
Nakae Mitsuki - Unreal Color

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年8月6日 at 1:27:45

Artist: Nakae Mitsuki
Title: Unreal Color
Source: ソーサリージョーカーズ
Tags: SORCERY JOKERS 3rdeye まもも mamomo opening Homura-
BPM: 176
Filesize: 19474kb
Play Time: 01:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (2.62 stars, 225 notes)
  2. Extra (5.54 stars, 414 notes)
  3. Hard (3.56 stars, 277 notes)
  4. hmr's Normal (1.88 stars, 129 notes)
  5. Insane (4.96 stars, 395 notes)
  6. Light Insane (4.09 stars, 312 notes)
Download: Nakae Mitsuki - Unreal Color
Download: Nakae Mitsuki - Unreal Color (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
始めまして! M4Mありです :D

ただ黒文字で書いてることも好みなんで絶対なんてことはないです 嫌なら変えないでいいです


  • なし
  1. Insane二つともHP Drain6だし これ7に上げてもいいんじゃない?
  2. 00:00:125 (1) - 終点にもwhistle入れてみたらどう?
  3. 00:01:828 (1,3) - 両方とも終点のSamplesetをDrumにしてみてもいいかも
  4. 00:03:192 (3) - 終点のclapを削除
  5. 00:03:874 (6) - 始点のSamplesetをNormal AdditionsはAuto
  6. 00:04:215 (7) - ^
  7. 00:05:067 (6) - ^
  8. 00:05:237 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  9. 00:07:453 (6) - 終点にwhistle追加
  10. 00:07:794 (7) - whistle削除
  11. 00:08:646 (1) - AdditionsをNormalにしてclapを追加
  12. 00:08:987 (2) - 始点終点どちらもwhistle
  13. 00:09:328 (3) - 終点にwhistle
  14. 00:09:840 (1) - whistle追加
  15. 00:10:010 (3,4) - whistle追加
  16. 00:10:521 (5) - AdditionsをNormal
  17. 00:10:862 (7) - SamplesetをNormal
  18. 00:11:203 (9) - 始点にwhistle追加
  19. 00:12:055 (2,3) - whistle追加
  20. 00:12:396 (1) - whistle削除
  21. 00:12:567 (2) - whistle追加
  22. 00:13:419 (1) - ^
  23. 00:14:612 (1) - ^
  24. 00:14:953 (3,5) - ^
  25. 00:15:124 (4) - whistle削除
  26. 00:15:465 (1) - ^
  27. 00:15:635 (2) - 始点にwhistle追加
  28. 00:16:146 (1) - whistle追加
  29. 00:17:340 (1) - ^
  30. 00:17:680 (3) - 00:18:021 (2) - ^
  31. 00:17:851 (1) - 00:18:192 (1) - whistle削除
  32. 00:18:362 (2) - 始点にwhistle追加
  33. 00:18:874 (4) - whistle追加
  34. 00:20:067 (5) - 始点にwhistle追加
  35. 00:20:408 (6,8) - whistle追加
  36. 00:20:578 (7) - whistle削除
  37. 00:21:260 (2) - 終点にwhistle追加
  38. 00:21:601 (1) - whistle削除
  39. 00:15:124 (4) - SamplesetをNormal
  40. 00:17:340 (1) - 00:17:851 (1) - 00:20:578 (7) - AdditionsをNormalにしてclapを追加
  41. 00:17:510 (2) - clap削除
  42. 00:21:601 (1,3) - AdditionsをNormalにしてclapを追加
  43. 00:22:283 (1) - 始点^
  44. 00:23:476 (5) - 始点にwhistle追加 (00:29:271 (5) - これにはあったので)
  45. 00:29:782 (6) - 終点にwhistle追加
  46. 00:42:055 (4) - whistle追加
  47. 00:43:759 (4,5) - 始点にwhistle追加
  48. 00:51:771 (2) - 始点 AdditionsをNormalにしてclap追加
  49. 00:52:623 (1) - ^
  50. 00:52:964 (4) - 始点にwhistle追加
  51. 00:53:987 (1) - 00:55:350 (1) - 始点 AdditionsをNormalにしてclap追加
  52. 00:57:225 (1) - SamplesetをNormal AdditionsをSoftに  用はこの単発だけ音量上げませんか?って話 次の連打より大きくしたほうがイイ感じ
  53. 00:59:271 (6) - 始点終点 AdditionsをNormalにしてclap追加
  54. 01:00:805 (5) - ^
  55. 01:01:998 (3) - 始点^
  56. 01:03:532 (3) - ^
  57. 01:10:180 (1) - 終点^
  58. 01:11:714 (1) - ^
  59. 01:12:907 (1) - 始点^
  60. 01:13:759 (4) - 01:14:441 (1) - ^
  61. 01:24:839 (2) - 終点のclap削除 か キックスライダーじゃなくて単発に変えるか  ここ3連打の音なんだけど・・・
  62. 00:11:374 - から00:22:283 - 誰かにNCのこと言われるかもね?

