
Extra replay features.

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +3,103
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The current method to watch a replay is nice how you can speed it up or slow it down. However time and time again I have wanted more features to be added to this mode. Here are a list of things that would be nice to have added when watching a replay.

1.) Ability to pause replay.
Reason: When watching a replay you might need to pause to do something. This is not possible, and if you missed something you will need to watch the entire replay over again.

2.)Ability to scrobble through a replay.
Reason: If you want to watch a specific part of a long song for practice and the editor is not meeting your needs it would be nice if you did not have to sit through the whole song to watch one part. Also if you want to watch the part multiple times you can go back and watch it again.

3.) More speed options, or speed slider bar.
Reason: Sometimes when watching a replay there might be a pattern just too fast for you to comprehend at the already low 0.5x speed. If there was a slider that went from 0 to say 2x it might help players grasp the technique for faster songs.
I've seen lots of requests related to this. I have no idea why it wasn't implemented yet.
1.) You can already sort of do this by clicking the button to add a comment, and then clicking in the text box.
2.) An experimental version of replay scrubbing is up on the test build, I think. Replay scrubbing is actually extremely inconvenient due to the way the score system works and what kind of data replays contain, hence why such an obvious feature doesn't exist yet.
3.) I support this.

HyperBCS wrote:

1.) Ability to pause replay.

HyperBCS wrote:

2.)Ability to scrobble through a replay.
There's a seek bar feature on the test build somewhere. hopefully should be ready at some point soon x.x

HyperBCS wrote:

3.) More speed options, or speed slider bar.
dunno about this one... sounds like a duplicate.
afaik all of these features are already in experimental replay watcher in test build.

deadbeat wrote:

HyperBCS wrote:

1.) Ability to pause replay.

In deadbeat's forum link peppy said he is already working on these.

Sorry for failed quote..
Support. This is an excellent idea.
This needs a bump and extra consideration... replays are tedious to go through when you have a 4 minute map to watch on double time.

Edit: I got ninja bumped
These would really help people in improving and finding out exactly what mistakes they do when they play. Knowing that would allow people to improve faster.
Wow, it sure is raining stars
Quite Fantastic
With this implemented, I would probably end up spending 90% of my time checking my mistakes X'D Would be awesome to see this, though
Brilliant I say
This would add a great feature to the game, Would love to see this!
Wirrek The Cat
Peppy pls, I'll give you butter :3

Garpo wrote:

Wow, it sure is raining stars
Quite Fantastic

vxb wrote:

Brilliant I say

Mafham wrote:

With this implemented, I would probably end up spending 90% of my time checking my mistakes X'D Would be awesome to see this, though

cyngiel wrote:

Mafham wrote:

With this implemented, I would probably end up spending 90% of my time checking my mistakes X'D Would be awesome to see this, though
And being able to watch a failed replay more than once.
Misaka Mikoto_old_1
Looking forward to this!
this thread. what the hell. suddenly snowballing out of control o.O

deadbeat wrote:

this thread. what the hell. suddenly snowballing out of control o.O
lewa said hi to this thread in his stream

deadbeat wrote:

this thread. what the hell. suddenly snowballing out of control o.O
A certain finn said something on stream 8-) :) 8-)
Some guy happened to find this thread when we had quite a big tantrum about this feature missing from osu!.

I think people kinda agreed

deadbeat wrote:

this thread. what the hell. suddenly snowballing out of control o.O
TheLewa thought it would be a fantastic idea if this were implemented and everyone jumped onto the train.
But he didn't realize that we are certainly aiming for the stars with this one.

Valentiino wrote:

Some guy happened to find this thread when we had quite a big tantrum about this feature missing from osu!.

I think people kinda agreed

vxb wrote:

Valentiino wrote:

Some guy happened to find this thread when we had quite a big tantrum about this feature missing from osu!.

I think people kinda agreed
stop posting unless you have something useful to add. also wasn't most of this added, just uncompleted?
Do it please

deadbeat wrote:

stop posting unless you have something useless to add. also wasn't most of this added, just uncompleted?
The most important one is pretty much the ability to seek to a certain point in a replay.

deadbeat wrote:

stop posting unless you have something useless to add. also wasn't most of this added, just uncompleted?
If it is not available in game then it has not been added

Valentiino wrote:

deadbeat wrote:

stop posting unless you have something useless to add. also wasn't most of this added, just uncompleted?
The most important one is pretty much the ability to seek to a certain point in a replay.
yeah, that was added. i remember having some fun with that, but it was buggy as hell when first added. got removed/disabled or something until it's more stable
not 100% though:(
Well, I hope this brings some more attention to such feature. It would improve the existing replay system to a point, where it's almost like in any other game with a replay system.

And I think we can all agree, that people kinda want this thing being worked on again
I want this ;P
It would be pretty awesome aswell if u'd have the possibility to make the hitcircles on replays with Hidden-Mod visible in some form.

