
Osu! Ultimate Leagues

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OK so I have some good news and some bad news regarding the tournament. The good news is that my competition domain is up and running, It is ready to go live and it's designed specifically to open up competitive environments universally, including a tournament creation system that anyone can use and works far more effectively than the current forums with custom controlling, idle player removal and non cancelling tournaments with whatever specifications you want, this is also the domain i'll be running my tournaments from for all ranks. There are also other projects I'm working into it but it'll come for later. let me know if you have any ideas as to what you'd like to see.

The bad news however; there were some technical issues with the domain registration itself as well as a couple of the html scripts i wrote are buggy and not functioning properly, I know I said I'd have it running by Monday but it's looking like potentially two weeks more before I am able to open up the site to public use.

If you have questions or suggestions don't hesitate to send me a PM or to post it on the forums here. Gl and Hf.
Since its a league, will you be versing everybody in your league at least once?
I'd like to enter the masters division.. im 10562 in rank
Not sure how this works, but I'd be happy to join Grandmaster League, but I'll probably lose every match :D
Vuelo Eluko

mayank0 wrote:

I'd like to enter the masters division.. im 10562 in rank
that puts you in gold

so this is basically like the ESL osu thing except people will actually be doing it? is the only way to raise up the divisions to rank up yourself? for example, the 1st place person in a league should have the option to try being in the next one to see how he fares since rank isnt a perfectly accurate skill metric.

even so, what about the more volatile ranks? i.e intermediate league, if theres even 1 week between the players being scheduled and the matches, some of them could easily have ranked into bronze or silver league before it even starts. do the matches proceed as usual or is it changed?

Riince wrote:

so this is basically like the ESL osu thing except people will actually be doing it? is the only way to raise up the divisions to rank up yourself? for example, the 1st place person in a league should have the option to try being in the next one to see how he fares since rank isnt a perfectly accurate skill metric.

even so, what about the more volatile ranks? i.e intermediate league, if theres even 1 week between the players being scheduled and the matches, some of them could easily have ranked into bronze or silver league before it even starts. do the matches proceed as usual or is it changed?
I believe the best way to remedy that issue is to KEEP them at the lower tier, and then set up some matches against the low end players of the next league so they can earn that league. But let's not put that system into use until after the leagues are well it is right now, this idea is really volatile and may not work.
GG BenQ MoaB
I'd like to participate in Silver league
Rank 34.700
Why not, i will enter also. Though i'm not the best, I would fall under Grand Masters League with a rank of 2700
You will just vanish in a few days (or weeks) and this is never gonna work but I'll tell you one thing:

Dividing by ranks like that is dumb, world class = top 1k doesn't make much sense, the difference between someone ranked #50 and someone on the #800 is enormous. Any decent player just needs to try a little bit and farm some pp to get into the top 1000, getting into the top 100 is another story. You might want to rework the whole rank requirements for all leagues.
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Wishy wrote:

You will just vanish in a few days (or weeks) and this is never gonna work but I'll tell you one thing:

Dividing by ranks like that is dumb, world class = top 1k doesn't make much sense, the difference between someone ranked #50 and someone on the #800 is enormous. Any decent player just needs to try a little bit and farm some pp to get into the top 1000, getting into the top 100 is another story. You might want to rework the whole rank requirements for all leagues.
You say that like i have enough entrants to divide that many times, If i ever get that many participants the divisions will get smaller but i just don't have the people to do that.
Definitely gonna join in the Grand Masters League. :D:D:D:D:D:D

Wishy wrote:

You will just vanish in a few days (or weeks) and this is never gonna work but I'll tell you one thing:

Dividing by ranks like that is dumb, world class = top 1k doesn't make much sense, the difference between someone ranked #50 and someone on the #800 is enormous. Any decent player just needs to try a little bit and farm some pp to get into the top 1000, getting into the top 100 is another story. You might want to rework the whole rank requirements for all leagues.
btw. getting to 1k rank is NOT ez unless you like play only pp farm maps lol
Sign me up for Gold League! Rank is in the 14k.
- Kyle -
I'd like to participate too, Gold League. :DD
Master League :)

Make it so scores won't be submitted plz.
- Careless -
Why not? I'll participate. For Gold League at 27,000
Sure, why not xD I'll be entering the gold league. 22300 rank :)
I will join the grandmaster league :D
Rank 1650 or something like that
I would love to join!

