
Chata - Remind [Taiko]

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Hi, another mod request


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Ten Desires Sally Wani Night Sakura of Dead Spirits 死霊の夜桜
(Might skipped something)
04:50:764 - This part of the song is unsnapped, to fix it remove the timing point on 04:50:764


00:01:664 - k
00:07:552 - d
00:15:219 - How about this?

00:30:552 - d
00:55:108 - k?
01:04:108 - d, feels weird being kat
01:20:552 - dkk?
01:25:997 - I think you forgot to add the SV changes here
01:32:775 - How about this?

01:48:997 - Remove finish, it's like random here lol
01:58:330 - You really should add a note there, feels really empty
02:09:886 - SV changes pls
02:19:997 - Move this 1/4 to the right?
02:29:108 - dk d
02:41:441 - How about ddkdkkd?
03:07:219 - Shouldnt this part of the song have slower SV?
03:20:775 - k
03:20:997 - dkdkd
03:31:330 - k?
04:24:997 - Add k
04:38:108 - k
04:39:219 - Add k

Ok I'm done, good luck -w-
Topic Starter

Midnaait wrote:

Hi, another mod request


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Ten Desires Sally Wani Night Sakura of Dead Spirits 死霊の夜桜
changed all that except removing touhou
(Might skipped something)
04:50:764 - This part of the song is unsnapped, to fix it remove the timing point on 04:50:764
resnapped the notes, the timing point is neccesary though, since the d basically marks the start of a new tact

00:01:664 - k changed
00:07:552 - d changed 00:07:441 (46) - to d too
00:15:219 - How about this? the music indicates a full stream there, changed 00:15:886 (106) - to d to match the drum beat more

00:30:552 - d changed
00:55:108 - k? drum beat in the song is kdddkdddk, trying to stick to the music as much as possible
01:04:108 - d, feels weird being kat the kat emphasizes the high sound that is on that note, which brings out the nature of the song more
01:20:552 - dkk? changed to kdd and changed some of the stuff after that around too
01:25:997 - I think you forgot to add the SV changes here the SV changes were originally only there to prevent overlapping notes when lowering the SV but i can try it out for the accelerating SV parts too i guess
01:32:775 - How about this? changed it up to match the music more

01:48:997 - Remove finish, it's like random here lol changed
01:58:330 - You really should add a note there, feels really empty added d
02:09:886 - SV changes pls same as before, i'll try it out
02:19:997 - Move this 1/4 to the right? changed
02:29:108 - dk d i'll leave it as it is to emphasize the melody more
02:41:441 - How about ddkdkkd? changed
03:07:219 - Shouldnt this part of the song have slower SV? the parts where the drums are emphasized are supposed to have the raised SV added the stepwise SV changes tho
03:20:775 - k changed
03:20:997 - dkdkd changed
03:31:330 - k? no change
04:24:997 - Add k wanna emphasize the "e - i- e -n" more
04:38:108 - k dd sounds better imo
04:39:219 - Add k emphasizing the vocals in that part
also added the SV changes for start of the final 2 kiais
Ok I'm done, good luck -w-
Thx for the mod bro! :D
Hi here are some suggestions

00:37:441 (259,260) - add d between these 2 at the blue tic ( this is for more flow cuz streams are flow)
00:38:552 (266) - change to k 00:39:330 (271) - remove 00:39:552 (272) - remove 00:39:664 (272) - add d ( brings out the bass more )
00:41:219 (283,284,285) - maybe kkk? ( sounds better with the following notes and it changes up the pattern a bit)
00:47:330 (326) - remove 00:50:886 (349) - remove 00:52:664 (361) - remove 00:54:441 (372) - remove ( this part repetitive so it would feel better if you don't over use ddkd pattern 2 much so it wont feel "boring/or stale when it comes to the end of the 4/4 section with the streams")
00:55:552 (381) - add d here 00:57:997 (397) - remove 00:58:108 (397) - change to d ( for flowww plus i think the dkdk pattern didn't really go that well with that stream)
01:08:664 (466) - remove 01:09:330 (470) - remove
01:13:664 (497,498,499,500,501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512,513,514,515,516,517,518,519,520,521,522,523,524,525,526,527,528,529,530,531,532) - (try mapping to the guitar for the this part )
These are just my ideas..

if you like it ill contuine to map this lol

any question pm me
Aloha Chromoxx

  1. First of all, AiMod moaning.
  2. 00:21:664 (146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160) and 00:07:441 (46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60) feel extremely willy-nilly and do not really support the music in my opinion. You solved that much better in the Kiais time after that (For example 01:32:775 (624) ). The sound of these parts are nearly the same
  3. 00:24:330 (166,167,168,169,170) - sounds very awkward in conjunction with 00:25:219 (172,173,174,175,176). I find
    to be an interesting and fitting solution
  4. 00:27:886 (190,191,192,193,194) + 00:28:775 (196,197,198,199,200) - sounds strange aswell, in my opinion. Just in the previous spot, something along these lines

    seems to work
  5. However, aforementioned parts exist in other kiai times aswell, but you solved it there a lot better aswell!
  6. 04:29:108 (1648,1649,1650,1651) - changing it to kkdd sounds more reasonable to me due to the snare sound on 1648,1649

Other than that, there isn't much that strikes my eye. mattinator123, Midnaait and IControl picked the map apart good enough already, so there isn't much to say anymore. The map itself is very well done and I hope to see it ranked at some point :)
Topic Starter

IControl wrote:

Hi here are some suggestions

00:37:441 (259,260) - add d between these 2 at the blue tic ( this is for more flow cuz streams are flow) it would be valid to put a d there because it exists in the drumline, so i thought about changing this but decided not to because i would like to emphasize the start of the vocals there.
00:38:552 (266) - change to k 00:39:330 (271) - remove 00:39:552 (272) - remove 00:39:664 (272) - add d ( brings out the bass more ) left that as it is as it fits well imo
00:41:219 (283,284,285) - maybe kkk? ( sounds better with the following notes and it changes up the pattern a bit) i'd like to leave ddk to emphasize the strong high vocal at the k more
00:47:330 (326) - remove 00:50:886 (349) - remove changed 00:52:664 (361) - remove 00:54:441 (372) - remove ( this part repetitive so it would feel better if you don't over use ddkd pattern 2 much so it wont feel "boring/or stale when it comes to the end of the 4/4 section with the streams") just following the music there, also makind d kd instead would feel boring and not give enough action in that section where the rum line is in the main focus
00:55:552 (381) - add d here left this space to emphasize the vocals a bit 00:57:997 (397) - remove following the music again here, the ddkd helps escalate to a higher pattern density 00:58:108 (397) - change to d ( for flowww plus i think the dkdk pattern didn't really go that well with that stream) the k is in the music and it fits well imo
01:08:664 (466) - remove changed 01:09:330 (470) - remove again, i think these patterns don't need changing as they fit to the music and play well
01:13:664 (497,498,499,500,501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512,513,514,515,516,517,518,519,520,521,522,523,524,525,526,527,528,529,530,531,532) - (try mapping to the guitar for the this part ) i like to emphasize the vocals + drums there as it gives a really nice feel and adds impact to the slowdown, it also leaves a short breathing time in this long map
These are just my ideas..

