
The Rembrandts - I'll Be There For You (TV Version)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 28 Aralık 2014 Pazar at 20:40:10

Artist: The Rembrandts
Title: I'll Be There For You (TV Version)
Source: Friends
Tags: series sitcom Don opening
BPM: 190
Filesize: 15209kb
Play Time: 00:44
Difficulties Available:
  1. Don's Easy (1,16 stars, 31 notes)
  2. Hard (2,82 stars, 98 notes)
  3. Insane (3,58 stars, 136 notes)
  4. Normal (2,08 stars, 77 notes)
Download: The Rembrandts - I'll Be There For You (TV Version)
Download: The Rembrandts - I'll Be There For You (TV Version) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I don't have too many friends here in osu!, so this one is dedicated to Desperate-kun, Sieg, -Bakari-, Nishiji, AlexaBM, UnderminE, Gero, Dariano and all my other mutual friends.

The song is really important to me. I heard this in all 236 episodes, and in the end it made me cry. I was like "What am I gonna do now?". Thanks everyone who helped me to get this ranked.

Special thanks to pishifat for the mp3 and the timing :p And thanks to Dariano.
hi~ as requested
  1. Try to find a BG with a resolution of 1366x768 or 1024x768. Your BG is 1200x800 which is not recommended.
  2. 1st and 2nd combo colours are almost the same, I recommend to change one of them.
[Bakari's Easy]
  1. 00:14:922 (3,1,2) - Тут у тебя небольшая разница в спейсинге, исправь-ка.
  2. 00:17:309 (3,4) - nazi alexa is here Blanket pls.
Perfect as always~~~

  1. 00:03:262 (5,1) - Maybe ctrl+g it for better flow? Also don't forget to fix the spacing if you accept this.
  2. 00:14:922 (4,5,1) - Make a perfect triangle?
I have nothing much to say, pretty good diff!

  1. 00:12:863 (5,6,7) - C'mon, make a perfect triangle here! And here 00:13:333 (6,7,1) -
  2. 00:27:237 (3,4,5) - ^
  3. 00:39:382 (2,3,4) - ^
And again, nothing to say!

Sry for the short mod, really can't find anything critical ;w; Good luck~
Topic Starter

AlexaBM wrote:

hi~ as requested
  1. Try to find a BG with a resolution of 1366x768 or 1024x768. Your BG is 1200x800 which is not recommended. Just resized it to 1200x768, I guess it's okay now.
  2. 1st and 2nd combo colours are almost the same, I recommend to change one of them. Changed the second, done.
  1. 00:03:262 (5,1) - Maybe ctrl+g it for better flow? Also don't forget to fix the spacing if you accept this. There is a triangle there, if I do this I'll have to change all the pattern there :/
  2. 00:14:922 (4,5,1) - Make a perfect triangle? I didn't make a triangle there because I was making parallels at this part, so I had to make a choose between parallels and triangle, I chose parallels :/
I have nothing much to say, pretty good diff! Thank you *-*

  1. 00:12:863 (5,6,7) - C'mon, make a perfect triangle here! And here 00:13:333 (6,7,1) -
  2. 00:27:237 (3,4,5) - ^
  3. 00:39:382 (2,3,4) - ^
    All done.
And again, nothing to say!

Sry for the short mod, really can't find anything critical ;w; Good luck~
Thank you for the mod! *-*
Şarkı sonlara doğru biraz yavaşlıyor ve kiai time sonlarda gereksiz sanki. Şurda bitirsen daha iyi olur: 00:40:171 (1) - Ondan sonra en sonda tekrar yaparsın istediğin gibi.
Eğer bunu yaparsan da 00:43:828 (6) - şurdaki timing pointi kaldırmayı unutma, gereksiz olcak ondan sonra.
Topic Starter

-Kanzaki wrote:

Şarkı sonlara doğru biraz yavaşlıyor ve kiai time sonlarda gereksiz sanki. Şurda bitirsen daha iyi olur: 00:40:171 (1) - Ondan sonra en sonda tekrar yaparsın istediğin gibi.
Eğer bunu yaparsan da 00:43:828 (6) - şurdaki timing pointi kaldırmayı unutma, gereksiz olcak ondan sonra.
Hallettim, tamamdır.
Moding as requested (:
Truly, first mod after so long break for modding... Busy irl, but this song is worthy :3
Some suggestions, it's up to you apply or not (unless it is marked unrankable).

* It's a godd diff (; Amazing. The rhythm is amazing and hitsounds feels fitting well (:

00:02:946 (5) - Would be good if rotated by 180 degrees and placed at same spot as of 00:02:000 (3) - because it makes flow more natural.
♥ 00:16:195 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - Nice moment ^^

* No complaints here. It feels good :3

[Bakari's Easy]
♥ 00:09:887 (1) - Nice slider
♥ 00:16:513 (2,3) - Fits very well the voice :3

No much found, like in my Brolly's song's mapset ~.~
Very very good luck and let's rank faster as we can fight for :3

Topic Starter

Alarido wrote:

Moding as requested (:
Truly, first mod after so long break for modding... Busy irl, but this song is worthy :3
Some suggestions, it's up to you apply or not (unless it is marked unrankable).

* It's a godd diff (; Amazing. The rhythm is amazing and hitsounds feels fitting well (:

00:02:946 (5) - Would be good if rotated by 180 degrees and placed at same spot as of 00:02:000 (3) - because it makes flow more natural. Will try something about this~
♥ 00:16:195 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - Nice moment ^^ Thanks :P

* No complaints here. It feels good :3 huh, good to hear that too

No much found, like in my Brolly's song's mapset ~.~
Very very good luck and let's rank faster as we can fight for :3 That's what I'm trying... Because this one is really important to me.

Thank you. And you, please go rank Aerials, I check it almost everyday :(
so lets try


00:18:721 (3,4,5,6,7) - NC on 3, 5
00:26:291 (1) - finish on the end of the slider can decorate the map?


00:18:721 (3,4) - same on Hard
00:23:768 (3) - NC


00:01:054 (1) - can u make this more symmetrical on vertical axis?
00:03:577 (3) - finish

ok sry for short mod.

GL anyway!
Topic Starter

Kloyd wrote:

so lets try


00:18:721 (3,4,5,6,7) - NC on 3, 5 Done.
00:26:291 (1) - finish on the end of the slider can decorate the map? Well, it's not necessary as I already used a hit-sound there.


00:18:721 (3,4) - same on Hard Done.
00:23:768 (3) - NC Done.

ok sry for short mod.

GL anyway!
Thank you for the mod.
Hey there.

00:10:513 (7) - I think you should add a new combo here. You're now focusing on the beats and not on the vocals anymore, so it would fit imo.
00:43:828 (6) - Nazi but... can you align it with the 00:43:510 (5) - ? I just can't stand that misalignment >w<

00:10:513 (5) - New combo? (Refer to the Hard diff)

[-Bakari-'s Easy]
00:24:083 (1) - Mhmh. I don't like that empty space after the spinner (there are some vocals there which are ignored and it sounds odd). I'd suggest this instead.

You should also do this for consistency with 00:31:653 (3,4) -
00:31:653 (3) - New combo? 00:33:861 (1) - Remove new combo?

Good luck ♥
Topic Starter

Kecco wrote:

Hey there.

00:10:513 (7) - I think you should add a new combo here. You're now focusing on the beats and not on the vocals anymore, so it would fit imo. Done.
00:43:828 (6) - Nazi but... can you align it with the 00:43:510 (5) - ? I just can't stand that misalignment >w< Haven't noticed that, done.

00:10:513 (5) - New combo? (Refer to the Hard diff) Done.

Good luck ♥
Thank you very much!
Applied pretty much everything except the suggestion about the after-spinner part from Kecco. I am keeping it as it is in order to give enough time for beginners to recover.

osu file format v13

AudioFilename: I'll Be There For You.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 26291
Countdown: 1
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

DistanceSpacing: 1.2
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1

Title:I'll Be There For You
TitleUnicode:I'll Be There For You
Artist:The Rembrandts
ArtistUnicode:The Rembrandts
Version:Bakari's Easy
Tags:courteney cox jennifer aniston lisa kudrow matt leblanc matthew perry david schwimmer tv series version sitcom -bakari-


//Background and Video events
Video,737,"Season 1 Intro.avi"
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations


Combo1 : 228,216,211
Combo2 : 202,179,164
Combo3 : 238,166,117
Combo4 : 191,176,198

Careful, this mod is going to contain nitpicking.