a a a a
Red : Unrankable issue / must fix.
Bold : Should be fixed / highly suggested.
Black : Just suggestion.

[HMR's Normal]
  1. 00:19:555 (1) - 00:17:510 (2) - こいつの頭部分blanketできたら綺麗
  2. 00:49:896 (1) - 特に理由なければ00:50:918 (2) - の方にslider曲げた方がいいか、な。。
  1. 00:10:010 (6) - add NC
    00:10:010 (6,7,8) - で1patternみたいな気がする
  2. 00:18:874 (4,5) - どっちかにNC
  3. 00:25:011 (3) - add NC
  4. 00:40:691 (2) - 自分なら単発一個だけ置くけどどう?
  5. 00:52:623 (1) - 曲げませんか?
[Very Hard]
  1. 00:43:759 (3,4) - もうすこし間隔とったほうが。
[Light Insane]
  1. 00:27:396 (3) - 00:27:908 (4) - 全部つなげてもいいと思う
  2. 00:59:953 (3,4,5) - 自分なら↓のように音取りするんですがどうでしょ
  1. 01:05:237 (4,5) - 01:04:896 (2,3) - と同じもの使ってみませんカ?
    01:05:237 (4,5) - けして01:04:896 (2,3) - コピーして01:05:237 (4) - の位置にペースト
  2. 01:13:418 (2,3,4,7) - ここ綺麗に四角形にしたほうがよくないですか!?
  3. 01:21:259 (1,2,3,4) - 01:21:599 (3,4) - 01:21:259 (1,2) - コピってctrl+Rで60°回転させて01:21:089 (4) - とStack
    その後01:20:918 (3) - がずれると思うから合うやつとStack。
    01:19:896 - ~01:21:771 - までのcode置いときます
  1. 01:00:123 (5,6) - ゆれな~い?まげな~~い?
  2. 01:05:748 (7) - 01:05:237 (3) - より外側において01:04:896 (1,2,3) - より飛ばしたほうがって思う

litoluna wrote:

a a a a
Red : Unrankable issue / must fix.
Bold : Should be fixed / highly suggested.
Black : Just suggestion.

[HMR's Normal]
  1. 00:19:555 (1) - 00:17:510 (2) - こいつの頭部分blanketできたら綺麗
    :arrow: 頭をblanketさせつつお尻合いさせました (5がちょっと被っちゃったけど)
  2. 00:49:896 (1) - 特に理由なければ00:50:918 (2) - の方にslider曲げた方がいいか、な。。
    :arrow: 割と気に入ってるのでkeepさせてください
Topic Starter

Homura- wrote:

