
Cherry Cherry Boom Boom - Come Back From San Fran(RB edit)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年7月31日 at 17:43:05

Artist: Cherry Cherry Boom Boom
Title: Come Back From San Fran(RB edit)
BPM: 140
Filesize: 11085kb
Play Time: 04:23
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2.59 stars, 306 notes)
  2. Insane (4.2 stars, 425 notes)
  3. Normal (1.78 stars, 206 notes)
Download: Cherry Cherry Boom Boom - Come Back From San Fran(RB edit)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
i throw all my idea on this song.
still for practice(maybe for rank......maybe)^-^

why you give up to recovery!!!
Why don't you accept medical treatment !?
[ Shamwow ]
m4m from my queue!

+capitalize the C's in Cherry Cherry
+make sure you specify the difficulty level of each map in the beatmap description (like, which one is Easy, Normal, Hard etc)

Begin the Journey
+01:35:999 (1,2,3,4,5) - this could be too confusing for an Easy diff, maybe make 01:35:999 (1,2) one slider and 01:36:856 (3,4) one slider?
+This has a different preview point than Coming Back, you should probably fix that (AI mod)

On The Way
+Is this supposed to be a Normal difficulty? if it is, AR 8 is too hard, OD is also too high
+02:55:499 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - this is really hard to read and could mess people up
+03:08:785 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^

Coming Back
+Is this supposed to be a Hard diff? if it is, you should make the AR 7 and the OD 6 or 7
+03:10:285 (8) - NC here?
+03:39:428 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - this is really hard to read
+03:48:856 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^

I like this map, the music is nice :) sorry for the short mod, I couldn't find many issues other than that I couldn't really figure out what difficulty level On The Way and Coming Back are.

good luck!
Topic Starter

-Dave Strider- wrote:

m4m from my queue!

+capitalize the C's in Cherry Cherry fixed
+make sure you specify the difficulty level of each map in the beatmap description (like, which one is Easy, Normal, Hard etc)

Begin the Journey
+01:35:999 (1,2,3,4,5) - this could be too confusing for an Easy diff, maybe make 01:35:999 (1,2) one slider and 01:36:856 (3,4) one slider? good idea. by the way.this is NM diff.
+This has a different preview point than Coming Back, you should probably fix that (AI mod) kay

On The Way
+Is this supposed to be a Normal difficulty? if it is, AR 8 is too hard, OD is also too high no this is a hard Diff
+02:55:499 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - this is really hard to read and could mess people up already change another form
+03:08:785 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^

Coming Back
+Is this supposed to be a Hard diff? if it is, you should make the AR 7 and the OD 6 or 7 nope. this is for insane diff
+03:10:285 (8) - NC here? nope here. that will break the beat.and there is 2 measure per NC
+03:39:428 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - this is really hard to read but i'don't think this is too hard for an insane. i ll keep an eye on it.
+03:48:856 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^

I like this map, the music is nice :) sorry for the short mod, I couldn't find many issues other than that I couldn't really figure out what difficulty level On The Way and Coming Back are.
The true is:these 3 diff is normal hard and insane. :) :) :) :)

good luck!
thanks for the mod Dave!!!
Hi~在#modreq里看到就跑过来了 因为只是想练练mod 手上也没有做好的图 所以就不用m4m啦 :)
新人modder,摸比较渣,见谅~如果觉得摸得不好就不用给kds啦 :(

3.Combo Color可以改改,不用默认的 :)
4.去掉Enable Countdown?
5.真的不设置kiai time吗

Begin the journey
02:52:285 (3,6) - 调整一下这组note让这两个重叠?
01:00:428 (2,1) - 叠
01:14:142 (2,3) - blanket可以再包好一点
01:25:713 (1,2) - 同上
02:12:856 (3,1) - 滑条的头和尾贴得不够准

On the way
总体来说排列稍乱,滑条形状有些随意= =有些奇形怪状的滑条多余的锚点有点多……建议改得整洁一些

Coming Back
03:22:285 (1) - 这个轨迹不确定是不是能一眼看懂……不能看懂的似乎是unrankable?
00:51:427 (9) - 00:53:142 (17) - 一次17个太多了,适当加加NC会比较美观
01:18:856 (1) - 锚点太多= =可以简洁一点的,需要固定形状可以适当使用红锚点
01:42:856 (1,1) 02:06:856 (1) - 同上

可能是主流图打多了,觉得这张图风格好独特= =曲子和图都挺带感的 Good luck~
Topic Starter

salinqi wrote:

Hi~在#modreq里看到就跑过来了 因为只是想练练mod 手上也没有做好的图 所以就不用m4m啦 :)
新人modder,摸比较渣,见谅~如果觉得摸得不好就不用给kds啦 :(

1.现在好像只有最高难度能自定义diff名了……en 还是改回来了
3.Combo Color可以改改,不用默认的 :) 想改但是没想好改啥颜色
4.去掉Enable Countdown?好的
5.真的不设置kiai time吗? 感觉没有也没关系
Begin the journey
02:52:285 (3,6) - 调整一下这组note让这两个重叠?(会破坏DS所以先这样放着,不过会修正的
01:00:428 (2,1) - 叠好的
01:14:142 (2,3) - blanket可以再包好一点 好的
01:25:713 (1,2) - 同上好的
02:12:856 (3,1) - 滑条的头和尾贴得不够准

On the way
总体来说排列稍乱,滑条形状有些随意= =有些奇形怪状的滑条多余的锚点有点多……建议改得整洁一些 只是参考了下铁艺而已,滑条的形状可能略诡异,可能是flow不大好。

Coming Back
03:22:285 (1) - 这个轨迹不确定是不是能一眼看懂……不能看懂的似乎是unrankable?一般开蛇形滑条的应该都能读清的,因为最高难度+滑条速度不是特别高所以先保留
00:51:427 (9) - 00:53:142 (17) - 一次17个太多了,适当加加NC会比较美观 好的
01:18:856 (1) - 锚点太多= =可以简洁一点的,需要固定形状可以适当使用红锚点 说实话,咱不太会用锚点Orz怎么好看怎么来吧
01:42:856 (1,1) 02:06:856 (1) - 同上

