
EBICO & Jioyi - Slit -Version O- [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, November 03, 2014 at 10:44:26 AM

Artist: EBICO & Jioyi
Title: Slit -Version O-
Source: Cytus
BPM: 165
Filesize: 4491kb
Play Time: 01:52
Difficulties Available:
  1. 4K Easy - 4Key (1.03 stars, 176 notes)
  2. 4K Hard - 4Key (3.04 stars, 938 notes)
  3. 4K Hyper - 4Key (4.03 stars, 1243 notes)
  4. 4K INSANE - 4Key (4.51 stars, 1435 notes)
  5. 4K Normal ++ - 4Key (2.65 stars, 732 notes)
  6. 4K Normal - 4Key (1.93 stars, 374 notes)
  7. 4K Super - 4Key (3.79 stars, 1124 notes)
  8. 5K Hyper - 5Key (4.21 stars, 1211 notes)
  9. 5K INSANE - 5Key (4.91 stars, 1498 notes)
  10. 5K Super - 5Key (3.79 stars, 1142 notes)
  11. Sheeniah999's 5K Hard - 5Key (3.23 stars, 898 notes)
  12. Sheeniah999's 5K Normal - 5Key (1.93 stars, 374 notes)
  13. Sheeniah999's Normal++ - 5Key (2.5 stars, 726 notes)
Download: EBICO & Jioyi - Slit -Version O-
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
4K Easy : 100% Finished and Cleaned
4K Normal : 100% Finished and Cleaned
5K Normal : 0%
6K Normal : 0%
4K Normal ++ : 100% Finished and Cleaned *
5K Normal ++ : 100% Finished **
6K Normal ++ : 0%
4K Hard : 100% Finished and Cleaned *
5K Hard : 100% Finished **
6K Hard: 0%
4K Super: 100% Finished and Cleaned *
5K Super: 100% Finished **
6K Super: 0%
4K Hyper: 100% Finished and Cleaned *
5K Hyper: 100% Finished **
6K Hyper: 0%
4K INSANE: 100% Finished and Cleaned *
5K INSANE: 100% Finished **
--7K ANOTHER--: 100% Finished but I think I won't include it in my set

* - Subject to further cleaning
** - Not cleaned

Special Thanks to Sheeniah999 (My sibling) for volunteering in making 5K Hard, Normal, Normal++ and 6K Normal and DanielFantasyVI (My cousin) for volunteering in making 6K Normal++, 6K Hard and 6K Super
Too many diffs might make this beatmap get ranked much harder.....I guess :?
And why there are two same post? :o
t/253405 and t/254902
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I dunno. I transferred it from pending to work in progress and this is what happened. I also changed the name of the artist.
But meh :/
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HOw to delete one?
Kelpo Flakey

DanSparce wrote:

HOw to delete one?
You have to wait for it to get graveyarded (3 or 4 weeks without updating it)
Topic Starter
Oh. Too long.
I follow this |1|2|3|4| for 4K
00:21:911 (21911|3) - Extend this note
00:49:547 (49547|0) - 00:52:456 (52456|0) and the pattern --- Why 2 notes? Easy? I do get ur pattern.
00:39:365 (39365|0,39729|0,40092|3,40456|3) - Jackhammers? Though not that fast, it'll be hard for beginners
00:42:274 (42274|0,43001|1,43729|3,44456|2) - I suggest doing what you did in 01:20:092 (80092|0,80456|1,80820|2,81183|3) - instead of that
01:17:183 (77183|0,77911|1,78638|1,79365|2) - So does this
Otherwise, I like the music.

01:33:911 (93911|3) - Move to |3| to complete the pattern :'(

00:29:911 (29911|3,30001|2,30092|1,30183|2,30274|3,30365|2,30456|1,30547|2,30638|3) - Normal++? More of hard but oh well
00:34:274 (34274|3,34365|2,34456|1,34547|0,34638|3,34729|2,34820|1,34911|3,35001|2,35001|0) - Suggest changing this pattern. Too complex
00:45:183 (45183|3,45183|0,45365|2,45547|1,45547|2,45729|1,45911|3,45911|0,46092|2,46274|2,46274|1,46456|1) - Be consistent. Do what you did in 00:29:911
01:36:820 (96820|0) - Loud sound, add another hold and move 01:37:547 (97547|1) - to |3|
01:39:729 (99729|0,100456|1) - Same
01:39:729 (99729|0,100456|1) - Add one hold (Suggestion only)
Normal++ for me is Hard. Change name to hard.