00:02:946 (5) - This note is supposed to be parallel to the first part of 4, but it is very slightly not. I'd suggest moving 5 into 4, making it parallel, then moving it back. See the box for sliders like this.
00:04:681 (4,5) - This flows very harsh, it's not that I dislike it, but I feel like it's inappropriate for the difficulty of the level. It would be better to blanket the slider tail and make 6 be blanketed by 4, for example.
00:05:943 - Adding a note here would finish the drums that you're mapping here better. It's a pretty apparent note.
00:06:101 (1) - Once again, a very minor problem, but if you're going to make square curves where it's supposed to be in the middle, make it set in the exact middle. Just put your position on the timeline in the middle of the slider ( for this one it's 00:06:259 ) and place the red tick at the point that if you move it ever so slightly, the sliderball changes direction (another reason to map with the default skin on!)
00:06:574 (2) - To be honest, I'd make this one a curved slider. I don't hate sliders with only red ticks, in fact, I love them, but I think your map will be a bit more fun if you add some variation to it. This also allows you to do cool blankets like this (imgur link). See the box for more similar suggestions.
00:10:513 (7,8) - This would be better off as singletaps. The four notes feel exactly the same, however, two of them are active hitsounds (click to sound) while the other two are passive (automatically play) making it feel weird.
00:16:035 - Add a note here once again to map to the drum pattern.
00:26:291 (1) - Take a bigger look at your hitsounding. This would be perfect for a finish, yet you didn't add one here. A clap pattern at 2-4 would also be quite fitting.
00:27:395 (4,5) - Again, a good example of this "aggressive flow" as I'm going to call it from now on. It really doesn't fit the difficulty curve.
00:36:858 (2,3) - I think my hand just broke because of the 180 degree turn here. It feels way too sharp here.
00:37:647 (4,5) - This doesn't flow nicely. Consider moving it to x:370 y:180 for it to make the difficulty more fitting.
00:41:758 (2,3) - The 180 degree turn feels too sharp here once again.

List of sliders that I'd say are better off curved
00:08:309 (6) - Might as well be curved.
00:09:098 (2) - This has a bezier shape already, round is fun
00:11:610 (2) - Same on having a bezier shape already
00:12:863 (5) - Same thing.
00:13:646 (1) or 00:14:124 (2) could be curved. 1 would make for a very good 4-point s-shaped slider but 2 would make for a very good blanket around 1. Pick one.
00:15:399 (5) - This would be a fun bezier (to be honest, I don't like the shape of the original)
00:18:721 (1,2) - Those two would both be better bezier sliders, just to contrast the previous combo.
00:26:764 (2) - This one would do better as a bezier because it's pretty much already shaped like one
00:27:552 (5) - ^ (I hate using this, but I also hate repeating myself)
00:28:814 (1) - This would be a better bezier than 2.
00:30:076 (4) - This would make for a good s-shaped slider
00:31:338 (1) - Bezier.
00:32:600 (4) - This already has that bezier shape to it, and I like the next slider too much
00:34:335 (2) - This could be a good S-curve slider that blankets the slidertail of 1.
00:37:647 (4) - This could once again be a good s-curve, where the end of the slider blankets 5's head
00:38:909 (1) - Would be a good bezier

List of make me parallel sliders
00:02:158 (4,5)
00:06:574 (2,3)
00:09:887 (5,1,2,1) (but not if you apply my suggestion later)
00:28:026 (6,7)
00:31:811 (2,3) (the middle of 2)
00:33:861 (1,2) (very nitpicky)
00:36:070 (7,1)
00:36:858 (2,3)

00:01:684 (2,3) - Make this flow perfectly into each other to make it more visually appealing. Also, they have to be parallel. See the comments at hard.
00:02:789 (4) - This note is something you'd prefer to avoid. A note is the most satisfying when it's pressed on a note that's strong in the song (white ticks) and ending on a not that strong tick (red for example). If you end a note on a strong tick, a strong hitsound is played without the player taking any action. This generally feels unsatisfying. I would consider going something like this to make the notes more satisfying to play. Make this even nicer and symmetrical by copying 3 and rotating it twice!
00:04:208 and 00:04:681 are generally strong ticks in the song. However, both are mapped with a slider end. Try and reconsider your rhythm here in order to make the map feel more satisfying. This might be a good suggestion rhythm-wise
00:06:101 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - The rhythm of 1,2,3 doesn't follow the thing I stated above, same goes for 4,5,6 but 1,2,3 (the second time) does it correct, because you're clicking on the strong tick. A couple of pattern suggestions I can give you here is this. The slider ending on the strong tick here is fine (big white) because of it not being very apparent in the song itself. In the box you can see all the combos that really need to be fixed in my opinion, and I'll add a timestamp of the note that needs an active (circle, slider head) hit object.

Apart from that the map is fine.

Fix the rhythm of these combos
00:06:101 (1,2,3) needs an active object at 00:06:574 and 00:07:047
00:07:363 (4,5,6) needs an active object at 00:08:309
00:11:140 (1,2,3) needs an active object at 00:11:610 and 00:12:080
00:12:393 (4,5,6) needs an active object at 00:13:333
00:28:814 (1,2,3) needs an active object at 00:29:761
00:31:338 (1,2,3) needs an active object at 00:32:284
00:36:385 (1,2,3) needs an active object at 00:37:332
00:37:647 (4,5,6) needs an active object at 00:38:593

[Bakari's Easy]
00:04:524 (4,5) - Making 5 blanket 4 would look a bit more visually satisfying. Also, try a 5 point curve for 5, as right now, it looks a bit too pointy.
00:14:922 (3,3) - I hate to nitpick this, but the overlap isn't perfect, it's a couple of pixels off in both the x and y axes.

Good luck with your map!
Topic Starter

Don wrote:

Careful, this mod is going to contain nitpicking.

00:02:946 (5) - This note is supposed to be parallel to the first part of 4, but it is very slightly not. I'd suggest moving 5 into 4, making it parallel, then moving it back. See the box for sliders like this. Done.
00:04:681 (4,5) - This flows very harsh, it's not that I dislike it, but I feel like it's inappropriate for the difficulty of the level. It would be better to blanket the slider tail and make 6 be blanketed by 4, for example. I really didn't understand what to do here, I'm just gonna keep this one for now.
00:05:943 - Adding a note here would finish the drums that you're mapping here better. It's a pretty apparent note. Yes, I follow the drums. There is a tom, and after a snare, then the music stops. How can I say, like a passing, the music changes there. That's why I didn't put a note there.
00:06:101 (1) - Once again, a very minor problem, but if you're going to make square curves where it's supposed to be in the middle, make it set in the exact middle. Just put your position on the timeline in the middle of the slider ( for this one it's 00:06:259 ) and place the red tick at the point that if you move it ever so slightly, the sliderball changes direction (another reason to map with the default skin on!) Okay, done.
00:06:574 (2) - To be honest, I'd make this one a curved slider. I don't hate sliders with only red ticks, in fact, I love them, but I think your map will be a bit more fun if you add some variation to it. This also allows you to do cool blankets like this (imgur link). See the box for more similar suggestions.To say the truth it looks really great, much better. Maybe I can change some sliders in the future, but I'm just gonna keep them for now.
00:10:513 (7,8) - This would be better off as singletaps. The four notes feel exactly the same, however, two of them are active hitsounds (click to sound) while the other two are passive (automatically play) making it feel weird. Well, they were singletaps, that would be "hard" for a Hard diff. I'm thinking about making an Insane, I will absolutely use singletaps there.
00:16:035 - Add a note here once again to map to the drum pattern. Okay, done.
00:26:291 (1) - Take a bigger look at your hitsounding. This would be perfect for a finish, yet you didn't add one here. A clap pattern at 2-4 would also be quite fitting. Added.
00:27:395 (4,5) - Again, a good example of this "aggressive flow" as I'm going to call it from now on. It really doesn't fit the difficulty curve. Seems okay for now...
00:36:858 (2,3) - I think my hand just broke because of the 180 degree turn here. It feels way too sharp here. Fixed it.
00:37:647 (4,5) - This doesn't flow nicely. Consider moving it to x:370 y:180 for it to make the difficulty more fitting. Okay.
00:41:758 (2,3) - The 180 degree turn feels too sharp here once again. It's a slow part, so I'm gonna keep this one.

