Oh for how long we have suffered! Thread after thread, post after post, has OT been plagued by, dare I say the beast of a word..., "shit", and none come forth to vanquish this horrid evil. None I say! None until now. For you see a denizen, whilst an obnoxious fellow, has stepped forth to give knowledge that shall empower us to slay this beast. I was given a cryptic text which leads to the location where the one would be waiting for me, "pm me for guides on how not to post shit" is says. Only the most wise know what means!

My breatheren, all but non care as much I, yet, non but all cannot risk their lives, not once, but many times to go on this life threatening quest to find this denizen who posses this sacred knowledge of untold value. To my amusement, yes, this denizen has committed great sins against OT, yet for such relic, this denizen deserves a chance one more of redemption, but no more. I met the one in the hidden lands as described by "pm me" in the riddled text. There, upon facing my my inner voices the one came before me, "Do not post the word shit", the one says.

Now I bring back this sacred knowledge to be shared amongst you all! Ah, but alas my people, another riddle shrouded in mystery it is. Only the wisest of the wise may know what this text means. My people, I am wise, but I am not the wisest of the wise for this may very well be an ancient text that is too much even for me to beare at this time. I fear I have failed you, and myself. May there be the wisest of the wise, it is a hero we do not deserve. This beast has ate me already.
My breatheren, all but non care as much I, yet, non but all cannot risk their lives, not once, but many times to go on this life threatening quest to find this denizen who posses this sacred knowledge of untold value. To my amusement, yes, this denizen has committed great sins against OT, yet for such relic, this denizen deserves a chance one more of redemption, but no more. I met the one in the hidden lands as described by "pm me" in the riddled text. There, upon facing my my inner voices the one came before me, "Do not post the word shit", the one says.
Now I bring back this sacred knowledge to be shared amongst you all! Ah, but alas my people, another riddle shrouded in mystery it is. Only the wisest of the wise may know what this text means. My people, I am wise, but I am not the wisest of the wise for this may very well be an ancient text that is too much even for me to beare at this time. I fear I have failed you, and myself. May there be the wisest of the wise, it is a hero we do not deserve. This beast has ate me already.