it's the best choise to get the flow no change, the hitsound are off track

well i don't the pattern like ox in muzukashii 00:21:150 (49,50) - , when i was in BN, i have to qualify the map like this pattern and ono DQ'd it, so the best option, could you to change these ox? mmm...but it fits the song....keep, see if others mention this as well

clean muzu

and the rest of the diffs are fine for me
ty 4 modding :)
Sorry to say, but your map was not accepted by the TNA!

Here's a short summary of the reasons:

  1. Kantan: Lacks 4/1 breaks, a good help would be 01:16:116 (1) - removing this and making it a break.
  2. Futsuu: This diff, too, lacks bigger breaks. Best thing would, again, be removing the spinners. This diff also has very long 1/1 and 1/2 combinations so it's quite hard.
  3. Muzukashii: Also has no 2/1 breaks until the first kiai which is not good. 00:13:650 - The rhythm here is also pretty hard so making it a little bit simpler wouldn't hurt. 00:33:376 (1) - Leave a 1/2 gap until next note please
  4. Oni: 00:33:376 (135) - Leave a 1/2 gap before a slider/drum roll please. The 1st kiai has very inconsistent rhythm (00:49:815 (203,204,205,206) - vs 00:56:390 (237,238,239,240,241) - ) so you should unify rhythm a little bit more to have a nicer flow.
  5. Overall: Big note usage is very questionable, many don't make much sense for example: Kantan 01:02:143 (83) - . Reconsider them.
Also your offset is wrong; I tried it out and got 516 for a better offset.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Nwolf wrote:

Sorry to say, but your map was not accepted by the TNA!

Here's a short summary of the reasons:

  1. Kantan: Lacks 4/1 breaks, a good help would be 01:16:116 (1) - removing this and making it a break.
  2. Futsuu: This diff, too, lacks bigger breaks. Best thing would, again, be removing the spinners. This diff also has very long 1/1 and 1/2 combinations so it's quite hard.
  3. Muzukashii: Also has no 2/1 breaks until the first kiai which is not good. 00:13:650 - The rhythm here is also pretty hard so making it a little bit simpler wouldn't hurt.{but removing this part will rip the diff spread) 00:33:376 (1) - Leave a 1/2 gap until next note please
  4. Oni: 00:33:376 (135) - Leave a 1/2 gap before a slider/drum roll please. The 1st kiai has very inconsistent rhythm (00:49:815 (203,204,205,206) - vs 00:56:390 (237,238,239,240,241) - ) so you should unify rhythm a little bit more to have a nicer flow.
  5. Overall: Big note usage is very questionable, many don't make much sense for example: Kantan 01:02:143 (83) - . Reconsider them.
Also your offset is wrong; I tried it out and got 516 for a better offset.

Good luck!
remapped kantan and futsuu, modified muzu and oni
Maybe my kb is too sensitive which caused me had a wrong offset. changed offset
00:14:899 (32) - d -> k seems sound better
00:15:926 (36,37,38,39,40,41,42) - dd dd kkk -> kd d k dk match with the BG music
00:18:187 (49) - same as 00:14:899 (32)
00:19:214 (53,54,55,56,57,58,59) - same as 00:15:926 (36,37,38,39,40,41,42)
From 00:20:242- 00:24:762 - all follow with the patterns of 00:13:666 (25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32) - , 00:16:954 (42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49) - (d k d dd dd k)
00:25:892 (86,87) - kd -> dk from low pitch to high pitch
00:26:303 - add k dk match with the BG music
00:29:899 - ddk -> _ _ k ,separate into two parts
00:33:392 (1) - change slider into spinner, there are no any BG hit sounds, use with slider is strange
00:38:940 (15,16,17,18,19) - k kkk d -> d kkd k
00:42:228 (30,31,32,33,34) - same as 00:38:940 (15,16,17,18,19)
00:45:516 - same as 00:38:940 (15,16,17,18,19)
00:47:776 (57) - have finish due to 00:44:488 (41) -
00:50:242 (71) - d -> k high pitch with BG music
00:51:063 (75) - same as 00:50:242 (71)
00:52:194 (79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87) - , to match with BG music
00:53:529 (87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99) -, match with BG music too
00:56:406 to 01:02:159 - can copy and paste the last part due to same music
01:17:776 (1) - K -> D low pitch
01:18:598 (3) - D -> K high pitch
01:19:420 (5,6,7) - d k d ?.? why different from the last part? (for example: 00:49:831 (68,69,70,71) - )
01:23:118 (24) - d -> k
01:25:995 (40,41,42) - same as 01:19:420 (5,6,7)
01:34:009 (84) - del d, separate into two part seems better
01:35:447 (91) - D -> K, same as 01:33:803 (83) -
01:37:296 (99) - del d, separate again ~.~
01:38:735 (106) - D -> K
01:42:228 (125,126,127,128,129) - kdddk -> d ddk, sounds better

