
Songs not loading when using Visual Settings [confirmed] [resolved]

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Something similar happens to me.

If I start a song and then turn off beatmap skin, storyboard, background dim, etc. too fast, osu will fail to load the song. What will happen is that it just keeps loading the song without anything happening. I can't click esc or anything. The only way to get out of it is to either restart osu, or flicker the beatmap skin, storyboard or hitsounds options off and on a couple of times.

I know this has been a problem in the past for some people, but it only used to happen to me once or twice a month before the update. Now after the update, it has already happened thrice for me today.
I've experienced this every now and then, a few times every month since beatmaps started to load with the beatmap processing graphic and give you time to change visual settings, update.
but a lot of users seem to experienced this a lot more now since this recent update.

I'm afraid there isn't much you can do yourself to make it go away forever, you can just retry the beatmap again and it should play just fine.
I'm not even sure if that's what this topic is about.I can't even replicate it yet...

edit: p/2190994 confirmed
When I start a song and ignore the beatmap skin/hitsounds 90% of the time the song won't start, it just get stuck on the loading screen; when I alt+f4 out it says the song failed to load. This is only happening with the recent update.

Once I alt+f4 out and retry the song, the scoreboard is stuck on the left even with it hidden, and not colored; just in black/white:
same as this guy then t/123407
i don't think it is the same.

that topic is about osu! for mac which can't even load a single map.
(although Xytox reply is pc-issue and is related to this one)

well, i don't have to explain much as Xytox's post explain it all
Yeah sorry, it's the same as Xytox issue, but the leaderboard messes up as well if you enter the song after stopping the loading.
tyrantism didn't actually say he was a mac user, but he probably is since he replied to all the mac topics and it sounds more like he's having the same problem as them. If this is confirmed, I will split the windows user posts to this topic.
@Disso- you mean this right ?

@theowest tyrantism is a mac user as he don't get new skin (well, wineskin doesn't update to get new skin yet)

also he only post to topic that has op says MAC / OS X
windows user posts has now been merged with this topic.
Froztic; Yeah, that's what I mean. Retrying the song brings it back to normal though.
confirmed maybe ?
when i disable something before the song is just get stuck loading forever and eventually (several mins) i get kicked back to menu and it says it was an error loading the beatmap
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Neyri wrote:

when i disable something before the song is just get stuck loading forever and eventually (several mins) i get kicked back to menu and it says it was an error loading the beatmap
Ya, I didn't mention it, but just for the sake of saying/confirming it: that's what happens if you wait long enough or start to flicker the toggle options in the visual settings. And you usually have to a wait a very long time before anything happens.
Harp Note
I had the same problem, but I had never put much attention to this. It started before this last big update, and now it's still happens.

By the way, when I play beatmaps that doesn't have storyboard and desactivate the sound and the beatmap skin, usually the storyboard check box lights up and if I check it (no reason), the map keeps loading forever. All of that have to happen immediatly after I select the song in the selection screen and before the actual song start.

Also, the thing about the score only happened to me once, after quiting with alt+f4, like everyody knows.

P.D: I think I probably sounded repetitive, but I not too good at english to write this in a better way without taking too much time.
happen to map with storyboard only ?
i can't replicate this on non-storyboard map, but i'm not sure
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Froztic wrote:

happen to map with storyboard only ?
i can't replicate this on non-storyboard map, but i'm not sure
I've managed to make it happen on non-storyboard maps, so I don't think that's where the issue lies. Tried it just a couple of minutes ago.

Also, here's an example of what Harp Note was saying about the storyboard toggle being lit up the first few moments of the song.
As you can see, it's possible to toggle the storyboard on even if there is no storyboard for the map, the same goes for the video. Doing that usually results in an error when loading the beatmap, just like when you toggle the other options on too early. Although, I have managed to start a beatmap even with the disable storyboard toggled on, so it's still just a case of doing it too early that makes the error loading the beatmap occur. So I highly doubt the storyboard has anything to do with all of this. It seems to just be a case of interrupting osu in the middle of its loading that makes all of this happen.

So protip to whoever is reading this if you haven't figured it out already: If this happens to you, take a moment before clicking the toggles. That will most likely ensure that the beatmap loads correctly without any problems. Preferably let the beatmap completely load and then hit esc and put on the desired visual settings that you want.

It seems this issue does not exist in multiplayer either, but that might be because you aren't really able to disable anything except the background and video when playing. You can, but osu tells you to restart the beatmap to make the effects come into play, which you can't since it's multiplayer. So it isn't really possible to interrupt osu's loading when playing multi. At least, I have never been able to turn off beatmap skin and hitsounds without osu telling me to restart the beatmap in multi before.
for anyone who still don't know what's going on here, i've record one

unexpectedly drain me about 2hr to edit
enjoy !