始めまして! M4Mありです :D

ただ黒文字で書いてることも好みなんで絶対なんてことはないです 嫌なら変えないでいいです


  • なし
  1. Insane二つともHP Drain6だし これ7に上げてもいいんじゃない?
  2. 00:00:125 (1) - 終点にもwhistle入れてみたらどう?
  3. 00:01:828 (1,3) - 両方とも終点のSamplesetをDrumにしてみてもいいかも
  4. 00:03:192 (3) - 終点のclapを削除
  5. 00:03:874 (6) - 始点のSamplesetをNormal AdditionsはAuto
  6. 00:04:215 (7) - ^
  7. 00:05:067 (6) - ^
  8. 00:05:237 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  9. 00:07:453 (6) - 終点にwhistle追加
  10. 00:07:794 (7) - whistle削除
  11. 00:08:646 (1) - AdditionsをNormalにしてclapを追加
  12. 00:08:987 (2) - 始点終点どちらもwhistle
  13. 00:09:328 (3) - 終点にwhistle
  14. 00:09:840 (1) - whistle追加
  15. 00:10:010 (3,4) - whistle追加
  16. 00:10:521 (5) - AdditionsをNormal
  17. 00:10:862 (7) - SamplesetをNormal
  18. 00:11:203 (9) - 始点にwhistle追加
  19. 00:12:055 (2,3) - whistle追加
  20. 00:12:396 (1) - whistle削除
  21. 00:12:567 (2) - whistle追加
  22. 00:13:419 (1) - ^
  23. 00:14:612 (1) - ^
  24. 00:14:953 (3,5) - ^
  25. 00:15:124 (4) - whistle削除
  26. 00:15:465 (1) - ^
  27. 00:15:635 (2) - 始点にwhistle追加
  28. 00:16:146 (1) - whistle追加
  29. 00:17:340 (1) - ^
  30. 00:17:680 (3) - 00:18:021 (2) - ^
  31. 00:17:851 (1) - 00:18:192 (1) - whistle削除
  32. 00:18:362 (2) - 始点にwhistle追加
  33. 00:18:874 (4) - whistle追加
  34. 00:20:067 (5) - 始点にwhistle追加
  35. 00:20:408 (6,8) - whistle追加
  36. 00:20:578 (7) - whistle削除
  37. 00:21:260 (2) - 終点にwhistle追加
  38. 00:21:601 (1) - whistle削除
  39. 00:15:124 (4) - SamplesetをNormal
  40. 00:17:340 (1) - 00:17:851 (1) - 00:20:578 (7) - AdditionsをNormalにしてclapを追加
  41. 00:17:510 (2) - clap削除
  42. 00:21:601 (1,3) - AdditionsをNormalにしてclapを追加
  43. 00:22:283 (1) - 始点^
  44. 00:23:476 (5) - 始点にwhistle追加 (00:29:271 (5) - これにはあったので)
  45. 00:29:782 (6) - 終点にwhistle追加
  46. 00:42:055 (4) - whistle追加
  47. 00:43:759 (4,5) - 始点にwhistle追加
  48. 00:51:771 (2) - 始点 AdditionsをNormalにしてclap追加
  49. 00:52:623 (1) - ^
  50. 00:52:964 (4) - 始点にwhistle追加
  51. 00:53:987 (1) - 00:55:350 (1) - 始点 AdditionsをNormalにしてclap追加
  52. 00:57:225 (1) - SamplesetをNormal AdditionsをSoftに  用はこの単発だけ音量上げませんか?って話 次の連打より大きくしたほうがイイ感じ
  53. 00:59:271 (6) - 始点終点 AdditionsをNormalにしてclap追加
  54. 01:00:805 (5) - ^
  55. 01:01:998 (3) - 始点^
  56. 01:03:532 (3) - ^
  57. 01:10:180 (1) - 終点^
  58. 01:11:714 (1) - ^
  59. 01:12:907 (1) - 始点^
  60. 01:13:759 (4) - 01:14:441 (1) - ^
  61. 01:24:839 (2) - 終点のclap削除 か キックスライダーじゃなくて単発に変えるか  ここ3連打の音なんだけど・・・
  62. 00:11:374 - から00:22:283 - 誰かにNCのこと言われるかもね?

all fiix thx!
Topic Starter

litoluna wrote:

a a a a
Red : Unrankable issue / must fix.
Bold : Should be fixed / highly suggested.
Black : Just suggestion.