可能是主流图打多了,觉得这张图风格好独特= =曲子和图都挺带感的 Good luck~
    1. 去掉widescreen letterbox这两个选项,你没有storyboard不需要
    2. 个人觉得这首歌比较难下节奏,感觉单点用不上,全是滑条和转盘的天下。如果你是新手真的不推荐把这当做第一张rank图,真的很难也不是很好听,洗了半个小时的脑。表打我XD
    3. 图中有很多间距问题,blanket也做得不是很好

    1. 个人觉得这diff滑条太长更像easy,可以把sv降低。
    2. aimod距离问题,nm&ez要求全程开ds做,不能有任何距离提示
    3. 00:01:713 (1) - finish
    4. 00:03:428 (2) - NC
    5. 00:06:856 (2) - 同上,基本上长白线就nc,空了一大拍了,后面类似的我就不说了
    6. 00:11:999 (4) - 太长了,弯的多一点不好吗
    7. 01:35:999 (1,2,3,4,5) - 善用ctrl+shift+d
    8. 01:37:713 (8) - NC
    9. 02:54:856 (1,2,3,4) - nm&ez不能用两次折返对新手很不友好,而且是unrank的吧

    1. 00:30:428 (1,3) - 包好?
    2. 00:32:785 (2) - 这滑条怎么回事,没贴线?这里做个折返比较好,节奏太难下这歌
    3. 00:44:142 (3) - 距离明显不合适,明明和前面节奏一样为啥近那么多,还不如叠一起,这里是不适合反跳
    4. 00:53:142 (3) - 很无聊还不如加(连续)转盘
    5. 01:26:571 (1,2) - 交换nc
    6. 01:43:928 (6,1) - 像这种重叠问题土里还有很多,你可以ctrl+g位子对准了,再弄回来
    7. 02:35:143 (2,3) - 这一连串滑条感觉不合音乐
    8. 02:41:142 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这里一串感觉也很无聊
    9. 03:02:999 (2,3) - 没平行?
    10. 03:09:856 (6,7,8) - 要么叠一起,半叠很难看,物体间距掌握的不好

    1. 开头我就觉得没有insane的样子,你可以自己创节奏,所以说这首歌真的不适合新人麻婆来做,这也是为什么日文歌做的人多,因为节奏好掌握。感觉insane难度没必要,无非就是锁圈快了点,如果这首歌你不能做出和hard不同的节奏,insane是没有必要的
    GL :)
Topic Starter

zj0924 wrote:

    1. 去掉widescreen letterbox这两个选项,你没有storyboard不需要 原先做了个SB但是感觉效果不大理想,忘了关了
    2. 个人觉得这首歌比较难下节奏,感觉单点用不上,全是滑条和转盘的天下。如果你是新手真的不推荐把这当做第一张rank图,真的很难也不是很好听,洗了半个小时的脑。表打我XD 哈哈这个算我开脑洞吧(开过头了)
    3. 图中有很多间距问题,blanket也做得不是很好

    1. 个人觉得这diff滑条太长更像easy,可以把sv降低。
    2. aimod距离问题,nm&ez要求全程开ds做,不能有任何距离提示把提示距离过远的修正了,我想新人没有人会拒绝距离近的梗
    3. 00:01:713 (1) - finish
    4. 00:03:428 (2) - NC
    5. 00:06:856 (2) - 同上,基本上长白线就nc,空了一大拍了,后面类似的我就不说了
    6. 00:11:999 (4) - 太长了,弯的多一点不好吗
    7. 01:35:999 (1,2,3,4,5) - 善用ctrl+shift+d
    8. 01:37:713 (8) - NC
    9. 02:54:856 (1,2,3,4) - nm&ez不能用两次折返对新手很不友好,而且是unrank的吧
    以上 all fix

    1. 00:30:428 (1,3) - 包好?
    2. 00:32:785 (2) - 这滑条怎么回事,没贴线?这里做个折返比较好,节奏太难下这歌
    3. 00:44:142 (3) - 距离明显不合适,明明和前面节奏一样为啥近那么多,还不如叠一起,这里是不适合反跳
    4. 00:53:142 (3) - 很无聊还不如加(连续)转盘
    5. 01:26:571 (1,2) - 交换nc
    6. 01:43:928 (6,1) - 像这种重叠问题土里还有很多,你可以ctrl+g位子对准了,再弄回来
    7. 02:35:143 (2,3) - 这一连串滑条感觉不合音乐
    8. 02:41:142 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这里一串感觉也很无聊
    9. 03:02:999 (2,3) - 没平行?
    10. 03:09:856 (6,7,8) - 要么叠一起,半叠很难看,物体间距掌握的不好
    以上all fix
    1. 开头我就觉得没有insane的样子,你可以自己创节奏,所以说这首歌真的不适合新人麻婆来做,这也是为什么日文歌做的人多,因为节奏好掌握。感觉insane难度没必要,无非就是锁圈快了点,如果这首歌你不能做出和hard不同的节奏,insane是没有必要的
    GL :)
Still practice huh?
I'll mod this a bit later ^^

gorgonzoler wrote:

i throw all my idea on this song.
Well, I'm just here to tell my opinions about some of those ideas
This isn't gonna be a regular mod where I point out every single blanket, bad looking sliders, crazy patters, but more like to just help you out with some things wich could look cool ^^
00:11:142 (2,1) - Blanketing these is a good idea, even when the distance is really far. Try to make them blanket
00:14:571 (2,1) - Also, keep up a constant DS please. Also, this blanket could be improved
00:17:999 (2,1) - Same
00:21:427 (2,1) - Same
00:22:285 (1,2) - I don't like how close they are
00:32:142 (3) - Maybe remove the reverse
00:58:285 (1,2,3) - Try to keep up some kind of blanket here
01:01:713 (1,2) - I know this looks cool n all, but.. idk, I'm just saying that you need to keep up a constant DS for normal levels.. I dunno about this one..
01:05:142 (1,2) - These could face to the same direction
01:11:999 (1,3) - You could blanket these, but.. DS
I end it here
00:38:356 (2,4) - Try to avoid these kind of overlaps.
00:47:571 (4,1) - This looks bad imo
00:56:571 (1,3) - Now these could overlap
01:15:428 (1) - The slider end is inside the slider. Try to make it just touching the slider border ^^
I end it here
00:05:142 (1) - This could look symmetric if it doesn't need to blanket anything
00:08:571 (3) - Some kinda symmetry should do the trick
00:11:999 (5) - Same
I end it here