if you like it ill contuine to map this lol

any question pm me
this mod definitely had me thinking a lot, but i decided to leave most of the things unchanged, changed some of the parts though, which i thought would fit better.
Also quick tip: if you want me to add a note don't add a note in the editor and ctrl + C that note, because if i click it it will just direct me to the note that would come after the spot where you proposed to add a note. Instead just scroll to the spot and ctrl + C that and it will direct me to that point in the music.

Thx for modding! :D
Topic Starter

guro wrote:

Aloha Chromoxx

  1. First of all, AiMod moaning. changed all that
  2. 00:21:664 (146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160) and 00:07:441 (46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60) feel extremely willy-nilly and do not really support the music in my opinion. You solved that much better in the Kiais time after that (For example 01:32:775 (624) ). The sound of these parts are nearly the same LOL, if you listen to the music it gives you thie exact same beat as i mapped at those spots at least thanks for pointing out to me that the same beat exists in the kiais, changed that to something similar
  3. 00:24:330 (166,167,168,169,170) - sounds very awkward in conjunction with 00:25:219 (172,173,174,175,176). I find
    to be an interesting and fitting solution changed the second pattern around, it was more the solo kat that sounded awkward imo tho
  4. 00:27:886 (190,191,192,193,194) + 00:28:775 (196,197,198,199,200) - sounds strange aswell, in my opinion. Just in the previous spot, something along these lines

    seems to work this one is fine as it is, since the solo kat is justified by a distinctive vocal sound
  5. However, aforementioned parts exist in other kiai times aswell, but you solved it there a lot better aswell!
  6. 04:29:108 (1648,1649,1650,1651) - changing it to kkdd sounds more reasonable to me due to the snare sound on 1648,1649 the dkkd is represented in the drumline here, no change

Other than that, there isn't much that strikes my eye. mattinator123, Midnaait and IControl picked the map apart good enough already, so there isn't much to say anymore. The map itself is very well done and I hope to see it ranked at some point :)
Thx for modding!

Change SV to 1.40 using your .osu file.

00:00:664 (2) - don
00:02:330 (14) - add Finish
00:07:441 (46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62) -

01:43:664 (699,701) - delete one of those dons.
01:48:997 (720) - add Finish
01:56:108 (749) - add Finish
01:59:997 - add a don
02:03:219 (776) - add Finish
02:06:552 (787) - add Finish

02:45:330 - add a kat
Topic Starter

Nyan wrote:


Change SV to 1.40 using your .osu file. changed

00:00:664 (2) - don changed
00:02:330 (14) - add Finish changed
00:07:441 (46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62) - that stream is fine as it is.

01:43:664 (699,701) - delete one of those dons. deleted the one in the middle for consistency with the other part later
01:48:997 (720) - add Finish there is no significant drum beat here to justify a finisher and i don't like using finishers to emphasize strong vocals
01:56:108 (749) - add Finish ^
01:59:997 - add a don changed
02:03:219 (776) - add Finish same as before
02:06:552 (787) - add Finish same as before

02:45:330 - add a kat added a d instead
Thx for modding! :D
tfw m4m backfires

[The diffname which Ono would prohibit under any circumstances and even though you could even use this sentence I'm writing right now as diffname because rules allow it]

OD6,5 on 135 bpm are you fucking nuts

00:01:775 (12,13) - ctrl+g dude 13 is a deeper hit
00:05:775 - adding a k here would flow nicely imo
00:12:886 - ^
00:25:997 (178) - if you deleted this note, the flow coming from 00:24:997 (171,172,173,174,175,176) - would be much smoother imo
00:55:552 - you might wanna add a k to do the full pattern and keep the don rhythm
01:02:664 - ^
01:04:108 (436,437) - ctrl+g, the snare hit is at 437
01:05:108 - Eh, add a don dude, also here 01:05:552 - , would fit perfectly
01:09:775 - Can add a k, same reasoning
01:10:997 (481,482) - ctrl+g, snare is at 481 not 482
01:11:441 (483,484,485) - dude kkd would sound so much better
01:11:886 (486,487) - ctrl+g
01:12:330 (488) - should be a k, snare hit, also add a don at 01:12:664 - otherwise the greenline is useless (also dunno why you split the pattern)
01:16:108 (509) - k, snare hit
01:18:552 (522) - ^ and I'm pretty sure there are maaaaany like this, so I'll leave it up to you lol
01:38:108 (660,661,662) - this triplet kinda destroys the don rhythm you've been using, ctrl+g it entirely? (kdd), also snare hit is at 660
01:38:552 (663,664) - ctrl+g same reasons
01:38:997 (665,666,667,668,669,670) - both should be inverted totally (kkddk d) you'll notice how it follows the don rhythm
02:13:775 - add a k? etc same reasons as a bit above
02:10:330 (799,800,801,802,803,804,805,806,807,808,809,810,811) - See????? This is perfect!!!! Snare rhythm followed perfectly well!! Until 02:29:441 (920,921) - where you screwed it up

Basically all mod is gonna be like this, so feel free to poke me if you need any more further explanations.
Topic Starter

Raiden wrote:

tfw m4m backfires

[The diffname which Ono would prohibit under any circumstances and even though you could even use this sentence I'm writing right now as diffname because rules allow it]