@Xytox i will try on non-storyboard maps then
I just replicated this twice on parapara max which is a pretty big sb map. but when I took a screenshot it loaded

The second time I replicated this, I didn't take a screenshot but went out using Alt F4, and at the song listing I saw nothing strange. But when I entered the title menu everything was black except the osu! cookie and the supporter icon

it quickly turned back to normal again with this warning message.

I have actually experienced this a lot before (as mentioned earlier in my post), but I think it might happen a lot more often now since the recent big update.

I think I've stumbled upon another loading visual settings bug, where you can't bring it up until you actually pause the beatmap and bring it up. It's not going up automatically sometimes. I wonder why that's happening.
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theowest wrote:

The second time I replicated this, I didn't take a screenshot but went out using Alt F4, and at the song listing I saw nothing strange. But when I entered the title menu everything was black except the osu! cookie and random skin elements (ranked beatmap icon for example)
This happened to me, and I don't know how to replicate it.

Looks like this normally.

I'm pretty sure it happened after a beatmap had failed loading, but I can't say that for certain. I was experimenting around a bit with the beatmap errors, but nothing out of interest really happened. So I gave up on it and started chatting with some people instead and had F9 up so my whole screen was covered. And then when I took it down after 20 or so minutes, I noticed the background was black.

But yeah, a lot of weird things happen when osu fails to load a beatmap. As shown in Froztic's video, osu had to try around three or four times before it could successfully load the beatmap that he tried to play after it crashed. I also recall (even though I never got the chance of getting a screenshot of it. I was in the middle of an FC, mind you) that when I was playing a beatmap after it crashed, it didn't count my score or combo on the left side where the leaderboards are. It counted everything just fine on the actual screen (score in the top right and combo in the bottom left), but for some reason it had not interest in counting in the little leaderboard section on the left. Everything worked fine except that.
Harp Note

Froztic wrote:

happen to map with storyboard only ?
i can't replicate this on non-storyboard map, but i'm not sure
Just to be clear, it happened in non-storyboard maps, but I think I haven't tried in storyboard maps. (Right now I don't have the time to try it myself but you people had done it already lol)

Anyway Xytox got it right, and like you say:

Xytox wrote:

So protip to whoever is reading this if you haven't figured it out already: If this happens to you, take a moment before clicking the toggles. That will most likely ensure that the beatmap loads correctly without any problems. Preferably let the beatmap completely load and then hit esc and put on the desired visual settings that you want..
That's the best way to avoid this problem. Until it's solved of course.
I've also had this happened to me on non-sb maps, it's just not happening as much for me. It's a lot easier to replicate this on SB maps, probably to do with the fact that you're loading more.
Skinned beatmaps could probably also be used to replicate this.
Only happened after I spammed the toggles. Not on a SB map. No black main menu, though.

EDIT: WOOPS, there we go!

AND this as well:

Tried to acess edit mode on it aaaaand guess what happens?

This happens to me :s

I just wanted to record my replay and the song doesn't load
Then I just pressed alt+f4 to return to the menu and it looks really weird :s
I got this by toggling "Disable video" on a map without video. The box isn't greyes out until the map loads fully.
Explain the issue you are having:
When i load some songs it hangs on the loading animation

Is it reproducible? If so, explain the steps to do so:

1. It happends only on some beatmaps.

Include any relevant video or screenshots, and hardware information for hard crashes or lag issues:

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
Osu Build: b20130325
Confirmed. (No video or pictures though :'D)
t/123590 duplicate

To clarify my previous post, checking "Disable video" on a map without video triggers this bug almost every time. There are a couple seconds (or more for marathons) where it's clickable before the map loads and it greys out. Then you get stuck, and the only way out is clicking the red X or Alt+F4 (Esc doesn't work)

The changelog wrote:

[peppy] Fix ability to toggle video disable briefly on maps which don't have videos (causing a crash).
Nice to see this is fixed! Can anyone replicate it with other visual settings?

MillhioreF wrote:

The changelog wrote:

[peppy] Fix ability to toggle video disable briefly on maps which don't have videos (causing a crash).
Nice to see this is fixed! Can anyone replicate it with other visual settings?
Maps that don't have storyboards (it can be toggled while the map is loading)
Topic Starter

Enzo wrote:

MillhioreF wrote:

Nice to see this is fixed! Can anyone replicate it with other visual settings?
Maps that don't have storyboards (it can be toggled while the map is loading)
Yup, this is true, I'm afraid. It's also possible to still make the game go crazy and crash if you toggle the visual settings on too early when starting a beatmap.
Please test in the latest build. Should be better, I hope.
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It seems to be fixed completely on my end. Even if I spam the toggles, osu still manages to load the beatmap without any problems.
Harp Note
Just a while ago I had the problem when the scoreboard remains stuck at the side.


I think it has to do with the skin of said map (and maybe my slow pc?), the first time I dont remember how exactly happened but obviously I was adjusting the visual settings.

