
ALC's First Action Towards OT - ALC "Bright Future Ahead"

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A.nti L.ock Committee

Hello fellow ALC members (john, abraker, meah) today will be our first action towards a brighter future.

Our goal is to reinforce new rules into the thread locking system which will make the OT community a brighter, and more interesting place. First, we must prove we are capable of doing just that. We must first convince the community, grow the ALC forces, until we can overwhelm the GMT forces. We have to start from the bottom, the bottom of only 4 members, and work our way to the top!

How are we going to prove ourselves to the community?

To prove ourselves to the community, we must provide quality threads discussing why a thread such as "I'm poppy" (may it rest in piece) should not have been locked. We have to make quality threads as to why a thread like Roshan threads (This one)
should not be locked! (I know it was trash, but lock worthy? No! Locking is a serious buisiness.) Very rarely do threads not get locked by the GMT monsters. I have organized a list of threads that must be created by the ALC that will help us move this campaign forward, I hope all threads can be made in a week.

Threads that must be made by the ALC:

- Why "that poppy" should have not been locked!
- What we (ALC members) think a locked thread should look like! (I will do this one!)
- Threads we believe should not have been locked, and should be unlocked!
- Ways GMT like Flanster can improve their locking abilities!

Thank yor members of the ALC.

Have a lovely day!

hi i'm poppy and this is the osu!keyboard
I posted this before you
No thread of mine has ever been locked by GMT, get good.
uhhh about that poppy
that was uhh
im glad it died
I call writing about the poppy thread.

I'll do it later today, mmkay?

kai99 wrote:

uhhh about that poppy
that was uhh
im glad it died
tbh same here
Have a sense when a good thread starts going stale
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abraker wrote:

kai99 wrote:

uhhh about that poppy
that was uhh
im glad it died
tbh same here
Have a sense when a good thread starts going stale

I understand your opinions, but that thread was special to me Baka!

Canadian Baka wrote:

I understand your opinions, but that thread was special to me Baka!
ALC is already corrupted. It was a fun run, guys

abraker wrote:

Canadian Baka wrote:

I understand your opinions, but that thread was special to me Baka!
ALC is already corrupted. It was a fun run, guys
uhhh about that ALC
that was uhh
im glad it died
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