
Chitose Haru & Kumagai Eri - Perfect Free

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[ Kuro Usagi ]
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016년 10월 21일 금요일 at 오전 4:09:06

Artist: Chitose Haru & Kumagai Eri
Title: Perfect Free
BPM: 178
Filesize: 9642kb
Play Time: 05:43
Difficulties Available:
  1. Ultra (5.39 stars, 1507 notes)
Download: Chitose Haru & Kumagai Eri - Perfect Free
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
처음 내는 어프곡 도전합니다
몯잉하러 올게 힛싸박으렴
00:11:937 (1) - flow weird imo, place this to x:152 y:334 or just stack it with 00:12:106 (2) -
00:16:993 (4,5) - ?
00:29:128 (3) - perfect triangle x:480 y:108
00:33:510 (1) - would look much better
00:42:780 (1) - should have a more creative shape ~
00:46:319 (6,7) -
00:53:735 (1) - blanket those if u want to ignore the overlap
01:06:544 (3,4) - would prefer a normal stream pattern here because why not
01:21:965 - feels weird when there's no beat
01:39:409 (1) - better flow
01:51:712 (1) - should be symmetric.
03:07:892 - a pattern like this would be cooler
03:36:882 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - why arent they stacked like 03:34:184 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - ? the stacked thing looks much better
04:41:600 (1) - fix stack
04:40:757 (1) - ~ fits more to the vocal.

Also, AIMod things.

Man, this map is really cool. ~
Hi, my mod for Euny's queue :3


00:14:128 (3,4) - These sliders are touching and that's not really cool to see D:

00:18:173 (5,6,1,2) - Here the flow is really strange ._.

00:43:791 (2) - Maybe changing this slider to an horizontal one can look better~

00:55:589 (2,3) - Improve/fix blanket

00:58:454 (3,4) - Why not curving (3) ? Or make (4) straight ? It can creates symmetry

01:00:476 (1) - You don't really need that kind of slider here 'cuz you can't do a blanket with the end

01:11:263 (1,2,3,4) - A double blanket can look better

02:33:679 (2) - Why this slider ?

02:40:252 (1,2) - Make a smaller jump : The sliders like (1) isn't really cool for this pattern because it's always hard to find where will be the end, and this jump will cause so much sliderbreaks/misses

03:22:049 (1,2) - Make/Improve blanket

03:27:780 - We need to here something here, a reverse/circle can be cool~

Just a suggestion : you can end your spinner here : 03:33:847 -

03:35:701 (1,2) - Make a bigger jump to follow the consistency that you created before : 03:34:184 (1,2,1,2,1,2) -

03:41:937 (2,2) - Improve blanket

03:49:690 (3) - NC

04:07:892 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing problem

And, for the end, I saw that your streams, or the spacing of your streams is really inconsistent, An example. here the last circle haven't the same spacing than the other ones.

you should decrease a bit the volume 100% is too loud
00:16:993 (4,5,1) - flow is weird imo what about changing (5) to a copypaste-slider of 00:16:993 (4) - ?
00:21:038 (5,6) - spacing should be bigger than 00:20:870 (4,5) - a bit as 00:28:791 (1,2,3,4) -
00:22:555 (4) - overmap i guess
01:43:117 (8,9) - 01:47:162 (8,9) - spacing inconsistent 01:40:420 (8,9) - 01:41:768 (8,9) -
02:04:690 (4,5) - you should increase the spacing here, I think it forced to make an awkward movment
02:10:252 (7,8) - ^
02:17:162 (10,1) - what about remove (10) and moved (1) to 02:17:162 - to correctly fit the wub sound? since it seems that's what you wanted to follow
02:17:752 (2) - overmap
02:18:004 (5) - NC cause SV change
03:15:139 (4,1) - increase the spacing ?
04:06:207 (1) - NC here is not really necessary imo
04:12:611 (1) - ^
04:13:622 (1) - ^
04:40:757 (1,1) - stack ?
05:00:982 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - improve the star pattern, it'll be better aesthetically
that's all for me, good luck !
Topic Starter
[ Kuro Usagi ]
nyu -

00:11:937 (1) - flow weird imo, place this to x:152 y:334 or just stack it with 00:12:106 (2) - fix!