So, I've pretty much pointed out some things that should apply to the whole map
I hope you understand these corrections, and apply them to the whole map
Also, keep these in mind while creating a new map

Oh, I almost forgot.
Easy and Normal must have a constant DS, Hard should have it too, but it can have jumps
Insane doesn't really require any DS at all
Btw, DON'T LISTEN TO THE AI MOD! You can clearly see where you do a mistake with DS, and MODDERS SHOULD POINT THESE OUT!

Cute little map tho, I like it :3
I wish you luck in the future! ^^
Topic Starter
Thanks guys!I'm busy in recent days the entrance exam.i feel so sorry for reply it so late.
i ll correct them while i finish the exam.
From your M4M

90% of this is just my opinion


You'll need to sort out these problems if you want to get it ranked


00:47:999 (1) - I think this would look better if it wasnt overlapped
02:17:999 (1) - I dont think there is a need to start a NC here
02:54:642 (8) - Add finish hitsound on slider tail here
02:54:642 (8) - Add Finish at the front of the slider
02:58:285 (9) - ^
03:04:285 (1) - End slider at 03:04:499
03:04:713 (2) - Start slider at 03:04:606
03:27:428 (5) - I think this slider would be better to ctrl+h it, It looks neater when it doesnt overlap


00:23:571 - Maybe add a few notes here to match the music
01:03:428 (1) - Ctrl + H..? I think it would look better this way
01:18:856 (1) - I think this slider would look better if it wasnt overlapped, also its wonky and could use straightening out
01:24:535 - add a note here
01:34:285 (3) - ctrl+H and rotate it clockwise by 26deg then line it up. I think it looks tidier this way.
01:59:892 - Maybe add a note here
02:06:428 - ^
03:00:428 (2) - move to coordinates 420,x 250y to make it easier to read
04:10:285 (1) - This could do with reworking imo
04:13:713 (1) - ^
Topic Starter

Hullahopp wrote:

gorgonzoler wrote:

i throw all my idea on this song.
Well, I'm just here to tell my opinions about some of those ideas
This isn't gonna be a regular mod where I point out every single blanket, bad looking sliders, crazy patters, but more like to just help you out with some things wich could look cool ^^
00:11:142 (2,1) - Blanketing these is a good idea, even when the distance is really far. Try to make them blanket fix
00:14:571 (2,1) - Also, keep up a constant DS please. Also, this blanket could be improvedfix
00:17:999 (2,1) - Same fix
00:21:427 (2,1) - Same fix
00:22:285 (1,2) - I don't like how close they are fix
00:32:142 (3) - Maybe remove the reverse removed
00:58:285 (1,2,3) - Try to keep up some kind of blanket herefix
01:01:713 (1,2) - I know this looks cool n all, but.. idk, I'm just saying that you need to keep up a constant DS for normal levels.. I dunno about this one..i think it okay . yeah it 'isn't constant but it 's a slower move only making it easy i think it is okay.It up to QAT.
01:05:142 (1,2) - These could face to the same directionfix
01:11:999 (1,3) - You could blanket these, but.. DS
I end it here
00:38:356 (2,4) - Try to avoid these kind of overlaps.i think this is okay,because it appear a hit(geki/gato/miss)is at the end of the 's not a overlap
00:47:571 (4,1) - This looks bad imoi rotate it in a another confortable position
00:56:571 (1,3) - Now these could overlap fix
01:15:428 (1) - The slider end is inside the slider. Try to make it just touching the slider border ^^fix
I end it here
00:05:142 (1) - This could look symmetric if it doesn't need to blanket anything fix
00:08:571 (3) - Some kinda symmetry should do the trickhow should i do that!!!OAO
00:11:999 (5) - Samefix
I end it here

So, I've pretty much pointed out some things that should apply to the whole map
I hope you understand these corrections, and apply them to the whole map
Also, keep these in mind while creating a new map

that might take much time to understand it and fix it and apply to the whole map. thanks a lot man

Oh, I almost forgot.
Easy and Normal must have a constant DS, Hard should have it too, but it can have jumpsi know these stuff,but some time the DS really freak me out OAO
Insane doesn't really require any DS at all
Btw, DON'T LISTEN TO THE AI MOD! You can clearly see where you do a mistake with DS, and MODDERS SHOULD POINT THESE OUT!
Cute little map tho, I like it :3thanks guy.
I wish you luck in the future! ^^
thanks for the modding.
Topic Starter

Hi Im Nathan wrote:

From your M4M

90% of this is just my opinion


You'll need to sort out these problems if you want to get it ranked
i still need the high quallty to mapOwO

00:47:999 (1) - I think this would look better if it wasnt overlappedalready corrected in last mod
02:17:999 (1) - I dont think there is a need to start a NC herecanceled
02:54:642 (8) - Add finish hitsound on slider tail herefix i m not doing the sound work
02:54:642 (8) - Add Finish at the front of the slider
02:58:285 (9) - ^
03:04:285 (1) - End slider at 03:04:499
03:04:713 (2) - Start slider at 03:04:606 try slomo here. you know why i m doing this
03:27:428 (5) - I think this slider would be better to ctrl+h it, It looks neater when it doesnt overlap great


