
Mofu and Iridescent's GFX shop (ノ^∇^) ~Open~

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Jing Yuan

About us!

It's Mofu and Iridiscent/Daichi! The GFXer duo!

Here taking your requests for GFX, doing it the best that we can!



Only make one post per request.
We aren't doing this 24/7; your request may take some time to get filled.
Try to make the images given high resolution. They are much easier to work with and allow more freedom with the edits.
Requests will be ignored if they do not follow the forms below.
Please use the edits that are made. It's not very fun to fulfill a request and then it not be used.
If you lose your edit, PM the person who did the edit and they may still have it.
No animations.
If you have already requested in another thread, please be patient and wait for that thread. You will be wasting other peoples efforts if you don't.
Only Userpage Banners, Avatars, Collab Avatars, and Signatures.
Iridescent's Special Rule:

  1. Only One request per thread page
  2. Please make the image resolution atleast higher than 800x800, rendered picture is preffered.
  3. Small animations is okay. (eg, blinking, moving pictures) (might take more than 1MB)

Only requests following these forms will be done.

Type of Request: Signature / Userpage Banner / Avatar / Wallpaper
Preferred Editor: Mofu / Iridescent
Avatar / Collab Avatar Request:
Image: Link to the image. (You can tell me a character and i will find an image.)
Size: Default (256x256) / Other (Size)
Text: Yes / No (Please say what text you want if yes.)
Border: Corners / Rounded.
Border Type: Basic / No line / Glassy (Please check examples below) if you don't want a border, don't choose any.
Effects: (Not limited to one) (if none are wanted please write None.)
Dust/Light Particles
Colour Change
If none are put i will choose one that i think is best.
Animated: Yes / No
Animation Quality: Low / Medium / High
Extras: Request any specifics you would like within reason. (By this i mean like focus, opacity, colours, etc.)

Type of Request:
Preferred Editor:
Border Type:
Animation Quality:

Userpage Banner Request:
Type of Request: Signature / Userpage Banner / Avatar / Wallpaper
Preferred Editor: Mofu / Iridescent
Image: Link to the image. (You can tell me a character and i will find an image.)
Size: Default (623 x 192) / Other (Size)
Text: Yes / No (Please say what text you want if yes.
Border: Corners / Rounded.
Border Type: Basic / No line / Glassy (Please check examples below) if you don't want a border, don't choose any.
Effects: (Not limited to one) (if none are wanted please write None.)
Dust/Light Particles
Colour Change
If none are put i will choose one that i think is best.
Animated: Yes / No
Animation Quality: Low / Medium / High
Extras: Request any specifics you would like within reason. (By this i mean like focus, opacity, colours, etc.)

Type of Request:
Preferred Editor:
Border Type:
Animation Quality:

Signature Request:
Type of Request: Signature / Userpage Banner / Avatar / Wallpaper
Preferred Editor: Mofu / Iridescent
Image: Link to the image. (You can tell me a character and i will find an image.)
Size: Default (659 x 150) / Other (Size)
Text: Yes / No (Please say what text you want if yes.
Border: Corners / Rounded / Circle.
Border Type: Basic / No line / Glassy (Please check examples below) if you don't want a border, don't choose any.
Effects: (Not limited to one) (if none are wanted please write None.)
Dust/Light Particles
Colour Change
If none are put i will choose one that i think is best.
Animated: Yes / No
Animation Quality: Low / Medium / High
Extras: Request any specifics you would like within reason. (By this i mean like focus, opacity, colours, etc.)

Type of Request:
Preferred Editor:
Border Type:
Animation Quality:

Wallpaper Request:
Type of Request: Signature / Userpage Banner / Avatar / Wallpaper
Preferred Editor: Mofu / Iridescent
Avatar / Collab Avatar Request:
Image: Link to the image. (You can tell me a character and i will find an image.)
Size: Default (256x256) / Other (Size)
Text: Yes / No (Please say what text you want if yes.)
Border: Corners / Rounded.
Border Type: Basic / No line / Glassy (Please check examples below) if you don't want a border, don't choose any.
Effects: (Not limited to one) (if none are wanted please write None.)
Dust/Light Particles
Colour Change
If none are put i will choose one that i think is best.
Extras: Request any specifics you would like within reason. (By this i mean like focus, opacity, colours, etc.)

