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So I've been thinking longer about this - and I guess it won't happen immediately, so I will just go the slow way.

For weeks and months my moderation activity went back significantly in osu! - mostly because of the lack of interest but also due other priorities I put over osu!. Actually I made thoughts of quitting moderation but my feelings are still mixed and I still don't feel sure to resign from the staff or just to leave it the way it is right now - I just feel that I owe someone something for staying as moderator, and it doesn't feel right at all to be inactive and not to *moderate* while being a moderator (just as reference but personally to silence people isn't what moderation itself is).

I feel tired of being a moderator - I probably exaggerate at this point and I understand if you think like that. I am not saying that I do my job well but it is somewhat exhausting to put so much energy in this game - not only because of moderating the in-game chat and forum but also for contributing as modder and mapper - and I think after 76 months (six years and four months) of coming online for nearly every day I think I need a healthier distance.

Actually, the only reason why I do this thread is to leave out my thoughts about this. I did talk with my special one about this already but I felt doing this thread right now. It's actually surprising how much I changed my opinion to OT over the last 12 months. It's almost scary. I remember well at my first days when I posted with less than 20 into OT while I got bashed out of it - well, that doesn't belong here right now. I have to admit: I had my fun here, and I still do. It actually makes me think about myself and how I think about other things which are similar to OT.

So what do I actually want to reach with this thread? Nothing. What do I want to say with this thread? Mostly nothing. Does anything change for you? I doubt so, at least I don't expect this happens. I actually had so much more to say but idk.

I think the video can reflect my current mood right now very well:

We actually want you to have fun with us.
I want you Stefan
I keep screaming your name
It's no wonder I can't go to sleep
Just take another pill
Yeah I bet I will
I'm rapping about it
Yeah word, k-keep it real
Hear this applause?
It's for you Stefan I hope you see
How could it be you're closing the curtains on me?
Stafan's best thread never forget 4/6/17
You're a dedicated moderator, I'll give you that.

Stefan wrote:

76 months (six years and four months)

Meah wrote:

We actually want you to have fun with us.
Just take it easy, We will always be here for you <3
also thank mr stefan
Put this on your mind mr Stefan, OT Loves you!
Stefan We Love You
I haven't really been around for all that long but you're a really funny dude lol. Think the community can back me up when I say you're gonna be cherished like a god with or without mod status tbh. If you think you've contributed enough then take a break yo
also nice video cpps lives on though sorry
baby dont hurt me
dont hurt me no more
- Jade -
Though we've never spoken whatsoever, you seem like a pretty funny, cool guy. Take a break if you need to; do what you gotta do, really. We really do love and care about you!
A life without Stefan :(
But we should let go, go fly our dear OT Mod Bear!

Meah wrote:

A life without Stefan

Stefan, we'll always support you on what you'll decide for your life.
press to pay respects

Fourth wrote:

Just take it easy, We will always be here for you <3
also thank mr stefan
the title scared me wth man.
but yeah, you've done so much for the community already,
props to you for even wanting to continue modding place for so long even though you've thought about quitting time and time again. you're a really admirable person.
I respect you alot, as do some of the people here.
Just take a break from all of this, you deserve to rest.
you're only human, after all. you have your limits as well, that's to be expected.
So don't push yourself too hard in the future, with whatever you do, and just quit if you don't find it enjoyable anymore.
What's the point if you're not having fun?
It can get hard sometimes, but when you feel like what you're doing has turned into just another chore, drop it.
You don't need to prove yourself to anyone.
You're great just the way you are and you've proven a lot already.
So take care, and enjoy yourself.
Have a lot of fun with whatever it is you decide to do next.
Remember, we'll always be here for you.
Don't be afraid to lean on someone if it seems like you can't bear the pain alone.
That's what friends are for, right?
Until next time! ♡
don't waste your time doing something you don't enjoy
im sorry
I'm really sorry

Blitzfrog wrote:

I'm really sorry

roshan117 wrote:

im sorry
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