00:23:571 - Maybe add a few notes here to match the music dosen't think what kind of pattern can adapt this section
01:03:428 (1) - Ctrl + H..? I think it would look better this way no.It's mess
01:18:856 (1) - I think this slider would look better if it wasnt overlapped, also its wonky and could use straightening outrepreduce a better slider.
01:24:535 - add a note here it sound not good
01:34:285 (3) - ctrl+H and rotate it clockwise by 26deg then line it up. I think it looks tidier this way.i m not get it .maybe a screenshot will make it clear.
01:59:892 - Maybe add a note here
02:06:428 - ^ why? it sound awful
03:00:428 (2) - move to coordinates 420,x 250y to make it easier to read good fix it
04:10:285 (1) - This could do with reworking imo
04:13:713 (1) - ^i think it's fine.
thank you OwO, and forgive my bad english
Hi M4M as request p/4295522/
+- Warning:
- 压缩音频来使其小于192kbps码率。

Ranking Criteria wrote:

The song's audio file must be of reasonable quality. Try and source mp3 files yourself; ripping them from a streaming video site often results in low quality audio with high file sizes. The bitrate of a beatmap's audio file must be no lower than 128kbps and no higher than 192kbps. If you are having trouble acquiring an appropriate audio file, contact one of the more audio-savvy BN; they will be more than happy to help find an mp3 for you.

你的歌曲文件必须有一个合理的品质。 试着自己寻找mp3文件;从视频网站转码会导致文件大但音质差。歌曲mp3的码率必须在128kbps至192kbps之间。如果你找不到合适的歌曲文件,你可以寻找对音频比较在行的BN;他们会乐于帮你找到合适的mp3。
+- Opinion:
- 怎么说呢,由于DJ效果的存在,这个图的主旋律很不好拿捏,感觉更适合做成mania图而不是std图呢。而且对于一个舒缓的歌曲去做一个疯狂难度有点偏离了歌曲的感觉。
why you give up to recovery!!!
Why don't you accept medical treatment !?
+- Suggest:
- 建议在低难度中遵从Distance Snap。以便于让新手更加容易掌握节奏。检查你的AiMod来清楚你哪些物件没有遵循Distance Snap。

+- Opinion:
- 00:39:856 (1) 这个转盘如果是跟背景杂乱的风声的话,应该在00:38:428就开始了,可是显然那里还有主旋律的声音所以不能选择。跟渐强的音色的话,最好从00:40:713开始,因为那里才是渐强音的起点。
- 00:53:142 (1) 考虑到在00:53:356还有一个主旋律的音,而四连打的声音从00:53:571开始渐弱的。因此建议放弃用滑条表达四连打的开始,转而在00:53:571开始,表达四联打的渐弱。
- 02:03:428 (1,2,3,4,5) 首先这里的四个音应该是差不多平齐的,所以感觉让鼠标轨迹直直的向上走有些奇怪;此外,02:05:142 (5) 结尾所跟的音更像是下一节音的开头,也就是说,其和02:06:856 (1) 联系更为紧密,或者说和这个滑条开头的音联系很小,综上所述,我有一个小的点子:
- 02:50:356 (2) 那么我仔细听了一下,这个滑条结尾只有背景的那个有规律的声音,很不明显而且其他地方你都没有跟,因此这里建议换为一个只有滑条开始处的单打。如果你在这里只是表达长音的结尾,那么02:50:999 (3) 就应该换为两个单打因为他们都应该被当做应该让玩家按下按钮的比较重要的音色对待。
- 02:54:856 (1) 我实在不知道这个滑条在转什么……如果方便,请在回复中告诉我这个note的作用。
- 02:58:285 (1) 有个想法,既然这个连打声音那么难抓,还不如让他直接到03:10:713截止,然后原来的滑条变为在03:02:571的一个单打来保持与03:02:999 (2)的一致如何?
- 03:29:142 (1) 这个转盘,如果是跟渐强音的话应该在03:29:999起始;如果作为过渡的话应该在03:28:499起始,因为这里开始出现不同的,稍有嘈杂的连续的音色。
- 03:38:785 前面两个重低音03:35:999 (1,2)都以滑条的起始去跟了,为什么不跟这里的呢?建议加一个单打。
- 03:51:428 (2) 这个滑条结尾有overmap之嫌,因为在你只跟主旋律的背景下,这里相当于什么都没有,在什么都没有的位置来下一个滑条,显然是值得商榷的。
- 04:20:571 (1) 转盘在04:23:142截止(清晰的表明跟的是连打音)或者在04:22:928截止(强调重低音以及新一节音乐的开始),之后在04:23:999~04:30:856放置一个转盘来表达那个渐弱的声音。关于后者的转盘,建议在Hard以及Insane难度下仍然按照这个方法处理。

+- Warning:
- 00:11:142 (6) 滑条结尾并没有贯穿始终的背景装饰音以外的声音,因此在这里使用滑条有自创节奏overmap之嫌。建议改为单打。
- 00:33:428 (3) 滑条折返处没有任何声音哪怕是回音,因此请修改。
- 01:07:285 (2) 滑条的起始处连装饰音都没有。

+- Opinion:
- 00:08:571 (1,2,3,4) 这里感觉不太像背景的节奏啊……不过删了一听下note的地方算是都有声音。建议重新明确一下00:09:642 (4)这段你要抓的声音。感觉拆成一个00:09:642的单打和在00:09:856 ~ 00:10:285处的滑条效果会好得多。
- 00:15:428 (1,1,1) 这的转盘是不是太多了,但是我想不清楚怎么去改。
- 00:44:142 (3) 滑条已经拉到计分板上了,我不确定这是否算是出界的滑条。
- 01:58:285 (3) 这里的滑条结尾音不是很明显……并且感觉和这里干脆简单的旋律关系不太,如果改成单打可能呼应旋律可能会更准确一点。
- 01:52:499 (6) 将其头位置校准至(280,216)来包好他
- 03:20:785 (2,3) 看着有点不舒服……将上面那个改成了下朝右45°,下面那个改成了下朝左45°,只是一个美观性建议,如果不喜欢请忽视这条。

+- Comment:
- 有些我认为overmap不是很显突兀所以就没说,上述Warning的都是那些我认为很突兀的。
- 00:11:785 (1,2,3,4,5) 这里很巧妙,挺好玩的www。

