More options to better search and organize beatmaps:
- Search Commands
- #(collection/tag search) - Would search for maps located in collection or specified under a user end tag*.
- | - this is called a pipe it takes the result of the first argument and places it into the second. Example: "ar=9 | #<collection/tag name>" this would place all ar9 maps into a collection or under a tag
- accuracy<=>xx.xx - Searches based on accuracy percentage
- mod=(SD,PF,DT,NC,HT,HR,EZ,HD,FL,NF,SO) - List maps passed with selected mod(s) [Note: Should be able to enter multiple mods in search. Example: mod=DTHD) Suggested by: abraker
- rank<=>(SS,S,A,B,C,D) - Searches based on your current rank on a map
- status=(ranked,approved,pending,graveyard,qualified,notsubmitted)
- Chat Commands
- !#<tagname> - Adds a tag to current map
- /rnp - Outputs a random song (from your playlist or from osu!'s online database?)
- Clickables