This forum is addictive. It’s hideous. And everything you say in this forum you will regret moments later. That’s the way of life of many OTians, it may not be healthy, but it certainly helps people get through the day. Hell, some people take it to the next step and join the discord, which is upping the ante quite a bit.
Many have tried to quit, I’ve tried, you’ve probably tried, but as we’ve all learnt one way or the other-quitting is nearly impossible, until now.
What I’m about to show you many OT!enthusiasts do not want you to know, I wouldn’t be surprised if this thread was gone within seconds. I wouldn’t be surprised if a hitman is already out to get me as I’m typing this, but nonetheless, I have found a cure. A cure to quit OT forever; to betray your past and shine into the future. Please read this thread carefully, follow each step and do not skip a thing.
You must align with these regulations before we can even consider continuing with the procedure.
1) You must be willing to go through with every step, you cannot be halfway and decide to stop, that will lead to nothing good
2) You must have no more than 5 years history with posting in OT, our cure isn’t strong enough to cure anyone who’s gone deeper than that. That being said, the shorter you’ve been here, the more likely the cure will work.
3) Your IQ must not be too low, I understand Ot drains our brain cells on a daily basis, however if your IQ is lower than 100, you will not be able to take this cure. (SORRY, ColdTooth.)
1) Begind yoga classes, it will relieve stress which is essential for quitting OT.
2) After you’ve become a master at Yoga, start dieting, cut out any unhealthy food and become a vegan. Meat fuels our cravings for OT, many scientists say.
3) Destroy any, and everything you have to connect to OT. An alternative, although weaker, is to simply leave the OT discord server and block the OT website
4) And finally, betray your religion and become an anime girl, real life anime girls do not spend any time on OT, and instead spend their time playing with other cute anime girls and yelling “Hai Tai!”
I hope this cure worked for you, let’s work together and ditch this wasteland.
From scientist, and activist of the ‘Anti-OT’ association, Ashton.
Many have tried to quit, I’ve tried, you’ve probably tried, but as we’ve all learnt one way or the other-quitting is nearly impossible, until now.
What I’m about to show you many OT!enthusiasts do not want you to know, I wouldn’t be surprised if this thread was gone within seconds. I wouldn’t be surprised if a hitman is already out to get me as I’m typing this, but nonetheless, I have found a cure. A cure to quit OT forever; to betray your past and shine into the future. Please read this thread carefully, follow each step and do not skip a thing.
You must align with these regulations before we can even consider continuing with the procedure.
1) You must be willing to go through with every step, you cannot be halfway and decide to stop, that will lead to nothing good
2) You must have no more than 5 years history with posting in OT, our cure isn’t strong enough to cure anyone who’s gone deeper than that. That being said, the shorter you’ve been here, the more likely the cure will work.
3) Your IQ must not be too low, I understand Ot drains our brain cells on a daily basis, however if your IQ is lower than 100, you will not be able to take this cure. (SORRY, ColdTooth.)
The procedure
1) Begind yoga classes, it will relieve stress which is essential for quitting OT.
2) After you’ve become a master at Yoga, start dieting, cut out any unhealthy food and become a vegan. Meat fuels our cravings for OT, many scientists say.
3) Destroy any, and everything you have to connect to OT. An alternative, although weaker, is to simply leave the OT discord server and block the OT website
4) And finally, betray your religion and become an anime girl, real life anime girls do not spend any time on OT, and instead spend their time playing with other cute anime girls and yelling “Hai Tai!”
I hope this cure worked for you, let’s work together and ditch this wasteland.
From scientist, and activist of the ‘Anti-OT’ association, Ashton.