
Erik McClure - Lagomorphic [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Mittwoch, 2. März 2016 at 11:26:31

Artist: Erik McClure
Title: Lagomorphic
Tags: Newgrounds Blackhole12 Black Sphere Studios Rabbits Lagomorpha 2008
BPM: 200
Filesize: 4001kb
Play Time: 02:16
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (2,21 stars, 359 notes)
  2. Inner Oni (4,61 stars, 898 notes)
  3. Kantan (1,4 stars, 211 notes)
  4. Muzukashii (2,91 stars, 584 notes)
  5. Oni (3,99 stars, 760 notes)
Download: Erik McClure - Lagomorphic
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Ranked Standard Set

well well weeeeeeeeeeeell

I apologize in advance if I sound too much of a douche, it is not my intention at ALL :c

[ General]

The first thing I've noticed without even entering the Edit mode is the spread. Let me elaborate: usually SR means barely anything in Taiko since it is broken as hell, but as I've noticed, gaps between difficulties is way too low to be considered correct and rankable. Let me elaborate even further: in taiko, one of the most important rules for ranking criteria is the Spread of the difficulties in a mapset. What am I trying to get to? Simple: the gap between each of the difficulties must be consistent and relatively high in order to differentiate every one of them. I'd go further, but I'm gonna leave you this webpage so you can give it a quick read and learn everything regarding taiko mapping! All credit goes to OnosakiHito.

With that stated, let me begin specific difficulty modding.

Side note: uncheck Widescreen Support in all difficulties unless you're going for a Storyboard

[ Kantan]

One of the most things I stress in easier difficulties (Kantan all the way up to Muzukashii) is consistency in rhythm, and providing enough breaks to make up for the possible hard patterns you might add. So I'm giving you a fast example in your song.

00:10:814 - 00:20:414 - Here, for example. The main rhythm follows, let's say, "d k ddk". Alright, I get that rhythm, I listen closely to it, and then I map according to it, providing enough breaks to compensate a possible hard pattern. In this part, you correctly mapped the first beats (d k ddk) then you suddenly stop using that rhythm: that causes confusion to newer players. Let me suggest you something: move 00:15:914 (25) - to 00:14:714 - . Now you are being consistent and following the main rhythm. Also, by moving that note to the point I told you, you have provided a break in the part it was before, while still being consistent on the rhythm! Isn't it neat? New players as well as QATs will appreciate it

  1. 00:21:614 - 00:25:814 - Note density is a bit too high, you should provide some breaks. I suggest deleting every 2nd d in every 2nd ddk (TL;DR 00:23:114 (39) - 00:25:514 (45) - )
  2. 00:28:214 - 00:40:814 - There are too many notes here, wouldn't you agree? :P Delete middle notes (kkddk -> kkd k or k d k for example) to provide breaks, as I explained before.
  3. 00:42:014 - 00:43:214 - Now that's a nice made pattern, it isn't complicated and it provides breaks. However, right after at 00:44:414 - 00:45:614 - you added a note, which makes the rhythm somewhat inconsistent. Try the following: delete 00:45:314 (88) - and turn 00:45:014 (87) - into a k
  4. 00:50:714 (99) - Here there should be a break, I suggest deleting it
  5. 00:55:514 (108) - This makes the rhythm somewhat inconsistent if you think about it. I suggest moving to 00:54:914 - , and then deleting 00:56:714 (111) - to provide a break
  6. 01:35:714 (176) - There aren't enough breaks in between, I'd delete this as well
  7. 01:42:914 (191) - Same than above ^
  8. I almost forgot. Kantans should have high HP, but 8,5 is a bit too high considering the length (if it was 1 min maybe) and BPM, consider HP7~ or so
I don't usually deem the kiai as overmapped regardless of the density of notes (as long as it follows the song), but this is just a bit overdone in my opinion. My only suggestion is to remove some notes without altering the rhythm (such as 01:50:114 (206) - , 01:53:114 (212,214) - 01:56:714 (221) - , and so on, providing enough breaks for the player)

That's pretty much it for this difficulty. The patterning isn't bad at all, but you have to make sure you provide breaks, and keep the rhythm consistent. If you pick a rhythm: stick to it. Variations are fine, as long as they are small and fit the song, but I think you get where I'm going :D

Also, by providing breaks you make sure your spread is correct, since that helps you differentiate, let's say, a Kantan from a Futsuu successfully.

[ Futsuu]

  1. 00:10:064 (20,21) - Such things (alternating doublets) are usually OK if the BPM is lowish. But at this BPM, I suggest either removing the 1/2 or making it monocolour, while providing a break right after.
  2. 00:14:414 (33,34,35,36) - Same here, you should remove one of the 2 and make a break after it
  3. 00:19:664 (48,49) - whoop ^

    Same goes for all doublets ^
  4. 00:29:414 - 00:33:614 - The pattern is way too long to include a 1/2 at the end. I suggest either shortening it and keep the 1/2, or remove the 1/2 completely.
  5. 00:36:614 - 00:38:414 - Same ^
  6. 00:45:014 (124,125,126,127) - Must I speak about it? :P
  7. 00:49:814 (140,141,142,143) - consecutive doublets are not a good idea for a futsuu of this BPM
  8. 01:03:614 - 01:05:414 - ayy ayy
All the map is like that, so I suggest the same on everything. Patterning looks fine, you just need to work on consistency and provide breaks after hard patterns. I usually disregard kiai for this, but I think you should tweak it a bit :)

[ Muzukashii]

I don't encourage SV changes in Muzukashii, but I guess it is personal style. :P

  1. 00:27:914 - Why the sudden rhythm change here? Sounds really awkward to me, I suggest moving 00:28:364 (107) - to 00:28:064 -
  2. 00:47:414 (199,200,201,202) - Same, you suddenly change your rhythm here. I must encourage you to keep consistency
Pretty much all parts until the kiai are like this. As I said in the (General), once you pick the rhythm you want to follow, stick with it and map according to it.
I suggest using bookmarks to know where to start a new rhythm and sticking with it until it changes.

The kiai in this difficulty is pretty good to be honest

[ Oni]

  1. 00:36:014 (191) - Doesn't this sound a bit weird considering the rhythm you've chosen to follow? By the way, here the rhythm is kept consistent pretty damn well! Great job!
Honestly, I'm not gonna give you every small detail (turn d to k or viceversa) because, if you understood what all this mod was about, I really think you'll take a look at all your difficulties and change lots of things for the better by yourself, without even needing a mod.

[ Inner Oni]

I honestly like to go full ham on Inner Onis, so I'm leaving this blank because small suggestions are usually nonsense unless the suggestion involves a major problem, and I haven't seen anything like that, really.

In conclusion, you are having exactly the same problem I had when I recently started mapping: consistency in the rhythm and spreading the difficulties correctly. I hope this has been helpful to improve your mapping (or even your modding!) in Taiko. And sorry again if I sounded too nazi or something orz

Topic Starter

Raiden wrote:

well well weeeeeeeeeeeell

I apologize in advance if I sound too much of a douche, it is not my intention at ALL :c ➥ oh dw sometimes i feel like i'm being a douche while modding the gamemode i map more in (hint it's not taiko)

[ General]

The first thing I've noticed without even entering the Edit mode is the spread. Let me elaborate: usually SR means barely anything in Taiko since it is broken as hell, but as I've noticed, gaps between difficulties is way too low to be considered correct and rankable. Let me elaborate even further: in taiko, one of the most important rules for ranking criteria is the Spread of the difficulties in a mapset. What am I trying to get to? Simple: the gap between each of the difficulties must be consistent and relatively high in order to differentiate every one of them. I'd go further, but I'm gonna leave you this webpage so you can give it a quick read and learn everything regarding taiko mapping! All credit goes to OnosakiHito.
➥ i don't get this point at all because i used said guide as my main instrument for making the lower diffs, now spread being too low is kind of a new thing to me, i didn't even know this could be a problem here since it's certainly not one for the mode i come from
tldr: i used the resource you tried to give me to make the low diffs (or more precisely Kantan-Muzu) to not end up with a shitspread on first attempt, either i failed or idk you didn't enter the editor before writing this dunno lol

With that stated, let me begin specific difficulty modding.

Side note: uncheck Widescreen Support in all difficulties unless you're going for a Storyboard ➥ I SWEAR THAT SHIT TICKS ITSELF

[ Kantan]

One of the most things I stress in easier difficulties (Kantan all the way up to Muzukashii) is consistency in rhythm, and providing enough breaks to make up for the possible hard patterns you might add. So I'm giving you a fast example in your song.