OD6,5 on 135 bpm are you fucking nuts

00:01:775 (12,13) - ctrl+g dude 13 is a deeper hit the pitch goes down at 12 and 13 is a k to emphasize the higher sound at that hit
00:05:775 - adding a k here would flow nicely imo changed
00:12:886 - ^ changed
00:25:997 (178) - if you deleted this note, the flow coming from 00:24:997 (171,172,173,174,175,176) - would be much smoother imo sounds kinda weird like it's missing something to me and it flows better as it is imo
00:55:552 - you might wanna add a k to do the full pattern and keep the don rhythm left out to emphasize the vocals
01:02:664 - ^ again left out to emphasize vocals, also that hit isn't really present in the drumline either
01:04:108 (436,437) - ctrl+g, the snare hit is at 437 i made it as it is to emphasize the high sound at 436, and 437 is a d because the sound there is lower, i try to emphasize the melody withing the drum beat to add more variety
01:05:108 - Eh, add a don dude, also here 01:05:552 - , would fit perfectly didn't add the second don to emphasize the vocals more
01:09:775 - Can add a k, same reasoning left out to emphasize vocals more, in parts without the vocals i would add the k but here i want to put more emphasis on the vocals, because this is what makes it different from the other part
01:10:997 (481,482) - ctrl+g, snare is at 481 not 482 this is to also emphasize the melody
01:11:441 (483,484,485) - dude kkd would sound so much better ddd sounds better with the k before imo, kkd would have been good if i had done the last change tho
01:11:886 (486,487) - ctrl+g changed
01:12:330 (488) - should be a k, snare hit, also add a don at 01:12:664 - otherwise the greenline is useless (also dunno why you split the pattern) changed
01:16:108 (509) - k, snare hit changed
01:18:552 (522) - ^ and I'm pretty sure there are maaaaany like this, so I'll leave it up to you lol changed
01:38:108 (660,661,662) - this triplet kinda destroys the don rhythm you've been using, ctrl+g it entirely? (kdd), also snare hit is at 660 changed
01:38:552 (663,664) - ctrl+g same reasons changed
01:38:997 (665,666,667,668,669,670) - both should be inverted totally (kkddk d) you'll notice how it follows the don rhythm changed
02:13:775 - add a k? etc same reasons as a bit above
02:10:330 (799,800,801,802,803,804,805,806,807,808,809,810,811) - See????? This is perfect!!!! Snare rhythm followed perfectly well!! Until 02:29:441 (920,921) - where you screwed it up no screw up, it's to emphasize the distinctive high pitch sound in the melody ;)

Basically all mod is gonna be like this, so feel free to poke me if you need any more further explanations.
Thx for mod, many things may have seen od but i did a lot of them for a reason. I try to bring out the most out of drumline, melody and vocals so if one of them has a distinct sound i make sure to emphasize that. :D
Here comes the 2nd M4M~

  1. 00:09:219 (62,63) - It would be nice if you remove those notes, this will make a quick break and be consitent with here 00:02:108
  2. 00:16:552 (114) - I think having a higher SV for the kiai would make better feel while playing, but that's just a subjective opinion here.
  3. 00:30:664 (211,212) - Ctrl+G to be consistant with 00:23:441 (163,164,165) - and sounds better, 212 is the highest pitch.
  4. 00:52:664 (364) - Why not removing this note? To make it consitent with here 00:48:997 (340,341,342,343,344,345) -
  5. 01:16:775 (518,519) - Ctrl + G, highest pitch is on 519.
  6. 02:30:108 (931,932,933,934) - Why you don't map doublets here? like for exemple:
  7. 02:46:886 (1030) - move this note here 02:46:997 (1030) -the sound is here. listen at 25% and you'll hear it.
  8. 03:38:775 (1342,1343,1344) - I would go for a k d k here, it follow more the song imo.
  9. 04:50:552 (1733) - If think it would be really better to not have a note here. let this part silent and make a break like a "get ready" for the last part.

Well that's all, maybe it's a bit short but everything else looks fine to me. ( Maybe TNA is gonna say some part are too dense for calm parts, idk lol ).
Good luck for ranking this beautiful song~
Topic Starter

-Tenshi- wrote:

Here comes the 2nd M4M~

  1. 00:09:219 (62,63) - It would be nice if you remove those notes, this will make a quick break and be consitent with here 00:02:108 flows well imo
  2. 00:16:552 (114) - I think having a higher SV for the kiai would make better feel while playing, but that's just a subjective opinion here. gonna leave it as it is i think, the SV is fine for kiai
  3. 00:30:664 (211,212) - Ctrl+G to be consistant with 00:23:441 (163,164,165) - and sounds better, 212 is the highest pitch. if you listen to the drums, they play exactly like the pattern, with snares on the blue ticks
  4. 00:52:664 (364) - Why not removing this note? To make it consitent with here 00:48:997 (340,341,342,343,344,345) - that pattern is fine as it is imo
  5. 01:16:775 (518,519) - Ctrl + G, highest pitch is on 519. nice, changed
  6. 02:30:108 (931,932,933,934) - Why you don't map doublets here? like for exemple: followed the distinctive slowdown on the guitar for that part, which leads up to the patterns after that, which also follow the melody
  7. 02:46:886 (1030) - move this note here 02:46:997 (1030) -the sound is here. listen at 25% and you'll hear it. drum beat is exactly as i mapped it there
  8. 03:38:775 (1342,1343,1344) - I would go for a k d k here, it follow more the song imo. changed
  9. 04:50:552 (1733) - If think it would be really better to not have a note here. let this part silent and make a break like a "get ready" for the last part. it feels like it's missing something to me if i delete that note

Well that's all, maybe it's a bit short but everything else looks fine to me. ( Maybe TNA is gonna say some part are too dense for calm parts, idk lol ).
Good luck for ranking this beautiful song~
Thx for the mod and the star! :D
Hi, M4M from my mod queue.

d = don, red note
k = kat, blue note
D = don finisher, big red note
K = kat finisher, big blue note

tfw you open AIMod and this pops up everywhere:
Was a bit weird how at a few parts it changed from following the percussion to following the instruments/vocals, like it was mostly intuitive but some parts sounded off (more so when not following the drum beat).

00:20:886 (143) - Change to d? It doesn't feel like there's anything here warranting the k.
00:20:552 - Just for this little bit here (with the 'shi' sound), I think a rhythm like the one at 01:31:664 fits better.
01:04:108 (438) - Change to d?
02:29:108 (926,927) - Ctrl+g? This k in particular sounds off not being on the red tick. The corresponding note in the first section 01:03:441 had the k on the red tick and sounded better imo.
02:29:664 (929) - Feels like this should be a k as well, though it seems like for 02:29:441 to 02:30:775 you're following the other instruments instead of the drum.
02:51:886 (1062) - Change to k? Goes with the drum beat.
03:23:664 (1255,1256) - Ctrl+g? The other high pitch sound (piano?) is so faint anyway if the intent was to follow that.
03:30:441 (1293) - Change to d to make kkddk? Most of the kkddk's sound good where they are but kkdkk sounds off to me.
03:44:997 - Add a d here to make ddddk?
04:50:552 (1733) - The sound here is incredibly faint (basically is an echo of 04:50:108 (1732) ), delete this note?