+- Warning:
- 03:22:285 (1) 请保证你的滑条有一个清晰可见的路径,请咨询BN这样是否能够通过。

+- Opinion:
- 00:00:000 完全没有声音,建议从00:00:213开始拉转盘。
- 01:01:713 (1,2) 慢速的,长的音再用快速的滑条未免显得有些不合适。
- 02:19:713 (2) 我建议这里不如使用一个转盘来替代他,反而会更舒服。
- 02:34:285 (1,2,3,4) 感觉至少在主旋律那个悠长的吉他音出来之前,至少抓一下 02:34:606 和 02:35:249 处的声音,这样感觉能更加符合节奏。
- 03:10:285 (8) 这里的combo太长了,从逻辑上来讲这里往后也可以算一个新节,建议在这里NC。
- 04:05:571 这里的音是故意漏的吗?感觉既然跟了04:05:785 (4),这里也应该加一个note来保持一致。

+- Comment:
- 整体来讲比前面都要好……抓音很干脆,很多设计也很有用心。但是有太多的长滑条感觉不太美观,但也不知道如何去下手去改……
- 00:08:571 (3,4) 天空飘来一个大问号~
- 01:03:428 (1) 你这个画的真曲折。
- 01:11:999 (1) 强行装彩虹233.
The map is like a tea, need to take times, carefully "taste" creator's thought.
Interesting map, thanks to bring new idea into osu!
From qq群 request(2kds美麗
  1. 你並沒有加SB,請把文件夾裡面的.osb文件刪掉
    音效方面如果想統一使用的話,可以試試用Hitsounds Copier

  1. 00:05:142 (1) - 這一段滑條的sliderslide太難聽了,可以嘗試加一組音效然後把它靜音
    00:08:571 (3) - ^
    00:11:999 (5) - ^
    00:15:428 (1) - 從這裡開始就不用靜音了,因為和背景音樂挺合的
    00:37:285 (1,2,3,4) - 這段最好不要按DS放啊,特別34那裡很容易就誤認了,因為間距太小,就是要按DS放也用起碼1.6x吧
    00:58:285 (1,3) - 疊一起,剛好因為那個滑條和連打放的太近,疊一起剛剛好
    03:03:428 (3,1) - 注意間距,1放得太近了,可以試試這樣
    03:10:285 (8) - NC
    04:05:999 - 漏音了,加個note
    04:15:642 - 到04:22:928 - 這段背景都有個鼓聲,當然一整段都是連打會不太好,建議04:20:571 - 開始弄一段連打,符合背景音樂

  1. Bookmarks: 14356 這個如果沒用可以刪掉
  2. sliderslide的問題和Insane一樣,同步修改就好了
  3. 音效方面好像沒下完的樣子

  4. 00:31:499 (3,4,1) - 這種疊法其實不太適合在hard裏,但是這個這歌節奏不算快,也許也可以的
    00:39:642 (4) - 弄彎?
    01:32:571 (5) - NC
    02:55:071 (1,5,6) - 不疊一起?
    02:56:571 (5) - NC
    03:10:285 (8) - NC
    03:22:285 (5) - NC
    04:02:571 (4) - Ctrl+G?
  1. Bookmarks: 14356 這個如果沒用可以刪掉
  2. sliderslide的問題和Insane一樣,同步修改就好了
  3. 音效方面好像沒下完的樣子

  4. 00:04:285 (2,1) - 這裡DS變成1.6x了,低難度要求限制固定DS的,你這圖是1.0就要全程用1.0放,所以後面還有一些沒放好的就自己改改吧
    00:11:142 (2,1) - DS變成0.5了
    00:14:571 (2,1) - 這個也是

Topic Starter
Topic Starter

Rush_FTK wrote:

Hi M4M as request
+- Warning:
- 压缩音频来使其小于192kbps码率。

Ranking Criteria wrote:

The song's audio file must be of reasonable quality. Try and source mp3 files yourself; ripping them from a streaming video site often results in low quality audio with high file sizes. The bitrate of a beatmap's audio file must be no lower than 128kbps and no higher than 192kbps. If you are having trouble acquiring an appropriate audio file, contact one of the more audio-savvy BN; they will be more than happy to help find an mp3 for you.

你的歌曲文件必须有一个合理的品质。 试着自己寻找mp3文件;从视频网站转码会导致文件大但音质差。歌曲mp3的码率必须在128kbps至192kbps之间。如果你找不到合适的歌曲文件,你可以寻找对音频比较在行的BN;他们会乐于帮你找到合适的mp3。
+- Opinion:
- 怎么说呢,由于DJ效果的存在,这个图的主旋律很不好拿捏,感觉更适合做成mania图而不是std图呢。而且对于一个舒缓的歌曲去做一个疯狂难度有点偏离了歌曲的感觉。怎么说呢这张图就是一个我开了个“如果节奏很缓慢但打起来很疯狂的图将是什么样的呢?”的脑洞。于是这个就出来了。(风暴英雄2234的梗)
why you give up to recovery!!!
Why don't you accept medical treatment !? (我故意写错的23333)
+- Suggest:
- 建议在低难度中遵从Distance Snap。以便于让新手更加容易掌握节奏。检查你的AiMod来清楚你哪些物件没有遵循Distance Snap。 will fix 这是个大工程

