
Display Spectator Score/Rank while Spectating

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +6
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Keywords: Spectator, Score, Rank, Display, Show, Spectating

Do you think it'll be useful to have the spectator score/rank info displayed while you spectate someone play?

I understand that this feature is not as useful for a high ranked player spectating another high rank player (since their scores will be in the top 40 anyway). However this could be an exciting feature for a med/low ranked player spectating another med/low ranked friend to see how you fared each other. This is different from dueling it out in mp mode imho since you get to watch how he/she plays.

This feature will also be useful for those who has bad memory and can't remember whether you've played this map before etc.

What's the community's take?
you mean having your score mixed up with the global scores and the score of the dude you're spectating? might be nice :3
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Yes that's what I meant.

Also if it's not too much trouble to code, it'll add that extra touch of excitment if the player's score can "flash" pass the spectator's score when he overtakes (similar to when the player beats an existing record).
nice idea
support, without star though
Of course the person playing doesn't see anything new, and the spectator only sees their score and the spectated player's score in order to get this working.

The positioning of the spectator's score in the example seems weird; let's merge it to the global scoreboard. Let's divide into three cases:
- Top 1, just put in place already:
1 <-- Spectator
2000 <-- Player
If beaten?
1 <-- Player
2 <-- Spectator

- Top 40, make it always visible like Top 1, like:
19 <-- Spectator
2000 <-- Player
And more, if it happens to be beaten, it will stay at the bottom of the scoreboard, like this:
13 <-- Player
20 <-- Spectator

- Not top 40, same like Top 40 but put it directly below #40, like:
1000 <-- Spectator
2000 <-- Player
Same if beaten:
500 <-- Player
1001 <-- Spectator

The stay-at-bottom thing comes from the fact that beaten players in multiplayer don't disappear from the scoreboard (obviously), but that should be some proof that the above should be possible.

Also, I think I have something to add:
Unranked maps! Use spectator's local scores:
1 <-- Spectator's local score
5 <-- Spectator's local score
6 <-- Spectator's local score
7 <-- Spectator's local score
8 <-- Spectator's local score
9 <-- Player

Although soon I can see some request for using local scores for ranked maps. Maybe if comparing with local scores happens to be implemented, a toggle/setting too to show global scoreboard or local scoreboard :D
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Thank you chaotic_iak, that looks a lot better!

I thought about popping the spectator's rank to where it "should be" as well, but wasn't sure whether that'll introduce coding complications or not (obviously now the #1-40 scores need to shift up by 1 block if the spec's rank is outside top 40). You have stated what I originally had in mind plus something better!

Now lets see if this idea will ever get enough support to be considered by the devs...
I think this is a really bad idea. It might be because I have it hidden during playing. I just don't find any point for the player to see that while they're playing. Would it magically increase their ability to FC the map? What if there are multiple spectators?
This is only displayed to the spectator (and hence only the score of the spectator himself is visible, the other spectators' scores aren't). The player is completely untouched; he plays the same, with only his score (and the usual top 40) visible in his scoreboard.
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chaotic_iak wrote:

This is only displayed to the spectator (and hence only the score of the spectator himself is visible, the other spectators' scores aren't). The player is completely untouched; he plays the same, with only his score (and the usual top 40) visible in his scoreboard.
^ Couldn't have said it better myself.

YOUR score will be added to display when YOU are spectating.
I guess that makes the request significantly better.
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Are mods/admins still trying to clean up old request threads?

As of 20130328 build, this request has been implemented in a roundabout way. Personally I think it has been fulfilled. Please feel free to mark as you see fit.

Do let me know if you're trying to clean up though. I'll let you know if I come across other threads that has been fulfilled to some degree if you need a hand.

Oinari-sama wrote:

Are mods/admins still trying to clean up old request threads?

Do let me know if you're trying to clean up though. I'll let you know if I come across other threads that has been fulfilled to some degree if you need a hand.
I'm don't have time to bump up older topics, but if I think of a request that recently got added, I will consider marking it. This forum is active enough for me to be able to read everything and not have to bump older topics, bumping up too many older requests at one time is just annoying.

Feel free to message me or any other support team member so we can mark things for you or discuss feature requests.

Oinari-sama wrote:

As of 20130328 build, this request has been implemented in a roundabout way. Personally I think it has been fulfilled. Please feel free to mark as you see fit.
You can see your friends/country or selected mods now instead of all global ranks. I don't see how that replaced this feature.
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theowest wrote:

You can see your friends/country or selected mods now instead of all global ranks. I don't see how that replaced this feature.
Well my original intention was to have my own score displayed while spectating someone else. When my score is beaten by whoever I'm watching, I will see an animation of my score being overtaken by that player.

With the 20130328 build this can be achieved in a roundabout way by adding the person you want to spectate as friend first. Then turn on the Friends filter before going into spectator mode. You can see your score (+other friends') being overtaken by the player you're watching.

It's not quite the same, but this is a satisfactory outcome in my view.

Doesn't hurt to leave this thread here I suppose. I brought it up just in case that you guys are still trying to reduce redundant threads here.
nnnnnnnah D:
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