[HMR's Normal]
  1. 00:19:555 (1) - 00:17:510 (2) - こいつの頭部分blanketできたら綺麗
  2. 00:49:896 (1) - 特に理由なければ00:50:918 (2) - の方にslider曲げた方がいいか、な。。
  1. 00:10:010 (6) - add NC
    00:10:010 (6,7,8) - で1patternみたいな気がする
  2. 00:18:874 (4,5) - どっちかにNC
  3. 00:25:011 (3) - add NC
  4. 00:40:691 (2) - 自分なら単発一個だけ置くけどどう?
  5. 00:52:623 (1) - 曲げませんか?
[Very Hard]
  1. 00:43:759 (3,4) - もうすこし間隔とったほうが。
[Light Insane]
  1. 00:27:396 (3) - 00:27:908 (4) - 全部つなげてもいいと思う
  2. 00:59:953 (3,4,5) - 自分なら↓のように音取りするんですがどうでしょ
  1. 01:05:237 (4,5) - 01:04:896 (2,3) - と同じもの使ってみませんカ?
    01:05:237 (4,5) - けして01:04:896 (2,3) - コピーして01:05:237 (4) - の位置にペースト
  2. 01:13:418 (2,3,4,7) - ここ綺麗に四角形にしたほうがよくないですか!?
  3. 01:21:259 (1,2,3,4) - 01:21:599 (3,4) - 01:21:259 (1,2) - コピってctrl+Rで60°回転させて01:21:089 (4) - とStack
    その後01:20:918 (3) - がずれると思うから合うやつとStack。
    01:19:896 - ~01:21:771 - までのcode置いときます
Remap しました

  1. 01:00:123 (5,6) - ゆれな~い?まげな~~い?
  2. 01:05:748 (7) - 01:05:237 (3) - より外側において01:04:896 (1,2,3) - より飛ばしたほうがって思う
all fix


mod thx ;)
from #modreqs good map overall btw :)

there are some red ticks in some diffs that aren't found in others so i assume they are pointless delete them

hmr's Normal
00:10:010 (3) - make straight slider bump doesn't hit anything on way back
00:51:259 (3) - ^

Light Hard
00:56:714 (1,2) - stack
00:45:464 (2) - try placing at x:40 y:40

00:57:225 (1,2) - sounds too loud to me
Hello! My mod for your map since you modded mine ~
let's go

Very good mapset, but the difference between Light Insane and Insane is rather massive.. Not sure about that but it's all just my talk don't take it personally ~

[hmr's Normal]
00:07:965 (5) - Try it like this
00:28:759 (2) - Imho, right click on this middle point of this slider so that it's vertical and parallel with the one above it
00:41:714 (5) - NC here not 00:42:055 (1) - here
00:45:464 (2,3) - Blanket these but adjust so that they don't overlap
00:55:350 (5) - NC
00:57:396 to 00:57:737 If you listen carefully a slider would be perfect here, adjusting the Slider velocity for it would be great. Just a suggestion though, feel free to ignore if you don't like the idea of it

[Light Hard]
00:19:555 (1,2) - Maybe here you can use 00:20:067 (2) - to blanket this 00:19:555 (1) - Slider's end, better aesthetics imo
01:23:987 (5) - NC

00:00:465 (1) - Not sure about this NC so early..
00:07:112 (4) - Add NC
00:07:965 (3) - Remove NC
00:27:396 (3) - "Don't map with your thoughts.. map with the music" This doesn't really fit here imho
01:05:492 (5) - Just a suggestion, delete this note and play it for yourself and see if it feels better or not
01:07:793 (4) - Add NC
01:08:305 (1) - Remove NC
01:23:987 (5) - NC

[Light Insane]
00:00:465 (1) - Same opinion as before, too early to NC?
01:23:987 (5) - NC
Very good diff overall, didn't find much to correct here D:

00:01:828 (1,2) - Unecessary overlap
00:14:101 (1,2,3) - Imho these should be reversed in order. What I mean is, the jump should be on 1 and 2, not on 2 and 3. Listen to the music and you'll get my point
01:24:754 (6) - Delete this, feels much better tbh

00:03:533 (2,3) - Overmapped, consider deleting note 2 and extending the slider till the white tick, feels better
01:18:191 (6) - Add NC
01:18:532 (1) - Remove NC
Very good diff ~

Good luck with getting this ranked, hope I've helped!
Topic Starter

ikorza wrote:

from #modreqs good map overall btw :)

there are some red ticks in some diffs that aren't found in others so i assume they are pointless delete them

