hi! from team mod queue~
seems you already got an usefull mods there, so my mod will generally find, and fix some error, and i hope this is helping without changing / reducing the 'fun-factor' inside your map.. :3
column = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
00:21:557 (21557|4,22189|0,22505|2) -
you rather
move the 3rd notes to double white line, following this pattern : 00:20:610 (20610|6,20926|0,21242|2) -
so it's gonna like 1 1 1 0 - 1 1 1 0 - 1 1 1 0- , better than 1 1 1 1 - 0 1 1 1 - 0 1 1 1 - 0 1 1 1
because it's heards more
OR, you can
add notes on each white double lines , so it's gonna like 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1
you know what i mean, don't you...? ._.
it's applies from 00:20:610 (20610|6) - to 00:34:189 (34189|1) - which have same pattern.
00:39:557 add on 7
00:55:347 - ^
01:01:031 (61031|0,61189|0,61663|6,61821|6,62294|2,62452|2,62926|4,63084|4) - not too for beginner.. perhaps you want to make it not too 'jacky' even it's only 2 rows,
01:10:505 (70505|3) - move to 3 following 01:09:242 (69242|2) -
01:16:189 add on 4
01:34:821 (94821|3) - turn into circle, and move to 6
then add a longnote on 4, from 01:35:136 > 01:37:663
01:37:663 add on 1
yep.. :3 haha
00:07:978 (7978|2,8084|4) - spread it like 2 6, or 1 7
00:30:084 (30084|0,30163|6,30242|0,30321|6,30400|0,30478|6,30557|0,30636|6,30715|0) - drilling like this is not 'normal' imo, since the bpm is kinda high too, better crop some note to make it lil bit easier..
better following the pattern above this part..
http://puu.sh/9EEi9/3e9d16c4d2.png01:00:400 (60400|0,60478|6,60557|0,60636|6,60715|0,60794|6,60873|0,60952|6) - again, idk... it's fit with the rhythm, but not really 'normal' for 'normal'
http://puu.sh/9EEqQ/84ca36b9a7.png isn't normal though, but it's more fair better than drill
01:01:031 (61031|2,61031|4,61189|4,61189|2) - move it like 26 26
add a longnote on 4, from 01:35:136 > 01:36:400
not really got a problem with this diff, hyper is hyper though, but the only thing makes this diff buggy is :
00:00:715 (715|6,715|0,821|0,821|6,926|6,926|0,1031|6,1031|0) -
00:01:978 (1978|5,1978|1,2084|5,2084|1,2189|5,2189|1,2294|5,2294|1) -
that jack.. *mind blowed*
00:15:557 (15557|0,15715|0,15873|0,16031|0,16189|0,16347|0,16505|0,16663|0,16821|0,16978|0,17136|0,17294|0,17452|0,17610|0,17768|0,17926|0,18084|0,18242|0,18400|0,18557|0,18715|0,18873|0,19031|0,19189|0) - when i found 1st column so full, the 7th column seems very empty
01:20:926 (80926|6,81084|6,81242|6,81400|6,81557|6,81715|6,81873|6,82031|6,82189|6,82347|6,82505|6,82663|6,82821|6,82978|6,83136|6,83294|6,83452|6,83610|6) - and this part full with 7th column
and another part..
you may want spread it to another column, like making a stairs instead a drill, to make the pattern more creative and fun to play
01:14:926 (74926|2,75242|3,75557|4) - cant hear 3 instrument there, remove this.
01:15:715 add on 4
01:15:873 (75873|5) - move to 4
01:16:031 (76031|3) - move to 6, or remove?
00:00:715 (715|6,715|4,715|2,715|0,821|2,821|6,821|4,821|0,926|6,926|0,926|4,926|2,1031|4,1031|2,1031|0,1031|6) - can't hear 4 instrument, crop 1 row.
00:49:978 (49978|0,50057|0,50215|0,50294|0) - make it like 1 2 1 2
00:55:978 (55978|0,55978|6,55978|4,55978|2) - > 00:57:873 (57873|2,57873|1,57873|4,57873|0) -
can't hear 4 instrument, not too noisy too, make it 3 circles on each pattern instead 4
01:14:926 (74926|3) - add on 1
01:16:189 (76189|3) - add on 7
01:21:873 (81873|4,81873|6) - remove 1 of them
just a lil note for you, i ever map a jacky map, and many 'pro' people said 'your pattenr is too lame, it's somehow boring me, you can make it better than jacks'... it's not my opinion though because tbh i like jacks, but i hope you can consider about that..
cant mod Black Another, even jack is too heavy even for et player, you know what i mean.. but it's only my opinion though, and perhaps it's gonna be fun to play if i 'able' to play it... (too bad, i still love my keyboard.. :v )
good luck! hope this is helping! :3