So I changed spacebar to "G" because I couldn't hit notes with is for shit, should I stick with "G" or is spacebar more optimal and I should just learn how to use it. Also I've been playing mania for 3 days so I still suck.
Coming from DJMAXm where 7k is played (ASD [F or J] KL;), I first started playing just like you're doing now. And it's completely fine you won't really fall at any disadvantages early on. But I had to switch to use my thumb because using my pinky put me a huge disadvantage on higher level maps. But notice I said thumb and not space, I don't like the space bar either, feels too different from the other keys.LeFaggot wrote:
So I changed spacebar to "G" because I couldn't hit notes with is for shit, should I stick with "G" or is spacebar more optimal and I should just learn how to use it. Also I've been playing mania for 3 days so I still suck.