Hope it helps :D
Topic Starter

L1m3s wrote:

Hi, M4M from my mod queue.

d = don, red note
k = kat, blue note
D = don finisher, big red note
K = kat finisher, big blue note

tfw you open AIMod and this pops up everywhere:
Was a bit weird how at a few parts it changed from following the percussion to following the instruments/vocals, like it was mostly intuitive but some parts sounded off (more so when not following the drum beat).

00:20:886 (143) - Change to d? It doesn't feel like there's anything here warranting the k. the k is actually in there, if you listen closely you can here the distinguished note at that point
00:20:552 - Just for this little bit here (with the 'shi' sound), I think a rhythm like the one at 01:31:664 fits better. changed this
01:04:108 (438) - Change to d? k here to emphasize the high sound in the melody, which is inconsistent with the rest, i prefer to emphasize this as it wakes the player up and it gives this part a more distintive feel
02:29:108 (926,927) - Ctrl+g? This k in particular sounds off not being on the red tick. The corresponding note in the first section 01:03:441 had the k on the red tick and sounded better imo. emphasizing the melody here, also the other part you mentioned is kinda different
02:29:664 (929) - Feels like this should be a k as well, though it seems like for 02:29:441 to 02:30:775 you're following the other instruments instead of the drum. it's ok as it is, seeing as in this part the other instruments and the melody are more in the foreground than the drums and i'm emphasizing that
02:51:886 (1062) - Change to k? Goes with the drum beat. following the guitar here
03:23:664 (1255,1256) - Ctrl+g? The other high pitch sound (piano?) is so faint anyway if the intent was to follow that. i like to keep these unexpected parts in the melody emphasized
03:30:441 (1293) - Change to d to make kkddk? Most of the kkddk's sound good where they are but kkdkk sounds off to me. changed
03:44:997 - Add a d here to make ddddk? i like how the quad works more
04:50:552 (1733) - The sound here is incredibly faint (basically is an echo of 04:50:108 (1732) ), delete this note? heard this a lot already so i think i'll change it after all

Hope it helps :D
Thx for modding! :D
Hi o/
Sorry for that we finally decided to reject this map. and here is the following reason :

Rejected Reason(1):

  1. Improper pattern usage:

    Some even patterns occurred too suddenly with some odd patterns (ex: 00:18:775 (128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135) - ) ,and the even pattern's usage also not fit the song well (ex: 01:01:664 (421,422,423,424,425,426,427,428) - ) that must make the map lacks of flow. On guitar solo part , the connection between 02:54:552 (1079,1080,1081) - and 02:55:775 (1082,1083,1084,1085,1086,1087,1088,1089) - is not good,the former one follows guitar, but the latter one follows drum, that's may make the flow disorder.
Topic Starter

qoot8123 wrote:

Hi o/
Sorry for that we finally decided to reject this map. and here is the following reason :

Rejected Reason(1):

  1. Improper pattern usage:

    Some even patterns occurred too suddenly with some odd patterns (ex: 00:18:775 (128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135) - ) ,and the even pattern's usage also not fit the song well (ex: 01:01:664 (421,422,423,424,425,426,427,428) - ) that must make the map lacks of flow. On guitar solo part , the connection between 02:54:552 (1079,1080,1081) - and 02:55:775 (1082,1083,1084,1085,1086,1087,1088,1089) - is not good,the former one follows guitar, but the latter one follows drum, that's may make the flow disorder.
uhm... tbh all the examples you gave would be instarejects to me in a mod.
In my opinion the patterns play perfectly fine, especially the first example. It goes really well with the music imo, for the second example i added a kat to make dkkddkkd. As for 02:54:552 (1081,1082,1083) - the drums aren't mapped between those parts to emphasize the long drawn out guitar. I try to emphasize the instruments where appropriate and imo it flows well as it is.
I hate to be that guy, but let's be serious for a minute. The examples you gave are HIGHLY subjective in my opinion. They flow well and fit the song imo, i agree that there are some things that might need to be changed and that my map isn't perfect, but please. The examples you gave me here are not helpful at all and i am basically left with nothing. I would appreciate it if you were to give me something i could actually work with instead of subjectively criticizing the flow i basically built my map upon.
^ lol Raiden xD

Hi, a mod as promised.


I've mentioned stuff that the TNA put in, but I tried to explain it in a bit more depth.

00:00:553 - The inherited point here should be 1.1x or 1.0x, since you've made 1.2x for kiai times.

00:11:330 - You could add a d here to match the instrumentals.

00:11:997 (79) - Move to 00:12:108? I feel as though the drum sound is here rather than at 00:11:997.

00:14:886 (100) - This hit is unnecessary imo. There is no drum sound on this hit compared to the next or previous hits.

00:18:775 (128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135) - This is the one example the TNA was talking about right? Maybe they meant that it'd be better to make something like this?
I think they wanted to stress the fact that the sound at 00:19:219 should be more prioritized than the sound at 00:19:108 because it's got a louder sound by a bit. When I first listened to it I thought it was perfectly fine, but I could also understand where the TNA was coming from after listening carefully with no hitsounds and at 25% speed. I agree that the TNA is being subjective here (especially on this one), but their argument against it is valid and the rhythm that I suggested above should be worth considering.

00:24:997 (172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188) - Another example of the TNA's mentions of improper pattern usage. This one is much more obvious than the one they first mentioned in the above. The main problem here is that a clearer drum sound can be heard at 00:25:441 where no hit is present, while at 00:25:108 (174) you have a hit where the drum is almost inaudible, if not completely. Same thing at 00:26:219 (181) where the drum is very quiet while 00:26:330 has a much louder drum hit. How about a rhythm like this?
This one should be taken into strong consideration (of course, you should consider every suggestion).

00:32:997 (226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233) - Same suggestion as 00:18:775 (128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135) A rhythm like this is possible:

00:34:219 (234) - I'd remove this hit since you've been mainly following the drums, whereas this hit is matched more to the vocals.