Type of Request:
Preferred Editor:
Border Type:


Current Borders
Basic / Basic Curved

No line / No Line Curved

Glassy Basic / Curved

Mofu 's Gallery:

Iridescent's Gallery:

Good luck on your gfx shop ^^
Topic Starter
Jing Yuan
Thank you~
Good luck!
- K a t h -
goodluck desu~ :)
goodluck mofu :D
Good luck Mofu-kun!
gudluck :) :) :) :) :)
Good luck~♥
First request! :3

Image: Kwai~
Size: 659 x 150
Text: Huro~
Border: Corners
Border Type: Basic
Effects: Just make it look cute please >w<

Thanks and good luck with your queue!~ ♥
Good luck for your thread :3
Topic Starter
Jing Yuan


Let me know if i can improve anything~

Thanks soo much!~ <3
Good Luck and i likes to current effect and example signature :D
Good Luck!~

Userpage Banner Request:
Size: Default (623 x 192)
Text: Yes, Welcome to Azure's Page!
Border: Glassy Basic/Curved
Border Type: None
Effects: Vigrette
I didn't know you opened a GFX shop, maybe i'll drop by sometime~ Good luck
Topic Starter
Jing Yuan

school takes so long qwq



Thanks for requesting!

Topic Starter
Jing Yuan

Announcing a partnership with
Forbidden God!

He will now be taking requests alongside me!

everyone please give him a warm welcome.
Cheers Mofo , Hello there I am sure you all remember my GFX Shop well now its closed :) and I am now in a awesome partnership with Mofo Kun, So please fill me with Requests and Hot shet, top kek

Mofu kun wrote:

school takes so long qwq



Thanks for requesting!

Thank you soooo much! It's adorables!~~
-ryusakihatsue- *pukes rainbows*

good luck!
Good luck you two! Can't wait to see your works <3 Will request sometime~
Userpage Banner Request:
Size: Default (623 x 192)
Text: Welcome to hell
Border: Rounded.
Border Type: Glassy
Effects: Vignette and Light Particles if that is fine :3
Extras: if it is possible can you make the text look like it glows?

ExRai wrote:

Userpage Banner Request:
Size: Default (623 x 192)
Text: Welcome to hell
Border: Rounded.
Border Type: Glassy
Effects: Vignette and Light Particles if that is fine :3
Extras: if it is possible can you make the text look like it glows?
Ok who is the request made for, please specify so that it can be done quicker.

Forbidden God wrote:

ExRai wrote:

Userpage Banner Request:
Size: Default (623 x 192)
Text: Welcome to hell
Border: Rounded.
Border Type: Glassy
Effects: Vignette and Light Particles if that is fine :3
Extras: if it is possible can you make the text look like it glows?
Ok who is the request made for, please specify so that it can be done quicker.
the request is for myself and it doesnt matter who of you does it, i would say it should be done by whoever has the time to do it
Type: Single
Text: no text please :)
Image link: ... os_640.jpg
Border: Y/N Tbh I dont now, do whatever looks best
Border info: black if border used.
Shape types:
Extra: thankyousomuchinonesentence <3
the request is for myself and it doesnt matter who of you does it, i would say it should be done by whoever has the time to do it
True but what I meant was that which one of us were you requesting to? Its because many joined GFX forums have people who request to one of the people. but its no biggy, hopefully by tomorrow it should be done as of right now Im doing PC work! :(

Forbidden God wrote:

the request is for myself and it doesnt matter who of you does it, i would say it should be done by whoever has the time to do it
True but what I meant was that which one of us were you requesting to? Its because many joined GFX forums have people who request to one of the people. but its no biggy, hopefully by tomorrow it should be done as of right now Im doing PC work! :(
now worries, take your time, it's not like I can't wait x3

Pacolito wrote:

Type: Single
Text: no text please :)
Image link: ... os_640.jpg
Border: Y/N Tbh I dont now, do whatever looks best
Border info: black if border used.
Shape types:
Extra: thankyousomuchinonesentence <3
I would do your request but the image doesn't show up when I click the link :(
Topic Starter
Jing Yuan

Pacolito wrote:

Type: Single
Text: no text please :)
Image link: ... os_640.jpg
Border: Y/N Tbh I dont now, do whatever looks best
Border info: black if border used.
Shape types:
Extra: thankyousomuchinonesentence <3
the image link is down.

please repost or edit the original with a fixed link so one of us can fulfill your request~
Signature Request:
Preferred editor: (Mofu)
Image: ... 1_1280.jpg
Size: like this! ... 6c49695035
Text: Yes, Sugawara
Border: Corners
Border Type: Can i have one with a border and one without? thanks!
Effects: None
Extras: Make it look elegant

thanks in advanced! <3
edit: i edited the image! sorry for the trouble </3
Topic Starter
Jing Yuan
by that size, do you mean 550 x 129/140 or 640 x 140?

they are very different sizes, as 550 allows for a marriage image on the side and the reduced height allows for a quote at the bottom of the signature.

which one would you like?

Mofu kun wrote:

by that size, do you mean 550 x 129/140 or 640 x 140?

they are very different sizes, as 550 allows for a marriage image on the side and the reduced height allows for a quote at the bottom of the signature.

which one would you like?
ahhh could i have all 3 of them? sorry for the trouble :(
Heads Up!