+- Opinion:
- 00:39:856 (1) 这个转盘如果是跟背景杂乱的风声的话,应该在00:38:428就开始了,可是显然那里还有主旋律的声音所以不能选择。跟渐强的音色的话,最好从00:40:713开始,因为那里才是渐强音的起点。(fix
- 00:53:142 (1) 考虑到在00:53:356还有一个主旋律的音,而四连打的声音从00:53:571开始渐弱的。因此建议放弃用滑条表达四连打的开始,转而在00:53:571开始,表达四联打的渐弱。这里主要考虑了新手容易打早所以直接就在那里放转盘了。不过还是fix了
- 02:03:428 (1,2,3,4,5) 首先这里的四个音应该是差不多平齐的,所以感觉让鼠标轨迹直直的向上走有些奇怪;此外,02:05:142 (5) 结尾所跟的音更像是下一节音的开头,也就是说,其和02:06:856 (1) 联系更为紧密,或者说和这个滑条开头的音联系很小,综上所述,我有一个小的点子:
前5个音将他们放在同一个水平高度体现他们音高相对较低并且一致。NC在第6个(原滑条尾部来体现新的起点) 关于NC的话,你认为下一个的起点恰恰是我认为是上一小节的终点,不过这个梗的确不太好,修改了
- 02:50:356 (2) 那么我仔细听了一下,这个滑条结尾只有背景的那个有规律的声音,很不明显而且其他地方你都没有跟,因此这里建议换为一个只有滑条开始处的单打。如果你在这里只是表达长音的结尾,那么02:50:999 (3) 就应该换为两个单打因为他们都应该被当做应该让玩家按下按钮的比较重要的音色对待。 好。不过我觉得新手还是打滑条能更好的处理这样的2连音
- 02:54:856 (1) 我实在不知道这个滑条在转什么……如果方便,请在回复中告诉我这个note的作用。(咦?滑条?这个是转盘啊?)
- 02:58:285 (1) 有个想法,既然这个连打声音那么难抓,还不如让他直接到03:10:713截止,然后原来的滑条变为在03:02:571的一个单打来保持与03:02:999 (2)的一致如何?(这一段remap了)
- 03:29:142 (1) 这个转盘,如果是跟渐强音的话应该在03:29:999起始;如果作为过渡的话应该在03:28:499起始,因为这里开始出现不同的,稍有嘈杂的连续的音色。修改了转盘的开始位置
- 03:38:785 前面两个重低音03:35:999 (1,2)都以滑条的起始去跟了,为什么不跟这里的呢?建议加一个单打。
- 03:51:428 (2) 这个滑条结尾有overmap之嫌,因为在你只跟主旋律的背景下,这里相当于什么都没有,在什么都没有的位置来下一个滑条,显然是值得商榷的。已改为单点
- 04:20:571 (1) 转盘在04:23:142截止(清晰的表明跟的是连打音)或者在04:22:928截止(强调重低音以及新一节音乐的开始),之后在04:23:999~04:30:856放置一个转盘来表达那个渐弱的声音。关于后者的转盘,建议在Hard以及Insane难度下仍然按照这个方法处理。

+- Warning:
- 00:11:142 (6) 滑条结尾并没有贯穿始终的背景装饰音以外的声音,因此在这里使用滑条有自创节奏overmap之嫌。建议改为单打。
- 00:33:428 (3) 滑条折返处没有任何声音哪怕是回音,因此请修改。
- 01:07:285 (2) 滑条的起始处连装饰音都没有。

+- Opinion:
- 00:08:571 (1,2,3,4) 这里感觉不太像背景的节奏啊……不过删了一听下note的地方算是都有声音。建议重新明确一下00:09:642 (4)这段你要抓的声音。感觉拆成一个00:09:642的单打和在00:09:856 ~ 00:10:285处的滑条效果会好得多。已修改
- 00:15:428 (1,1,1) 这的转盘是不是太多了,但是我想不清楚怎么去改。我觉得还好
- 00:44:142 (3) 滑条已经拉到计分板上了,我不确定这是否算是出界的滑条。在默认皮肤并没有与计分板有交集
- 01:58:285 (3) 这里的滑条结尾音不是很明显……并且感觉和这里干脆简单的旋律关系不太,如果改成单打可能呼应旋律可能会更准确一点。这里还是顺着节奏来吧,keep it
- 01:52:499 (6) 将其头位置校准至(280,216)来包好他
- 03:20:785 (2,3) 看着有点不舒服……将上面那个改成了下朝右45°,下面那个改成了下朝左45°,只是一个美观性建议,如果不喜欢请忽视这条。好吧……虽然看起来依然很别扭Orz

+- Comment:
- 有些我认为overmap不是很显突兀所以就没说,上述Warning的都是那些我认为很突兀的。
- 00:11:785 (1,2,3,4,5) 这里很巧妙,挺好玩的www。哈哈

+- Warning:
- 03:22:285 (1) 请保证你的滑条有一个清晰可见的路径,请咨询BN这样是否能够通过。

+- Opinion:
- 00:00:000 完全没有声音,建议从00:00:213开始拉转盘。
- 01:01:713 (1,2) 慢速的,长的音再用快速的滑条未免显得有些不合适。如果慢速的话图案就会被完全破坏了QAQ
- 02:19:713 (2) 我建议这里不如使用一个转盘来替代他,反而会更舒服。没有顺着你这边改,不过别扭的原因这里应该是1/6的连音,把滑条改了就好了
- 02:34:285 (1,2,3,4) 感觉至少在主旋律那个悠长的吉他音出来之前,至少抓一下 02:34:606 和 02:35:249 处的声音,这样感觉能更加符合节奏。
- 03:10:285 (8) 这里的combo太长了,从逻辑上来讲这里往后也可以算一个新节,建议在这里NC。
- 04:05:571 这里的音是故意漏的吗?感觉既然跟了04:05:785 (4),这里也应该加一个note来保持一致。

+- Comment:
- 整体来讲比前面都要好……抓音很干脆,很多设计也很有用心。但是有太多的长滑条感觉不太美观,但也不知道如何去下手去改……
- 00:08:571 (3,4) 天空飘来一个大问号~
- 01:03:428 (1) 你这个画的真曲折。费了我不少劲。我不太会玩白点所以…………请参考你修改我的那句介绍
- 01:11:999 (1) 强行装彩虹233.咦?我本意不是彩虹哦。整个图的寓意就是回家的路漫漫的长(语死早)
The map is like a tea, need to take times, carefully "taste" creator's thought.
Interesting map, thanks to bring new idea into osu!
Topic Starter

Kencho wrote:

From qq群 request(2kds美麗
  1. 你並沒有加SB,請把文件夾裡面的.osb文件刪掉
    音效方面如果想統一使用的話,可以試試用Hitsounds Copier