00:34:775 (239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246) - Improper pattern usage. This would sound better imo:

00:39:219 (270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277) - ^ Similar to the above:

00:40:664 (273) - Change to k. This sounds similar to 00:42:441 (284) imo.

00:47:219 (318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329) - Improper pattern usage. I think the TNA commented on this because they wanted to hear the drum at 00:47:664. It is crucial to not miss any sounds, although your pattern is definitely possible. I'd recommend you use the pattern at 00:54:330 (354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362,363,364,365). That rhythm sounded wonderful :D

00:50:775 (342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352) - ^. If you're not going to accept, at least put a d at 00:50:886 for consistency with 00:47:219 (318,319,320,321).

00:52:664 (355) - Remove this hit. It is inconsistent with places such as 00:56:330 (380,381,382,383) and 00:45:664 (308,309,310,311). Same thing at 01:06:886 (449).

00:58:330 - Adding a d here would sound nice. Also relates to the improper patterns.

01:00:886 (408) - Change to d? You've had a kdddkrhythm in this section. Same at 01:07:997 (456).

01:01:441 (412,413,414,415,416,417,418,419,420,421,422) - Same as
00:50:775 (342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352).

01:04:108 (430,431) - Ctrl + G would sound better imo.

01:05:664 (441,442,443,444,445) - Switching the colours of these hits would sound nice, and you could also add a d at 01:05:552 if you accept this.

01:08:552 (460,461,462,463,464,465,466,467,468,469,470) - Same as
00:50:775 (342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352).

01:20:997 (535,536,537,538,539,540) - Improper pattern usage. How about this?

01:23:108 (551) - Move to 01:23:219 for the same pattern as the image link above.

01:24:108 (558,559,560,561,562,563,564,565,566,567,568,569) - ^ Strongly recommended for this one.

01:27:664 - Basically in the second kiai, it's the same stuff I mentioned before.

01:35:552 (641) - Change to k? This will keep consistency.

01:43:886 - Add a d? The drum sound was noticeable when playing.

01:45:775 - ^

01:48:997 (718) - You could add a finisher here, since there is a cymbal sound.

01:58:108 - Add a d? The drum sound was noticeable when playing.

02:00:775 - ^ To match vocals.

02:12:552 (811,812,813,814,815,816,817,818,819,820,821,822) - Improper pattern usage. Something similar to 02:19:664 (859,860,861,862,863,864,865,866,867,868) or 02:22:775 (879,880,881,882,883,884,885,886,887) would work.

02:16:108 (836,837,838,839,840,841,842,843,844,845,846,847) - ^

02:17:997 - Add a hit? It'll keep consistency with 02:12:664 (812). Same at 02:21:552, 02:25:108 -

02:29:108 (919,920,921) - Switch the colours of these three hits? I think it'd sound better.

02:32:775 (942,943) - Ctrl + G preserves the k sound at the end of a 1/4 rhythm.

02:46:552 - It'd be better to add a hit here. The 1/3 is kind of weird.

02:54:552 (1082,1083,1084) - So the TNA said that the transition from guitar to drum matching interrupts the flow of the map. You've argued that you wanted to emphasize the long drawn out guitar. Fair enough, but a flaw with that argument is that you've only done that in a small number of places. For example, 02:50:997, 02:51:441, and 02:51:886 have the similar three note 1/1 guitar, but you completely ignored it, which contrasts with 02:54:552 (1082,1083,1084) where you did match to the guitar. I disagree that the flow isn't good - the flow's not bad and it sounds fine imo. However, if you want to get this ranked, you're going to have to change this in one way or another. Ways to do this? You could only match to the guitar starting from 02:38:775 with some (not as much as the current amount) little drum mixed in, or you could only match to the drums, and get rid of parts like these, with the exception of the guitar stream at 03:05:441 (1138,1139,1140,1141,1142,1143,1144,1145,1146,1147,1148,1149,1150,1151,1152,1153,1154). The former may not be preferred, since the difficulty in the section would be very easy.

03:05:886 (1142,1143) - Ctrl + G would match the pitch of the guitar better.

03:06:219 (1145,1146) - ^

03:07:219 - Has similar suggestions as the section from 00:44:997. Please refer to that and consider what you can change.

03:49:886 - This is also the same as the first and second kiai. Refer to those too.

04:22:219 - Add a d for the same reason as 01:45:775.

04:29:108 (1656,1657,1658,1659) - This should be kept the same as 01:52:664 (743,744,745,746), or vice versa.

04:38:886 - There is vocals here, although the syllable is very quick and quiet. Add a hit?

04:50:764 (1738) - You could add a finisher on this hit to emphasize the transition into the final section. It will also match 00:02:330 (14). Same at 04:57:875 (1790).

04:51:541 (1743) - Change to k for consistency with 04:55:097 (1768).

04:52:097 (1747,1748,1749,1750,1751,1752,1753,1754,1755,1756,1757,1758,1759,1760,1761,1762) - Improper pattern usage. Something like this would match better imo.

05:02:986 (1824,1825,1826,1827,1828,1829,1830,1831,1832,1833,1834,1835,1836,1837,1838,1839,1840,1841,1842) - How about something like this?
This should be changed in some way though. It's sounds weird in some places.

05:15:652 (1917,1918,1919,1920,1921,1922,1923,1924,1925,1926,1927) - Beautiful 8-)

05:17:208 (1929,1930,1931,1932,1933,1934,1935,1936,1937,1938,1939,1940,1941,1942,1943,1944,1945,1946) - How about this?
This one is more optional.