I would fall under Silver league, rank is 53,842 at the time of submission. :)

Lunahaku wrote:

I would love to join!

I would fall under Silver league, rank is 53,842 at the time of submission. :)
Its worth noting that I may be actually be better matched in the Gold league not sure tho. not trying to be over-confident or anything.
Just wanna point out that the lower leagues would probably be hard to pull off considering people advance ranks very quickly.

If this becomes a thing though, I don't mind playing.
I will join the gold league.
I'll be joining the little league.
God Faelthas
Sing me up for Gold League.
bronze league #93k right now
I'll join the Master league.
Rank #9787
Count me in for the league
I'll belong to silver I guess #46337
That seems to be worth a shot.
For Gold League at #13,806, although I suck :D
Only play for fun ^^
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Wow, 13 New entrants overnight. This is going amazingly well so far. If there's an interest we already have enough participants to run a gold league tourney. :D

Ihavenolegs wrote:

btw. getting to 1k rank is NOT ez unless you like play only pp farm maps lol
DT that is?

Count me in if this actually works, rank 1,6k

LifesPassion wrote:

I'll join the Master league.
Rank #9787
Fite me >:(
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This is great, there are already enough players to run both a gold league and a grand master league tourney. I'll message you guys about it when there are enough, I encourage everyone to join in :)
Get me in on that gold league m8 ;)
I'll play on the Grand Master league if possible, that would be a fun way to practice my aim.
Would definitely be interested in playing in the Gold League! :D
This sounds like fun. Put me in the Gold League!

Ihavenolegs wrote:

Wishy wrote:

You will just vanish in a few days (or weeks) and this is never gonna work but I'll tell you one thing:

Dividing by ranks like that is dumb, world class = top 1k doesn't make much sense, the difference between someone ranked #50 and someone on the #800 is enormous. Any decent player just needs to try a little bit and farm some pp to get into the top 1000, getting into the top 100 is another story. You might want to rework the whole rank requirements for all leagues.
btw. getting to 1k rank is NOT ez unless you like play only pp farm maps lol
pretty late but i would say that if you know how to play this game well, you can easily get into top 1k without playing pp farm maps as you say.
Vuelo Eluko
top 1k is hard no matter what
When is the deadline for registration?
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piruchan wrote:

When is the deadline for registration?
There is no deadline, Come in whenever you want people will come and go
Sign me up in Grand Masters please! :D
Also, what happens if a Player advances to the next league or drops to the previous league when they have already signed up?
Do you just update them to be in the previous/next league?
Should have a promotion system where you can be promoted to the next league if you're top 3 in your league. Also demoting the bottom 3 players in their league to the league below them. This would be a good idea since people's ranks don't always tell the truth.
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Altrax wrote:

Should have a promotion system where you can be promoted to the next league if you're top 3 in your league. Also demoting the bottom 3 players in their league to the league below them. This would be a good idea since people's ranks don't always tell the truth.
Things like this may be implemented but i need some tourneys to run first so that there are solid leagues to begin with :P. Gold and Grand Master will likely both go forwards very soon.
Sign me up in gold league! :D
Little league here I come!
7 D4ys
Sign me up for the Intermediate League!
Grand Masters League ~~
Grand Masters League

Raniemi wrote:

LifesPassion wrote:

I'll join the Master league.
Rank #9787
Fite me >:(
il rek u gud m8 ;^3c<
Sign me up for the bronze league! Rank 86,902. :)
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