Light Hard
00:56:714 (1,2) - stack ok
00:45:464 (2) - try placing at x:40 y:40 keep it

00:57:225 (1,2) - sounds too loud to me i do not think so
thank you!

ikorza wrote:

hmr's Normal
00:10:010 (3) - make straight slider bump doesn't hit anything on way back
00:51:259 (3) - ^
:arrow: sorry all no change

[ Shark ] wrote:

[hmr's Normal]
00:55:350 (5) - NC
:arrow: fixed

It does not change where I do not write
thank you for mod
From m4m:D

hmr's normal
00:02:169: this?

00:34:896: move to x:448,y:84

00:51:259: delete red slider curve(?) Like this

01:14:441: move to x:368, y:168

Light Hard
00:00:465:Like this?

01:24:839:Just one reverse arrow is better

This diff is Generally Nice

00:05:749: keeping note distance will better:D

00:32:850:1/3 stream beat will be fit more,

01:18:987:To give some different, remove slider to add a stream

01:24:839:Just one reverse arrow is better,too

Light Insane
01:19:043: change silders to streams

00:49:896: move to x:348,y:384

Post Script
Extra diff was perfect
Topic Starter

[ Shark ] wrote:

Hello! My mod for your map since you modded mine ~
let's go

Very good mapset, but the difference between Light Insane and Insane is rather massive.. Not sure about that but it's all just my talk don't take it personally ~

[hmr's Normal]
00:07:965 (5) - Try it like this
00:28:759 (2) - Imho, right click on this middle point of this slider so that it's vertical and parallel with the one above it
00:41:714 (5) - NC here not 00:42:055 (1) - here
00:45:464 (2,3) - Blanket these but adjust so that they don't overlap
00:55:350 (5) - NC
00:57:396 to 00:57:737 If you listen carefully a slider would be perfect here, adjusting the Slider velocity for it would be great. Just a suggestion though, feel free to ignore if you don't like the idea of it

[Light Hard]
00:19:555 (1,2) - Maybe here you can use 00:20:067 (2) - to blanket this 00:19:555 (1) - Slider's end, better aesthetics imo
01:23:987 (5) - NC

00:00:465 (1) - Not sure about this NC so early..
00:07:112 (4) - Add NC
00:07:965 (3) - Remove NC
00:27:396 (3) - "Don't map with your thoughts.. map with the music" This doesn't really fit here imho
01:05:492 (5) - Just a suggestion, delete this note and play it for yourself and see if it feels better or not
01:07:793 (4) - Add NC
01:08:305 (1) - Remove NC
01:23:987 (5) - NC

[Light Insane]
00:00:465 (1) - Same opinion as before, too early to NC?
01:23:987 (5) - NC
Very good diff overall, didn't find much to correct here D:

00:01:828 (1,2) - Unecessary overlap
00:14:101 (1,2,3) - Imho these should be reversed in order. What I mean is, the jump should be on 1 and 2, not on 2 and 3. Listen to the music and you'll get my point
01:24:754 (6) - Delete this, feels much better tbh

00:03:533 (2,3) - Overmapped, consider deleting note 2 and extending the slider till the white tick, feels better
01:18:191 (6) - Add NC
01:18:532 (1) - Remove NC
Very good diff ~

Good luck with getting this ranked, hope I've helped!
all fix

Topic Starter

iedesu wrote:

From m4m:D

hmr's normal
00:02:169: this?

00:34:896: move to x:448,y:84

00:51:259: delete red slider curve(?) Like this

01:14:441: move to x:368, y:168

Light Hard
00:00:465:Like this?