My opinion on what you should do:
I'm pretty sure you still disagree with the TNA on how the rhythms are mapped, and hopefully I've explained them even slightly better. It's fine to disagree with them, but I'm almost 100% sure that you're subconsciously aware of the rhythms that the TNA is looking for, which is basically non-even (odd number) streams and 1/4 patterns. Starting from 04:54:541 you've only had odd numbered 1/4 patterns and streams, with the exception of the last stream. Through this, I can assume that you're aware of the style of mapping the TNA would prefer you to use. This is a start to accepting their suggestions.
The TNA is imposing some arguable things, like the suggestion at 00:18:775 (128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135). However, it's best to consider their opinion too, as they are more reliable and experienced than we 'regular' mappers are. Now, I'm not telling you to just mindlessly apply the TNA's suggestions - that wouldn't make it your map, but the TNA's map. So how should you approach this?
I'd suggest you should not only try out the rhythm, but you should also ask yourself, "Why are they suggesting this? What do they hear in this area that would be possibilities of making this suggestion? What are possible rhythms that could be made according to the suggestion?" After you're done that, you should also ask, "Do I understand why they are suggesting this after looking for their reasons?" If not, PM them for further explanation. The TNA suggestion here was rather vague and lacking in detail, so you should do so if you don't understand. After this step, the final question is: "Do I like the rhythm I have currently, or do I like the rhythm that they have suggested to me?" then keep or change your rhythm that you have accordingly to the answer to this question. It's common to take the easy way by just trying the rhythm out and then be like, "Nope, don't like it." In most situations that'd be fine (although in reality you should follow a process similar to this for all mods), but since you're arguing with the TNA it'd just push this map into a frozen, unrankable state. At least through this process, there's a higher chance that you could understand what the TNA is suggesting and you could implement it. Hopefully I answered the first four questions of this process in this mod so you don't have to do that. Again, PM the TNA if you don't see why they are suggesting this. If you still don't agree with the TNA after the process, the only thing you could really do is to attempt to convince them into understanding your way of thinking. It's very unlikely that your map will get qualified by these means though. Or you could reluctantly apply the suggestions without understanding what the TNA is suggesting which doesn't really help anybody and kind of makes you pissed at how you have to listen to others without agreement. This last option should be a last resort.
This is a perfect example of the fundamental problem that arises in modding. The modding, qualifying, and ranking system is limited to human opinions which are completely unique. I think the purpose of mapping shouldn't be to rank your songs but to be creative. Modding takes away from the creativity aspect of mapping and melds others's suggestions to cause a loss of originality. Of course, we accept some of these opinions because it sounds good to us. This is especially true in the case of the TNA; we have to fix the major problems that they outline or else we'll have almost no chance for qualification. Although you might disagree with the TNA, if you just listen to their orders, can you truly call it your map? Is it not simply the TNA's map with your name on it if you do that? If you think that currently your map sounds as awesome as can be, so be it. It's important to take pride in your work and to make your map as good as possible from your standards, not anyone else's, even if that means that this might not get qualified. Strive to create a map that you could truly call "my map."
Anyways, try to understand my (especially the ones relating to the TNA rejection) suggestions. Understanding is of utmost importance in this situation.

Why'd I write an essay that's as long as the mod =_=

Good luck.
Hi, Chromoxx, from my queue

  1. 00:07:441 (47) - k
  2. 00:23:219 (161) - ^
  3. 00:37:441 (260) - ^
  4. 01:04:330 (439) - ^
  5. 01:05:441 (448) - ^
  6. 01:10:997 (485,487) - ^
  7. 01:32:775 (628) - ^
  8. 01:39:886 (679) - ^
  9. 02:55:441 (1084) - ^
  10. 03:33:664 (1314) - ^
  11. 03:56:552 (1459) - ^
  12. 04:01:886 (1494) - ^
  13. 04:10:775 (1556,1557) - ^
  14. 01:05:997 (452,453) - Swap
Topic Starter
Finally got around to applying this D:
newyams' mod

newyams99 wrote:

^ lol Raiden xD

Hi, a mod as promised.


I've mentioned stuff that the TNA put in, but I tried to explain it in a bit more depth.

00:00:553 - The inherited point here should be 1.1x or 1.0x, since you've made 1.2x for kiai times. i'm changing the SV anyways

00:11:330 - You could add a d here to match the instrumentals. nice

00:11:997 (79) - Move to 00:12:108? I feel as though the drum sound is here rather than at 00:11:997. that doesn't really go with my rythm, i like the current flow more

00:14:886 (100) - This hit is unnecessary imo. There is no drum sound on this hit compared to the next or previous hits. it adds buildup for the stream, i also like the sound of it

00:18:775 (128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135) - This is the one example the TNA was talking about right? Maybe they meant that it'd be better to make something like this?
I think they wanted to stress the fact that the sound at 00:19:219 should be more prioritized than the sound at 00:19:108 because it's got a louder sound by a bit. When I first listened to it I thought it was perfectly fine, but I could also understand where the TNA was coming from after listening carefully with no hitsounds and at 25% speed. I agree that the TNA is being subjective here (especially on this one), but their argument against it is valid and the rhythm that I suggested above should be worth considering. i like the way my current beat flows more, this is basically the main rythm i built the map on and it grooves really well, the other rythm is pretty standard and doesn't really spark anything particular in me

00:24:997 (172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188) - Another example of the TNA's mentions of improper pattern usage. This one is much more obvious than the one they first mentioned in the above. The main problem here is that a clearer drum sound can be heard at 00:25:441 where no hit is present, while at 00:25:108 (174) you have a hit where the drum is almost inaudible, if not completely. Same thing at 00:26:219 (181) where the drum is very quiet while 00:26:330 has a much louder drum hit. How about a rhythm like this?
This one should be taken into strong consideration (of course, you should consider every suggestion). i really don't know here... i'm in a moral conflict. On the one hand the reason is quite valid, but on the other hand i really think the beat i have brings out the music well and is a lot more catchy. I think i'll leave this as it is.

00:32:997 (226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233) - Same suggestion as 00:18:775 (128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135) A rhythm like this is possible: same as before, i prefer the quads, because it's a more interesting rythm and also fits the song.

00:34:219 (234) - I'd remove this hit since you've been mainly following the drums, whereas this hit is matched more to the vocals. it flows pretty well to me, and i like to incorporate vocal emphasis wherever it is possible without disrupting the flow.

00:34:775 (239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246) - Improper pattern usage. This would sound better imo: i really can only say that i like my rythm as it is and want to keep it. I will never be in a situation where i would want to change it, and even if i changed it just to get the map ranked i could never be proud of it.