List of sliders that I'd say are better off curved
00:08:309 (6) - Might as well be curved.
00:09:098 (2) - This has a bezier shape already, round is fun
00:11:610 (2) - Same on having a bezier shape already
00:12:863 (5) - Same thing.
00:13:646 (1) or 00:14:124 (2) could be curved. 1 would make for a very good 4-point s-shaped slider but 2 would make for a very good blanket around 1. Pick one.
00:15:399 (5) - This would be a fun bezier (to be honest, I don't like the shape of the original)
00:18:721 (1,2) - Those two would both be better bezier sliders, just to contrast the previous combo.
00:26:764 (2) - This one would do better as a bezier because it's pretty much already shaped like one
00:27:552 (5) - ^ (I hate using this, but I also hate repeating myself)
00:28:814 (1) - This would be a better bezier than 2.
00:30:076 (4) - This would make for a good s-shaped slider
00:31:338 (1) - Bezier.
00:32:600 (4) - This already has that bezier shape to it, and I like the next slider too much
00:34:335 (2) - This could be a good S-curve slider that blankets the slidertail of 1.
00:37:647 (4) - This could once again be a good s-curve, where the end of the slider blankets 5's head
00:38:909 (1) - Would be a good bezier

I'll take a look at this sliders later, as I want to keep this ones for now.

List of make me parallel sliders
00:02:158 (4,5)
00:06:574 (2,3)
00:09:887 (5,1,2,1) (but not if you apply my suggestion later)
00:28:026 (6,7)
00:31:811 (2,3) (the middle of 2)
00:33:861 (1,2) (very nitpicky)
00:36:070 (7,1)
00:36:858 (2,3)

Fixed them.

00:01:684 (2,3) - Make this flow perfectly into each other to make it more visually appealing. Also, they have to be parallel. See the comments at hard. Done.
00:02:789 (4) - This note is something you'd prefer to avoid. A note is the most satisfying when it's pressed on a note that's strong in the song (white ticks) and ending on a not that strong tick (red for example). If you end a note on a strong tick, a strong hitsound is played without the player taking any action. This generally feels unsatisfying. I would consider going something like this to make the notes more satisfying to play. Make this even nicer and symmetrical by copying 3 and rotating it twice! But it makes it harder :/
00:04:208 and 00:04:681 are generally strong ticks in the song. However, both are mapped with a slider end. Try and reconsider your rhythm here in order to make the map feel more satisfying. This might be a good suggestion rhythm-wise Fixed one of them.
00:06:101 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - The rhythm of 1,2,3 doesn't follow the thing I stated above, same goes for 4,5,6 but 1,2,3 (the second time) does it correct, because you're clicking on the strong tick. A couple of pattern suggestions I can give you here is this. The slider ending on the strong tick here is fine (big white) because of it not being very apparent in the song itself. In the box you can see all the combos that really need to be fixed in my opinion, and I'll add a timestamp of the note that needs an active (circle, slider head) hit object. -Circle-slider-circle makes the Normal really hard. I didn't want this. Basicly it is tom and snare, and I think it's okay.

Apart from that the map is fine.

Fix the rhythm of these combos
00:06:101 (1,2,3) needs an active object at 00:06:574 and 00:07:047
00:07:363 (4,5,6) needs an active object at 00:08:309
00:11:140 (1,2,3) needs an active object at 00:11:610 and 00:12:080
00:12:393 (4,5,6) needs an active object at 00:13:333
00:28:814 (1,2,3) needs an active object at 00:29:761
00:31:338 (1,2,3) needs an active object at 00:32:284
00:36:385 (1,2,3) needs an active object at 00:37:332
00:37:647 (4,5,6) needs an active object at 00:38:593

Take a look at them later too.

Good luck with your map!
Thank you for the map and the stars! *-*
Hello, from #modreq

:idea: General

* Clean!

:arrow: Testplay

* Easy (+DT,HR) - Score ~ Replay
* Normal (+DT,HR) - Score ~ Replay
* Hard - Score ~ Replay

Bakari's Easy

* For a better diff spread, OD+1. Every diff will have +2OD, +2HP and +2AR.
* 00:01:054 (1) - Turn off Grid Snap and move the middle slider point until it's symmetrical.
* 00:09:887 (1) - Maybe add hitsounds on the slider ticks for the clap sounds in the song?
* 00:19:982 (1,2) - Swap these combo's, because there's a strong note on (2).


* 00:09:887 (1) - There's no hitsound here, but in Bakari's diff there's a Finish. Either add a finish here on Normal and or Hard, or delete the finish on Bakari's diff.


* 00:09:887 (1) - Same as Normal

Good mapset! Couldn't find a lot, so if it didn't help, no kds. Good luck with getting this mapset ranked!
Topic Starter

appleeaterx wrote:

Hello, from #modreq

:idea: General

* Clean!

:arrow: Testplay

* Easy (+DT,HR) - Score ~ Replay
* Normal (+DT,HR) - Score ~ Replay
* Hard - Score ~ Replay

Thank you very much for that testplays, these gave me ideas about how the diff spread is.


* 00:09:887 (1) - There's no hitsound here, but in Bakari's diff there's a Finish. Either add a finish here on Normal and or Hard, or delete the finish on Bakari's diff.


* 00:09:887 (1) - Same as Normal

I'll talk to -Bakari- about it and see what to do there.

Good mapset! Couldn't find a lot, so if it didn't help, no kds. Good luck with getting this mapset ranked!
Thank you for the mod!
Metal's Insane

I hope you like it! I probably would've spent a bit more time on it but I finished it quickly--at least it can get modded now if you decide to use it.

ugh i hate hitsounds tho
The title should be The Rembrandts - I'll Be There For You (TV Version) according Itunes.
Topic Starter

Gero wrote:

The title should be The Rembrandts - I'll Be There For You (TV Version) according Itunes.
Changed it.
just here to subscribe to thread
Hello XavierJones


  1. disable countdown on all diff since it not really appears
  2. disable windscreen support since you don't have sb

Don's Easy

  1. OD + 1 seems more balanced
  2. 00:17:468 (1,1) - this overlap looks awkward, also
  3. 00:17:468 (1) - think about splitting this to slider and circle to fix unsnapped slider end


  1. CS 3.5 can work better here
  2. 00:02:789 (4,5) - don't really like flow here, you can improve. Move 00:01:054 (1,2,3) - to right a bit and
  3. 00:38:436 (6,1) - also this one


  1. 00:03:419 (6) - triplet would be better here, to allow player play emphasized downbeat
  2. 00:43:828 (6) - ^same here
  3. 00:09:098 (2) - try 2 sliders here because lyrics on 00:09:413 () - is pretty strong and doesn't really fit to slider end
  4. from 00:25:030 (1) - to 00:40:171 (1) - just only repeating anticlockwise flow for the whole kiai produce a not very good impression, so try to diversify it


  1. AR9 fits better for 180+ bpm
  2. 00:05:943 (3,1) - jump will work better here because of stressed beat 00:06:101 () -
  3. 00:25:976 (4,1) - ^ same here

Nice mapset. Good Luck!
Topic Starter

Sieg wrote:

Hello XavierJones

Hi there!!


  1. disable countdown on all diff since it not really appears Done.
  2. disable windscreen support since you don't have sb Done.


  1. CS 3.5 can work better here Done.
  2. 00:02:789 (4,5) - don't really like flow here, you can improve. Move 00:01:054 (1,2,3) - to right a bit and Done.
  3. 00:38:436 (6,1) - also this one Done.


  1. 00:03:419 (6) - triplet would be better here, to allow player play emphasized downbeat Done.
  2. 00:43:828 (6) - ^same here Done.
  3. 00:09:098 (2) - try 2 sliders here because lyrics on 00:09:413 () - is pretty strong and doesn't really fit to slider end Loved it, done.
  4. from 00:25:030 (1) - to 00:40:171 (1) - just only repeating anticlockwise flow for the whole kiai produce a not very good impression, so try to diversify it I'll try something about it.


  1. AR9 fits better for 180+ bpm Done.
  2. 00:05:943 (3,1) - jump will work better here because of stressed beat 00:06:101 () - Done.
  3. 00:25:976 (4,1) - ^ same here Done.

Nice mapset. Good Luck!
Thank you very much for the mod!

Sieg wrote:

Hello XavierJones


  1. disable countdown on all diff since it not really appears
  2. disable windscreen support since you don't have sb

Don's Easy

  1. OD + 1 seems more balanced Gave it OD+2.
  2. 00:17:468 (1,1) - this overlap looks awkward, also Fixed.
  3. 00:17:468 (1) - think about splitting this to slider and circle to fix unsnapped slider end I was hesitant to do this, because I wanted to keep measure sliders. However, correct snapping is always king. Fixed.