00:10:814 - 00:20:414 - Here, for example. The main rhythm follows, let's say, "d k ddk". Alright, I get that rhythm, I listen closely to it, and then I map according to it, providing enough breaks to compensate a possible hard pattern. In this part, you correctly mapped the first beats (d k ddk) then you suddenly stop using that rhythm: that causes confusion to newer players. Let me suggest you something: move 00:15:914 (25) - to 00:14:714 - . Now you are being consistent and following the main rhythm. Also, by moving that note to the point I told you, you have provided a break in the part it was before, while still being consistent on the rhythm! Isn't it neat? New players as well as QATs will appreciate it ➥ oh that makes perfect sense, but i'm a bit hesitant about repeating that stuff too often because isn't this diff supposed to only include 1/1 in some cases because you know that's hard at 200 bpm for a complete beginner ?, on another note my other intention was to follow the sudden burst in kicks had in that part with another note, but i guess that's inappropriate? dunno actually

  1. 00:21:614 - 00:25:814 - Note density is a bit too high, you should provide some breaks. I suggest deleting every 2nd d in every 2nd ddk (TL;DR 00:23:114 (39) - 00:25:514 (45) - ) ➥ I also applied the same concept to the part that follows as i figured it's the same issue, even though the song is building up, i guess altering the patterning a bit should emphasize this enough? dunno, but did
  2. 00:28:214 - 00:40:814 - There are too many notes here, wouldn't you agree? :P Delete middle notes (kkddk -> kkd k or k d k for example) to provide breaks, as I explained before. ➥ blahblargh blargh, that happened, wasn't sure about this because i didn't know how long strings of 1/1 are gonna be ok
  3. 00:42:014 - 00:43:214 - Now that's a nice made pattern, it isn't complicated and it provides breaks. However, right after at 00:44:414 - 00:45:614 - you added a note, which makes the rhythm somewhat inconsistent. Try the following: delete 00:45:314 (88) - and turn 00:45:014 (87) - into a k ➥ I followed the sudden, high pitched background sounds as 3 ks, however 00:45:014 (81,82,83) - and more specifically 00:45:014 (81,82) - have sounds not present in 00:42:614 - and the 1/1 after that, so i tried to represent that by changing their color... idk does that make sense?
  4. 00:50:714 (99) - Here there should be a break, I suggest deleting it ➥ lol yes
  5. 00:55:514 (108) - This makes the rhythm somewhat inconsistent if you think about it. I suggest moving to 00:54:914 - , and then deleting 00:56:714 (111) - to provide a break ➥ whatever this issue was, i was this far into the diff when looking at it with what you said already and did stuff on my own here, part of this happened and the note you said should be deleted has disappeared already (where to idk>.> > >A <??)
  6. 01:35:714 (176) - There aren't enough breaks in between, I'd delete this as well ➥ fair
  7. 01:42:914 (191) - Same than above ^ ➥ i think this one is fair enough to be honest, the way the other 2 ddk instances are placed would suggest this first one to be exactly where it is (does that make sense?? im talking about 01:38:414 (175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190) - as a whole looking from end to beginning of this link, the way this is currently positioned somewhat suggests it to be in the place it currently is)
  8. I almost forgot. Kantans should have high HP, but 8,5 is a bit too high considering the length (if it was 1 min maybe) and BPM, consider HP7~ or so ➥ well ok, i had someone test it who played taiko for like 2 plays today and he passed that stuff but that still seems fair enough to people who are completely derp with rhythm games
I don't usually deem the kiai as overmapped regardless of the density of notes (as long as it follows the song), but this is just a bit overdone in my opinion.➥ u know taht bolding the BIT MAKES IT SOUND LIKE YOU DON'T MEAN A BIT BUT ACTUALLY A LOT RIGHT?, but yes i can see your point, the reason of me looking for mods is that i wanna learn this stuff but the guide for lower diff just said "a few 1/1 and mainly 2/1 and 4/1" or some stuff like that so i couldn't really know what amount of some 1/1 is considered some and what is considered a lot... does that even sense ? ? My only suggestion is to remove some notes without altering the rhythm (such as 01:50:114 (206) - , 01:53:114 (212,214) - 01:56:714 (221) - , and so on, providing enough breaks for the player)

That's pretty much it for this difficulty. The patterning isn't bad at all, but you have to make sure you provide breaks, and keep the rhythm consistent. If you pick a rhythm: stick to it. Variations are fine, as long as they are small and fit the song, but I think you get where I'm going :D

Also, by providing breaks you make sure your spread is correct, since that helps you differentiate, let's say, a Kantan from a Futsuu successfully.

[ Futsuu]

  1. 00:10:064 (20,21) - Such things (alternating doublets) are usually OK if the BPM is lowish. But at this BPM, I suggest either removing the 1/2 or making it monocolour, while providing a break right after. ➥ woah, i thought alternating color doublets would be easier to play than monocolor because you know... no matter what style you play you divide the harder pattern on more than 1 finger? I am not sure what to do about these because ... in some situations monocolor doublets should work fine while in others they just don't fit the song at all
  2. 00:14:414 (33,34,35,36) - Same here, you should remove one of the 2 and make a break after it
  3. 00:19:664 (48,49) - whoop ^

    Same goes for all doublets ^ ➥ o you found out I do this a lot, because i thought it was pretty much very very easy to play hahaha
  4. 00:29:414 - 00:33:614 - The pattern is way too long to include a 1/2 at the end. I suggest either shortening it and keep the 1/2, or remove the 1/2 completely. ➥ going with pattern logic, ill go with splitting this pattern into 2 because otherwise i'd destroy the buildupish rhythm in this part
  5. 00:36:614 - 00:38:414 - Same ^ ➥ i tried to split the patterns before and after it up, but i think if i split this up i destroy the buildup-effect completely so i'll go with deletions before that pattern to give them a bit more rest for this because removing the 1/2 would be bleh and removing a note before would be meh as well
  6. 00:45:014 (124,125,126,127) - Must I speak about it? :P
  7. 00:49:814 (140,141,142,143) - consecutive doublets are not a good idea for a futsuu of this BPM ➥ for this and the above point, yea that makes sense, i need some time to sort out what kind of thing i want there
  8. 01:03:614 - 01:05:414 - ayy ayy ➥ lmao
All the map is like that, so I suggest the same on everything. Patterning looks fine, you just need to work on consistency and provide breaks after hard patterns. I usually disregard kiai for this, but I think you should tweak it a bit :) ➥ as i said i need some time to work on these 2 diffs (which was to be expected from the start tbh, because i don't really play them - did the same thing in standard with lower diffs, map a few, have them modded until you understand basics and advanced things allowed in them, worked fine - seems to work here too, i just need time)

[ Muzukashii]

I don't encourage SV changes in Muzukashii, but I guess it is personal style. :P ➥ i expected that, i used the minimum i deemed stylistically ok for following the song while i think i know which ones will die if more people mention it as slightly negative

  1. 00:27:914 - Why the sudden rhythm change here? Sounds really awkward to me, I suggest moving 00:28:364 (107) - to 00:28:064 - ➥ ooo
    i remember having an actual reason for it but as i can't remember the reason and just having it, i moved the thing and turned it into a k (on a 2nd thought i think the sudden kicks that set in there were more interesting to follow at first glance or something like that)

  2. 00:47:414 (199,200,201,202) - Same, you suddenly change your rhythm here. I must encourage you to keep consistency
Pretty much all parts until the kiai are like this. As I said in the (General), once you pick the rhythm you want to follow, stick with it and map according to it. ➥ i thought that was super boring and that's the reason for not doing that, but with more time to work on this, im sure i can avoid that
I suggest using bookmarks to know where to start a new rhythm and sticking with it until it changes.

The kiai in this difficulty is pretty good to be honest ➥ oooooo a positive comment wow

[ Oni]

  1. 00:36:014 (191) - Doesn't this sound a bit weird considering the rhythm you've chosen to follow? ➥ 00:30:914 (154,155,156,157) - 00:26:114 (122,123,124,125) - 00:40:514 (222,223,224,225,226) - are the reasons for me to use kkk k instead of a d in the end for example By the way, here the rhythm is kept consistent pretty damn well! Great job!
Honestly, I'm not gonna give you every small detail (turn d to k or viceversa) because, if you understood what all this mod was about, I really think you'll take a look at all your difficulties and change lots of things for the better by yourself, without even needing a mod. ➥ if i understand that correctly it's about avoiding difficulty inappropriate elements and keeping rhythm consistent for the lower part of this set (maybe for the higher part as well, but idk there i was a bir more careful with considering what i follow and why, i thought lower diffs need a bit more variation because they have even less means to do so lol)

[ Inner Oni]

I honestly like to go full ham on Inner Onis, so I'm leaving this blank because small suggestions are usually nonsense unless the suggestion involves a major problem, and I haven't seen anything like that, really.