00:39:219 (270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277) - ^ Similar to the above: same thing

00:40:664 (273) - Change to k. This sounds similar to 00:42:441 (284) imo. changed

00:47:219 (318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329) - Improper pattern usage. I think the TNA commented on this because they wanted to hear the drum at 00:47:664. It is crucial to not miss any sounds, although your pattern is definitely possible. I'd recommend you use the pattern at 00:54:330 (354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362,363,364,365). That rhythm sounded wonderful :D i added a d after the quad, i'm not making the same pattern as at the other part, since the vocals in this one are higher and more varied

00:50:775 (342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352) - ^. If you're not going to accept, at least put a d at 00:50:886 for consistency with 00:47:219 (318,319,320,321). added the d, but no other changes since the vocal starts on 00:51:330 (356) -

00:52:664 (355) - Remove this hit. It is inconsistent with places such as 00:56:330 (380,381,382,383) and 00:45:664 (308,309,310,311). Same thing at 01:06:886 (449). these parts are different from the ones you mentioned, ddkd also works better here imo

00:58:330 - Adding a d here would sound nice. Also relates to the improper patterns. break off to emphasize the vocal ends, it works pretty fine with my rythm too imo

01:00:886 (408) - Change to d? You've had a kdddkrhythm in this section. Same at 01:07:997 (456). this one is as it is to emphasize the guitar here, which varies from those other parts, changed the second one though since the guitar isn't too distinct here

01:01:441 (412,413,414,415,416,417,418,419,420,421,422) - Same as
00:50:775 (342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352). made it the same

01:04:108 (430,431) - Ctrl + G would sound better imo. i have it this way to emphasize the unexpected high pitch tone in the melody, some people may argue with the validity of this but for me it's still important because it brings out the nature of the whole song instead of just the drums

01:05:664 (441,442,443,444,445) - Switching the colours of these hits would sound nice, and you could also add a d at 01:05:552 if you accept this. changed, but didnt add the d

01:08:552 (460,461,462,463,464,465,466,467,468,469,470) - Same as
00:50:775 (342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352). made it a quad like the others

01:20:997 (535,536,537,538,539,540) - Improper pattern usage. How about this? i like it as it is, similar reasons as before, it brings out the vocals together with the drums

01:23:108 (551) - Move to 01:23:219 for the same pattern as the image link above. same

01:24:108 (558,559,560,561,562,563,564,565,566,567,568,569) - ^ Strongly recommended for this one. i quite like this, i was having a bit of trouble with that part

01:27:664 - Basically in the second kiai, it's the same stuff I mentioned before. keeping it, starting to realize more what the subconscious reason for mapping that way was

01:35:552 (641) - Change to k? This will keep consistency. changed

01:43:886 - Add a d? The drum sound was noticeable when playing. i like to keep it as it is to add emphasis to the vocals here

01:45:775 - ^ ^

01:48:997 (718) - You could add a finisher here, since there is a cymbal sound. nice one

01:58:108 - Add a d? The drum sound was noticeable when playing. same as before

02:00:775 - ^ To match vocals. fair enough, i left the break because it was one drawn out syllable, but adding a d is ok too

02:12:552 (811,812,813,814,815,816,817,818,819,820,821,822) - Improper pattern usage. Something similar to 02:19:664 (859,860,861,862,863,864,865,866,867,868) or 02:22:775 (879,880,881,882,883,884,885,886,887) would work. same as before

02:16:108 (836,837,838,839,840,841,842,843,844,845,846,847) - ^ same as before

02:17:997 - Add a hit? It'll keep consistency with 02:12:664 (812). Same at 02:21:552, 02:25:108 - yup, did something else with the second one tho

02:29:108 (919,920,921) - Switch the colours of these three hits? I think it'd sound better. again, this is to emphasize the unexpected change in melody

02:32:775 (942,943) - Ctrl + G preserves the k sound at the end of a 1/4 rhythm. no higher sound at the end of the pattern in the melody

02:46:552 - It'd be better to add a hit here. The 1/3 is kind of weird. i like it here, it brings out the guitar pretty well

02:54:552 (1082,1083,1084) - So the TNA said that the transition from guitar to drum matching interrupts the flow of the map. You've argued that you wanted to emphasize the long drawn out guitar. Fair enough, but a flaw with that argument is that you've only done that in a small number of places. For example, 02:50:997, 02:51:441, and 02:51:886 have the similar three note 1/1 guitar, but you completely ignored it, which contrasts with 02:54:552 (1082,1083,1084) where you did match to the guitar. I disagree that the flow isn't good - the flow's not bad and it sounds fine imo. However, if you want to get this ranked, you're going to have to change this in one way or another. Ways to do this? You could only match to the guitar starting from 02:38:775 with some (not as much as the current amount) little drum mixed in, or you could only match to the drums, and get rid of parts like these, with the exception of the guitar stream at 03:05:441 (1138,1139,1140,1141,1142,1143,1144,1145,1146,1147,1148,1149,1150,1151,1152,1153,1154). The former may not be preferred, since the difficulty in the section would be very easy. added emphasis on the drums, i mean i'm fine with it in general, in my reply to the TNA reject i simply stated that it flowed fine and had it's reasons, also i wouldn't have seen that as a reason to reject

03:05:886 (1142,1143) - Ctrl + G would match the pitch of the guitar better. i think that stream already matches the guitar perfectly, the pitch goes up from 1142 to 1143

03:06:219 (1145,1146) - ^ same

03:07:219 - Has similar suggestions as the section from 00:44:997. Please refer to that and consider what you can change. did the same stuff i did in the other part

03:49:886 - This is also the same as the first and second kiai. Refer to those too. basically kept the same rythm intact, changed a few things tho

04:22:219 - Add a d for the same reason as 01:45:775. added

04:29:108 (1656,1657,1658,1659) - This should be kept the same as 01:52:664 (743,744,745,746), or vice versa. ok

04:38:886 - There is vocals here, although the syllable is very quick and quiet. Add a hit? i'll try this out

04:50:764 (1738) - You could add a finisher on this hit to emphasize the transition into the final section. It will also match 00:02:330 (14). Same at 04:57:875 (1790). done

04:51:541 (1743) - Change to k for consistency with 04:55:097 (1768). done

04:52:097 (1747,1748,1749,1750,1751,1752,1753,1754,1755,1756,1757,1758,1759,1760,1761,1762) - Improper pattern usage. Something like this would match better imo. same as in the other parts

05:02:986 (1824,1825,1826,1827,1828,1829,1830,1831,1832,1833,1834,1835,1836,1837,1838,1839,1840,1841,1842) - How about something like this?
This should be changed in some way though. It's sounds weird in some places. basically came up with nearly the same patttern before checking the screenshot, it just starts with a d, that's the only difference xD

05:15:652 (1917,1918,1919,1920,1921,1922,1923,1924,1925,1926,1927) - Beautiful 8-) lel

05:17:208 (1929,1930,1931,1932,1933,1934,1935,1936,1937,1938,1939,1940,1941,1942,1943,1944,1945,1946) - How about this?
This one is more optional. i like it how it is