01:24:839:Just one reverse arrow is better

This diff is Generally Nice

00:05:749: keeping note distance will better:D

00:32:850:1/3 stream beat will be fit more,

01:18:987:To give some different, remove slider to add a stream

01:24:839:Just one reverse arrow is better,too

Light Insane
01:19:043: change silders to streams

00:49:896: move to x:348,y:384

Post Script
Extra diff was perfect
fix almost everything thanks!

iedesu wrote:

From m4m:D

[hmr's normal]
00:02:169: this?
:arrow: no
00:34:896: move to x:448,y:84
:arrow: fixed
00:51:259: delete red slider curve(?) Like this
:arrow: no
01:14:441: move to x:368, y:168
:arrow: no
thank you for mod
Topic Starter
source : ソーサリージョーカーズじゃないですか?
Topic Starter

Silky wrote:

source : ソーサリージョーカーズじゃないですか?
oh it's my mistake

Really amazing map, especially for you first *-* pro mapper marry me pls

Will be here soon!
Topic Starter

appleeaterx wrote:

Really amazing map, especially for you first *-* pro mapper marry me pls

Will be here soon!

Hi o/

hmr's Normal

* 00:00:125 (1,2) - Since it's the easiest difficulty of the set, try to avoid stacks? This one should be passable, so won't force you to change it.
* 00:10:010 (3) - 00:51:259 (3) - Please change to regular slider, it's quite confusing to have a slider like this in the easiest diff of the set, as the red dots in the middle are quite unexpected.

Light Hard

* The difficulty name 'Advanced' is more common these days, consider changing the difficulty name to that?
* 00:18:021 (5) - Really try to have the cymbal clickable, especially in lower diffs.
* 00:56:884 (2,3) - Even though it's a light hard, this is quite misleading. Highly recommended to space these out.
* 01:00:464 (1) - 01:11:373 (1) - Same, try to have the cymbal clickable. These are passable though.


* 00:27:396 (3,1) - Find this break quite awkward to be honest as the 1/4 beats still go on but not even 1/2 is mapped here :/ Try one of these? or
* 00:32:850 (1,2,3) - Sounds really strange. The drum beat and the cymbal have no emphasis at all. Would recommend to use something like

Light Insane

* 01:00:208 (4) - Not quite sure why you overmapped this part. There are some quiet 1/4 before this, to me it sounds more like this
* 01:00:464 (1) - The cymbal/downbeat is currently offbeat as it's on the slider end. It's now poorly emphasized, making the cymbal/downbeat clickable is highly recommended here. Even an extended slider would do the job here, would fit OK here.
* 01:11:032 (4,1) - This sounds really wrong. Wrong usage of 3/4 slider here, as there is a really clear vocal note on the red tick and again the finish is poorly emphasized here as well because it's offbeat. I highly recommend you to shorten (4) to 1/2 and make an extended slider of (1) instead.
* 01:19:896 (1,2,3,4) - etc. I understand it's a Light Insane, but currently the rhythm used from here 'till the end of the song is identical to the Hard diff. Popping some 1/2 circles here and there, while keeping everything simple and for the majority slider-based would help to keep a better spread between the Hard and Insane diff.


* 01:03:362 (1,2,3) - Quite confusing that this is a single combo on it's own, you didn't do this at any other part of this difficulty.


I asked Aka to testplay this difficulty to have a second opinion on the jump patterns. Some of the suggestions under this are from her (that I agreed with) or based on her testplay. Really big thanks to her!

* 00:05:919 (1,2) - This jump here feels too big and unneeded. The sound (2) is really silent, so it doesn't really make sense to put the largest jump here. A quick fix would be if you CTRL+G'd 00:05:749 (8,1) - , but that's up to you.
* 00:08:646 (1,2) - In this diff in particular it's sometimes really hard to distinguish 3/4 patterns and regular 1/2 patterns. It's highly recommended to shift these closer to each other to make it clearer which one is extended and which one is not.
* 00:27:396 (5,6,7,8,1) - While it isn't particulary 'wrong', I find it quite weird and confusing that this stream is spaced quite largely, while 00:38:646 (3,4,5,6,1) - is relatively small compared to the other stream, while the song itself seems to be consistent in intensity at both parts.
* 00:53:646 (7,8,1,2,3) - Same as mentioned earlier. This chunk is just really confusing to play. They visually look the same in terms of spacing, but you switch from 1/2 to 3/4 and vice versa. You should definitely consider making the 3/4 rhythms much closer.
* 01:19:896 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - While I really love this kind of pattern and especially how it's shaped, I find that this pattern is a bit large and feels a bit forced while playing, especially after that stream. Having a pattern that gradually increases in terms of spacing after every combo would fit so much better and play smoother. I can understand if you want to keep this, since it'd be quite a lot of work, but I hope you get what I mean.