  1. 00:05:142 (1) - 這一段滑條的sliderslide太難聽了,可以嘗試加一組音效然後把它靜音
    00:08:571 (3) - ^
    00:11:999 (5) - ^kay
    00:15:428 (1) - 從這裡開始就不用靜音了,因為和背景音樂挺合的
    00:37:285 (1,2,3,4) - 這段最好不要按DS放啊,特別34那裡很容易就誤認了,因為間距太小,就是要按DS放也用起碼1.6x吧已经重新排列了
    00:58:285 (1,3) - 疊一起,剛好因為那個滑條和連打放的太近,疊一起剛剛好
    03:03:428 (3,1) - 注意間距,1放得太近了,可以試試這樣
    03:10:285 (8) - NC
    04:05:999 - 漏音了,加個note
    04:15:642 - 到04:22:928 - 這段背景都有個鼓聲,當然一整段都是連打會不太好,建議04:20:571 - 開始弄一段連打,符合背景音樂老实说,我并不想给这个曲子加上连打……明明是听歌向的图。(虽然有那不近人情的三角跳)

  1. Bookmarks: 14356 這個如果沒用可以刪掉
  2. sliderslide的問題和Insane一樣,同步修改就好了
  3. 音效方面好像沒下完的樣子

  4. 00:31:499 (3,4,1) - 這種疊法其實不太適合在hard裏,但是這個這歌節奏不算快,也許也可以的
    00:39:642 (4) - 弄彎?弄成单点了
    01:32:571 (5) - NC
    02:55:071 (1,5,6) - 不疊一起?
    02:56:571 (5) - NC
    03:10:285 (8) - NC
    03:22:285 (5) - NC
    04:02:571 (4) - Ctrl+G?allfix
  1. Bookmarks: 14356 這個如果沒用可以刪掉
  2. sliderslide的問題和Insane一樣,同步修改就好了
  3. 音效方面好像沒下完的樣子

  4. 00:04:285 (2,1) - 這裡DS變成1.6x了,低難度要求限制固定DS的,你這圖是1.0就要全程用1.0放,所以後面還有一些沒放好的就自己改改吧
    00:11:142 (2,1) - DS變成0.5了
    00:14:571 (2,1) - 這個也是

No kiai time?
You need to fix a TON of NEW COMBOS. Add a new combo every time you change the slider velocity, which is A LOT.
00:04:285 (2) - Move this to the head of 00:05:142 (1) -
00:07:713 (2) - Find a better place to move this, like maybe to the tail of 00:05:142 (1) -
00:08:571 (3) - Move the head to 00:07:713 (2) - after you move it ^
00:11:142 (4) - Move to end of 00:08:571 (3)
00:22:285 (1) - This is not straight
00:24:856 (2) - Move this so that the distance from the end of 00:22:285 (1) and the head of this 00:25:713 (3) - are equal
00:29:142 (4) - NC
00:30:428 (1) - Blanket 00:29:142 (4) -
00:30:428 (1,2,3,4,1,1,2,1) - You shouldn't map this, because the sounds that you map are too low, you can't really hear them; so they are not worth mapping.
00:43:713 (2,3,4) - Here you totally ignore the other sounds in the song, just focusing on the climax. I would suggest that you change things up a bit and map the song rather than focusing on this simple and repetitive beat.
00:53:142 (9) - Rotate this so that it flows with the previous beats.
00:49:713 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - The placement matches a stream, yet this is not a stream. If you decide to keep this, which it is not a good idea, you should fix the way it looks. Make a nicer and smoother slider to convert to stream.
00:58:285 (1) - Why is this whole thing a whistle?
01:00:428 (2) - This placement after the previous slider is illogical, try to fix the flow and place it somewhere that the mouse would feel comfortable to go
01:03:428 (1) - These are nice sliders, but the way you made them IS NOT. And the placement could definitely be fixed, because the overlapping of this slider on 01:02:571 (2) - looks very disorganized
01:08:571 (1,2,3,4) - These four have four different spacings, some overlapping others. The placement does not match the music. I would recommend copy paste for this, which you have done, but the placement is not good.
01:11:142 (6) - Try to make this overlap neater, perhaps blanketing a head or tail of 01:10:285 (5) -
01:14:142 (2) - Here, the spacing is fine, but the placement is not. I'm not sure how you can fix this though, because you've already placed a bunch of large sliders that cannot be moved
01:14:999 (4) - Perhaps you could move this so that the tail overlaps 01:14:142 (2) - .
01:14:999 (4,5,1) - These are major spacing issues; they make no sense. Try to keep it the same for somewhat similar parts of the song, like here 01:01:071 (4,5) -
01:15:428 (1) - The shape of this slider does not fit with the song. This slider looks like the whip, though the song has the steady sound, and no whip
01:16:499 (2) - ^ . Also, I don't understand why you've placed this here..
01:21:428 (2) - When you place things in the middle, it does not always mean it is better. When there are notes that don't come very frequently, such as here, I recommend you to place things on top of each other. So, that means you would move 01:21:428 (2) - to x320,y168
01:22:285 (1,2,3,4) - I'd rather you make a new type of slider. I really don't like these. But, that's just my opinion, so you could keep them if you wanted to.
01:23:999 (1) - Have different strategies for making sliders. If you look at the joints, it just seems like you had placed them down randomly and just moved them around with no alignment to your liking.
01:25:071 (3) - Although you have mapped this really long song, which is awesome, this is really lazy. 01:24:642 (2) - This slider points straight up, then there's this random slider with random placement 01:25:071 (3) - . The music definitely does not suggest a reverse slider such as this one, it's more of a stream
01:27:856 (1) - PLEASE place things better. Like, at least you could move it to create an equilateral triangle with 01:27:142 (2,3) - .
01:31:713 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - The stream is okay, but where it starts and ends is a problem. Maintain the distance between the notes!
01:34:285 (3) - This overlap on 01:33:428 (2) - is not good. Neither is how the slider even looks.
01:44:571 (3) - Gosh, NC (I won't point these out because these should be easy enough to find on your own. All over the map)
01:48:856 (3) - Better sliders, please! This overlap is really ugly
01:51:428 (5) - Why do you decide to place these sliders here? No flow and no logical placement
01:56:571 (4) - NEATER! I won't point these out anymore, either. Take note on your sliders that do not look perfect. I may sound picky, but perfect sliders in most cases are NECESSARY.
02:03:428 (1) - Overlap again - won't point this out anymore, happens too often
02:09:428 (3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Yeah, this whole section is weird. What makes you switch to a bunch of sliders now? Also, distances are unstable, overlaps are constant, 02:14:571 (2,3) - especially in these two, what the hell? make it look nicer, and fix spacing
02:19:713 (2) - Same thing about what I said earlier.