My opinion on what you should do:
I'm pretty sure you still disagree with the TNA on how the rhythms are mapped, and hopefully I've explained them even slightly better. It's fine to disagree with them, but I'm almost 100% sure that you're subconsciously aware of the rhythms that the TNA is looking for, which is basically non-even (odd number) streams and 1/4 patterns. Starting from 04:54:541 you've only had odd numbered 1/4 patterns and streams, with the exception of the last stream. Through this, I can assume that you're aware of the style of mapping the TNA would prefer you to use. This is a start to accepting their suggestions.
The TNA is imposing some arguable things, like the suggestion at 00:18:775 (128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135). However, it's best to consider their opinion too, as they are more reliable and experienced than we 'regular' mappers are. Now, I'm not telling you to just mindlessly apply the TNA's suggestions - that wouldn't make it your map, but the TNA's map. So how should you approach this?
I'd suggest you should not only try out the rhythm, but you should also ask yourself, "Why are they suggesting this? What do they hear in this area that would be possibilities of making this suggestion? What are possible rhythms that could be made according to the suggestion?" After you're done that, you should also ask, "Do I understand why they are suggesting this after looking for their reasons?" If not, PM them for further explanation. The TNA suggestion here was rather vague and lacking in detail, so you should do so if you don't understand. After this step, the final question is: "Do I like the rhythm I have currently, or do I like the rhythm that they have suggested to me?" then keep or change your rhythm that you have accordingly to the answer to this question. It's common to take the easy way by just trying the rhythm out and then be like, "Nope, don't like it." In most situations that'd be fine (although in reality you should follow a process similar to this for all mods), but since you're arguing with the TNA it'd just push this map into a frozen, unrankable state. At least through this process, there's a higher chance that you could understand what the TNA is suggesting and you could implement it. Hopefully I answered the first four questions of this process in this mod so you don't have to do that. Again, PM the TNA if you don't see why they are suggesting this. If you still don't agree with the TNA after the process, the only thing you could really do is to attempt to convince them into understanding your way of thinking. It's very unlikely that your map will get qualified by these means though. Or you could reluctantly apply the suggestions without understanding what the TNA is suggesting which doesn't really help anybody and kind of makes you pissed at how you have to listen to others without agreement. This last option should be a last resort.
This is a perfect example of the fundamental problem that arises in modding. The modding, qualifying, and ranking system is limited to human opinions which are completely unique. I think the purpose of mapping shouldn't be to rank your songs but to be creative. Modding takes away from the creativity aspect of mapping and melds others's suggestions to cause a loss of originality. Of course, we accept some of these opinions because it sounds good to us. This is especially true in the case of the TNA; we have to fix the major problems that they outline or else we'll have almost no chance for qualification. Although you might disagree with the TNA, if you just listen to their orders, can you truly call it your map? Is it not simply the TNA's map with your name on it if you do that? If you think that currently your map sounds as awesome as can be, so be it. It's important to take pride in your work and to make your map as good as possible from your standards, not anyone else's, even if that means that this might not get qualified. Strive to create a map that you could truly call "my map."
Anyways, try to understand my (especially the ones relating to the TNA rejection) suggestions. Understanding is of utmost importance in this situation.

Why'd I write an essay that's as long as the mod =_=

Good luck.
I decided to keep most of the "improper pattern usage". I think TNA was viewing this map and/or the possibilities of mapping this song very onesidedly, focusing mainly on the drum beat or single things. I mapped to the song as a whole, not just the drums etc, meaning many of the irregular patterns were there to emphasize vocals that were on blue ticks or strong sounds in the melody that were there. I subconsciously mapped to emphasize that but throughout applying this mod it became clear to me exactly why i did what i did and why it felt better to me than the changes of the TNA. Anyway, i will try to get this through in it's current state, i also changed the SV after talking with Ono about it. Thx for the in depth mod,l i know i didn't apply many of the main suggestions but they helped me become clear on what i wanted to map.
Hi Chromoxx.

Mod4TNA Hue
And because i like chata songs :V


Honestly OD at 6.5 may be okay, but i don't think ppl will rush on your map with that and i don't think it's value is worth. If we look over le SR which is 4.37 it's no that high, but the patterns are quite hard. Of course this is the result of a low bpm, which means it's a decent value for DT and we go over 6, but with an OD of 6.5 that should force ppl to use EZ imo.

That's still my opinion ey.


00:01:886 : I'm ok for a symetrical pattern, but if we follow the logic, that should be kd intead of dk since you place d's on the melody sounds.
00:14:441 : For this kind of notes, i think you can add. If we look previously, we have quart + long stream, maybe you could reproduce the same thing in general, or at least be consistent.
00:19:775 : ^
00:40:664 : I would add a k here, around you, you have quint + solo + quint etc... Maybe continue in that way?
00:55:664 : Personna feeling but i would use doubles here.
00:59:108 : Imo it's worth deleting this note and having a finisher after, it follows more the music. In compensation you can have a triple after the finisher if you wanna.
01:16:441 : How about deleting this don? It will make the pattern symetrical. Plus i feel like a quint here doesn't fit good.
01:34:664 : I don't know if Finishers are familiar in your mapping style (just asking) but i feel that deleting this note and having a finisher after would be better, even the steam itself would be better, imo the actual k is too much.
02:29:997 : Personnal feeling but i would add a d here. Sounds worth having a quint here.
02:41:219 : This break is kinda weird imo, moreover when you have a stream after. I would add a k.
02:50:330 : Personnal suggestion but with the guitar, i would go for kkdkk. That would also makes a contrast with next ddkdd.
02:55:441 : You know you're not allowed to finisher here. xD
03:08:997 : Deleting this note would make the next stream more important imo.
03:09:775 : but on the other hand i think this stream is a bit too long and you should delete this note. And you may keep the quint due to the structure compared to what you've done after.
03:22:886 : If we follow the logic you've made before, you may add a k here to keep the quints after double doublets.
03:24:108 : I'm a bit surprised you didn't make a ddkkddk here.
03:44:886 : I don't really like this 3/4 break. But that still should be fine, howerver i would add a d.
03:55:219 : Swap to k? Melody.
04:18:664 : Yet i find interesting, but this is a bit strange compared to what we have after. I like the idea but it's not used after :/ (For example at 04:23:775).
04:37:997 : And here is another example, but it sounds akward right now.

And that's all i can say.

I like the streams, they are done well for me.
Gl hf for rank :D
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