00:43 -Hakurei-: hi watts
00:43 -Hakurei-: i heard that all chat moderators and support team have changed into GMT
00:43 -Hakurei-: well played
01:03 Neil Watts: hi
01:03 Neil Watts: yep

01:03 -Hakurei-: yep
01:03 -Hakurei-: late for 20 minutes to reply
01:04 Neil Watts: sorry, I was outside

01:04 -Hakurei-: pfftt
01:04 -Hakurei-: btw
01:04 *-Hakurei- is listening to [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/712691 TAM - Megumeru]
01:04 -Hakurei-: i found out that this one is DQ
01:05 Neil Watts: yeah... not for a long time though (I hope)
01:05 -Hakurei-: yeah
01:05 Neil Watts: some metadata issues
01:05 -Hakurei-: ask KwaN or other QATs for that
01:05 *-Hakurei- is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/712691 TAM - Megumeru [Kotomi]]
01:05 -Hakurei-: gonna check hitsounds for in case =w=
01:06 Neil Watts: oh, thanks ^^"
01:06 Neil Watts: well, this time I really think everything is ok
01:06 -Hakurei-: nope
01:06 -Hakurei-: not really
01:06 Neil Watts: (hurr, that's what every mapper thinks before the dq lol)
01:06 -Hakurei-: i found something
01:06 Neil Watts: oh ? :O
01:07 Neil Watts: Is it about hitsounding ?
01:07 -Hakurei-: yes
01:07 -Hakurei-: i told you
01:07 -Hakurei-: "gonna check hitsounds for in case =w="
01:07 Neil Watts: uguu
01:07 -Hakurei-: can you do a fix now?
01:07 -Hakurei-: if not, i'll do a mod in thread
01:08 Neil Watts: yeah, I can go ingame if needed
01:08 -Hakurei-: let's go then
01:08 -Hakurei-: 00:37:698 (7) - remove clap
01:08 Neil Watts: what D:
01:09 Neil Watts: I can hear it
01:09 Neil Watts: same as (6)
01:09 Neil Watts: oh wait
01:09 -Hakurei-: nope
01:09 Neil Watts: no, it's weaker indeed
01:09 -Hakurei-: 00:37:483 (6,8) - only this one is the same :p
01:09 -Hakurei-: not the (7)
01:10 Neil Watts: but it fits quite well with (7)

01:10 -Hakurei-: 00:41:126 (6) - here too
01:10 -Hakurei-: nope, not for me
01:10 -Hakurei-: --> just want to make the hitsound correct
01:11 -Hakurei-: 00:44:126 (5) - here, you need finish
01:12 Neil Watts: oh, yep, indeed
01:12 Neil Watts: gonna lessen the hitsounding volume though
01:12 -Hakurei-: ayy, it'll do
01:12 Neil Watts: because the finish is weaker here
01:13 -Hakurei-: ok
01:14 Neil Watts: hmmmrr sounds inconsistent
01:14 -Hakurei-: welp, you may deny that
01:15 Neil Watts: gonna add the finish because there's really something here
01:15 Neil Watts: but can't reduce the volume, placing a timing point to change the volume would be inconsistent here :[
01:16 -Hakurei-: lol ok
01:16 -Hakurei-: this is weird
01:17 Neil Watts: not gonna change my previous hitsounding pattern though, with "o-o-ooo" claps
01:17 Neil Watts: 'cause I like them =w=
01:17 -Hakurei-: 00:50:876 (3) - remove clap
01:17 -Hakurei-: since on some kiai parts like that, you didn't even add clap
01:18 Neil Watts: oh, I remember I added it after a mod
01:18 Neil Watts: these two claps?
01:18 Neil Watts: or just the (3) ?
01:18 -Hakurei-: (3)
01:18 -Hakurei-: just (3)
01:18 Neil Watts: alright, fixed!
01:19 -Hakurei-: 02:33:412 - well, i would do something on this note if i were you
01:19 Neil Watts: 01:03:841 (1) - like here?
01:19 -Hakurei-: correct
01:19 -Hakurei-: wait
01:19 Neil Watts: Well, I've done something on the last kiai
01:19 -Hakurei-: nvm
01:20 Neil Watts: but not on the two firsts
01:20 -Hakurei-: that's just me lol
01:20 -Hakurei-: didn't even realize
01:20 -Hakurei-: 02:33:841 (2) - 3rd part clap
01:21 -Hakurei-: i think i want to complain something about your song choice on this map
01:22 -Hakurei-: it makes me sleepy ya know D:
01:22 Neil Watts: you don't like violin ?

01:22 -Hakurei-: well i do
01:22 Neil Watts: gonna fix the (2) everywhere, thx
01:22 -Hakurei-: 03:14:983 (1,2,3) - for me...
01:23 -Hakurei-: i think you need additions into "Drum"
01:23 -Hakurei-: ow nvm
01:23 -Hakurei-: didn't realize the hitsound stuff
01:24 Neil Watts: that drum hitsound set idea was interesting
01:24 -Hakurei-: 03:29:126 (3) - first part, clap
01:24 Neil Watts: but I think I prefer my soft custom hitsounds
01:25 -Hakurei-: 03:29:341 (4) - first part, clap (soft)
01:25 Neil Watts: wow, my hitsounding sucks so much lmao
01:25 -Hakurei-: lmao
01:25 -Hakurei-: you should recheck everything on hitsound stuff kawkwkw
01:25 Neil Watts: hmmm not gonna add the last one, sounds like inconsistent on a drum part
01:26 -Hakurei-: i see...
01:26 Neil Watts: I already rechecked some times but idk, I just didn't noticed D:
01:26 -Hakurei-: 03:30:841 (6) - clever idea by adding whistle + clap =w=)b
01:26 Neil Watts:

01:27 -Hakurei-: 03:36:091 (7,9) - umm, did you set this from violin part?
01:27 Neil Watts: yep
01:27 -Hakurei-: ok
01:28 Neil Watts: like here 03:39:841 (1,2,3,4,5) -
01:29 -Hakurei-: 03:42:948 (11) - 3rd part, whistle
01:30 Neil Watts: omg how can you hear that
01:31 Neil Watts: do you have bionic ears ? oO"
01:31 -Hakurei-: wtf hell no
01:31 Neil Watts: ok i'm just deaf :')
01:31 -Hakurei-: i can tell that there is 1 pause part there
01:31 -Hakurei-: so, i can tell that the 4th part doesn't need whistle there
01:32 -Hakurei-: 03:56:769 (11,12) - lel, wrong hitsound
01:32 -Hakurei-: (11) should be whistle, not (12)
01:33 Neil Watts: indeed!
01:33 -Hakurei-: 04:10:483 (12,13) - same thing from what i said before
01:34 -Hakurei-: again lmao
01:34 -Hakurei-: 04:13:698 (6) - remove whistle at tail
01:37 -Hakurei-: 04:16:698 (6,7,8,9) - ohh boy. here i go for the hitsound check
01:38 Neil Watts: sorry, my internet crashed
01:38 Neil Watts: and I have to leave D:
01:38 -Hakurei-: wtf
01:38 Neil Watts: please write me a mod
01:38 Neil Watts: thank you for what you've pointed out

01:39 -Hakurei-: aye ok