In conclusion, you are having exactly the same problem I had when I recently started mapping: consistency in the rhythm and spreading the difficulties correctly. I hope this has been helpful to improve your mapping (or even your modding!) in Taiko. And sorry again if I sounded too nazi or something orz ➥ looooooooooooooooooooooool nazi lol.
not really.
im kinda thankful that you spent time explaining the overall problems to me instead of just writing a lot change this minor thing to that minor thing and have me discover the broad picture myself.
like uhh sure this helps more than just saying change this note's color or delete move whatever

oh look a non lazy taiko modder, i heard those are pretty rare

I will need more time to fully implement all the stuff that changed because it's like a lot and im not done when writing this answer so please wait because i will ask you if I got your main point correctly or not

edit decided to update to not lose my wip stuff
edit2: i think im done changing stuff, idk i think most diffs play better and are more consistent now, idk to what level of consistency i have to go so i'll ask around lols
edit3: If you think that mod was nazi then im literally hitler in standard
From Queue (I'm Still learning mapping, almost of my mod is too subjective.)


Finish at First Note


: make more easier and some break.
00:06:614 - Delete
00:10:214 - ^
01:28:814 - ^
01:40:514 - ^
01:09:614 - add Finish
01:28:814 - ^
01:48:014 - ^


00:01:814 - d
00:05:414 - Delete
00:07:214 - d
00:09:314 - ^
00:14:564 - move to 00:14:264 and d
00:15:314 - Delete
00:21:614 - add Finish
00:31:064 - add d
01:04:064 - d
01:09:314 - ^
01:09:614 - add Finish
01:14:714 - Delete
01:28:814 - add Finish

[Inner Oni]

00:15:539 - Delete
00:20:114 - fix it to kdd d

i recommend to visit more queue and more modding.
Topic Starter

wofl100 wrote:

From Queue (I'm Still learning mapping, almost of my mod is too subjective.)


Finish at First Note ➥ the way i use finishers in this entire set only makes them necessary in inner, i don't hink the rest of the set ~has~ to have finishers just to have finishers... does that make sense


: make more easier and some break.
00:06:614 - Delete ➥ 00:07:814 - moved it there instead because it actually makes more sense there
00:10:214 - ^ ✘ nah i need that one in order to build up so that the constant 2/1 rhythm in the next part doesn't come in suddenly
01:28:814 - ^ ✘ this one is pretty essential overall because it not only marks the beginning of a new measure, but of an entirely different part, so i don't exactly get why i should remove it
01:40:514 - ^ ✘ this one is the same as 01:42:614 (186,187,188) - 01:45:014 (191,192,193) - ... literally so i don't get why i should delete it to make my rhythm choice inconsistent here D:
01:09:614 - add Finish
01:28:814 - ^
01:48:014 - ^
➥ ;; i already explained why i don';t really want more finishes, especially in kantan where the concept of them might not even be clear to players


00:01:814 - d ➥ that one makes sense i think
00:05:414 - Delete ➥ i did something else to them based on what i did on the first one... but imo deletion here is not necessary as it will make the whole thing harder to grasp
00:07:214 - d ➥ nah, not this one but 00:07:814 - was actually supposed to be a d
00:09:314 - ^ ➥ nope. this is a k because of melody being higher pitched
00:14:564 - move to 00:14:264 and d ➥ kinda not convinced for this one yet because it's reason is background melody, though i do understand it's kind of sudden so i'll wait for one more opinion on this before deciding to make it boring xd
00:15:314 - Delete ✘ i need this one for at least trying to map the 1/2 drums that go on there D:
00:21:614 - add Finish ➥ added here, on muzu and on oni because it actually makes sense to do that c:
00:31:064 - add d ➥ added a k for keeping my pattern logic from the higher diffs
01:04:064 - d ➥ i've been told not to do multicolor doublets on these diffs and it is actually easier this way, if more people would welcome such a change i will do that but for now... nop
01:09:314 - ^ ➥ follows melody similar to higher diffs
01:09:614 - add Finish ✘ nahh
01:14:714 - Delete ✔ oh yes i missed this one
01:28:814 - add Finish ➥ dude you told me to delete this note on kantan... i don't think it needs a finish now XD

[Inner Oni]

00:15:539 - Delete ➥ there's a drumroll there so D:
00:20:114 - fix it to kdd d ➥ k ddk instead

i recommend to visit more queue and more modding.
thanks :D
Hi. from my queue. (1st)
[ Kantan]
  1. There is only one Finish. it's so few. consider to add some it.
  2. 00:49:814 (92,93) - this 2/1+1/1 pattern is too long on Kantan. so i recommend to delete these for 4/1 break.
  3. 00:01:214 (1) - Finish.
  4. 00:59:414 (112) - ^
  5. 01:47:414 (196) - delete for 4/1.
  6. 01:48:014 (197) - could be finish for emphasis.
  7. 02:07:814 (238) - del
  8. OD3.0 is better? imo.
[ Futsuu]
  1. 01:06:464 (181,182) - change to dd, or 01:01:664 (167,168) - change to kk for better consistency.
  2. 00:01:214 (1) - Finish.
  3. 01:48:014 (296) - Finish for emphasis.
  4. 02:07:214 (355) - ^
  5. OD4 is better. check this.
[ Muzukashii]
  1. OD5.0.
  2. 00:01:214 (1) - Finish.
  3. 01:09:914 (303) - delete? i think this pattern is so long.
  4. 01:48:014 (453) - Finish.
[ Oni]
  1. looks fine.
  2. 00:01:214 (1) - FInish.
  3. 00:49:664 don't forget to rermove unnecessary green lines pls.
  4. 01:48:014 (575) - finish.
Good luck. :)
Topic Starter

tasuke912 wrote:

Hi. from my queue. (1st)
[ Kantan]
  1. There is only one Finish. it's so few. consider to add some it. ✔ ooo i added one because the other diffs also only have one additional
  2. 00:49:814 (92,93) - this 2/1+1/1 pattern is too long on Kantan. so i recommend to delete these for 4/1 break. ✐ only deleted one because deleting the beginning of a new part of the song just doesn't feel ok
  3. 00:01:214 (1) - Finish. ✘ nah i don't like the first note to have a finish and then a 4/1 break
  4. 00:59:414 (112) - ^ ➥ i prefer not having a finish there tbh
  5. 01:47:414 (196) - delete for 4/1. ✔ giving beginners more time to react to the kiai? sure
  6. 01:48:014 (197) - could be finish for emphasis. ➥ finisher and 1/1 pattern doesn't seem that right to me :|
  7. 02:07:814 (238) - del ✔ ya
  8. OD3.0 is better? imo. ✔ why the hell not xd
[ Futsuu]
  1. 01:06:464 (181,182) - change to dd, or 01:01:664 (167,168) - change to kk for better consistency. ✔ dd
  2. 00:01:214 (1) - Finish. ➥ already explained in kantan
  3. 01:48:014 (296) - Finish for emphasis. ➥ already explained in kantan
  4. 02:07:214 (355) - ^ ✘ this may be emphasised but im not that much a fan of putting a finisher in the place where the song drops several instruments
  5. OD4 is better. check ✔ ok xd this.
[ Muzukashii]
  1. OD5.0.
  2. 00:01:214 (1) - Finish. ➥ explained in kantan
  3. 01:09:914 (303) - delete? i think this pattern is so long. ✔ deleted sth else for consistency
  4. 01:48:014 (453) - Finish. ➥ i think i explained that in kantan too xd
[ Oni]
  1. looks fine.
  2. 00:01:214 (1) - FInish. ➥ explained in kantan
  3. 00:49:664 don't forget to rermove unnecessary green lines pls. ✔ ok loool also is it ok to have both muzu and oni od 5 ?_?
  4. 01:48:014 (575) - finish. ➥ idk if more people keep demanding finishes i'll probably budge and give them their finishes lool
Good luck. :)
thank you <3
Mod from in-game chat
14:10 snowball112: OKO
14:11 snowball112: CHAT MOD
14:11 snowball112: LETS GO
14:11 Okoratu: o ok oko
14:11 Okoratu: o
14:11 Okoratu: die letzten beiden mods wollten mehr finisher
14:11 Okoratu: ich will aber eig nich mehr finisher LOL
14:11 snowball112: wer hat denn was von finishern gesagt
14:12 Okoratu: die letzten 2 mods oder so
14:12 snowball112: 00:19:064 (86,87,88) -dkk?
14:12 Okoratu: .-.-
14:12 Okoratu: inner
14:12 snowball112: ja
14:12 snowball112: inner zeurst
14:12 snowball112: zuerst*
14:12 Okoratu: ich hasse dkk
14:12 snowball112: ich find einfalch es würd ganz gut passen
14:13 snowball112: weil der ton höher ist als 00:20:264 (96,97,98)
14:13 Okoratu: ja aber da shitmisse ich dann im gameplay xDD
14:13 snowball112: wär n netter kontrast
14:13 snowball112: na dann lass sein
14:13 Okoratu: ausserdem
14:13 Okoratu: hab ich auf den 3 dingern 3 drums
14:13 Okoratu: und auf der letzten drum noch nen hoeheren sound und nen k
14:13 Okoratu: ich denk ddk reicht
14:14 snowball112: 01:00:614 (395,396,397) -kdd
14:14 snowball112: ich find die letzten zwei k sind zu stark
14:14 Okoratu: 01:00:014 (393,394,395,397,398) - muessen k sein
14:14 Okoratu: ueber 01:00:764 (396) - laesst sich verhandeln
14:15 snowball112: lel
14:15 Okoratu: ich wollte auf diesem klicksound immer nen k haben
14:15 Okoratu: aber der bei 396 koennt eig auch d sein
14:16 snowball112: ich find nur wenn du versuchst da alles zu betonen verschwimmt alles
14:16 Okoratu: ya
14:16 snowball112: ich find es ist zu viel
14:16 Okoratu: generell oder da ?
14:17 Okoratu: k d k sollte imo reichen oder nich aaAa
14:17 snowball112: an der stelle
14:18 Okoratu: ich kann mich an den grund fuer 01:00:764 (396) - nich mehr erinnern
14:18 Okoratu: deswegen ist's jetzt d
14:18 snowball112: der höhere ton rückt eher in den vordergrund, aber wenn du dann noch den rest mit k mappst ist das zml viel k auf einmal
14:18 snowball112: find ich
14:19 Okoratu: moment
14:19 Okoratu: hast recht
14:19 Okoratu: k d d
14:19 Okoratu: geht besser
14:19 snowball112: das ist so zml das einzige, aber das ist an mehreren stellen
14:19 snowball112: du betonst so viel mit k das zb kontraste verloren gehen
14:20 snowball112: zb 01:18:314 (506,507,508,509,510,511,512) -
14:20 snowball112: die letzten drei als k find ich ok
14:20 snowball112: aber die vier davor würd ich n bisschen ändern
14:21 snowball112: vll ddkk oder dkdk
14:21 snowball112: sec
14:21 snowball112: die fünf davor*
14:21 snowball112: ddkkd
14:21 snowball112: oder dkdkd
14:21 snowball112: 01:18:164 (505,506,507,508,509) -ddkkd oder so
14:22 snowball112: ich find da dkkdd am besten
14:22 Okoratu: ddkkd hab ich grad gemacht
14:22 snowball112: 01:18:164 (505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512) -dkkddkkk
14:22 snowball112: ich find das spielt sich gut
14:22 Okoratu: passt auch in etwa zu 01:27:614 (562,563,564,565,566,567,568,569,570,571) -
14:23 snowball112: das pattern gefällt mir auch gut
14:23 snowball112: du kannst in den längeren patterns vll generell n bisschen was ändern
14:23 Okoratu: ddkkdkkk gefaellt mir besser
14:23 snowball112: damit die sich von den 1/2 5ern unterscheiden
14:23 Okoratu: bei 1:18
14:24 snowball112: 01:13:364 (478,479,480,481,482,483,484,485,486) -würd ich ähnlich verändern
14:24 snowball112: ddkkdkd?
14:25 snowball112: ddkkdk*
14:25 Okoratu: mapping in 01:09:914 - bis 01:18:014 - wechselt bewusst auf drums
14:26 snowball112: ja, aber in den patterns danach hast du ja auch andere patterns
14:26 snowball112: und ich find das würd ganz gut passen
14:26 Okoratu: weil neuer part
14:27 snowball112: du kommst ja mit den patterns immer wieder zu den drums zurück, aber wenn du vll da zb ein oder zwei k einbaust
14:27 snowball112: find ich klingt das ingesamt besser
14:27 Okoratu: muy system x-x
14:27 snowball112: :/
14:27 Okoratu: also beispielsweise 01:13:364 (478,480) - k
14:27 Okoratu: oder was wuerdst du machen
14:28 snowball112: 01:14:114 (483) -k
14:29 Okoratu: ok lol
14:29 Okoratu: 01:13:664 (480) - aber auch
14:29 Okoratu: weil 01:18:464 (507,508) -
14:29 snowball112: 01:13:514 (479,480,481) -kkd
14:29 Okoratu: warum das jetzt schon wieder
14:30 snowball112: piano
14:30 snowball112: :3
14:30 snowball112: oder was auch immer das geklimper ist
14:30 snowball112: ich find das passt ganz gut zusammen
14:30 Okoratu: der part macht drum hits als k
14:30 Okoratu: ich mach nich einfach 481 d
14:30 snowball112: :V
14:30 snowball112: oko
14:30 snowball112: too much logic
14:30 snowball112: :3
14:30 Okoratu: 01:13:364 (478,479,480,481,482,483,484,485,486) - d d k k d k ddk
14:31 snowball112: geht auch
14:31 snowball112: ist besser
14:31 Okoratu: 01:23:264 (535) - k?
14:32 Okoratu: 01:26:564 (556) - is k weil nochmal k d k daemlich waer
14:33 snowball112: ja, klingt gut
14:33 snowball112: ich würd das kdk später auch rausmachen
14:33 snowball112: bzw ändern
14:33 snowball112: 01:25:364 (548,549,550,551,552,553,554,555,556,557) -da
14:33 snowball112: ich find das spielt sich nicht gut
14:34 Okoratu: btw 01:00:914 (397) - is wieder k weil 01:19:214 (512,513,514,515) -
14:35 Okoratu: 01:25:814 (551,552,553,554,555) - k d d d k?
14:35 Okoratu: wuerd drums mehr hervorheben
14:35 snowball112: ja
14:35 snowball112: und den letzten vll d
14:35 snowball112: 01:26:714 (557) -
14:36 Okoratu: wenn ich bei 01:26:114 (553) -
14:36 Okoratu: das d mache
14:36 snowball112: wär n schöner kontrast zum clap danach
14:36 Okoratu: koennen 01:26:414 (555,556,557) - kdk oder kkd sein
14:36 snowball112: das war ja mein vorschlag XD
14:36 snowball112: letzten d, also kkd
14:37 snowball112: klingt eh besser zum clap der danach kommt
14:37 Okoratu: k d k spielt sich in kombi mit dem naechsten pattern fuer mich besser
14:37 Okoratu: und es waer nen kontrast zu den k k d