00:33:392 (55) - change into spinner like oni
00:35:036 (56) - K -> D ,match with BG music
00:35:858 (58) - D -> K ,match with BG music +1
00:39:557 - add d, feel strange with the blank
00:42:844 - add k
00:46:132 - same as 00:39:557
00:49:420 - same as 00:42:844
00:52:296 (100) - change d to k??
00:58:872 (119) - d- > k too
01:16:132 (155) - spinner plz
01:17:776 (156) - K -> D
01:18:598 (158) - D -> K
01:21:885 (168) - d -> k due to high pitch
01:28:461 (187) - same as ^
Topic Starter
no comments = accept

ll-oscar wrote:

00:14:899 (32) - d -> k seems sound better
00:15:926 (36,37,38,39,40,41,42) - dd dd kkk -> kd d k dk match with the BG music lost consistency
00:18:187 (49) - same as 00:14:899 (32) ^
00:19:214 (53,54,55,56,57,58,59) - same as 00:15:926 (36,37,38,39,40,41,42) ^
From 00:20:242- 00:24:762 - all follow with the patterns of 00:13:666 (25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32) - , 00:16:954 (42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49) - (d k d dd dd k) lack variable
00:25:892 (86,87) - kd -> dk from low pitch to high pitch
00:26:303 - add k dk match with the BG music does not make sense, this place is for a break
00:29:899 - ddk -> _ _ k ,separate into two parts there is SE here
00:33:392 (1) - change slider into spinner, there are no any BG hit sounds, use with slider is strange
00:38:940 (15,16,17,18,19) - k kkk d -> d kkd k
00:42:228 (30,31,32,33,34) - same as 00:38:940 (15,16,17,18,19)
00:45:516 - same as 00:38:940 (15,16,17,18,19) will lack variables
00:47:776 (57) - have finish due to 00:44:488 (41) -
00:50:242 (71) - d -> k high pitch with BG music
00:51:063 (75) - same as 00:50:242 (71)
00:52:194 (79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87) - , to match with BG music
00:53:529 (87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99) -, match with BG music too
00:56:406 to 01:02:159 - can copy and paste the last part due to same music
^ fixed in my own way
01:17:776 (1) - K -> D low pitch
01:18:598 (3) - D -> K high pitch
^Overall is a decending pitchs
01:19:420 (5,6,7) - d k d ?.? why different from the last part? (for example: 00:49:831 (68,69,70,71) - )
^variables, too dull if copy from 1st kiai
01:23:118 (24) - d -> k lost consistency with the following notes+very weird
01:25:995 (40,41,42) - same as 01:19:420 (5,6,7) ^
01:34:009 (84) - del d, separate into two part seems better
01:35:447 (91) - D -> K, same as 01:33:803 (83) - they have different SE
01:37:296 (99) - del d, separate again ~.~
01:38:735 (106) - D -> K
01:42:228 (125,126,127,128,129) - kdddk -> d ddk, sounds better k ddk instead

00:33:392 (55) - change into spinner like oni
00:35:036 (56) - K -> D ,match with BG music
00:35:858 (58) - D -> K ,match with BG music +1 reason mentioned in oni
00:39:557 - add d, feel strange with the blank blank because no SE
00:42:844 - add k ^
00:46:132 - same as 00:39:557 ^
00:49:420 - same as 00:42:844 ^
00:52:296 (100) - change d to k??
00:58:872 (119) - d- > k too those place are of same pitch
01:16:132 (155) - spinner plz
01:17:776 (156) - K -> D ^
01:18:598 (158) - D -> K ^
01:21:885 (168) - d -> k due to high pitch ^
01:28:461 (187) - same as ^ ^
ty for mod, kd given
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