Tremble before our final moments. We have wronged, oh, how have we have wronged. The thread lived a good life and went to part. It sat happily with its other threads in the pages unseen. Then a denizen, A DENIZEN, but no denizen, a necromancer, YES! A necromancer came and brought the thread from its paradise. Oh how defiled the thread became, with a mere text echoing its former life, "awoo~".

The fiend did not stop there! Fiend defiled the thread like a sickening sock, thrown to rot. Sin! Sin was committed. It has fallen pray to denizens, NO! DEFILERS! The scum shitposting their rotten minds to an abyss!

You shall not be forgiven! And forgiven you shall not for Death has taken the thread. You robbed the thread of a happy life. You must repent for the horrid acts!

The fiend did not stop there! Fiend defiled the thread like a sickening sock, thrown to rot. Sin! Sin was committed. It has fallen pray to denizens, NO! DEFILERS! The scum shitposting their rotten minds to an abyss!
You shall not be forgiven! And forgiven you shall not for Death has taken the thread. You robbed the thread of a happy life. You must repent for the horrid acts!