It was hard trying to replicate that, and still I can't find a way to do it 100% of the time. Proving that certainly this is mostly fixed. I will write everything:

- This map has custom skin and sound, so it could take more time to load, nothing new. Before the map start you have the chance to change between your skin/sounds and the map's, in other words, desactivate or enable the "ignore beatmap skin/sound" infinite times if you are quick enough.

Once you are done, sometimes the map will keep loading, just like before the fix, and quitting the map with Alt+F4 will put a blue screen for some time (in reality thats the blue of the title screen, maybe if you are a supporter and have a custom bg it will be a black screen, again, like before) , after that it will bring you back to the song selection and it will appear the classical "There was an error while loading the beatmap",Image. And if you play the map again, the scoreboard will be stuck like I said in the beggining:


In other maps without custom skin/sounds I couln't do it, because they load fast in comparison. So in the end:

- The problem could be that the map have a skin, and the fact that my PC is somewhat slow (Pentium 4 3.06 GHz / Geforce 6200) could "help" in in these long loads.

- Retrying the map will fix the scoreboard.

That's all, I think it's worth pointing this though its difficult to happen.


Edit: The same in this map: (Custom skin/sound)

In my second play (in the first I unlocked the settings), I marked the skin and sounds and after a 4 or 5 seconds load, I thought, why not typing Alt+F4? The rest is the same:

Blue screen

Back in the selection screen, error in loading the beatmap

Playing the map next with scoreboard stuck(855 lol)

Alt+F4 destroys everything.
Unresolving this - fixing "Disable video" didn't solve the problem, because it wasn't the cause, it was just a way to enable this.

Starting a map causes Visual Settings to pop up for a brief moment while the loading circle is still there. If the player manages to check one of the boxes before it hides itself down beneath the bottom, the Visual Settings panel will usually stay; at this point, rapidly clicking the three boxes will usually cause the map to not load in the same way as described in this thread's OP.
(Also, as a side issue, "Disable storyboard" is still clickable during this stage on maps with no storyboards)
Full Tablet

MillhioreF wrote:

Unresolving this - fixing "Disable video" didn't solve the problem, because it wasn't the cause, it was just a way to enable this.

Starting a map causes Visual Settings to pop up for a brief moment while the loading circle is still there. If the player manages to check one of the boxes before it hides itself down beneath the bottom, the Visual Settings panel will usually stay; at this point, rapidly clicking the three boxes will usually cause the map to not load in the same way as described in this thread's OP.
(Also, as a side issue, "Disable storyboard" is still clickable during this stage on maps with no storyboards)
I normally get this with slightly different conditions:
- Enabling/Disabling Storyboard doesn't seem to affect this at all.
- This happens while you can still change visual setting without restarting the map (basically between the time it starts loading, and the time you close visual settings).
- To this to happen, you have to enable/disable hitsounds or enable/disable skin while the spinning loading animation just starts. (Sometimes it happens when you change only one of the settings quickly, but it happens more frequently when changing one setting just after the other).
I tried clicking it a lot and it does delay the loading time, but the song eventually loaded when I stopped clicking the options. It was not letting me check the same option quickly.
I always get this when I hit ignore skin and ignore hitsounds too fast in succession.

Ziggo wrote:

I always get this when I hit ignore skin and ignore hitsounds too fast in succession.
I can confirm that this is a 100% surefire way to trigger this at my end, too. Sometimes it even crashes the beatmap, causing me to get thrown back into the main menu. This has been around ever since Fun Spoiler got changed into Visual Settings. (I've even had BATs confirm that it happens 100% of the time when you do it as I will describe shortly)

The key to triggering this is quickly disabling the beatmap's skin and hitsounds right at the beginning when osu! still manages to change those settings without the need of restarting the map. I'm talking about when you get that spinning loading thing at your screen. For some reason osu! can't disable the skin and the hitsounds at the same time using the coded in automatic restart function at the beginning of the map so it just loads forever.
Indeed, this happens a lot and the way to avoid it is to wait for the map to fully load, pause, turn everything on and then retry.
Please test on the latest test build. I changed loading logic slightly which hopefully helped with this.

peppy wrote:

Please test on the latest test build. I changed loading logic slightly which hopefully helped with this.
The problem is still present

do it like I did on the video and you're bound to trigger it 100% of the time, no matter what map

if you don't get it, you didn't disable the skin and hitsounds fast enough.
I noticed that you can unresolve this bug by taking a screenshot of it. So either that or Alt + F4.
Is this still possible?

peppy wrote:

Is this still possible?
Yes in both the live build and test build.
Happen to me 10 minutes ago too
I couldn't replicate it on testbuild (b20130530, tested on ~30 random maps) but it still happens on live build
Has this been happening in multiplayer games aswell? I only noticed this in the latest build:

No posts in the last month, and there have been some visual settings optimisations since then. Marking resolved unless proven otherwise.
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