That's all I can mod. I think that the rest of the map will just have repeating problems.
Your beat and rhythm is fine for the most part, but the biggest problem are sliders and placement. Placement is a VERY big problem, because it is lacking purpose and feels very random/empty

You may decide if you want to mod mine or not.
Topic Starter

Nuolong wrote:

nuolong's mod
No kiai time?
You need to fix a TON of NEW COMBOS. Add a new combo every time you change the slider velocity, which is A LOT.
00:04:285 (2) - Move this to the head of 00:05:142 (1) -
00:07:713 (2) - Find a better place to move this, like maybe to the tail of 00:05:142 (1) -
00:08:571 (3) - Move the head to 00:07:713 (2) - after you move it ^
00:11:142 (4) - Move to end of 00:08:571 (3)
00:22:285 (1) - This is not straight
00:24:856 (2) - Move this so that the distance from the end of 00:22:285 (1) and the head of this 00:25:713 (3) - are equal
00:29:142 (4) - NC
00:30:428 (1) - Blanket 00:29:142 (4) -
00:30:428 (1,2,3,4,1,1,2,1) - You shouldn't map this, because the sounds that you map are too low, you can't really hear them; so they are not worth mapping.
00:43:713 (2,3,4) - Here you totally ignore the other sounds in the song, just focusing on the climax. I would suggest that you change things up a bit and map the song rather than focusing on this simple and repetitive beat.
00:53:142 (9) - Rotate this so that it flows with the previous beats.
00:49:713 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - The placement matches a stream, yet this is not a stream. If you decide to keep this, which it is not a good idea, you should fix the way it looks. Make a nicer and smoother slider to convert to stream.
00:58:285 (1) - Why is this whole thing a whistle?
01:00:428 (2) - This placement after the previous slider is illogical, try to fix the flow and place it somewhere that the mouse would feel comfortable to go
01:03:428 (1) - These are nice sliders, but the way you made them IS NOT. And the placement could definitely be fixed, because the overlapping of this slider on 01:02:571 (2) - looks very disorganized
01:08:571 (1,2,3,4) - These four have four different spacings, some overlapping others. The placement does not match the music. I would recommend copy paste for this, which you have done, but the placement is not good.
01:11:142 (6) - Try to make this overlap neater, perhaps blanketing a head or tail of 01:10:285 (5) -
01:14:142 (2) - Here, the spacing is fine, but the placement is not. I'm not sure how you can fix this though, because you've already placed a bunch of large sliders that cannot be moved
01:14:999 (4) - Perhaps you could move this so that the tail overlaps 01:14:142 (2) - .
01:14:999 (4,5,1) - These are major spacing issues; they make no sense. Try to keep it the same for somewhat similar parts of the song, like here 01:01:071 (4,5) -
01:15:428 (1) - The shape of this slider does not fit with the song. This slider looks like the whip, though the song has the steady sound, and no whip
01:16:499 (2) - ^ . Also, I don't understand why you've placed this here..
01:21:428 (2) - When you place things in the middle, it does not always mean it is better. When there are notes that don't come very frequently, such as here, I recommend you to place things on top of each other. So, that means you would move 01:21:428 (2) - to x320,y168
01:22:285 (1,2,3,4) - I'd rather you make a new type of slider. I really don't like these. But, that's just my opinion, so you could keep them if you wanted to.
01:23:999 (1) - Have different strategies for making sliders. If you look at the joints, it just seems like you had placed them down randomly and just moved them around with no alignment to your liking.
01:25:071 (3) - Although you have mapped this really long song, which is awesome, this is really lazy. 01:24:642 (2) - This slider points straight up, then there's this random slider with random placement 01:25:071 (3) - . The music definitely does not suggest a reverse slider such as this one, it's more of a stream
01:27:856 (1) - PLEASE place things better. Like, at least you could move it to create an equilateral triangle with 01:27:142 (2,3) - .
01:31:713 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - The stream is okay, but where it starts and ends is a problem. Maintain the distance between the notes!
01:34:285 (3) - This overlap on 01:33:428 (2) - is not good. Neither is how the slider even looks.
01:44:571 (3) - Gosh, NC (I won't point these out because these should be easy enough to find on your own. All over the map)
01:48:856 (3) - Better sliders, please! This overlap is really ugly
01:51:428 (5) - Why do you decide to place these sliders here? No flow and no logical placement
01:56:571 (4) - NEATER! I won't point these out anymore, either. Take note on your sliders that do not look perfect. I may sound picky, but perfect sliders in most cases are NECESSARY.
02:03:428 (1) - Overlap again - won't point this out anymore, happens too often
02:09:428 (3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Yeah, this whole section is weird. What makes you switch to a bunch of sliders now? Also, distances are unstable, overlaps are constant, 02:14:571 (2,3) - especially in these two, what the hell? make it look nicer, and fix spacing
02:19:713 (2) - Same thing about what I said earlier.

That's all I can mod. I think that the rest of the map will just have repeating problems.
Your beat and rhythm is fine for the most part, but the biggest problem are sliders and placement. Placement is a VERY big problem, because it is lacking purpose and feels very random/empty

You may decide if you want to mod mine or not.
i just finish half of your mod and i was going to the exam. i forgot where i m left and can't continue to carry on.
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