00:01:628 (1628|1,1628|2) - i cant really agree here, you doubled here while it has same exact sound as 00:02:314 (2314|2) -
fixed 00:04:371 (4371|0,4371|3) - same here, tho if you would do a little check in 00:04:714 (4714|3) - and try to playback rate in 25%
keepyou would hear a big difference tho. Infact you didnt put another note 00:07:114 (7114|2) - which has the same sound so its inconsisten.
my mistake, fixed00:07:114 (7114|2) - suggestion for the patter here. you could try to ctrl h it better flow for me i guess.
00:12:599 (12599|3) - tbh i doesnt really get this to be a single noted only. while it is loud enough and has sound familliarities with 00:12:257 (12257|2,12257|3) - .
mistake, fixed00:13:971 (13971|2) - same tho, but maybe its your mapping style yes? but still it feels quite weird. 00:15:342 (15342|1,16714|3) -
lol, how did i make these mistakes orz00:17:057 (17057|2,17057|3,17142|1,17228|2,17314|1) - you could try a little polishing in the flow ->
http://puu.sh/hj2o8/e9b159259b.jpg00:18:085 (18085|0) - highly suggesting you that you add another note in here. its very incosisten with 00:18:428 (18428|0,18428|1) - and stuffs.
added00:26:999 (26999|1,26999|0) - would literally suggest that you follow 00:26:314 (26314|2,26314|0,27685|1,27685|3) - these pattern instead the flow for me is a bit nazi.
no change, no point for me to do that00:29:057 (29057|2) - suggests you to move this note to 4th column and then 00:30:428 (30428|2,30428|3) - put these notes in the middle. better flow for your next pattern.
no change, keeping my current pattern00:49:971 (49971|3,50142|1,52714|0,52885|1) - just to clarify something, this seems weird for me actually. you followed this sounds but you didnt with the same sound in 00:51:171 - 00:51:514 - 00:53:571 and so on.
added note00:56:657 (56657|2,56828|1,56828|3,56999|2) - pattern seems nazi try this,
http://puu.sh/hj2Ov/6a2f2f061e.jpg fixed00:57:857 (57857|3,57971|3,58085|3,58199|3) - i like these but as a suggestion since your following the vocal here, you could try patterns such as J,K,J,K instead it follows more than the jacks.
keeping this00:58:971 (58971|3,59057|2,59142|1) - the 1/4 here seems a little low for me to hear even tho i put in on 25% playback rate tho.
keep01:00:599 - 01:03:342 could still polish the pattern in here though.
fixed some jacks01:30:085 (90085|2,90085|1,90257|1,90257|3) - could have copied 01:29:742 (89742|0,89742|3,89914|2,89914|0) - instead for a neat flow.
01:35:228 (95228|0,95314|0,95399|0) - suggestion like the before one, could try D,F,D for hand balance.
no change, I'd like to keep it as jack01:36:599 (96599|2,96599|1,96771|3,96771|0) - just wondering about these part, you mapped them as NOTES but 01:33:857 (93857|0) - 01:42:257 (102257|1) - just a question tho.
I deicded not to put a LN because it is only 1/2 long and I wanted to map 01:36:771 - sounds01:37:285 (97285|3,97285|0,97457|3,97457|0) - would change these notes placement instead, it doesnt follow 01:37:114 (97114|3,97114|0) - anymore cause it has a new sound tbh.
no change to these, keeping current pattern01:49:971 (109971|0,109971|1) - could triple here like 01:44:485 (104485|0,104485|2,104485|3) - it has ALMOST exact sound tho.
01:52:371 (112371|1,112371|0,112457|2,112542|0,112628|1,112714|3,112714|2) - was bothered by this pattern i almost felt i wasnt at the stream anymore, could polish the pattern.
01:58:199 (118199|1,118199|0,118199|3) - wow lmao i dont know lol, i dont really suggest for you to try triples here. and so on.
it is for the bells01:58:199 (118199|0,118199|1,118199|3,126085|2,126257|0) - could exchange column these 2 for better pattern.
fixed02:11:142 (131142|3,131228|2,131314|0,131399|3,131399|1,131485|2,131571|0,131571|3,131657|1,131742|3,131828|2) - rearrange this more the flow is currently nazi.
fixed and re-arranged02:28:714 (148714|2,149057|2,149399|2) - suggestion, could do a ln mapping here, i think it fits the most.
02:42:085 (162085|2,162085|3,162085|0) - suprised in here but the thing is 02:43:457 (163457|2) - it has only single note but i know its a little bit milder than the other one but could still add another note to the single note.
02:46:199 (166199|0) - same problem, 02:47:571 (167571|1,167571|0) - this one is doubled but has the same sound actually.
03:28:714 (208714|2,208714|0,208714|3) - i understand in here that it is already loud enough to be tripled but here 03:29:057 (209057|3,209057|1,209057|2) - i cant actually agree.
same as 03:28:371 - 04:20:485 (260485|3,260828|1) - could ctrl j this, better pattern.
04:32:999 (272999|1) - move to 1 because i think the F,J pattern should only be at 04:32:485 (272485|1,272485|2) - for uniqueness tho i suggest,
04:39:514 (279514|1,279514|0,279685|1,279685|0,279857|1,279857|0) - could rearrange this into a better one cause the sound here is unique and cool. so i though you could do something about to the pattern and make it unique and cool and not just jack.
keeping it cuz I like it05:00:599 (300599|0,300599|2,300599|3) - again with the triple but it actually has the same sound as all the 2 notes here.
05:15:857 (315857|1,315857|2,315942|3,316028|2,316028|0,316114|1,316199|0,316199|3,316285|2,316371|0,316371|1,316457|3,316542|2,316542|1,316628|0,316714|3,316714|1,316799|2,316885|3,316885|0) - would suggest you to do something neater in here. it kinda looks messy.
it was for the bell sound