NM from my q
this song is so nice... i want to map it too now Cx
General stuff
add fittig colours, example:
- Combo1 : 128,128,255
Combo2 : 255,128,0
Combo3 : 128,128,192
Combo4 : 255,128,64
DuskAbout slider art:
you tried to get some interesting slider shapes in your map. Some worked well, others could use some tweaking:
00:00:165 (1) - the 3rd white node barely affects the slidershape since its so close the next red node and also in a position which doesnt add to the curve of the slider. Try removing it or adjust the slider so it transforms the slider noticeably. imo removing it would make it better
https://puu.sh/vm3mB/9e3c26c96e.png since its such the slider is so short to begin with (other example:
https://puu.sh/vm3r8/f0c47b58bf.png )
00:05:498 (1) - Too complicated / too many nodes for its length
https://puu.sh/vm3xo/34715b4f87.png 00:10:831 (1) - like this it should have a more expressive curve
https://puu.sh/vm3CO/4c626a2106.png00:13:498 (1) - the little hook looks wierd with this one
https://puu.sh/vm3Hz/d34c949fc8.png00:42:998 (2) - 00:42:998 (2,2) - the sliders are so short so that this little hook makes the tail overlap with the head. Try using a straight slider or a simple curved one instead
00:57:165 (5) - try to smoothen out the edge here
https://puu.sh/vm3Sb/5fa7ab3e32.png liek this maybe
https://puu.sh/vm3Xc/2a8f1806f8.png01:34:498 (6) - Smoothern transitions a bit. Would fit better if looked smoother imo.
https://puu.sh/vm47e/18c9e6e7b7.png (as you can see you usually dont need more than 2 nodes to make a good looking curve after a red node)
01:39:831 (5) - curvy would fit better the aesthetic of your map :^)
https://puu.sh/vm4b9/cb8622daa4.png01:50:498 (7) - you have this rough edge here
https://puu.sh/vm4fi/9400dee5a0.png . You could easially fix it like this
https://puu.sh/vm4jR/87c8320445.png01:55:831 (5) - try to make this curvier aswell C:
02:01:165 (8) - you coudl try to contruct a symetrical slider with the help of the grid
https://puu.sh/vm4u4/a3e973c5cb.png and then move it to your desired position
https://puu.sh/vm4y2/e4a6e250c7.png02:02:165 (1,2) - this is usually not a problem but i would like to point it out: If you have short sliders liek this and curve them too much than you get jagged curves. If you look closely you'll see how these two sliders arent looking very curvy. Try gentler curves instead
02:06:498 (8) -
https://puu.sh/vm4Jz/e00e5a8732.png those look like bird :] i think they fit visualy to the feel of the song
About rythm structure and feedback:
00:03:498 (2) - you could change it to a single note and slider 1/1 full beat slider:
https://puu.sh/vm4UZ/59bfc1f452.png. Or two single notes:
https://puu.sh/vm4ZS/6b9b8e6894.png .the piano note is structurally similar to 00:00:165 (1) - and thus should be clickable
00:14:665 (3,4) - in this whole section you were following th piano. Suddenly following barely audiable hi-hats is unpredictable (atleast i didnt see it coming). Would just remove 3 and 4, and adjust the pattern accordingly
00:20:831 (1,1,1) - snapping to 1/12 ugh. Try to just snap them to 1/6th would worth very good aswell
https://puu.sh/vm5kY/6d81ce592a.png00:25:165 (4) - you coudl copy paste and ctrl+g 00:24:165 (1) - . You can create pattern like this. Try reusing sldier sshapes and positions from time to time to create a sort of unity between the objects following the song.
https://puu.sh/vm5vA/e6761fe6ce.png you see it would also follow the slider path of 3
00:40:165 - these are WAY too silent. YOu changed to the Soft sample set and also changed the vol to 25%. imo this would be enough
https://puu.sh/vm5Hg/9d6050c4c6.png (same here 01:22:831 - )
00:47:498 (1,1,1,1) - try to have different visual spacing between notes on different rythms. 00:47:498 (1,1) - looks so similar to 00:48:165 (1,2) - but they are not snapped to the same rythm (same goes for all the repitions of this pattern in the song)
00:56:748 (3) - this head isnt mapped to any beat in the music xD. Try a rythm like this
https://puu.sh/vm5T6/ab97223da3.png instead. Like this you would have 00:56:665 - clickable which is what i think forced you to map that wierd 1/8 slider on nothing (same goes for all the repitions of this pattern in the song)
01:16:998 (4) - it feels very wierd to to click anything following the piano. You started following the piano at 01:04:165 - but then changed to the drums at 01:14:831 - . You should queue the player in that this changed happens in a way or else it will be confusing. (if you cant thonk of a cool way to do it than just create a pause between 01:04:165 - and 01:14:831 - )
01:35:498 (1,2,3) - dont but slider whistles on the whole slider body AND both heads and tails of sliders : ) (sounds really wierd and too distracting to me)
01:39:331 (3,4) - good way to emphasise 01:39:331 - but having this strong drum 01:39:665 - on a slider end feels underwhelming :< (but its kinda fine soo yeah, you could this in the earlier kiai aswell if you want)
01:46:498 - the 1/8 rythm (the stream) starts hear making 01:46:165 (1,2,3,4) - filler which is the same as 01:46:498 (5,6,7,8,1) -
02:05:832 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - lsiten closely to the music and try to figure out how the rythm goes.
02:27:831 - make this clickable since you follow the piano in this whole section (and there is a piano note)
oke this got quite long.
I didnt write this to bash your map or anything, I just liked the song and wanted to help you focus on some parts which could be improvement but also help you grow as a mapper.
If you have any questions then PM me because I didnt proofread this
(cuz its so long ._.)cheers :^)