Nice mapset. Good Luck! Thanks!
Here's your update
osu file format v13

AudioFilename: I'll Be There For You.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 26291
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Normal
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

DistanceSpacing: 0.8
BeatDivisor: 1
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1

Title:I'll Be There For You (TV Version)
TitleUnicode:I'll Be There For You (TV Version)
Artist:The Rembrandts
ArtistUnicode:The Rembrandts
Version:Don's Easy
Tags:courteney cox jennifer aniston lisa kudrow matt leblanc matthew perry david schwimmer tv series version sitcom Don


//Background and Video events
Video,818,"Season 1 Intro.avi"
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations


Combo1 : 228,216,211
Combo2 : 202,179,164
Combo3 : 238,166,117
Combo4 : 191,176,198


after reading this mod, feel free to call me by my first name: Adolf. the amount of tiny things i pointed out is unreal cuz 45 second drain

i like the lack of curved sliders. it's hot


  1. tv and version don't need to be in the tags since they're in the title. you should probably add opening to the tags tho since i tried to find the song by searching "friends op" but got no results :/
  2. you'll probably want to add about 1000ms of audioleadin since there's barely a second before the first object appears. (you already know but that's done manually in the .osu file for each diff)
  3. your background is a pretty odd resolution (1200x768) so ringating will come and fix that up for you
  4. mp3 cuts off rather abruptly, so ringating will make fancy fade things yay. when you've got the new mp3 i'll get to timing
  5. for all of xavier's diffs... uh... it's basically 45 seconds of moving my mouse counter clockwise. like all 3 diffs just do the smae thing, which could get kind of boring. it's not exactly necessary to change, since it's not really a "problem," but if you've got the time, it would really make the map a lot more fun to add some movement variety.


  1. 00:02:631 (2) - should be parallel with the main body of 00:02:158 (1) - . the tail of 2 wouldn't be nearly as close to the tail of 1 and 2 would move into 3 a bit smoother.
  2. 00:03:419 (4,5) - would be nice to have this line up with the body of 1 as you did at 00:10:983 (6,7,1) - and 00:17:309 (4,5,1) - . right now it's barely off and i am mentioning pointlessthings
  3. 00:10:983 (6) - pretty sure this needs a clap since it's literally a clap you know
  4. 00:13:333 (3) - same thing as the thing mentioned at 00:02:631 (2) - for the exact same reason. triangle and parallel and yay.
  5. 00:14:284 (3,4) - the way these are arranged just looks kind of messy. i won't say to make them parallel since that plays like crap, but adding a red anchor on 4 would make it a lot more aesthetically prettyfulz
  6. 00:16:035 (5,6,1) - gonna sound weird, but if you wanted to make the distance between 00:15:558 (3,4,5) - as clean as possible, it would make sense to move 00:16:035 (5,6,1) - 8 units down and to the right. the reason for this is becuase the stack makes 5 appear closer to 4 than 4 is to 3 right yea. looks weird in the editor, but ingame it looks proper. would have to adjust 00:16:672 (2) - as well i guess
  7. 00:25:030 (1,3) - seems weird to have these not parallel, while 00:25:345 (2,4) - are. either make 1,3 parallel or 2,4 not parallel (tbh i prefer 2,4 not parallel since it moves into 00:26:291 (1) - pretty cool)
  8. 00:38:120 (2,3) - parallel
  9. 00:42:554 (3) - should probably add a NC on here since you had a 1 measure comboing pattern up until this point.


  1. 00:01:054 (1) - supernazi as usual, but you should move this slightly to the right so that there's equal distance between 00:01:054 (1,3,4) - visually. it helps something don't question it
  2. 00:08:309 (6) - kind of unappealing aesthetically. looks like a really broken curve or something because of the amount of red anchors in teh small area. just using one red anchor or using a straight line would be better.
  3. 00:09:886 (5,1,2,1) - considering these are supposed to be parallel (fix that first ofc) they should be spaced equally apart from each other.
  4. 00:31:180 (7) - straight line yoooooo


  1. 00:19:982 (2,1) - seems kinda weird that these aren't parallel i'm sorry parallel is my life i must mention all
  2. 00:27:237 (3) - spacing inconsistency :/
  3. 00:43:994 - weird that you ended the map here while hard/insane ended at 00:46:588 - . according to the ranking criteria's guidelines:

    Ranking Criteria Guidelines wrote:

    Your difficulties should all end at the same spot.
    because it's a guideline, it's not 100% necessary to do, but... well you know guidelines probably good to follow right yea. either moving the spinner to where it is in the other diffs or just using two spinners in a row. the latter isn't recommended, but garven said it wasn't an unrankable issue or whatever so your choice i guess


so lame :/
  1. 00:08:624 (3) - pretty sure you should NC here for your to follow your patternthing
  2. 00:10:513 (4) - you've got a clap on the slider body, but not the head, reverse or tail. that makes it so that there's no actual claps and uh you need claps lol
  3. 00:12:393 (2,4) - these should line up with each other since that's what you tried to do right? here's what they look like when overlapping right now. they should be exactly on top of each other. blankets for these are also kinda off so uh do somethihng
  4. 00:13:646 (3) - same thing about NC as earlier. switching between 2 and 4 measure patterns weird no
  5. 00:17:468 (1,2) - whoa there spacing is confusing. could be easily interpreted as a 1 beat gap instead of 2 since they're so close
  6. 00:27:552 (1) - comboing from here to the end is completely inconsistent with everything mapped before so coordinate things. won't go too into detail on that since you may want to use 4 bar combos or 2 bar combos throughout. if you choose 4 bar combos, ignore the NC stuff i mentioend above
  7. 00:27:552 (1,2) - blanket on this is really weird. the tail of 1 is closer to the tail of 2 than the head (which image explains) and they should be equal distance cuz that's what a blanket is ffs ok. flow there is also really weird but maybe you like that idunno
  8. 00:32:600 (2) - wave isn't all that symmetrical. there's a lot more curve on thebottom than the top when they should be just about equal.
  9. 00:41:440 (1) - depending on what xavier does with this (referring to normal difficulty), you should do the same.
the anime characters in the background here are really well drawn it's like they're real wow map is cool btw

pishifat wrote:

your background is a pretty odd resolution (1200x768) so ringating will come and fix that up for you
I'll be there for you('re background)

Your bg was 16:10ish and a bit stretched. I used this image and cropped it from the bottom to 16:9, then cleaned it up a bit with various filters, then downscaled it to 1366x768. Here is the new bg:

pishifat wrote:

mp3 cuts off rather abruptly, so ringating will make fancy fade things yay. when you've got the new mp3 i'll get to timing
I losslessly added a 2-stage fade to the end of your mp3. Here is that. The offset shouldn't have changed at all, but you may want to double check that.
Topic Starter
Hey, Adolf! :p

pishifat wrote:

after reading this mod, feel free to call me by my first name: Adolf. the amount of tiny things i pointed out is unreal cuz 45 second drain

i like the lack of curved sliders. it's hot


  1. tv and version don't need to be in the tags since they're in the title. you should probably add opening to the tags tho since i tried to find the song by searching "friends op" but got no results :/ Okay, done.
  2. you'll probably want to add about 1000ms of audioleadin since there's barely a second before the first object appears. (you already know but that's done manually in the .osu file for each diff) Done.
  3. your background is a pretty odd resolution (1200x768) so ringating will come and fix that up for you Okay.
  4. mp3 cuts off rather abruptly, so ringating will make fancy fade things yay. when you've got the new mp3 i'll get to timing Okay.
  5. for all of xavier's diffs... uh... it's basically 45 seconds of moving my mouse counter clockwise. like all 3 diffs just do the smae thing, which could get kind of boring. it's not exactly necessary to change, since it's not really a "problem," but if you've got the time, it would really make the map a lot more fun to add some movement variety. I think about changing some of them but I'm not sure... We will see.


  1. 00:02:631 (2) - should be parallel with the main body of 00:02:158 (1) - . the tail of 2 wouldn't be nearly as close to the tail of 1 and 2 would move into 3 a bit smoother. Done.
  2. 00:03:419 (4,5) - would be nice to have this line up with the body of 1 as you did at 00:10:983 (6,7,1) - and 00:17:309 (4,5,1) - . right now it's barely off and i am mentioning pointlessthings Done (I think)
  3. 00:10:983 (6) - pretty sure this needs a clap since it's literally a clap you know Done.
  4. 00:13:333 (3) - same thing as the thing mentioned at 00:02:631 (2) - for the exact same reason. triangle and parallel and yay. Done.
  5. 00:14:284 (3,4) - the way these are arranged just looks kind of messy. i won't say to make them parallel since that plays like crap, but adding a red anchor on 4 would make it a lot more aesthetically prettyfulz Okay :p
  6. 00:16:035 (5,6,1) - gonna sound weird, but if you wanted to make the distance between 00:15:558 (3,4,5) - as clean as possible, it would make sense to move 00:16:035 (5,6,1) - 8 units down and to the right. the reason for this is becuase the stack makes 5 appear closer to 4 than 4 is to 3 right yea. looks weird in the editor, but ingame it looks proper. would have to adjust 00:16:672 (2) - as well i guess Well, I didn't get it all, but I did it I guess.
  7. 00:25:030 (1,3) - seems weird to have these not parallel, while 00:25:345 (2,4) - are. either make 1,3 parallel or 2,4 not parallel (tbh i prefer 2,4 not parallel since it moves into 00:26:291 (1) - pretty cool) Done.
  8. 00:38:120 (2,3) - parallel You love the parallels, don't you? =D
  9. 00:42:554 (3) - should probably add a NC on here since you had a 1 measure comboing pattern up until this point. Okay.