Call me back for a recheck if you want, really good job ;)
Topic Starter

Light Hard

* The difficulty name 'Advanced' is more common these days, consider changing the difficulty name to that?
* 00:18:021 (5) - Really try to have the cymbal clickable, especially in lower diffs.
* 00:56:884 (2,3) - Even though it's a light hard, this is quite misleading. Highly recommended to space these out.
* 01:00:464 (1) - 01:11:373 (1) - Same, try to have the cymbal clickable. These are passable though.

all fix


* 00:27:396 (3,1) - Find this break quite awkward to be honest as the 1/4 beats still go on but not even 1/2 is mapped here :/ Try one of these? or
* 00:32:850 (1,2,3) - Sounds really strange. The drum beat and the cymbal have no emphasis at all. Would recommend to use something like
all fix

Light Insane

* 01:00:208 (4) - Not quite sure why you overmapped this part. There are some quiet 1/4 before this, to me it sounds more like this
* 01:00:464 (1) - The cymbal/downbeat is currently offbeat as it's on the slider end. It's now poorly emphasized, making the cymbal/downbeat clickable is highly recommended here. Even an extended slider would do the job here, would fit OK here.
* 01:11:032 (4,1) - This sounds really wrong. Wrong usage of 3/4 slider here, as there is a really clear vocal note on the red tick and again the finish is poorly emphasized here as well because it's offbeat. I highly recommend you to shorten (4) to 1/2 and make an extended slider of (1) instead.
* 01:19:896 (1,2,3,4) - etc. I understand it's a Light Insane, but currently the rhythm used from here 'till the end of the song is identical to the Hard diff. Popping some 1/2 circles here and there, while keeping everything simple and for the majority slider-based would help to keep a better spread between the Hard and Insane diff.
all fix


* 01:03:362 (1,2,3) - Quite confusing that this is a single combo on it's own, you didn't do this at any other part of this difficulty.


I asked Aka to testplay this difficulty to have a second opinion on the jump patterns. Some of the suggestions under this are from her (that I agreed with) or based on her testplay. Really big thanks to her!
thank you!
* 00:05:919 (1,2) - This jump here feels too big and unneeded. The sound (2) is really silent, so it doesn't really make sense to put the largest jump here. A quick fix would be if you CTRL+G'd 00:05:749 (8,1) - , but that's up to you. ok fix
* 00:08:646 (1,2) - In this diff in particular it's sometimes really hard to distinguish 3/4 patterns and regular 1/2 patterns. It's highly recommended to shift these closer to each other to make it clearer which one is extended and which one is not.umm i don't think so.. sorry
* 00:27:396 (5,6,7,8,1) - While it isn't particulary 'wrong', I find it quite weird and confusing that this stream is spaced quite largely, while 00:38:646 (3,4,5,6,1) - is relatively small compared to the other stream, while the song itself seems to be consistent in intensity at both parts. keep it ,because personally i think that there is not the problem, I do not intend to change it based on a test play of Ancelyse,me
* 00:53:646 (7,8,1,2,3) - Same as mentioned earlier. This chunk is just really confusing to play. They visually look the same in terms of spacing, but you switch from 1/2 to 3/4 and vice versa. You should definitely consider making the 3/4 rhythms much closer.same as above
* 01:19:896 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - While I really love this kind of pattern and especially how it's shaped, I find that this pattern is a bit large and feels a bit forced while playing, especially after that stream. Having a pattern that gradually increases in terms of spacing after every combo would fit so much better and play smoother. I can understand if you want to keep this, since it'd be quite a lot of work, but I hope you get what I mean.same as above

Call me back for a recheck if you want, really good job ;)

thank you for mod!

you helped me out a lot<3

appleeaterx wrote:

hmr's Normal

* 00:00:125 (1,2) - Since it's the easiest difficulty of the set, try to avoid stacks? This one should be passable, so won't force you to change it.
* 00:10:010 (3) - 00:51:259 (3) - Please change to regular slider, it's quite confusing to have a slider like this in the easiest diff of the set, as the red dots in the middle are quite unexpected.
all fixed
thank you for mod
Topic Starter

