18:32 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:09:480 (9480|2) - shouldn't you add another note to notes like this
18:32 [-Seiryuu-]: for the claps
18:34 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:12:230 (12230|3,12480|0,12730|2) - are you mapping to the repeated sound in the BG or the piano?
18:35 - T y l e r -: huh
18:35 - T y l e r -: im new to mapping o,o
18:35 - T y l e r -: im nuub
18:35 [-Seiryuu-]: you said you wanted a mod right
18:35 - T y l e r -: yea yea yea
18:36 [-Seiryuu-]: this is called a irc mod
18:36 [-Seiryuu-]: where you just click on the links i send and think about it
18:36 - T y l e r -: yeah, i understand
18:37 [-Seiryuu-]: okay so continuing where i left off
18:37 [-Seiryuu-]: for that part
18:37 [-Seiryuu-]: or actually for the whole song
18:37 [-Seiryuu-]: are you mapping to the sound in the background or the piano
18:37 - T y l e r -: is the piano the buzzy noise? o,o
18:38 [-Seiryuu-]: ehm
18:38 [-Seiryuu-]: how to i explain
18:38 [-Seiryuu-]: you hear the repeated sounds right?
18:38 [-Seiryuu-]: the piano or whatever it's called is in the background
18:38 - T y l e r -: the quiet piece?
18:38 [-Seiryuu-]: yeah
18:39 - T y l e r -: i hear it
18:39 [-Seiryuu-]: so which are you mapping to lel
18:40 - T y l e r -: the louder part :1
18:40 [-Seiryuu-]: oh
18:40 - T y l e r -: but, i guess they are the same speed, and like, time being played
18:40 [-Seiryuu-]: yeah
18:40 - T y l e r -: so, isnt it both?
18:40 [-Seiryuu-]: nope
18:40 [-Seiryuu-]: if you want to layer both
18:40 [-Seiryuu-]: you have to add notes to every note lel
18:41 [-Seiryuu-]: so layering one is better
18:41 - T y l e r -: so i need to map both parts?
18:41 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:08:605 (8605|1,8730|2) - do [https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3084536 this]
18:41 [-Seiryuu-]: nah
18:41 [-Seiryuu-]: you don't have to
18:42 - T y l e r -: done that now^, that makes way more sence :p
18:43 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:11:980- change to [https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3084541 this]
18:43 [-Seiryuu-]: oops
18:43 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:11:980 -
18:43 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:16:730 - add a note here
18:44 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:32:480 (32480|3,32480|0,32605|2,32730|1) - do this part like 00:08:480 (8480|0,8480|2,8605|1,8605|3,8730|0,8730|2) -
18:44 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:36:230 (36230|1) - move this one column left
18:45 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:36:730 - add a note at the last right column
18:45 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:47:730 - add a note at the last right column
18:46 [-Seiryuu-]: if you feel like rejecting any of these suggestions, just say so lel
18:46 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:48:480 - change to [https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3084552 this]
18:47 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:49:230 - add a note here
18:47 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:53:230 - same here
18:47 - T y l e r -: these are asctually 10x better then what i made xD
18:47 [-Seiryuu-]: lel
18:48 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:56:480 - change to [https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3084557 this]
18:48 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:59:980 - change to [http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3084560 this]
18:49 [-Seiryuu-]: 01:04:730 - add a note
18:49 [-Seiryuu-]: 01:11:980 - add a note
18:49 [-Seiryuu-]: 01:20:480 - change to [https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3084561 this]
18:50 [-Seiryuu-]: 01:20:980 - add note
18:50 [-Seiryuu-]: 01:21:980 - add note
18:50 [-Seiryuu-]: 01:22:980 - same here
18:51 [-Seiryuu-]: 01:24:980 - okay wait you start layering the drum here :O
18:51 [-Seiryuu-]: can you just map like your usual style at the start at 01:24:980 - ?
18:52 [-Seiryuu-]: you can use hitsounds to cover the drum part
18:52 - T y l e r -: like, mapping without the double hits?
18:52 [-Seiryuu-]: yeah
18:52 [-Seiryuu-]: only using double hits at where you normally do
18:53 [-Seiryuu-]: 01:31:980 - change to [https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3084574 this]
18:54 [-Seiryuu-]: 01:34:980 - change to [https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3084580 this]
18:54 [-Seiryuu-]: 01:36:480 - change to [https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3084582 this]
18:55 [-Seiryuu-]: 01:54:105 (114105|0) - move this to the last column on the right
18:55 - T y l e r -: how do you make those blue times?
18:56 [-Seiryuu-]: click your mouse and drag the box over them
18:57 [-Seiryuu-]: 02:14:980 - change to [https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3084594 this]
18:57 - T y l e r -: 01:35:855 - to 01:36:230 - there can be a ln in the right row?
18:58 [-Seiryuu-]: wat
18:58 - T y l e r -: wait
18:58 - T y l e r -: that doesnt work
18:58 [-Seiryuu-]: yup
18:58 - T y l e r -: idk how to make times
18:58 - T y l e r -: after that last ln
18:58 [-Seiryuu-]: erm what
18:58 [-Seiryuu-]: i don't get it aaa
18:59 - T y l e r -: ill map it and take an ss
19:00 [-Seiryuu-]: 02:48:730 (168730|2,168730|0) - end the LNs at 02:50:480 -
19:01 - T y l e r -: [https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3084611 this is what i was on about]
19:01 [-Seiryuu-]: yeah its fine
19:01 [-Seiryuu-]: [http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3084615 make the last part like this]
19:04 [-Seiryuu-]: i guess thats it
19:04 [-Seiryuu-]: gonna wrap this up and post on forum
19:04 - T y l e r -: oki :3