14:37 Okoratu: in der section
14:38 snowball112: du machst aber im rest der map für die sounds eher kkd
14:38 snowball112: darum würd ich das da auch kkd machen
14:39 Okoratu: 01:22:814 (532,533,534,535,536) - ich komm auf die gameplaytechnisch nach dem change nich mehr klar :x
14:40 Okoratu: darf ich k k d d k .-.
14:41 snowball112: rip oko ;w;7
14:41 snowball112: ja, ist auch gut
14:41 snowball112: und ist deine map, mach doch XD
14:42 Okoratu: 01:26:414 (555,556,557) - was auch immer k k d
14:42 Okoratu: 01:29:864 (572) - is da wo er is weil das mit 0.5x sv zu gequetscht aussah
14:42 Okoratu: lmao
14:43 Okoratu: 01:43:064 (632,633,634) - weisst du warum das kdk is??
14:43 Okoratu: ich nich mehr
14:44 snowball112: dann würd ichs vll ändern
14:44 Okoratu: is jetzt kkd
14:44 Okoratu: xd
14:45 snowball112: lel
14:45 snowball112: ich würd in dem ganzen monopattern von 01:34:514 (594,595,596,597,598,599,600,601,602,603,604,605,606,607,608,609,610) -vll irgendwo k einbauen
14:46 Okoratu: aber das is der sinn des monotonen patterns
14:46 snowball112: wär aber schöner wenn's nicht mono wär
14:46 snowball112: das davor bei 01:29:864 (572,573,574,575,576,577,578) -klingt doch gut
14:46 snowball112: und dann plötzlich mono :/
14:47 Okoratu: dann muesste ich 01:37:814 (606) - k
14:47 snowball112: mach doch vll 01:35:414 (597) -k
14:47 Okoratu: :V
14:47 snowball112: 01:36:014 (600) -^
14:47 snowball112: 01:37:214 (604) -
14:47 snowball112: 01:37:814 (606,609) -
14:47 snowball112: für die anderen instrumente
14:48 Okoratu: 01:34:214 (593,597,602) -
14:49 snowball112: nvm, 604 nicht
14:49 snowball112: aber die anderen
14:50 snowball112: lol
14:50 Okoratu: ich hab die 3 jetzt k gemacht
14:50 snowball112: 01:47:414 (654) -der eine random finish
14:50 snowball112: XD
14:50 Okoratu: und 606 will ich nich weil sich das kacke anhoert ingame xd
14:50 Okoratu: heh
14:50 snowball112: mach den raus, das sieht komisch aus und spielt sich schlecht
14:50 snowball112: mach lieber k
14:51 snowball112: und das pattern nicht so mono XD
14:51 Okoratu: ne mach ich nich
14:51 Okoratu: lol
14:51 snowball112: :V
14:51 snowball112: warum
14:52 snowball112: ich find das wär n besserer überganz
14:52 Okoratu: das pattern is bewusst mono und da wo nen k sein sollte is nen finisher stattdessen
14:52 snowball112: na gut
14:52 snowball112: ich find's trotzdem nicht gut :V
14:52 Okoratu: 00:58:814 (384,385,386,387,388,389) -
14:52 snowball112: so random
14:52 Okoratu: genau wie dies hier
14:52 snowball112: XD
14:52 snowball112: ach ja, da war noch einer
14:52 snowball112: den hab ich übersehen
14:53 snowball112: na dann lass den drin
14:53 Okoratu: die sind beide da weil ich an den stellen monopatterns wollte
14:54 snowball112: das spielt sich aber nicht so gut find ich
14:54 snowball112: na egal
14:54 snowball112: der rest ist ok find ich
14:54 Okoratu: ich hatte in kiai einmal noch nen d zu k geaendert weil mich das immer an der einen stelle aussem konzept geworfen hat
14:55 Okoratu: weiss aber nich mehr welches lmao
14:55 snowball112: XD
14:58 Okoratu: wie ich in oni
14:58 Okoratu: 00:21:614 - bis 00:40:814 - einfach nich spielen kann
14:58 snowball112: ^LOL
14:59 snowball112: du stackst immer so viele k patterns
14:59 snowball112: :/
14:59 Okoratu: irgendwas is an der section glaub ich super kacke
15:00 snowball112: XD
15:01 Okoratu: was is los mit dir
15:01 snowball112: ich bin sau müde
15:01 snowball112: mach die patterns vll kürzer
15:02 snowball112: es spielt sich aber wirklich nicht gut
15:02 snowball112: bzw passt irgendwie nicht gut
15:03 snowball112: 00:21:764 (94,95) -ctrl+g
15:04 Okoratu: ich strukturier den ganzen part grad um
15:04 snowball112: 00:23:114 (102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109) -ddd k d k d d
15:04 snowball112: nee
15:05 snowball112: versuch doch erst n bisschen die patterns zu ändern
15:05 Okoratu: ja das mach ich ja grade
15:05 snowball112: 00:23:114 (102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109) -ddd k d k d k
15:05 Okoratu: aber da die struktur dieses parts ganz eingefahren is muss ich halt die ganze struktur aendern
15:05 snowball112: und ich dachte du meinst mit "umstrukturierung" dass alles in die tonne geht
15:05 snowball112: lol
15:06 snowball112: 00:23:114 (102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109) -kddkk ddk?
15:09 snowball112: oko?
15:11 snowball112: 00:26:714 (126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133) -dkkdd
15:11 snowball112: 00:26:714 (126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133) - ddkdk ddk*
15:12 snowball112: so
15:12 snowball112: und 00:27:914 (134,135,136,137,138) -als dkkdd
15:13 snowball112: 00:25:514 (118,119,120) -ddk
15:13 snowball112: 00:29:114 (142) -d
15:14 snowball112: oko?
15:14 snowball112: :V
15:16 Okoratu: mach danach weiter
15:16 Okoratu: ich hab sachen mit dem part gemacht aber das waren zu viele um zu erklaeren was
15:16 snowball112: lol
15:16 snowball112: waren die vorschläge wenigstens hilfreich XD
15:17 Okoratu: ich hab halt nen grossteil der patterns verkuerzt von daher
15:17 Okoratu: uh
15:17 snowball112: NEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN
15:17 snowball112: OKO
15:17 snowball112: WHY
15:17 snowball112: die changes wären gut gewesen
15:17 snowball112: und pattern länge wär gleich geblieben
15:17 snowball112: rip
15:19 Okoratu: weil die changes involvieren noch mehr k
15:19 Okoratu: LOL
15:19 snowball112: nö
15:19 snowball112: XD
15:20 Okoratu: ich meine meine
15:20 snowball112: ach so
15:20 snowball112: du hast schon so viel k
15:20 snowball112: :/
15:20 snowball112: speicher doch deine version und probier die änderungen die ich dir vorgeschlagen hab
15:24 snowball112: oko ;w;
15:28 Okoratu: ich map den part jetzt mehr zu drums fuck this shit
15:28 snowball112: .
15:32 snowball112: remappst du erst mal selber oder willst du nen vorschlag zu dem part oko
15:34 Okoratu: kannste mir sagen ob in der diff ansonsten onch was kaka is xd
15:43 Okoratu: tfw sr increased
15:43 snowball112: XD
15:44 Okoratu: hab mal updatedd
15:46 snowball112: viel besser
15:47 Okoratu: ... :D
15:47 Okoratu: laut sr auch viel schwerer
15:47 Okoratu: the
15:47 snowball112: pff
15:47 snowball112: sr ist strange
15:48 snowball112: spielt sich auf jeden fall besser
15:48 Okoratu: das war hauptziel
15:48 Okoratu: sollte ich 01:43:139 - ne note adden
15:49 Okoratu: ersma 01:35:414 (515,520) - k
15:49 snowball112: so viel mono
15:49 snowball112: uaaaaarghhhh
15:50 Okoratu: das is der sinn des parts wth
15:50 snowball112: bleh
15:50 snowball112: :/
15:50 snowball112: ich würd 01:42:914 (549,551) -k und dann die note adden XD
15:50 Okoratu: ne ich add nur die note
15:50 Okoratu: xd
15:50 snowball112: XD
15:51 snowball112: why am i even modding this
15:51 snowball112: :V
15:52 Okoratu: oko macht sowieso nur was er will?
15:52 snowball112: :V
15:52 snowball112: ja
15:52 snowball112: oko maps how he pleases
15:52 snowball112: lel
15:54 Okoratu: ich hab die kiai noch nen bisschen umsortiert
15:54 Okoratu: quasi an drei stellen crtlg gedrueckt
15:54 Okoratu: haste noch was zu meckern oder reicht's dir
15:54 Okoratu: xDDD
15:54 snowball112: hahahahahaa
15:55 snowball112: i give up :V
Yes, there are no need to add finish to the first note XD
01:47:414 - why not add?
02:07:814 - if ignore this sound.. remove 02:09:014 (236) - and 02:10:214 (238) - ?
00:06:614 (13,14,15,16) - empty...why?
01:39:464 - 01:43:064 - 01:44:264 - add?
00:14:714 (47,48,49) - reverse the color?
01:39:539 - 01:41:939 - 02:11:789 - add for this kind?
[(Inner) Oni]
Topic Starter
did some things, answering when i can along with the update :d