00:16:993 (4,5) - sorry

00:29:128 (3) - fix!

00:33:510 (1) - fix!

00:42:780 (1) - i think current one is enough

01:06:544 (3,4) - thanks for recommend but i love current one

01:39:409 (1) - fix!

03:36:882 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - i dont think they must same stack if fine to play


00:14:128 (3,4) - fix!

00:18:173 (5,6,1,2) - tell me what is problem i think its nice to play

00:43:791 (2) - i think current one is enough

00:55:589 (2,3) - it looks fine for me!

00:58:454 (3,4) - i dont like symmetry much sorry!

01:00:476 (1) - that slider not for blanket with some object.

01:11:263 (1,2,3,4) - I want keep it

02:33:679 (2) - fix!

02:40:252 (1,2) - when play, its fine with it

03:22:049 (1,2) - fix!

03:27:780 - the vocal sounds end of 03:28:117 - here. so its fine to keep i guess

03:35:701 (1,2) - not really need in my opinion

03:41:937 (2,2) - fix!

03:49:690 (3) - dont need to spam for there.

04:07:892 (1,2,3,4,5) - it's fine for play


00:16:993 (4,5,1) - that flow for next object( 00:17:330 (1) -). so i think its fine to keep

00:22:555 (4) - there is rhythm. its not overmapped

01:43:117 (8,9) - but its comfortable to play. also flow is fine with that spacing

02:04:690 (4,5) - fix!

02:10:252 (7,8) - i want to keep

02:17:162 (10,1) - i love current one because better for play

02:17:752 (2) - fix!

03:15:139 (4,1) - I want keep!

04:06:207 (1) - fix!

04:12:611 (1) - I want keep!

04:13:622 (1) - I want keep!

05:00:982 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - fix!

Thanks ~ all for me!
[ Zzz ]
ㅎㅇㅎㅇ~ ( 여기서 내가 하는 모딩은 전부다 제안이야 )

00:07:049 (1) - ~ 00:11:853 - 여기까지 스피너 추가해보는건 어떻게 생각해?

00:33:510 (1) - 이거 여기 슬라이더 부분만 0.75배 하고 00:34:016 (2) - 여기에서부턴 1.00배로 다시 돌려보는건 어때? 은근 0.75배 괜찮던데

00:44:971 (6) - 앞에 휘슬 제거해줘
00:49:353 (9) - 앞에 휘슬을 클랩으로 바꿔줘
01:03:173 (1,1) - 뉴콤 두개라는게 조금 .. ( 서클이 스택되는상태라서 넣은거같지만 그래도 01:03:510 (1) - 뉴콤 풀어줘 ) 나중에 혹시 모딩오면 고치더라도
01:38:229 - 쓰지 않는 녹색선이라면 삭제해줘
01:51:544 (1) - 01:50:364 (1) - 01:55:757 (1) - 01:53:061 (1) - 방금전꺼 참고해서 여기도 바꿔줘 ( 05:32:836 (1) - 여기랑 같은박자야 )
02:02:499 (1) - 맵에 점프가 많아서 이정도는 뉴콤없어도 괜찮지 않을까 생각..
03:27:443 (1) - 여기 리듬 03:22:049 (1) - 여기서부터 다시 읽어보면 달라 2:1 비율로 ( 2:1 이라는건 단타 3박자가 2개가 있고 지금 긴 슬라이더가 1개가 있어서 2대1 이라고 표현했엉 )
03:29:465 (1) - 스피너 하나로 때우긴 좀 세세한 리듬이 있는데 03:34:184 (1) - 이건 모딩아니야 ( 방금 전에 했던 모딩박자가 지금 03:34:184 (1) - 이거랑 같은박자라서 스피너 하나넣기엔 많이 아까운것같아서 : ) ..