I will be still taking requests but they may be slow as I am going to be heading to Eirtakon. Anyways happy requesting!
hey Mofu, would you mind to maybe take over my request ?
Topic Starter
Jing Yuan
I wouldn't mind at all~
Preferred editor: (Mofu)
Avatar Request:
Image: ... 7t2kx0.jpg
Size: Default (256x256)
Text: Yes = Kyozoru
Border: Rounded.
Border Type: Basic
Extras: Make the text blue, goodluck
Assuming Mofu is gonna read this along with You Guys!

I am Leaving this thread because I have exams and my PC is messed I lost 90% of my Applications including Photoshop, Luckily somewhere on my old laptop that Couldn't run photoshop I have the DL files for PS. SO Yeah.... A message for Mofu- Mofu you are a talented GFX Artist, I wish you all the best of luck in your shop and that you receive plenty of Requests!

As to if I'll ever return to this thread, I am not too sure I might start my own but not for a good while! Anyways it looks like I'm out :!:
Oh and BTW Mofu I apologize for leaving on short notice and for constantly thinking your name was "Mofo Kun" instead of "Mofo Kun" my eyesight isn't the best" :(
Topic Starter
Jing Yuan
Hey man, it's alright~.

good luck on exams and stuff!

Forbidden God wrote:

Assuming Mofu is gonna read this along with You Guys!
I am Leaving this thread because I have exams and my PC is messed I lost 90% of my Applications including Photoshop, Luckily somewhere on my old laptop that Couldn't run photoshop I have the DL files for PS. SO Yeah.... A message for Mofu- Mofu you are a talented GFX Artist, I wish you all the best of luck in your shop and that you receive plenty of Requests!
[color=#FF40BF]As to if I'll ever return to this thread, I am not too sure I might start my own but not for a good while! Anyways it looks like I'm out :!:
Oh and BTW Mofu I apologize for leaving on short notice and for constantly thinking your name was "Mofo Kun" instead of "Mofo Kun" my eyesight isn't the best" :([/color]

Good luck on your exams and on getting your PC fixed! c:
hey mofu-chan! I'd like a new avatar please~

Preferred Editor: mofu

Image:!+-+05+%5BBD%5D%5B1080p-FLAC%5D%5B83722187%5D.mkv_snapshot_15.06_%5B2014.07.08_16.31.43%5D.jpg (nico C:)

Size: 510 x 510

Text: Bufa

Border: Basic

Border Type: Glassy

Effects: choose the effects you think will fit best <3
Do your magic, mofu-chan~ from what i've seen, you're really skilled and talented, so i'm pretty sure you won't let me down :3
Topic Starter
Jing Yuan
bufa, is filesize an issue for this avatar, or can it be as big as needed?

also, i may choose a seperate image for your avatar, but will make one with the original image and you can choose~

Mofu kun wrote:

bufa, is filesize an issue for this avatar, or can it be as big as needed?

also, i may choose a seperate image for your avatar, but will make one with the original image and you can choose~
the filsesize can be as big as needed c:
you can choose whatever picture of nico you want, and you don't need to stick to the original image i posted <3
Topic Starter
Jing Yuan
Bufa your request is in the works, do not worry!

Bufa wrote:

Forbidden God wrote:

Assuming Mofu is gonna read this along with You Guys!

I am Leaving this thread because I have exams and my PC is messed I lost 90% of my Applications including Photoshop, Luckily somewhere on my old laptop that Couldn't run photoshop I have the DL files for PS. SO Yeah.... A message for Mofu- Mofu you are a talented GFX Artist, I wish you all the best of luck in your shop and that you receive plenty of Requests!

As to if I'll ever return to this thread, I am not too sure I might start my own but not for a good while! Anyways it looks like I'm out :!:

Oh and BTW Mofu I apologize for leaving on short notice and for constantly thinking your name was "Mofo Kun" instead of "Mofo Kun" my eyesight isn't the best" :(
Good luck on your exams and on getting your PC fixed! c:

Mofu kun wrote:

Hey man, it's alright~.

good luck on exams and stuff!
Thanks very much guys! good luck with the thread mofu I know you'll do great!

Mofu kun wrote:

Bufa your request is in the works, do not worry!

no worries! :3
Userpage Banner Request

Image: puush
Size: 599x168 or 622x192 (up to you)
Text: Yes, "Rio's Userpage", and a little text for "I'll be waiting for you." or something like that
Border: Corners
Border Type: Basic Square(?)
Effects: Focus (or something that doesn't have overload effect. Just simple but looks quite nice)
Extra: i'll leave this to you whatever see fit :3
Topic Starter
Jing Yuan
Finally got the requests done!

Sorry for such a long wait guys!


Different image:

Let me know if there is anything I can change~

Also, please give a warm welcome to Iridescent / Daichi Shinku! He is my new GFX partner, and you guys can request from him as well~

Daichi Shinku
Ayy gais~

I got a formless type thread if you don't feel like doing forms, and I'm gonna do some too in here~ so... Yoroshiku~
-[ Lee ]-
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