so i didn't do the first thing on kantan because i like the pause it gives leading into kiai
removed the other stuff though

first thing on futsuu is intentional 2nd thing has been added

did first thing on muzukashii in my own way and
added the last note

thanks :D/
From M4M
sorry, lating mod ;w;

  1.  Widescreen Support uncheck please. (Kantan~Oni)

  • <<Mapping>>
  1. 00:26:714 (46) - move to 00:26:114 - & change k  I prefer to match the pattern of the one part before you feel better.
  2. 00:33:914 - delete & 00:32:714 - , 00:35:114 - add note d I think here (00:31: 214 -) from here (00:36: 014 -) Notes pattern until the proposed because felt better to unification is good.
  3. 01:57:614 - change k I think drum pitch low
  4. 02:02:114 (224) - move to 02:03:314 - The magnitude of the sound has become stronger from the next measure.
  5. 02:05:714 - add k Add for the kiai time of excitement.

  • <<Mapping>>
  1. 00:06:614 - change d This part (00: 07: 514 (15, 16) -) and I think the same height.
  2. 00:09:314 - change d I think low pitch.
  3. 00:12:914 (29,30) - Ctrl + G I felt a little unnatural.
  4. 00:14:564 (34) - move to 00:14:714 - & 00:15:014 (35) - change d I think 00:12:014 (26,27,28,29,30,31,32) - The same sound.
  5. 00:21:914 - delete 10 pieces of notes I think long.
  6. 00:29:264 - add k I think same sound (00:28:064 (68,69,70,71) - )
  7. 00:37:514 - change k 00:31:814 (79,80,81,82,83,84,85) - I think to unification will look better.
  8. 00:40:664 - delete I think that it may be delete.
  9. 00:54:914 - add d & 00:55:214 - change k I think the structure of a pattern
  10. 00:56:114 (150,158) - delete It is better to be deleted
  11. 00:59:714 - change d I think pitch low.
  12. 01:04:064 (171,172) - change dd I think same sound (01:01:214 (162,163,164,165) - )
  13. 01:08:114 - delete note It is better to remove the Notes
  14. 01:08:564 - add d & 01:08:414 - change d The configuration of the same pattern
  15. 01:09:614 - change d I think drum pitch low.
  16. 01:21:314 (222,223) - Ctrl + G Please try to change the pattern.
  17. 01:41:714 - delete...?

  • <<Mapping>>
  1. 00:05:864 (16,17) - Ctrl + G I think dkd is better.
  2. 01:35:414 (402) - change k 01:34:214 - I think same sound.
  3. 01:40:664 - add d drum sound is strong.
  4. 01:43:064 - move to 01:42:764 - I think ddkkd is better.
  5. 01:47:864 - move to 01:47:564 - same as above.

  • <<Mapping>>
  1. 01:10:739 - add d back drum sound.
  2. 01:14:339 - add d same as above.
  3. 01:35:414 - change k same as muzukashii
[Inner Oni]

  • <<Mapping>>
  1. 01:19:139 - add k drum sound
  2. 01:23:939 - add d same as above
  3. 01:26:564 - delete I think there is no need.
  4. 01:35:414 - change k same as Muzukashii
  5. 01:48:014 - ~ 01:55:214 - I think that it is too much the placement of ddk. Please the re-examination of the pattern.
good luck :)
Topic Starter

BlackHairEND wrote:

From M4M
sorry, lating mod ;w;

  1.  Widescreen Support uncheck please. (Kantan~Oni)

  • <<Mapping>>
  1. 00:26:714 (46) - move to 00:26:114 - & change k  I prefer to match the pattern of the one part before you feel better.
  2. 00:33:914 - delete & 00:32:714 - , 00:35:114 - add note d I think here (00:31: 214 -) from here (00:36: 014 -) Notes pattern until the proposed because felt better to unification is good.
  3. 01:57:614 - change k I think drum pitch low ➥ these are mapped to melody lol
  4. 02:02:114 (224) - move to 02:03:314 - The magnitude of the sound has become stronger from the next measure. ➥ after revisiting that stuff it kinda makes sense woa
  5. 02:05:714 - add k Add for the kiai time of excitement. ➥ excitement overload xDDDD

  • <<Mapping>>
  1. 00:06:614 - change d This part (00: 07: 514 (15, 16) -) and I think the same height. ➥ yea
  2. 00:09:314 - change d I think low pitch. ➥ nah, i'm going for a single-color-pattern here because of these repeating sounds
  3. 00:12:914 (29,30) - Ctrl + G I felt a little unnatural. ➥ sure
  4. 00:14:564 (34) - move to 00:14:714 - & 00:15:014 (35) - change d I think 00:12:014 (26,27,28,29,30,31,32) - The same sound. ➥ nah i made more k doublets instead cuz that makes more sense or something
  5. 00:21:914 - delete 10 pieces of notes I think long. ➥ ok dad
  6. 00:29:264 - add k I think same sound (00:28:064 (68,69,70,71) - ) ➥ yhea
  7. 00:37:514 - change k 00:31:814 (79,80,81,82,83,84,85) - I think to unification will look better. ➥ uhh sure
  8. 00:40:664 - delete I think that it may be delete. ➥ i'll keep this for now because it's like one of the 3 interesting patterns in this diff LOL
  9. 00:54:914 - add d & 00:55:214 - change k I think the structure of a pattern ➥ that would make for a pretty long pattern imo, not sure if i want this for now
  10. 00:56:114 (150,158) - delete It is better to be deleted ➥ i would agree if i added that note before
  11. 00:59:714 - change d I think pitch low. ➥ i like the monocolor pattern for these dududu sounds D:
  12. 01:04:064 (171,172) - change dd I think same sound (01:01:214 (162,163,164,165) - ) ➥ yea for now
  13. 01:08:114 - delete note It is better to remove the Notes ➥ sure
  14. 01:08:564 - add d & 01:08:414 - change d The configuration of the same pattern ➥ ehhh that would go against every similar pattern tho so i'd rather not xD
  15. 01:09:614 - change d I think drum pitch low. ➥ ye
  16. 01:21:314 (222,223) - Ctrl + G Please try to change the pattern. ➥ crtlg'd somethingelse
  17. 01:41:714 - delete...? ➥ ye

  • <<Mapping>>
  1. 00:05:864 (16,17) - Ctrl + G I think dkd is better. ➥ changed both patterns
  2. 01:35:414 (402) - change k 01:34:214 - I think same sound. ➥ nuuhhh
  3. 01:40:664 - add d drum sound is strong. ➥ added more d xd
  4. 01:43:064 - move to 01:42:764 - I think ddkkd is better. ➥ ddkdd
  5. 01:47:864 - move to 01:47:564 - same as above. ➥ neh, there's a different reason for splitting these up like that, mainly mapping melody better idk


  • <<Mapping>>
  1. 01:10:739 - add d back drum sound. ➥ yes
  2. 01:14:339 - add d same as above. ➥ nuh that pattern is long enough imo
  3. 01:35:414 - change k same as muzukashii [color=#0080FF]➥ :V[/color]
[Inner Oni]

  • <<Mapping>>
  1. 01:19:139 - add k drum sound ➥ i don't think that plays too well because of the rest moment just after so i'll keep it as 1/2
  2. 01:23:939 - add d same as above ➥ makes sense in inner
  3. 01:26:564 - delete I think there is no need. ➥ it's the same underlying melody ? D:
  4. 01:35:414 - change k same as Muzukashii [color=#0080FF]➥ :V[/color]
  5. 01:48:014 - ~ 01:55:214 - I think that it is too much the placement of ddk. Please the re-examination of the pattern.[/color]
good luck :)
thanks ~
Hi, Taiko mod request from my queue.

No problem.

  1. 00:39:014 (73) - change to d? because It is a light sound of the presence more obviously than 00:38:714 (72) -
Generally, I felt that a pattern of 1/1 was long. You should divide it a little more finely. For example,
  1. 00:47:414 (125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135) -
  2. 01:53:414 (312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320) -
  3. 01:56:414 (321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329) -
  4. 01:59:414 (330,331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340) -
  5. 02:03:014 (341,342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349) -
Also It is not really interesting that 1/1 of the same number spreads out. For example,
  1. 00:22:214 (52,53,54,55,56,57,58) -
  2. 00:24:614 (59,60,61,62,63,64,65) -

  • ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. 00:31:814 (80,81,82,83,84,85,86) -
  2. 00:34:214 (87,88,89,90,91,92,93) -
  3. 00:36:614 (94,95,96,97,98,99,100) -
There is room for the improvement of the rhythm.

  1. 00:52:514 (221) - change to k? You should change it if you consider a electric sound. In addition, 00:53:114 (224) - You should change to d.
  2. 01:34:214 (398) - what k?? If there is it in k here, there should be other places in k. For e.g
    1. 01:34:514 (399) -
    2. 01:35:414 (402,403) -
    3. 01:36:914 (408,409) -
    A piano sound same as 01:34:214 (398) - or a bleep sounds. It is slightly strange for me. or... :idea:
    01:34:214 (398) - change to d. Oni and Inner Oni, too.
I'm lazy. The other diffs will decide to look some other time.

Good luck.
Topic Starter
deleted a bunch of stuff in futsuu
acutally ended up adding a bunch of stuff in muzu and applied your first suggestion

the 2nd thing for muzu,oni,inner is uhh intended? the beep sound thing there is especially loud and sounded better as a k lol

and the thing you mentioned in kantan would break the "every 3rd white in a measure gets a k" consistency
i'd love to check this and help you rank it but sadly i can't
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on the previous page you can see mao farming one post.

hello mao!
can i be part of t h e farming train
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ok stahp lmao
After having spent quite some time on this map, nothing striked my eyes that could need improvements. The patterns are well done and so is the hitsounding. There might be some very in-depth things still, but I can't make that out yet. However, let me shoot you a star in the face as compensation, because the map is very well done!
Topic Starter
oooo thanks!~
will check soon
ok let's try a small check.

