Hey, randomly stumbled on your map, and i am more than happy to mod for ya.
If you want to do a m4m, go ahead, im not forcing you
Ik you mentioned hitsounds, but yeah it is pretty important, soo try and implement that aspect quickly!
You should add a preview point. The preview point can be found under "Timing" on the left hand corner of the screen. Normally placed 1/16 beat before the Kiai Time. Preview point is the starting point where most people will hear in the song. (Like when youre scrolling down songs and you hear a certain point in the song and it isnt at the beginning )
Difficulty spread
Normal : 2.18 Good star difficulty for a Normal
Hard : 2.7 Its okay buuuuuut
Insane : 4.67
Soo basically, the difficulty jump from Hard to insane is about 2 stars, which makes the map unrankable, consider making the harder difficulty "harder" so you dont have to touch Normal and Insane.
The volume is grossly always 100%, try to be somewhere around 60~80% (But oddly, only hard has a consistent 70%, while Insane and normal has 100%
I hear 916, but i might be wrong
Keep your slider velocity at 1.00x for normal and after you have done that, you should DS a lot of notes.
00:06:946 There should be a note here that is stacked under 00:06:763 (4)
00:07:312 (1,2,3,4) - In between these notes, there should be a hitcircle, or you can do a slider if you want. There should be something that expresses the beat on the red tick
During almost all of the Kiai time at the beginning, there are some eye sores. There are numerous sliders that overlap each other, and overlapping sliders with sliders or some hitcircles is an absolute no-no, especially in a normal. You should distance snap the notes so you dont run into problems like this again, I Shall point out all of the notes that should NOT over lap in another section
Like 00:16:275 (5,6,1,2) - that would be really confusing for a person who plays normals often to read.
00:18:471 (6,7) - You should Copy and paste 6 and replace it with 7, and then Ctrl + G, and the space it. It makes it look better, and make sure that you are not overlapping
00:21:397 (1) - I dont think this is necessary
00:22:129 (2,3,4) - The flow of these slider is off, You should take a look at this
post! ALSO, you should push back 00:22:678 (3,4,5) so (3) is on that big white tick, and you can put a hitcircle in gap created
00:33:105 (1,2,3,4) - There are some red ticks inbetween these beats (actually ALL of the red ticks here should be expressed) that need some hitcircles or something
00:38:958 (2) - I hear no beat on that 1/4 beat, it shouldnt be on a blue tick
00:43:714 (3) - This has a small overlap, but fixing it is easy, move it to the left a little
00:47:372 (4) - I would space this away from the slider
00:48:288 (2) - Cut the slider length on this because there is an octave jump in the song that you should express
00:54:690 (2,3) - the slider (2) should be extended and start on the red tick and a hitcircle should be where (2) is currently on
01:08:775 (1,2,3) - Make (1) and (3) parallel with each other
01:11:337 (1) - Give this a reverse arrow
01:14:263 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I dont really agree with spamming hitcircles like this in normal, if anything, i would just remove the stack with (4) and (5)
Overlapping that NEEDS to be fixed, or just something that is really quick to fix that is recommended
00:14:080 (1,2,3) -
00:17:007 (1,2,3,4,5) - This one is really bad
00:18:471 (6,7) -
00:36:946 (2,3) - very slight, very easy to fix
00:38:592 (1,2) -
00:39:873 (3,4) -
00:51:946 (3,4) - This is is pretty bad, 00:53:044 (4) should be sliding the other way
00:58:714 (2,3) - This flows weirdly too
01:05:117 (3,4) -
01:09:508 (3,4) -
01:17:190 (1,2,3,4) - This is really hard to read too for beginners
00:06:580 (2) - I would make this a spinner
00:13:349 (1,2,3,4) - If you want so spam hitcircles, you should have a pattern with it, a linear pattern is really boring, maybe a zig-zag pattern or w/e
00:18:653 (1,2,3,4) - You should fix the flow, look at the link I sent you! (In normals)
00:19:751 (4,5) - (4) should be a hit circle and 5 should be split up into 2 sliders instead of one long one, have them both be a slider with just ONE reverse arrow
00:21:580 (1,2,3) - This is why your hard is pretty easy for a hard, too much linear patterned hitcircles, you need to make this map harder
00:22:129 (4,5,1) - This does not flow well after the slider (5) should be infront of the slider
00:37:312 (4) - Space that away from the triplet
00:38:227 (6) - There isnt a beat there
00:40:971 (6) - NC and remove NC from 00:41:702 (1)
00:43:166 - That triplet should be on that end of the slider. maybe cut the slider short by one 1/4 beat and have the triplet slider under that
00:45:361 (6) - NC and I wouls space this away from (5)
00:47:372 (9) - Stack this or space it out, dont overlap it
00:53:410 (5) - Space this out
00:54:873 (3) - Random change of SV, remove it
01:07:495 (2) - Random change of SV, remove it the other SV change somewhat fits
01:10:422 (1) - Same here, it wasnt that big of a deal in normal, but it would catch people off guard in and hard mapset
01:15:544 (5) - Split this up into 2 sliders
01:18:836 (3,4,5) - Bad overlapping
01:20:117 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - This is dying for some interesting jumps
01:23:592 (1,2,3,4) - Then a difficulty spike here, this is hard for a 2.7 star map
01:24:599 (5) - You should extend this to the red tick
01:25:513 (6) - and shorten this so the beginning of the slider is on that red tick
01:26:885 (1,2,3,4) - I would make this one slider
01:29:446 (3) - This shouldnt have a reverse arrow
00:03:471 (9,1) - (9) should get the NC and (1) should have it removed
00:04:934 (3,1) - ^ same idea, switch NC
00:14:080 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - You know, you can make triangles easily. Ctrl + Shift + D or you can find it under "compose"
00:14:263 (2,3,4) - Stack this, its pretty hard to hit that.
00:15:361 (8) - NC and remove 00:16:092 (1)
00:17:922 (7,8) - I would Ctrl + H this and I can also Ctrl + H 00:18:653 (1)
00:20:300 (7,8) - That kills the flow, space (8) out
00:34:202 (4,5,6) - move this back one 1/2 beat
00:22:678 (6,1) - Personal preference, I wouldnt make it flow like this, I would rotate this so (1) would be on the Bottom left, where (2) is right now
00:33:105 (1,2) - Space these 2 out
00:40:239 - Needs a hitcircle
00:44:629 (8,9) - Space 8 away and dont put a hitcircle under a slider like that,
00:48:105 (3) - You should make (3) a hit circle
00:48:471 (1) - The beginning of the slider should start here 00:48:653
00:53:044 (2) - use a triplet here
00:55:056 (5) - Why is this a whistle? sorry i shouldnt be hearing for hitsounds now lol
00:55:605 (1) - Dont overlap
01:09:507 (6) - Players arent going to know whether or not it has a slower SV here, so remove it
01:12:434 (7) - This shouldne be a big jump
01:16:275 (5,6) - I would put this jump in the middle of that square jump, horizontal jump
01:18:105 (6,7) - I dont really agree with the stacking here
01:13:166 (4,5) - ^
01:21:032 (4,5) - ^
01:19:385 (6) - Should be a slider
01:27:434 (4,5,6) - Some overlapping,
01:29:812 (4) - There isnt a beat here