  1. 00:01:054 (1) - supernazi as usual, but you should move this slightly to the right so that there's equal distance between 00:01:054 (1,3,4) - visually. it helps something don't question it Okay.
  2. 00:08:309 (6) - kind of unappealing aesthetically. looks like a really broken curve or something because of the amount of red anchors in teh small area. just using one red anchor or using a straight line would be better. Okay.
  3. 00:09:886 (5,1,2,1) - considering these are supposed to be parallel (fix that first ofc) they should be spaced equally apart from each other. Okay, done.
  4. 00:31:180 (7) - straight line yoooooo Oh my, aren't they straight too?


  1. 00:19:982 (2,1) - seems kinda weird that these aren't parallel i'm sorry parallel is my life i must mention all Done.
  2. 00:27:237 (3) - spacing inconsistency :/ Done.
  3. 00:43:994 - weird that you ended the map here while hard/insane ended at 00:46:588 - . according to the ranking criteria's guidelines:

    Ranking Criteria Guidelines wrote:

    Your difficulties should all end at the same spot.
    because it's a guideline, it's not 100% necessary to do, but... well you know guidelines probably good to follow right yea. either moving the spinner to where it is in the other diffs or just using two spinners in a row. the latter isn't recommended, but garven said it wasn't an unrankable issue or whatever so your choice i guess I want to keep this one for now...
the anime characters in the background here are really well drawn it's like they're real wow map is cool btw
Thank you very much!!

Ringating wrote:

pishifat wrote:

your background is a pretty odd resolution (1200x768) so ringating will come and fix that up for you
I'll be there for you('re background)

Your bg was 16:10ish and a bit stretched. I used this image and cropped it from the bottom to 16:9, then cleaned it up a bit with various filters, then downscaled it to 1366x768. Here is the new bg:

pishifat wrote:

mp3 cuts off rather abruptly, so ringating will make fancy fade things yay. when you've got the new mp3 i'll get to timing
I losslessly added a 2-stage fade to the end of your mp3. Here is that. The offset shouldn't have changed at all, but you may want to double check that.
Changed them both, thank you!

pishifat wrote:


so lame :/ fits well enough i feel
  1. 00:08:624 (3) - pretty sure you should NC here for your to follow your patternthing fix
  2. 00:10:513 (4) - you've got a clap on the slider body, but not the head, reverse or tail. that makes it so that there's no actual claps and uh you need claps lol fix
  3. 00:12:393 (2,4) - these should line up with each other since that's what you tried to do right? here's what they look like when overlapping right now. they should be exactly on top of each other. blankets for these are also kinda off so uh do somethihng fix
  4. 00:13:646 (3) - same thing about NC as earlier. switching between 2 and 4 measure patterns weird no fix
  5. 00:17:468 (1,2) - whoa there spacing is confusing. could be easily interpreted as a 1 beat gap instead of 2 since they're so close fine as is
  6. 00:27:552 (1) - comboing from here to the end is completely inconsistent with everything mapped before so coordinate things. won't go too into detail on that since you may want to use 4 bar combos or 2 bar combos throughout. if you choose 4 bar combos, ignore the NC stuff i mentioend above fix
  7. 00:27:552 (1,2) - blanket on this is really weird. the tail of 1 is closer to the tail of 2 than the head (which image explains) and they should be equal distance cuz that's what a blanket is ffs ok. flow there is also really weird but maybe you like that idunno fix
  8. 00:32:600 (2) - wave isn't all that symmetrical. there's a lot more curve on thebottom than the top when they should be just about equal. fix
  9. 00:41:440 (1) - depending on what xavier does with this (referring to normal difficulty), you should do the same. kept it as is
the anime characters in the background here are really well drawn it's like they're real wow map is cool btw
osu file format v13

AudioFilename: I'll Be There For You.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 26291
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: None
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

DistanceSpacing: 0.8
BeatDivisor: 2
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1

Title:I'll Be There For You (TV Version)
TitleUnicode:I'll Be There For You (TV Version)
Artist:The Rembrandts
ArtistUnicode:The Rembrandts
Version:Don's Easy
Tags:courteney cox jennifer aniston lisa kudrow matt leblanc matthew perry david schwimmer tv series version sitcom Don


//Background and Video events
Video,818,"Season 1 Intro.avi"
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations


Combo1 : 228,216,211
Combo2 : 202,179,164
Combo3 : 238,166,117
Combo4 : 191,176,198


  1. Overall, I think you're missing a big opportunity by not using many soft finishes and whistles in this song. I believe they work exceptionally well. Since it's a short song, I'll give you the timings where I'd use finishes & whistles to make this a better experience. I'll use [Insane] as an example, but this applies for every difficulty.
    1. 00:06:101 (1) -
    2. 00:13:646 (1) -
    3. 00:26:291 (1) -
    4. 00:31:338 (1) -
    5. 00:36:385 (1) -
    1. 00:01:369 (2) -
    2. 00:04:208 (3) -
    3. 00:05:470 (3) -
    4. 00:27:552 (1) -
    5. 00:30:076 (1) -
    6. 00:32:600 (1) -
    7. 00:35:123 (1) -
    8. 00:37:647 (1) -
    Anyway, that's how I would do it. Overall I believe your hitsounding lacks a lot of emphasis and doesn't really create the adequate feeling while playing, and by making those adjustments (in case you like them), it would certainly feel much better.
  2. Have you double checked the timing with someone experienced? In that case please let me know. It feels a bit off is some sections, so I need to know.
  3. Just saying: I would NEVER search for this song using the names of the actors in the show. Therefore, are they really necessary in the tags? I'd say they aren't.
[Don's Easy]
  1. Well I gave some advice to Xavier about the hitsounds... But the ones in this difficulty are especially bad. Normal whistles just don't fit. I suggest you use something similar to what Xavier did.
  2. I suggest using longer combos, except for the intro. 2 objects per combo is a bit overkill.
  3. Can you please raise the AR a bit? At least to 1?
  4. 00:10:513 (2) - If you could avoid having the slider head and tail overlapping so much, it would be awesome. Something like:
  5. 00:17:468 (1,2) - Please respect the spacing in easier difficulties. If you want to keep it like this, here's an alternative:

    In fact you would be creating a little jump, but it's intuitive enough, imo.
  1. 00:25:030 (2) - Just saying - this isn't perfectly symmetrical :P I took the time to make it so, here goes the code:
  1. 00:31:338 (1) - Ultra nazi - move one grid to the right, so that this is perfectly aligned with 00:31:022 (6,7) -
  1. 00:10:356 (2,3,4,5,6) - Uhhh dunno how you constructed this, but it isn't a regular polygon. There's an option to create them perfectly, just go to Compose > Create Polygon Circles. There, you select 5 points and voila! The rest is about rotating, scaling and repositioning in the timeline.
Overall, I think this is pretty fun and well constructed. Good job.
Topic Starter

narakucrimson wrote:


  1. Overall, I think you're missing a big opportunity by not using many soft finishes and whistles in this song. I believe they work exceptionally well. Since it's a short song, I'll give you the timings where I'd use finishes & whistles to make this a better experience. I'll use [Insane] as an example, but this applies for every difficulty.
    1. 00:06:101 (1) -
    2. 00:13:646 (1) -
    3. 00:26:291 (1) -
    4. 00:31:338 (1) -
    5. 00:36:385 (1) -
    1. 00:01:369 (2) -
    2. 00:04:208 (3) -
    3. 00:05:470 (3) -
    4. 00:27:552 (1) -
    5. 00:30:076 (1) -
    6. 00:32:600 (1) -
    7. 00:35:123 (1) -
    8. 00:37:647 (1) -
    Anyway, that's how I would do it. Overall I believe your hitsounding lacks a lot of emphasis and doesn't really create the adequate feeling while playing, and by making those adjustments (in case you like them), it would certainly feel much better. Added them all.
  2. Have you double checked the timing with someone experienced? In that case please let me know. It feels a bit off is some sections, so I need to know. Charles445 is the one who made it, but he said it still needs some improving so the answer is no, for now. I'm waiting for pishifat to check it.
  3. Just saying: I would NEVER search for this song using the names of the actors in the show. Therefore, are they really necessary in the tags? I'd say they aren't. Deleted them.
  1. 00:25:030 (2) - Just saying - this isn't perfectly symmetrical :P I took the time to make it so, here goes the code:
  2. I knew it wasn't parallel, just couldn't fix it :p
  1. 00:31:338 (1) - Ultra nazi - move one grid to the right, so that this is perfectly aligned with 00:31:022 (6,7) - Done.
  1. 00:10:356 (2,3,4,5,6) - Uhhh dunno how you constructed this, but it isn't a regular polygon. There's an option to create them perfectly, just go to Compose > Create Polygon Circles. There, you select 5 points and voila! The rest is about rotating, scaling and repositioning in the timeline. Done!
Overall, I think this is pretty fun and well constructed. Good job.
Thank you very much.
sorry about being late, i took my time with this

get it

man im so funny

so there's a few places that were sketchy for timing since instruments are not synchronized properly in the actual song (drums/guitar), so i timed to the instrument you mapped to, which was in most cases the guitar. for example, if you listen to 00:02:001 (3) - you'll be able to hear that the drum sound comes slightly earlier than the guitar sound, but it wouldn't make sense to set the map's timing according to that, since it's not the instrument you're mapping. i'm only telling you this because if people still complain about timing being incorrect, the only solution will be to edit the mp3 file, which i'm not capable of doing effectively (yet).

most new timing points exist to adjust for poor synchronization with instruments, which is why there's way less points in the slow section and the ones in teh fast section are in small groupings of red lines. if instruments were synced properly there would be waaaaaaaaaay less red lines but oh well. there's a few timing points without actual bpm changes which are there just for the sake of taiko stuff, so just don't pay attention to them. an example of one of these taiko lines would be the one at 00:02:309 -

side note: i timed things to the rhythms you had on the hard diff as to not mess up any revesre sliders or triples (if you dont know what i mean it doesn't matter). anyway, i noticed that 00:43:849 (6,7,8) - sounds really off becasue tehre isn't a triple in the music, but you mapped it as a triple. i dunno what you plan on doing about that but it's rhythmically wrong. the actual rhythm looks like this with the current timing (6 on a 1/3 tick), but that's probably because i didn't adjust this properly. depending on what you do about it with your mapping, i can change it, but keep in mind that if you keep it as a triple, it would be at like 300bpm because of broken synchronization between drums and guitar lol. doing the rhythm i linked is as close as you can get without breaking things

anyway here's the actual timing. delete all red lines you currently have, then place this under the [TimingPoints] section of each difficulty's .osu file. you'll have to re-snap all green lines and the preview point manually, but most objects will snap fine with the auto-snap tool under the timing dropdown thing. your hitsound sampleset stuff is also probably gonna get messed up, so gl fixing

red lines

you'll notice that some sliders also have unsnapped ends because they run through new timing sections, so see this video on how to fix that. if you need more info message ingame

in case anybody's looking to bubble this and they need confirmation that timing is correct, here's this. if more confirmation is needed then uh do that it should be k tho

and lastly no kudosu cuz of p/3389828
Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

sorry about being late, i took my time with this

get it

man im so funny

so there's a few places that were sketchy for timing since instruments are not synchronized properly in the actual song (drums/guitar), so i timed to the instrument you mapped to, which was in most cases the guitar. for example, if you listen to 00:02:001 (3) - you'll be able to hear that the drum sound comes slightly earlier than the guitar sound, but it wouldn't make sense to set the map's timing according to that, since it's not the instrument you're mapping. i'm only telling you this because if people still complain about timing being incorrect, the only solution will be to edit the mp3 file, which i'm not capable of doing effectively (yet).

most new timing points exist to adjust for poor synchronization with instruments, which is why there's way less points in the slow section and the ones in teh fast section are in small groupings of red lines. if instruments were synced properly there would be waaaaaaaaaay less red lines but oh well. there's a few timing points without actual bpm changes which are there just for the sake of taiko stuff, so just don't pay attention to them. an example of one of these taiko lines would be the one at 00:02:309 -

side note: i timed things to the rhythms you had on the hard diff as to not mess up any revesre sliders or triples (if you dont know what i mean it doesn't matter). anyway, i noticed that 00:43:849 (6,7,8) - sounds really off becasue tehre isn't a triple in the music, but you mapped it as a triple. i dunno what you plan on doing about that but it's rhythmically wrong. the actual rhythm looks like this with the current timing (6 on a 1/3 tick), but that's probably because i didn't adjust this properly. depending on what you do about it with your mapping, i can change it, but keep in mind that if you keep it as a triple, it would be at like 300bpm because of broken synchronization between drums and guitar lol. doing the rhythm i linked is as close as you can get without breaking things

anyway here's the actual timing. delete all red lines you currently have, then place this under the [TimingPoints] section of each difficulty's .osu file. you'll have to re-snap all green lines and the preview point manually, but most objects will snap fine with the auto-snap tool under the timing dropdown thing. your hitsound sampleset stuff is also probably gonna get messed up, so gl fixing

red lines

you'll notice that some sliders also have unsnapped ends because they run through new timing sections, so see this video on how to fix that. if you need more info message ingame

in case anybody's looking to bubble this and they need confirmation that timing is correct, here's this. if more confirmation is needed then uh do that it should be k tho

and lastly no kudosu cuz of p/3389828
Thank you very much!! :)
hi, request in game


  1. Just my opinion, about Color 1 and 4, look like is very similiar to read, example this (I'm using skin default), I prefer Color 4 should be more dark to different or something
  2. all timing volume is 100% expect insane is 80% should be for consistency ?
  3. the 00:45:105 (T) - I wanna this volume could 40% or less, I mean this part music is calm, no rhythm, I just I can hear the hitsound normal is higher than calm song (only hard and insane)



  1. 00:10:526 (4,1) - can you move grid 1 for up, because the (1), the border could be little clean overlap from the 00:11:632 (4)
  2. 00:34:526 (3) - I don't like this, try this, would be jump from 00:34:052 (2) and 00:34:842 (1) if you listen from vocal is little high, i think this jump make sense and flow would be good, like you did pattern in 00:32:000 (3), if you listen this rhythm is same from this part
  3. 00:40:842 (3,4,1) - would you make jump? like in 00:06:579 (1,2,3) is end kiai time, with rhythm drum high, just suggestion
is suggestion only, general is good



  1. 00:24:736 (3) - this isn't should be NC like from pattern before, example 00:17:157 (1,2), 00:19:684 (1,2) and more, I know is alone but could fix consistency, ho well lol


  1. 00:16:526 (5) - the aibat and aimod saying this is unsnapped, here proof
  2. 00:27:736 (2) - ^ same
[Don's Easy]


  1. 00:03:263 (2) - (nazi) not stack in 00:06:421 (3)
  2. 00:36:105 (4,1,2,3,1,2) - wrong place color, NC in (4) , (3) ,and (2 the last) RNC in 00:37:368 (1) and 00:39:894 (1) this, because the (4) the rhythm is change also this could fix from you pattern consistency

    EDIT: 00:02:078 (T) is unsnapped, is not important, but ho well lol
sorry tiny mod, the mapset is pretty well and hitsound is consistency
Any question if you don't understand ask me in game so I can explain better
Hope this is help you and I wish good luck
Topic Starter

Pereira006 wrote:

hi, request in game


  1. Just my opinion, about Color 1 and 4, look like is very similiar to read, example this (I'm using skin default), I prefer Color 4 should be more dark to different or something it's darker now
  2. all timing volume is 100% expect insane is 80% should be for consistency ? right, i forgot it ;_;
  3. the 00:45:105 (T) - I wanna this volume could 40% or less, I mean this part music is calm, no rhythm, I just I can hear the hitsound normal is higher than calm song (only hard and insane) changed to %10



  1. 00:10:526 (4,1) - can you move grid 1 for up, because the (1), the border could be little clean overlap from the 00:11:632 (4) okay
  2. 00:34:526 (3) - I don't like this, try this, would be jump from 00:34:052 (2) and 00:34:842 (1) if you listen from vocal is little high, i think this jump make sense and flow would be good, like you did pattern in 00:32:000 (3), if you listen this rhythm is same from this part looks great, changed
  3. 00:40:842 (3,4,1) - would you make jump? like in 00:06:579 (1,2,3) is end kiai time, with rhythm drum high, just suggestion i'm following the lyrics there, no ;_;
is suggestion only, general is good thanks!