Lower the BG, I wanna see the girl's face >______________>

00:10:214 (14) - Delete this to give a 4/1 before the next stanza starts at 00:10:814 - ?
00:19:214 (32) - Same but for a 3/1 this time
00:21:614 - starting here you need more 4/1 breaks overall, will try to hint where to delete notes...
- 00:23:414 (39) -
- 00:25:814 (43,44) -
And so on... more or less should keep the rhythm steady
Starting on here 00:44:414 - too

Pattern-wise looks fine, only lacks breaks.

Will check rest of the diffs later, no kudosu
Topic Starter

so i tried that fearing i would kill the diff i uploaded it along the original to be able to revert back quickly in case this is now too dumb or something

edit did some self-changes to inner and added another red line to have 00:00:014 - with the correct SV in higher diffs because that one really fast barline annoyed me and i don't think there's another way to do that.
The other line stays because otherwise the whole thing will be retarded with nightcore.
okay it's been so long

you can kd since according to you, you did some remaps

raise the hitsounds +15-20% i can barely hear

00:24:014 (32,33,34,35,36,37,38) - suddleny going full 1/1 after 00:21:614 (29,30,31) - sounds a bit off lol maybe remove 00:24:314 (33) - to keep the pace but not alter too much the density
00:30:014 (43,44,45,46) - swap entirely/do something? looks too monotonous it's the exact same pattern than before
00:34:814 (51,52,53,54,55,56,57) - you start doing longer patterns but pace does not get faster do you have any pretext for this or maybe im just incredibly dumb
01:44:414 (159,160,161,162) - similar as the second suggestion its the same pattern, do something about it to avoid monotony

kiai looks pretty good

00:12:314 (27) - remove? 3 same patterns in a row plus i'd recommend a slight break here
00:17:114 (40) - same
00:28:214 (68) - uhhhh move to 00:28:214 (68) - lmao
00:29:414 (72) - same but to 00:29:114 - or remove as the pattern is tediously long
also you seem to randomly alternate between using 1/2s and not using them lol
00:42:914 (111) - same as 1st suggestion
00:45:314 (117) - ^
00:54:614 (143) - why not move to 00:54:314 - to fit the melody lol
01:18:914 - youre missing a note like you did in 00:59:714 (157) - maybe remove the doublet before as it doesnt seem too necessary
kiai feels a bit anticlimatic since it has literally only one 1/2 pattern

00:29:564 (115) - would move to 00:29:864 - for obvious reasons
00:36:464 - ???? where is the note
00:48:014 (203) - how about deleting this note it doesnt seem to follow the entire thing plus there is literally no 2/1 or 3/2 break lol
00:52:064 - note?
00:55:664 - same lol it just sounds awful
00:56:714 (242,243) - these 2 are kind of more acceptable because they are stronger tones
01:07:514 (291) - delete? kk dk feels like follows more the melody lmao
01:11:714 (308,309) - deleting those 2 doesnt fuck the rhythm and gives a nice 2/1
01:20:714 (345) - would move to 01:20:864 - i think it flows better that way
01:21:914 (350) - same to next red tick
02:01:514 (518) - move to 02:01:364 - for more than obvious reasons
02:15:914 (579) - remove

jeez it was not what i thought it was

i'll keep this mod and will continue with oni when we're done with this
Topic Starter
using as a marker for what i just did as said

I forgot hitsounds

Raiden wrote:

okay it's been so long

you can kd since according to you, you did some remaps

raise the hitsounds +15-20% i can barely hear

00:24:014 (32,33,34,35,36,37,38) - suddleny going full 1/1 after 00:21:614 (29,30,31) - sounds a bit off lol maybe remove 00:24:314 (33) - to keep the pace but not alter too much the density
00:30:014 (43,44,45,46) - swap entirely/do something? looks too monotonous it's the exact same pattern than before ✔ swapped the pattern before
00:34:814 (51,52,53,54,55,56,57) - you start doing longer patterns but pace does not get faster do you have any pretext for this or maybe im just incredibly dumb 00:36:014 - starting from here the melody climaxes so i captured that in overall slightly longer patterns, due to the dumbness of a kantan this resulted in 2 patterns total xD
01:44:414 (159,160,161,162) - similar as the second suggestion its the same pattern, do something about it to avoid monotony ✔ even though this part was intended to be monotonous in all diffs uhh yea fuck this i agree 01:45:314 - can also be a k

kiai looks pretty good

00:12:314 (27) - remove? 3 same patterns in a row plus i'd recommend a slight break here
00:17:114 (40) - same
00:28:214 (68) - uhhhh move to 00:28:214 (68) - lmao ✔ made it more obvious what i am following and why by deleting more
00:29:414 (72) - same but to 00:29:114 - or remove as the pattern is tediously long ✔ doing ^ lead to the answer "moved and deleted"
also you seem to randomly alternate between using 1/2s and not using them lol
uhh there's some logic to it, if it's not obvious enough i failed though:
the song itself randomly adds a background meledoy in e.g.
00:28:064 -
00:29:264 -
00:19:664 -
00:42:464 - (didn't map it here since part is supposed to be calmer overall)
00:43:664 - ^
00:56:864 - changed this one and deleted the note after it just like i did to fix your third or something suggestion
00:58:064 - same
And i'm focusing on that because it gives me the ability to use more different patterns whenever i think they show up

00:42:914 (111) - same as 1st suggestion
00:45:314 (117) - ^
00:54:614 (143) - why not move to 00:54:314 - to fit the melody lol ehh i don't remember and can't guess if i did this
01:18:914 - youre missing a note like you did in 00:59:714 (157) - maybe remove the doublet before as it doesnt seem too necessary i was missing that because of the doublet but killed it anyways
kiai feels a bit anticlimatic since it has literally only one 1/2 pattern now alternates between using them and not using them

00:29:564 (115) - would move to 00:29:864 - for obvious reasons
00:36:464 - ???? where is the note
00:48:014 (203) - how about deleting this note it doesnt seem to follow the entire thing plus there is literally no 2/1 or 3/2 break lol
00:52:064 - note?
00:55:664 - same lol it just sounds awful
00:56:714 (242,243) - these 2 are kind of more acceptable because they are stronger tones yeah, though i remember wanting more of these after patterns that i assessed as difficult to compensate, but i just killed all the others
01:07:514 (291) - delete? kk dk feels like follows more the melody lmao
01:11:714 (308,309) - deleting those 2 doesnt fuck the rhythm and gives a nice 2/1
01:20:714 (345) - would move to 01:20:864 - i think it flows better that way
01:21:914 (350) - same to next red tick
02:01:514 (518) - move to 02:01:364 - for more than obvious reasons
02:15:914 (579) - remove yes and no, did something else

jeez it was not what i thought it was to be fair i did ask you several times over the last months if you think i should get more mods

i'll keep this mod and will continue with oni when we're done with this
nice futsuu now has a H icon
tbh the "change d" mods would have done you no good at all soo...

placeholder for oni&inner

00:53:039 - how about adding a note, after so many notes without a triplet it feels empty
00:57:089 - same (doesn't have to be exactly here, find your best in case you accept it)
01:03:314 (352,353,354,355,356,357,358) - you repeated the same pattern xD do something here
01:22:964 (461) - turn into d? just a nazi suggestion considering 01:20:414 (447,448,449,454,455,456) - have the same tone but that one has lower tone
01:35:414 (521,526) - change these two to kats, the constant don patterning looks tedious
01:37:814 (530,533) - ^ kd dk makes a nice flowy melody as well

[>Inner Oni<]
maybe make the intro a bit more denser 1/2 wise? it looks exactly like the oni
00:45:614 (31) - doesnt seem right to end the stanza with a kat i'd go for a don
00:50:414 (1,3) - ctrl+g those? as i said above, ending the measure on the kat is not a wise idea imo lol plus the melody is well emphasize with 3 kats
00:59:114 (61) - change to kat? too many don sounds are tedious to hit
00:59:864 (66) - nazi suggestion i'd change to kat to reflect the 3 weird high pitched sounds so it'd end up k kdk
01:04:814 (98) - same as 2nd suggestion
01:09:614 (134) - lol
01:21:689 - add any note to keep representing the melody like you did on 01:20:264 (191,192,193) - but before the downbeat instead?
01:26:339 - same
01:35:414 (273,278) - same as oni (both to kats)
01:37:814 (282,285) - ^
01:47:414 (330) - i'd change this to kat, too many don sounds again

call me back i'll recheck the first diffs again and i can bubble
Topic Starter
raised overall volume, dunno if i understood what you were aiming for correctly though so intro has 65% now rest is 75% and kiai is 85%