00:27:547 (27547|1) -Why? but I still get the pattern
00:59:001 (59001|1) - Suggest moving it to |3| to complete the pattern
01:33:911 (93911|1) - Suggest moving it to |4| to complete the pattern
01:19:729 (79729|3,79789|2,79850|1,79911|0,79971|1,80032|2) - Why this pattern? Continue what pattern u have started
00:50:274 (50274|3,50274|0,50274|2) - Add another one to |2| to complete the pattern and do it to other lines
Change name to Hard++

DO what you did to 00:59:001 in hard
also in 01:19:729
01:36:820 (96820|3) - Delete this to complete the pattern
01:42:456 (102456|2) - put on Violet along with 01:42:395 (102395|0,102395|1) -
01:36:638 (96638|2) - Same w/ this

00:29:911 (29911|3,29911|0,29911|1,30001|2,30001|3,30092|0,30092|1,30183|2,30183|3,30274|0,30274|1,30365|2,30365|3,30456|1,30456|0,30547|2,30547|3,30638|0,30638|3,30638|1,30638|2) - Jackhammers like this are dangerous (But possible) if you want this to be ranked
00:44:820 (44820|3,44880|2,44941|1,45001|0,45062|1,45123|2) - Follow the previous pattern no need to do this
SInce it is harder, now I recommend you to change 01:18:638 (78638|3,78759|2,78880|1,79001|2,79123|1,79244|0,79365|1,79486|2,79608|1) - to the pattern of 01:19:729 (79729|3,79729|1,79789|2,79850|1,79911|0,79971|1,80032|2) -
01:41:910 (101910|3) - Snap this
01:36:092 (96092|3) - Same here

00:42:759 (42759|1,42759|0,42880|0,42880|1,43001|2,43001|3,43123|3,43123|2,43244|2,43244|3,43365|0,43365|1,43486|1,43486|0,43608|1,43608|0,43729|1,43729|2,43850|2,43850|1,43971|1,43971|2,44092|0,44092|3,44214|3,44214|0,44335|0,44335|3,44456|3,44456|2,44577|3,44577|2,44698|3,44698|2,44820|3,44820|2) - That is one hell of a jackhammer
I guess the only thing to complain here are jackhammers but Good Job!

I like ur mapping style and my 6ks will be there nxt week. Ha! :D
Oh and yeah. Negative offset? Yes possible but not recommended. -_-
2 posts? You'll have to wait for it to be graveyarded
Ur hitsounds btw.
Oh well. Good map!
Topic Starter
00:42:274 (42274|0,43001|1,43729|3,44456|2) - I suggest doing what you did in 01:20:092 (80092|0,80456|1,80820|2,81183|3) - instead of that
01:17:183 (77183|0,77911|1,78638|1,79365|2) - So does this

it will be too complex then. :(
As I promised
5K Insane (I'm going to mod the others (Excluding mine) next week.)
00:13:183 (13183|4) - Only these holds?You didn't follow the hold pattern in 4K Insane. As much as possible you follow pattern of similar difficulties.

5K Hyper
Same at insane and perhaps the other 5K maps. My bad. :'(
What you will do at insane
00:44:820 (44820|0,44880|1,44941|2,45001|3,45062|2,45123|3) - Not neccessary.
01:39:244 (99244|3,99244|0,99244|1,99244|4) - On Violet, not on red

5K Super
What you will do at insane
00:44:820 (44820|0,44880|1,44941|2,45001|3,45062|2,45123|3) - Not necessary
Mod from queue


First things first, "super" is not really a know term in difficulty naming systems, it is not rankable unless there is a (popular enough) game with this naming system
I would suggest to remove super and bump up or bump down the difficulty names

Normal++ sounds like Hard already, I would suggest to only use 1 "+" if needed

The difficulty naming is very messy, I would suggest to have INSANE as Insane, it looks more classy imo

Sheeniah999's Normal++ ? You should probably indicate the key count

The BG is rather low in resolution imo, get a sharper 1366x768 BG

I would strongly strongly strongly suggest to make the hitsound 5%, it's very noisy when playing and modding it, just add the hitsounds afterwards

Might want to cut out the silence at the back to reduce file size

Check Aimod for all diff.s


00:17:547 (17547|3) - I don't get the significance of the LN
00:29:911 (29911|1,29911|4,30001|3,30092|4,30092|2,30183|1,30274|4,30274|2,30365|3,30456|4,30456|1,30547|2) - Some ( most probably ) don't use spacebar for the centre key, this pattern will be brackets for some players, which is not really suitable for the bass in the music, i would suggest using a more stronger pattern
00:34:274 (34274|4,34274|2,34365|3,34456|4,34456|2,34547|3,34638|2,34638|4,34729|3,34820|4,34820|2,34911|3) - Same here
00:44:880 (44880|1,44941|2,45001|3,45062|2,45123|3) - It's pretty hard to switch from hammering to trill/stream, I suggest to remove the overmap here
00:46:880 (46880|4,46880|2,46880|1,47123|2,47123|0,47123|3) - These are on 1/4 snappings
00:50:274 (50274|1,50274|2,50274|4,50274|3,50274|0,51001|1,51001|0,51001|2) - Don't put the shield too close, its very hard to get 300g in this manner
00:56:092 (56092|3,56092|0,56092|1,56092|4,56092|2,56820|4,56820|2,56820|3) - ^
01:07:001 - Trilling on the ring and middle finger is very, very, oaisndfoawenowebnfow
01:25:183 (85183|2,85183|4,85183|1,85183|3,85183|0,85910|0,85910|2,85910|1) - Same as the mod prior to the previous
01:31:001 (91001|4,91001|1,91001|2,91001|3,91001|0,91729|3,91729|4,91729|2) - ^
01:34:638 - This is actually pretty asdfbaufbiwe considering the LNs and hammers, but if you want to keep it that way, i'm fine with it ( i think )
01:47:183 (107183|2,107183|0,107183|1) - I think you should just shift these 1/2 forward and remove these 01:47:001 (107001|3,107062|4,107123|3) - , the piano here is pretty hard to map accurately