Archangelwing wrote:

It would be pretty awesome aswell if u'd have the possibility to make the hitcircles on replays with Hidden-Mod visible in some form.
requested and denied. defeats the purpose of watching the replay

deadbeat wrote:

Archangelwing wrote:

It would be pretty awesome aswell if u'd have the possibility to make the hitcircles on replays with Hidden-Mod visible in some form.
requested and denied. defeats the purpose of watching the replay
What is the true purpose of watching a replay may I ask?
wow 2k stars such snowball

deadbeat wrote:

Archangelwing wrote:

It would be pretty awesome aswell if u'd have the possibility to make the hitcircles on replays with Hidden-Mod visible in some form.
requested and denied. defeats the purpose of watching the replay

vxb wrote:

What is the true purpose of watching a replay may I ask?
what's the point in watching a replay with hidden, if you just disable the hidden mod?
anyway, that's a different request. lets just stick with the 3 that are mentioned in here

deadbeat wrote:

Archangelwing wrote:

It would be pretty awesome aswell if u'd have the possibility to make the hitcircles on replays with Hidden-Mod visible in some form.
requested and denied. defeats the purpose of watching the replay
How so? It would make it a LOT easier to actually understand what you're doing in regards to the map and would especially help with (spaced) streams to see what exactly you're doing wrong

This of course only applies to when replays are used as a matter of troubleshooting when you have problems doing certain patterns or parts in a map.

deadbeat wrote:

what's the point in watching a replay with hidden, if you just disable the hidden mod?
It would help you seeing for example if you are following streams incorrectly while using hidden, but yeah you're right, this is off-topic.

deadbeat wrote:

anyway, that's a different request. lets just stick with the 3 that are mentioned in here

Zare wrote:

How so? It would make it a LOT easier to actually understand what you're doing in regards to the map and would especially help with (spaced) streams to see what exactly you're doing wrong

This of course only applies to when replays are used as a matter of troubleshooting when you have problems doing certain patterns or parts in a map.

I second this. It would help see if you are over/under-aiming, I would be on deadbeat's side if the suggestion was to toggle hardrock off or flashlight etc as those are useless, but if you can disable hidden in replay you would see exactly where you are aiming and fix it and improve quicker.
Speaking of replay features, it would be nice to have multiplayer save local replays (without manually having to F2) ;_;
Guys I think deadbeat is serious when he's saying it's off-topic.
Deadbeat is serious when he says it's off-topic

deadbeat wrote:

deadbeat wrote:

anyway, that's a different request. lets just stick with the 3 that are mentioned in here
Not really: The thread is titled "Extra replay features" so anything mentioned should contribute to the thread in question. Anything off topic/relating to another thing in osu is a different story.

zertap wrote:

Speaking of replay features, it would be nice to have multiplayer save local replays (without manually having to F2) ;_;
boom t/140258

Justify wrote:

Not really: The thread is titled "Extra replay features" so anything mentioned should contribute to the thread in question. Anything off topic/relating to another thing in osu is a different story.

HyperBCS wrote:

1.) Ability to pause replay.
Reason: When watching a replay you might need to pause to do something. This is not possible, and if you missed something you will need to watch the entire replay over again.

2.)Ability to scrobble through a replay.
Reason: If you want to watch a specific part of a long song for practice and the editor is not meeting your needs it would be nice if you did not have to sit through the whole song to watch one part. Also if you want to watch the part multiple times you can go back and watch it again.

3.) More speed options, or speed slider bar.
Reason: Sometimes when watching a replay there might be a pattern just too fast for you to comprehend at the already low 0.5x speed. If there was a slider that went from 0 to say 2x it might help players grasp the technique for faster songs.
I'm pretty sure the thread is suggesting these 3 features.
Forums are for discussing. If everyone would make an own Thread for anything thts not 100% related to the "real " point of the Thread, you would have thousands of posts with little details, that nobody would have the time /energy to read/ think about / and discuss if they are usefull or not. The reason of why disabling HD during the replay has allready been mentioned. It's just my opinion about the topic "Extras for replay mode " if you consider this as 'off-topic' idk how to reply on that ^^

-Discussonpart done for me-
Topic Starter
Wow the stars on this really exploded! Well anyway the idea to auto-save replays in multiplayer is a great idea as well. It could be a simple toggle in the options whether or not you want it enabled. This seems like a very easy implementation. It always upsets me when I get a really nice play in multi and hit escape without remembering to save it. Hopefully Peppy reads this great thread!

Edit: Also the save failed plays is a great idea. It would be helpful to see why you fail in a map to help you practice. Just like in target practice when you fail you get a D. The replay data could show the same thing to make things less complicated, and show the score screen at the end of the replay.

Auto-Save Multi: t/140258
Save Failed Replay: t/87873
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