컨트롤 쉬프트 a 눌러서 ai 모드 확인하고 고치고
무엇보다 지금 필요한건 힛사모딩인것같아
중간중간에 5연타같은거 힛사가 아에 없으며 좀 신나게 힛사를 넣고 모딩받으면 좋을꺼같앙
지금 맵자체엔 별 문제가 없는데 힛사가 조금 허전해서 ㅠㅠ... 굿럭! 별 받으면 스타쏠겡~
초반부분 휘슬 불필요한거 빼라. 초반부분 느낌잔잔한데 왜 셈플셋썼는지 이해불가능
00:11:937 (1) - 00:13:117 (5) - 00:14:634 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 00:17:330 (1) - 00:17:836 (4) - 00:18:173 (5,6) - 요것들 전부 휘슬 빼버리길

00:22:724 ~ 00:33:510 - 노래에 비해 히트사운드 크면 BN들이 지적할수있음 맵핑할때 볼륨조절도 같이 해줬으면 좋겠음 저기 구간은 50정도가 딱 좋을듯
00:41:600 (1,2,3) - 플로잉 너무 이상함. 곡선 다음 직선 넘어가기 좀 부드럽게 가는 느낌이 아니라서 나라면 곡선통일했을텐데. 고려해서 다시 배치하던가 알아서. 똑같이 안해도되지만 예시 패턴 첨부함

00:43:791 (2,3) - 간격 조절필요. 터무니 없이 이렇게 넓으면 플레이하기 불편하겠지? 3번은 2번 끄트머리에 가까히만 조절해 그래야 4번가기 훨씬 쉬워짐
00:49:690 (1) - 모양 내는건 좋은데 흐름이 많이 깨지는 부분이었음. 모양 내면서 디스턴스 줄이는 쪽으로 가보길
00:54:577 (1) - 여기 뉴콤주기 길게빼도 될거같음. 시각적으로도 안좋아보이고. 뉴콤 빼배려
01:05:195 (3,4) - 변속이 사용된 구간이니까 여긴 NC
01:12:443 (7,1) - 여긴 아얘 뉴콤 주기를 틀려버리셨네요 용덕씨. 7에 뉴콤넣어라. 원래 있던 1은 빼고
01:14:465 (3) - 이거 2번 해드부분에 가까히하는게 좋을듯 사진 첨부하겠음. 바꿔놓으면 4번 가기도 쉬워지고 모양도 좋아지고

01:17:330 (4) - 여기 슬라속도 줄여서 강조하는게 더 나을듯 보컬이 워낙 크게들리는데다가 뒤에 음도 아무것도 없으니까
01:20:364 (2) - 겹침 너무 보기 안좋아보이는데 나라면 블랭킷 형태로 만들어버릴거같은데.

01:20:701 (1,2,3) - 이거 이럴빠에 보컬 강조해서 4/3 슬라 하나랑 노트 하나 추가하는게 더 자연스럽고 리듬상도 내가 제안한게 맞는거같은데

01:24:240 (6) - 배치 옳겨보길 밑쪽가기 엄청 불편할거같음
01:24:746 (1,2,3) - 이거 연타 너무 안어울리는 부분임 연타 빼버리거나 4/3 하거나 해
01:38:061 (4) - 클랩은 너무 강조가 약함 여기 임펙트주려면 피니쉬가 더 잘어울림 클랩 같이쓰지말고 피니쉬만 추가
01:39:409 (1) - 애매한 부분인데. 1번 변속 빼버리고 그 다음 속도를 맞춰가는게 좋을듯 01:39:577 (1) - 얘랑 뉴콤주기 맞추는것도 그렇고 해서.

안끝남 ㄱㄷ
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