00:40:365 (40365|3,40456|3) - I don't think this hammer is needed?
00:47:729 (47729|1,47729|3,47729|2,47729|0,48092|0,48092|3,48092|1) - Same as 5K INSANE
00:50:274 (50274|3,50274|0,50274|2,50274|1,51001|3,51001|1,51001|0) - ^
00:56:092 (56092|3,56092|1,56092|2,56092|0,56820|0,56820|2,56820|1) - ^
Yeaah and the other similar patterns

I'm not sure about some overmaps, it might prove to be a bit too overkill for BATs

01:47:001 (107001|1,107062|2,107123|3,107183|2,107183|1,107183|0) - Same as 5K insane

[5K Hyper]

00:34:274 (34274|2,34274|4,34365|3,34456|2,34547|3,34638|2,34638|4,34729|3,34820|2,34911|3,35001|4,35001|2) - Same as 5K insane
00:46:880 (46880|2,46880|1,47123|2,47123|3) - Same as 5K insane
00:50:274 (50274|1,50274|2,50274|3,50274|0,51001|2,51001|1,51001|0) - Same as 5K insane
You can probably fix the same mods yourself lol

[4K Hyper]

Same thing here i guess, it looks like a nerfed version of insane

[5K/4K Super]

Same thing

[Sheeniah999's 5K Hard]

Might want to consider pitch relevancy due to low note density else it might look too plain
Why does this also look exactly like Super

idk what to mod, i guess just look at 5K INSANE's mod and compare

[4K Hard/Normal ++]

Might want to remove the space between Normal and ++ for consistency naming with Sheeniah999's 5K Normal++

Same thing anyways

[Sheeniah999's 5K Normal++]

Similarly, look at 5K INSANE and compare ( probably not much to change )

00:29:911 (29911|4) - Move this to the 2nd column on the left, it's more comfortable
01:24:456 (84456|4,84456|2,84698|4,84698|3,84941|2,84941|4) - Might want to repattern due to changin in pitch
01:27:366 (87366|4,87366|2,87608|3,87608|4,87851|2,87851|4) - Same here

[Sheeniah999's 5K Normal]

00:36:456 - Probably can do more rhythm variation intead of 1/2 only

Nothing else

[4K Easy]

00:49:547 (49547|3,49547|0) - probably can use this instead, follow the music more i guess
Same goes to the other similar sound/patterns

Nothing else except that though
Deep Sea
Hello Dan
mod ready

Check problems in AiMod

[4K Easy]

00:21:911 (21911|2) - move to 4
01:08:456 (68456|1) - move to 1

[4K Normal]

00:05:183 (5183|2) - move to 1
00:11:729 (11729|2) - move to 4
00:22:638 - add note
00:23:365 - ^
00:40:820 (40820|2) - move to 4
00:47:365 - add note
00:48:335 (48335|2) - move to 2
00:49:062 (49062|3) - move to 3
00:49:789 (49789|0,49789|1) - move to 3 and 4
00:51:244 (51244|2) - move to 2
00:51:971 (51971|3) - move to 3
00:52:698 (52698|0,52698|1) - move to 3 and 4
00:54:153 (54153|3) - move to 3
00:54:880 (54880|0) - move to 2
00:55:608 (55608|2) - move to 1
00:57:062 (57062|3) - move to 3
00:57:789 (57789|0) - move to 2
00:58:517 (58517|2) - move to 1
01:23:244 (83244|0,83971|2) - move to 2 and 3
01:24:698 (84698|3,84698|1) - move to 1 and 3
01:26:153 (86153|0,86880|2,87607|3,87608|1,89062|0,89789|3,90517|2,91971|0,92698|3,93426|2,94880|3,95608|0,96335|2,97789|3,98517|0,99244|2,100698|0,101425|3,102153|2,103608|0,104335|3,105062|2) - see the tips above

Good luck :oops:
Topic Starter
I wasn't able to upload the new beatmap though cause I made some changes. :'( :'( sorry.
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