Raiden wrote:

tbh the "change d" mods would have done you no good at all soo...

placeholder for oni&inner

00:53:039 - how about adding a note, after so many notes without a triplet it feels empty filled a triplet somewhere else
00:57:089 - same (doesn't have to be exactly here, find your best in case you accept it) same
01:03:314 (352,353,354,355,356,357,358) - you repeated the same pattern xD do something here 01:02:864 - made this a d
01:22:964 (461) - turn into d? just a nazi suggestion considering 01:20:414 (447,448,449,454,455,456) - have the same tone but that one has lower tone this entire part is built to have k k d at the beginning of every measure.... due to melody in background repeating that kind of thing in over and over
01:35:414 (521,526) - change these two to kats, the constant don patterning looks tedious i'd rather make this part constant don patterning than change anything to a k in here, it's the point of this part to drop everything but the drums patterning-wise
01:37:814 (530,533) - ^ kd dk makes a nice flowy melody as well same

[>Inner Oni<]
maybe make the intro a bit more denser 1/2 wise? it looks exactly like the oni added like 2 notes, any more and it'd destroy the atmosphrere there :\
00:45:614 (31) - doesnt seem right to end the stanza with a kat i'd go for a don every time these sounds show up after 00:40:889 - they'll be a k only pattern
00:50:414 (1,3) - ctrl+g those? as i said above, ending the measure on the kat is not a wise idea imo lol plus the melody is well emphasize with 3 kats and i don't really intend to change that system to kkkkd because kkkkk sounds better to me
00:59:114 (61) - change to kat? too many don sounds are tedious to hit i find the finisher much easier to hit if this is a don lol
00:59:864 (66) - nazi suggestion i'd change to kat to reflect the 3 weird high pitched sounds so it'd end up k kdk yeah
01:04:814 (98) - same as 2nd suggestion uhh sam answer as to these 2 except that i think the k actually fits better here
01:09:614 (134) - lol asdf
01:21:689 - add any note to keep representing the melody like you did on 01:20:264 (191,192,193) - but before the downbeat instead? the notes in here are supposed to not overmap so these 2 are left blank because they don't have a drum triplet
01:26:339 - same same D:
01:35:414 (273,278) - same as oni (both to kats) i'd rather make this full don than adding ks just like oni
01:37:814 (282,285) - ^ same
01:47:414 (330) - i'd change this to kat, too many don sounds again that's the point of the pattern, which is also the point of the finisher in 00:59:414 - , if i change more notes to k, then these finishers don't make any sense

call me back i'll recheck the first diffs again and i can bubble
raised volumes by an additional 5% in most parts
after changing Inner Oni's OD to 6 i think this is ready to go

let's give it a try
Topic Starter
At least it wont grave now!!!
Thanks a bunch
reminder to change bg to jpg before moving on
[ Kantan]
  1. 00:21:614 (29,30,31,32) - for consistency, should be similar rhythm as 00:27:614 (38,39,40,41) - 00:30:014 (42,43,44,45) - imo. ( Color is up to you.
  2. 00:36:614 (54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63) - why not keep the xxx-x- pattern as before?
  3. 00:47:414 (72,73,74,75) - kkk /d? k-k-k-/k-ddk-/k-kkk-/d-k-d- makes nicely flow imo.
  4. 02:04:214 - Could add a note here, because climax.
[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:15:614 (35,36,37) - why not ddk? All other 1/1 triplets are ddk only in this part, it looks bit out of place. If you wanted to keep it, try to use other color than ddk once.
  2. 00:27:614 (64,65,66,67,68,69) - should keep 1/1 rhythm for consistency. It looks sudden and out of place, and it might break rhythm. (or use such rhythm once again at 00:36:614 (89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102) -, but it's not recommended much. Because it works for avoiding beeing out of place but it doesn't work for avoiding breaking rhythm.)
  3. 00:41:414 (103,104) - 00:49:514 (122,123,124) - Consider deleting these notes for making a little break.

  4. 00:56:414 (142,143,144,145,146,147) - similar reason as above, doublet might break rhythm. looks too sudden. How about using triplet here? e.g.)
  5. 00:59:714 (151) - consider deleting this note for avoiding continuous pattern?
  6. 01:18:914 (202) - ^
  7. 01:29:414 (232) - consider to remove for making a break.
  8. 01:43:514 (271) - should be moved to 01:42:914 -
  9. 01:58:214 (316,317,318,319) - doublet shouldn't be here. should be at 02:01:814 (327,328,329,330) - for consistency with 01:52:214 (298,299,300,301) - imo.
[ Muzukashii]
  1. 01:14:114 (320,321,322) - kkd? ddk-kkd makes nicely flow imo.
  2. 01:25:214 (365,366,367,368) - why not doublet here? (kk-dk) it works fine.
Onis are fine. Call me back when you are done. (¦3[▓▓]
Topic Starter
changed the bg to a jpg, saved like 1 mb of fileseize so redl please :D
i kudo'd since i remapped a lot of parts since you last looked at it

tasuke912 wrote:

[ Kantan]
  1. 00:21:614 (29,30,31,32) - for consistency, should be similar rhythm as 00:27:614 (38,39,40,41) - 00:30:014 (42,43,44,45) - imo. ( Color is up to you. makes sense, changed
  2. 00:36:614 (54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63) - why not keep the xxx-x- pattern as before? song gets more intense for like 4 measures so i wanted to somehow reflect that lol
  3. 00:47:414 (72,73,74,75) - kkk /d? k-k-k-/k-ddk-/k-kkk-/d-k-d- makes nicely flow imo. did k kkd --- d, the k kkk /d sounded too spammy lol
  4. 02:04:214 - Could add a note here, because climax. k
[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:15:614 (35,36,37) - why not ddk? All other 1/1 triplets are ddk only in this part, it looks bit out of place. If you wanted to keep it, try to use other color than ddk once. tbh i don't remember why i did that so i changed it lol
  2. 00:27:614 (64,65,66,67,68,69) - should keep 1/1 rhythm for consistency. It looks sudden and out of place, and it might break rhythm. (or use such rhythm once again at 00:36:614 (89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102) -, but it's not recommended much. Because it works for avoiding beeing out of place but it doesn't work for avoiding breaking rhythm.) but the song does this suddenly. it also does the same in 00:42:014 - but i didn't map it there because the part was supposed to be calmer
    i even gave really big gaps so that you can comprehend it and repeat it in 00:56:414 -
  3. 00:41:414 (103,104) - deleted 00:41:714 - 00:49:514 (122,123,124) - deleted 00:49:514 - Consider deleting these notes for making a little break.

  4. 00:56:414 (142,143,144,145,146,147) - similar reason as above, doublet might break rhythm. looks too sudden. How about using triplet here? e.g.) idk i think forcing 3 fast clicks is worse than forcing just 2 with really big breaks between them, i did go back and make a 2/1 break before them though so that players can prepare for it better
  5. 00:59:714 (151) - consider deleting this note for avoiding continuous pattern? deleted 00:59:114 - instead, the other notes are important for following the main melody that's going on
  6. 01:18:914 (202) - ^ i think this one is ok because the melody pretty much supports it, it's now even the same as ^
  7. 01:29:414 (232) - consider to remove for making a break. yeah
  8. 01:43:514 (271) - should be moved to 01:42:914 - oh nice catch lol
  9. 01:58:214 (316,317,318,319) - doublet shouldn't be here. should be at 02:01:814 (327,328,329,330) - for consistency with 01:52:214 (298,299,300,301) - imo. either way works and i don't care where these are too much so i did it lol
[ Muzukashii]
  1. 01:14:114 (320,321,322) - kkd? ddk-kkd makes nicely flow imo. yeah
  2. 01:25:214 (365,366,367,368) - why not doublet here? (kk-dk) it works fine. did something different which involved doing what you wanted
Onis are fine. Call me back when you are done. (¦3[▓▓]

In Futsuu, it's recommended to make 3/1 or longer breaks. 2/1s are not considered as break in this case.
Please consider to delete one more note. (00:41:414 (102) -)
Topic Starter
did things to the doublets because the way i had them was terrible

deleted like 2 more objects but idk if i want 2 random 3/1 breaks in the diff

like the song is based around 2/1 and 4/1 because it's not walts so putting in 3/1 breaks in any place feels pretty out of place
Mapset looks fine.

Topic Starter
Thank you! And thanks to everyone who helped!!
gratz :)
gratz :)
Grats \o/

Lazy mod sorry
well you got your heart or sth like you've said on your userpage lol, gratz
Natteke desu
omg speedrank report

congrats dude!
the god
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