  1. 00:24:736 (3) - this isn't should be NC like from pattern before, example 00:17:157 (1,2), 00:19:684 (1,2) and more, I know is alone but could fix consistency, ho well lol okay, fixed it


  1. 00:16:526 (5) - the aibat and aimod saying this is unsnapped, here proof
  2. 00:27:736 (2) - ^ same

    Fixed them both
[Don's Easy]


  1. 00:03:263 (2) - (nazi) not stack in 00:06:421 (3) Done.
  2. 00:36:105 (4,1,2,3,1,2) - wrong place color, NC in (4) , (3) ,and (2 the last) RNC in 00:37:368 (1) and 00:39:894 (1) this, because the (4) the rhythm is change also this could fix from you pattern consistency changed

    EDIT: 00:02:078 (T) is unsnapped, is not important, but ho well lol it was on the wrong place, fixed it :p
sorry tiny mod, the mapset is pretty well and hitsound is consistency
Any question if you don't understand ask me in game so I can explain better
Hope this is help you and I wish good luck
Thank you very much for the mod! *-*
Can't believe I'm be modding this haha so much fun :) P.S. Jennifer Aniston is hot

[Jon's Easy]

00:03:894 (3) - Snap with DS
No changes necessary but I do want you to go and revise what you created. I want you to go in and use .8 DS and make sure each note is snapped and the way you want them to be. When I did it many notes were too far or too close and it changed a lot. This is to your benefit because it will make the map more balanced so it can get ranked.


00:14:631 (1) - DS also and this 00:17:157 (1) and here 00:23:473 (2)


00:07:526 (2) - Snap along with the next note
00:08:789 (5,6,1) - Not equally spaced please change
00:22:210 (1) - Snap

These are little changes but will save you in the long run. Was simple and effective map. Gets the job done :)
Topic Starter

Kocari wrote:

Can't believe I'm be modding this haha so much fun :) P.S. Jennifer Aniston is hot

[Jon's Easy]

00:03:894 (3) - Snap with DS
No changes necessary but I do want you to go and revise what you created. I want you to go in and use .8 DS and make sure each note is snapped and the way you want them to be. When I did it many notes were too far or too close and it changed a lot. This is to your benefit because it will make the map more balanced so it can get ranked.


00:14:631 (1) - DS also and this 00:17:157 (1) and here 00:23:473 (2)


00:07:526 (2) - Snap along with the next note
00:08:789 (5,6,1) - Not equally spaced please change
00:22:210 (1) - Snap

These are little changes but will save you in the long run. Was simple and effective map. Gets the job done :)
Changed a few things, thanks.
Hi there, from my team's modding queue
Sorry I'm late, IRL stuff

  1. Add pop rock to tags

Rhythms & Patterns
00:07:052 (1) - I don't see why you would place this symmetrically to 00:04:526 (1) - without actually using a symmetrical slider. It'd be best to just copy 00:04:526 (1) - , paste it, and hit ctrl h ctrl j, then place it at proper spacing. That'd also fix its bad blanket with 00:06:421 (3) -
00:12:736 (1,3) - I don't really like this solution. The overlap looks kind of sloppy. I'd suggest changing the entire pattern, but if you want to keep 00:13:368 (2,3) - , then you could move 00:12:736 (1) - to the sliderend of 00:14:631 (3) - . It would mess with the spacing a bit but at least be cleaner. Also, consider stacking (3)'s sliderhead with the sliderhead of 00:11:473 (1) -
00:25:368 (1,1) - The gap between these is reaaally big. It detracts from the music, especially considering that the kiai starts here. You could move 00:28:526 (1,2,3) - to 00:27:894 - and add a 1/1 slider at 00:31:684 - like so Don't forget to add a whistle to the sliderend.

Add whistles on the following timestamps or circles:
00:07:684 -
00:08:947 -
00:10:210 -
00:12:736 (1) -
00:14:000 -
00:15:263 -

00:04:526 (1,2,3) - For consistency's sake, try doing what you did before, like this
00:07:052 (1,2) - I'm not sure about this anti-jump. It really fits, don't get me wrong, I just don't know if it's okay in a Normal. Try asking around for some opinions on this. I like the pattern though, for what it's worth.
00:08:315 (4,5,6) - The way you hitsound here doesn't really fit your patterning all that much. Try doing what you did 00:09:578 (1,2,3) - here, considering that a slider -> slider -> circle pattern would much better emphasize the snare than a passive sliderend
00:24:736 (1) - Make this slider symmetrical on its own axis. To achieve that, move the endpoint to x335 y102 and the center (red) point to x256 y80.

This map was a fairly decent Normal, but maybe try adding some more variety by not only using straight and bezier sliders. Curvy sliders can be really pretty, you know?

00:08:789 (5) - Unsnapped sliderend
00:04:368 (6,7,8) - Distance these just a little bit further from the previous slider, to like 1.20 or 1.25x spacing, or it'll play a bit awkwardly
00:10:052 (2,3) - There's no real reason to have two 1/2 sliders here, it's better to keep your previous 1/1 slider pattern
00:17:000 (7) - This note feels a bit unnecessary, consider removing it
00:44:473 (5) - Ctrl + G flows better here. Also, adjust its position a bit so it's aligned with the previous slider like so
00:44:947 (6) - Try stacking this on top of the sliderhead of 00:42:736 (2) - . Looks cleaner.

Your continuous flow is very energetic, but occasionally stopping can also be nice. It gives the player a small resting moment, so maybe consider changing some patterns so it's not one continuous movement, for example;

If you applied my earlier mod at 00:10:052 (2,3) - , you could remove 00:10:684 (3) - and only have a circle on 00:10:526 - . That'd give some intuitive breaks while also following the music. I messed around a bit and got something like this, just to give you an idea. Do note that I also removed 00:11:315 (5) - , since I feel like the additional action detracts from the emphasized four claps. This is all just a suggestion though, but I think that if you toned down on the continuity just slightly, your map would play a whole lot better.

It feels like the Insane is a bit too easy. I don't really think it's a good idea to go in circles around the playfield with continuous spacing in an Insane. That's kind of boring to play. Therefore, I'm going to suggest a remap of at least some sections where you make things harder, slightly jumpier and more variable. It's an Insane, but it looks and plays like a Hard, and it's detrimental to your set. Some parts can stay, I don't think you have to remap everything. For example, I really like 00:11:316 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - this pattern, it fits and flows pretty well, but the pattern that comes right after it is rather uninteresting.

Furthermore, I'd like to add that your aesthetics could use some work. You seem to know how to make good sliders but your placements and patterns could definitely be a lot smoother and crisper. I wish I could give you some pictures with suggestions but my style is worlds apart from yours, haha, considering that I don't really like bezier sliders too much. Oftentimes, small seeming changes like moving 00:06:421 (3) - to x153 y187 actually make a huge change if applied throughout the map. In this map, it doesn't really feel like the patterns connect all that well. It could definitely use some more structure and consistency.

There are still two technical things I'd like to point out, though;
00:06:895 (3) - This note isn't really necessary, and is also overmapped
00:17:000 (5,6,1) - You only use these triples twice, even though the song stays the same for several more bars. Any reason for that?

I hope this advice helps, considering that there's quite some potential in you as a mapper.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Tess wrote:

Hi there, from my team's modding queue
Sorry I'm late, IRL stuff

  1. Add pop rock to tags Okay.

00:04:526 (1,2,3) - For consistency's sake, try doing what you did before, like this I like different rhythms. :p
00:07:052 (1,2) - I'm not sure about this anti-jump. It really fits, don't get me wrong, I just don't know if it's okay in a Normal. Try asking around for some opinions on this. I like the pattern though, for what it's worth. It's okay, I like it too. One of my other maps using that pattern is going to get bubbled soon and no one said anything about it.
00:08:315 (4,5,6) - The way you hitsound here doesn't really fit your patterning all that much. Try doing what you did 00:09:578 (1,2,3) - here, considering that a slider -> slider -> circle pattern would much better emphasize the snare than a passive sliderend Okay.
00:24:736 (1) - Make this slider symmetrical on its own axis. To achieve that, move the endpoint to x335 y102 and the center (red) point to x256 y80. Okay.

This map was a fairly decent Normal, but maybe try adding some more variety by not only using straight and bezier sliders. Curvy sliders can be really pretty, you know? I know they are pretty, just tried something different here.