:idea: General

* Forgot to mention this earlier, but the background image size is really large, please replace it with this .jpg file. Readd BG in all diffs and don't forget to remove the old file.
* 'opning' in tags -> 'opening'


* 01:03:362 (1) - I think this makes more sense or


* 00:53:646 (7,8,1,2,3) - I won't say anything about the other 3/4 patterns, but you should definitely change this one, this won't pass for me as the 1/4 spacing is even larger than the 1/2 spacing (check 1,2,3)

Find me again :)
Topic Starter

appleeaterx wrote:


:idea: General

* Forgot to mention this earlier, but the background image size is really large, please replace it with this .jpg file. Readd BG in all diffs and don't forget to remove the old file.
* 'opning' in tags -> 'opening'


* 01:03:362 (1) - I think this makes more sense or


* 00:53:646 (7,8,1,2,3) - I won't say anything about the other 3/4 patterns, but you should definitely change this one, this won't pass for me as the 1/4 spacing is even larger than the 1/2 spacing (check 1,2,3)

Find me again :)

all fiix!

thanks! ;)
Looking good! Good luck ;)
Topic Starter

appleeaterx wrote:

Looking good! Good luck ;)
thank you>W<
go go go~
Topic Starter

litoluna wrote:

go go go~
( ☆∀☆)
00:53 Satellite: normal 
00:53 Satellite: 00:34:214 (2) - ds
00:53 Satellite: 00:37:623 (3) - ds
00:56 Satellite: adv
00:56 Satellite: 00:34:555 (3) - ds
00:56 Satellite: 00:40:180 (1) - ds
00:57 Satellite: 01:16:487 (3) - remo
00:58 Satellite: hard
00:58 Satellite: 00:00:125 (1) - ctrl g
01:01 Satellite: li
01:01 Satellite: 00:07:965 (1,2,3) -
01:02 Satellite:
01:03 Satellite: 00:57:737 (3) - ctrl g
01:03 Satellite: 00:59:953 (3,4,5) -
01:05 Satellite: 01:08:305 (1,2,3,4) -
01:06 Satellite: 01:11:032 (4) - aka
01:07 Satellite: 01:19:043 (3,4,5,6,7) -
01:07 Satellite: 01:24:668 (3) - 1/6
01:07 Satellite: 01:24:668 (3) - rev

too many qualified maps over the last 24 hours! (6 max)

Edit : congrats 1st rank o/
Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:

00:53 Satellite: normal 
00:53 Satellite: 00:34:214 (2) - ds
00:53 Satellite: 00:37:623 (3) - ds
00:56 Satellite: adv
00:56 Satellite: 00:34:555 (3) - ds
00:56 Satellite: 00:40:180 (1) - ds
00:57 Satellite: 01:16:487 (3) - remo
00:58 Satellite: hard
00:58 Satellite: 00:00:125 (1) - ctrl g
01:01 Satellite: li
01:01 Satellite: 00:07:965 (1,2,3) -
01:02 Satellite:
01:03 Satellite: 00:57:737 (3) - ctrl g
01:03 Satellite: 00:59:953 (3,4,5) -
01:05 Satellite: 01:08:305 (1,2,3,4) -
01:06 Satellite: 01:11:032 (4) - aka
01:07 Satellite: 01:19:043 (3,4,5,6,7) -
01:07 Satellite: 01:24:668 (3) - 1/6
01:07 Satellite: 01:24:668 (3) - rev

too many qualified maps over the last 24 hours! (6 max)

Edit : congrats 1st rank o/
thank you <3
Oh felicitations pour la premier rank!
gj on this, well done o/
Cherry Blossom
Topic Starter
thank you guys <3
very nice, congrats ! :D
Topic Starter
great map o3o
Asahina Momoko
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Topic Starter

Asahina Momoko wrote:

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
grats on passing the qualified section ;)
Topic Starter

Aka wrote:

grats on passing the qualified section ;)
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