00:08:789 (5) - Unsnapped sliderend Fixed.
00:04:368 (6,7,8) - Distance these just a little bit further from the previous slider, to like 1.20 or 1.25x spacing, or it'll play a bit awkwardly Okay.
00:10:052 (2,3) - There's no real reason to have two 1/2 sliders here, it's better to keep your previous 1/1 slider pattern Okay.
00:17:000 (7) - This note feels a bit unnecessary, consider removing it Okay.
00:44:473 (5) - Ctrl + G flows better here. Also, adjust its position a bit so it's aligned with the previous slider like so Okay.
00:44:947 (6) - Try stacking this on top of the sliderhead of 00:42:736 (2) - . Looks cleaner. Umm, I can't do it because I applied the advice before that and the distance snap doesn't let me do it.

Your continuous flow is very energetic, but occasionally stopping can also be nice. It gives the player a small resting moment, so maybe consider changing some patterns so it's not one continuous movement, for example;

If you applied my earlier mod at 00:10:052 (2,3) - , you could remove 00:10:684 (3) - and only have a circle on 00:10:526 - . That'd give some intuitive breaks while also following the music. I messed around a bit and got something like this, just to give you an idea. Do note that I also removed 00:11:315 (5) - , since I feel like the additional action detracts from the emphasized four claps. This is all just a suggestion though, but I think that if you toned down on the continuity just slightly, your map would play a whole lot better. I give the break sometimes, but when I give them so much it feels empty to me, so...

It feels like the Insane is a bit too easy. I don't really think it's a good idea to go in circles around the playfield with continuous spacing in an Insane. That's kind of boring to play. Therefore, I'm going to suggest a remap of at least some sections where you make things harder, slightly jumpier and more variable. It's an Insane, but it looks and plays like a Hard, and it's detrimental to your set. Some parts can stay, I don't think you have to remap everything. For example, I really like 00:11:316 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - this pattern, it fits and flows pretty well, but the pattern that comes right after it is rather uninteresting.

I think this difficulty is enough for this Insane, it can be played with Double time as well. I'm using jumps and triplets at some places to make it harder, I think that's enough. I'll try something anyway.

Furthermore, I'd like to add that your aesthetics could use some work. You seem to know how to make good sliders but your placements and patterns could definitely be a lot smoother and crisper. I wish I could give you some pictures with suggestions but my style is worlds apart from yours, haha, considering that I don't really like bezier sliders too much. Oftentimes, small seeming changes like moving 00:06:421 (3) - to x153 y187 actually make a huge change if applied throughout the map. In this map, it doesn't really feel like the patterns connect all that well. It could definitely use some more structure and consistency.

There are still two technical things I'd like to point out, though;
00:06:895 (3) - This note isn't really necessary, and is also overmapped Just to keep the pattern and jumps.
00:17:000 (5,6,1) - You only use these triples twice, even though the song stays the same for several more bars. Any reason for that? Well, I thought it could be boring if I use triplets everywhere.

I hope this advice helps, considering that there's quite some potential in you as a mapper. Thank you.

Good luck!
As your request.


  1. Nothing, Fine.


  1. 00:06:737 (2) - Change to 1/2 slider? Cuz 00:06:895 (3) - isn't have sounds.
  2. 00:11:473 (1,2) - Change to Normal-Clap and 80% volume? It is more fit music imo.
  3. 00:17:000 (5) - These Drum hitsound sounds a bit noise for music. Try to make voluem down at drum hitsound object?


  1. 00:11:473 (1,2) - Same as Insane. Change to Normal-Clap and 80% volume?
  2. 00:17:157 (1) - Well... Same as Insane. Try to make voluem down at drum hitsound object?


  1. 00:11:473 (1,2) - Same as Insane.
  2. 00:17:157 (1) - ^.

Don's Easy

  1. 00:11:473 (1) - Use Normal-clap Instead of Soft-clap?
  2. 00:15:894 (4) - Use low volume on these drum hitsounds?


Call me back.
Topic Starter

lkx_Shore wrote:

As your request.


  1. Nothing, Fine.


  1. 00:06:737 (2) - Change to 1/2 slider? Cuz 00:06:895 (3) - isn't have sounds.Well, I don't think it's a good idea to break that jump pattern there.
  2. 00:11:473 (1,2) - Change to Normal-Clap and 80% volume? It is more fit music imo. Okay with %70 sounds
  3. 00:17:000 (5) - These Drum hitsound sounds a bit noise for music. Try to make voluem down at drum hitsound object? It is %70 now


  1. 00:11:473 (1,2) - Same as Insane. Change to Normal-Clap and 80% volume?
  2. 00:17:157 (1) - Well... Same as Insane. Try to make voluem down at drum hitsound object?


  1. 00:11:473 (1,2) - Same as Insane.[/color]
  2. 00:17:157 (1) - ^.

Don's Easy

  1. 00:11:473 (1) - Use Normal-clap Instead of Soft-clap?
  2. 00:15:894 (4) - Use low volume on these drum hitsounds?


Call me back.
I think the same things I said goes for other diffs too.

Thank you very much!
Topic Starter

lkx_Shore wrote:

Thank you! :)

XavierJones wrote:

I don't have too many friends here in osu!, so this one is dedicated to Desperate-kun, Sieg, -Bakari-, Nishiji, AlexaBM, UnderminE. and Gero*
I wanna give some suggestions before thinking to qualify it.


  1. Consider to remove pop from tags since this is the genre of the song and it's quite unnecessary to keep it on tags.
Don's Easy

AR +2 & OD -1 Works better with this difficulty, you should try it.

  1. 00:14:631 (3) - I think it would be ideal if you consider the addition of a new combo here because as compared with the other difficulties this is the only one that completely ignored the change of rhythm.
  2. 00:18:421 (1,2) - I'd like to use the same rhythm like you've done here 00:20:947 (1) - x) and 00:23:473 (1) - x) to have consistency in this part since a sudden change of rhythm could become a bit confusing.

  1. 00:22:210 (1,2) - I suppose you wanna use a consistent spacing in the whole difficulty so wouldn't hurt if you put the same spacing for this slider.

  1. 00:24:736 (1) - Isn't symmetrical at all so would be cool if you replace it by another kind of slider, something like this can be nice on this part, anyways here the code just in case that you wanna use it.

  2. 00:34:526 (6) - CTRL + G to improve the flow?
  3. 00:43:526 (4) - Add a new combo to have the same consistency with the Insane.

  1. 00:34:052 (2,3,1) - Just a minor stuff but what about to do something like this instead a straight slider? anyways if you ask me it can be a good variation of patterns and would fit nicely.


Nothing much to say, call me back when you're done to apply those things.
Topic Starter

Gero wrote:

XavierJones wrote:

I don't have too many friends here in osu!, so this one is dedicated to Desperate-kun, Sieg, -Bakari-, Nishiji, AlexaBM, UnderminE. and Gero* YES!
I wanna give some suggestions before thinking to qualify it.


  1. Consider to remove pop from tags since this is the genre of the song and it's quite unnecessary to keep it on tags. Okay.
Don's Easy

AR +2 & OD -1 Works better with this difficulty, you should try it. Okay.

  1. 00:14:631 (3) - I think it would be ideal if you consider the addition of a new combo here because as compared with the other difficulties this is the only one that completely ignored the change of rhythm. Okay.
  2. 00:18:421 (1,2) - I'd like to use the same rhythm like you've done here 00:20:947 (1) - x) and 00:23:473 (1) - x) to have consistency in this part since a sudden change of rhythm could become a bit confusing. Okay.

  1. 00:22:210 (1,2) - I suppose you wanna use a consistent spacing in the whole difficulty so wouldn't hurt if you put the same spacing for this slider. Okay.

  1. 00:24:736 (1) - Isn't symmetrical at all so would be cool if you replace it by another kind of slider, something like this can be nice on this part, anyways here the code just in case that you wanna use it. Okay.

  2. 00:34:526 (6) - CTRL + G to improve the flow? I didn't use jumps in here, but tried something else to improve the flow
  3. 00:43:526 (4) - Add a new combo to have the same consistency with the Insane. Okay.

  1. 00:34:052 (2,3,1) - Just a minor stuff but what about to do something like this instead a straight slider? anyways if you ask me it can be a good variation of patterns and would fit nicely. Okay.


Nothing much to say, call me back when you're done to apply those things.
Applied them all, thanks~ :D
cause you're there for me too.

~ Qualified ~
Topic Starter

Gero wrote:

cause you're there for me too.

~ Qualified ~
:) :) They should put here a kiss icon!
congratz :D
Kaguya Hourain
Cool, glad we could help! o7
when <.<
Shohei Ohtani
how the fuck did 2 people map this song like is Friends really that popular
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