
TeddyLoid - ME!ME!ME! feat. daoko [Osu|Taiko]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on samedi 11 avril 2015 at 23:18:22

Artist: TeddyLoid
Title: ME!ME!ME! feat. daoko
Tags: 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市 Nihon Nippon Anime
BPM: 125
Filesize: 6554kb
Play Time: 05:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Addiction (4,48 stars, 1125 notes)
  2. Oni (4,37 stars, 1515 notes)
Download: TeddyLoid - ME!ME!ME! feat. daoko
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Because I'm lazy to convert + time my mpeg file, mp3 + timing from here :

Addiction (100% done)
Oni (100% done)

Ready for mod !

18/03/2015 : by Genocide
22/03/2015 : by Secretpipe
22/03/2015 : 1st / by Genocide
22/03/2015 : #2 by Lally
22/03/2015 : by Irreversible
31/03/2015 : #1 repair by Lally
01/04/2015 : bubbled #2 by HabiHolic
09:20 sukiNathan: herro
09:20 sukiNathan: can I irc mod your map
09:20 Kin: Hi ~
09:20 Kin: ofc ôwô
09:21 sukiNathan: ok
09:21 sukiNathan: hm would you end the spinner a bit earlier
09:21 sukiNathan: and add a circle on the downbeat
09:21 sukiNathan: it would be much better clickable especially with a finish
09:22 Kin: you mean, the 1st spinner ?
09:22 sukiNathan: yeah
09:22 Kin: ye, fixed, I did it on next spinner
09:22 sukiNathan: ok
09:23 sukiNathan: 00:08:436 (4) - maybe rotate this to point in another direction
09:23 sukiNathan: so 00:08:916 (1) - is more emphasized
09:24 sukiNathan: just to change flow for the NC also
09:25 Kin: hm, I prefer keep it, I like the up/down flow >_>
09:25 sukiNathan: kk
09:26 sukiNathan: 00:12:276 (9,10,11,12) - maybe 2 1/4 sliders could work here
09:28 Kin: since the drum here is less louder than the claps here 00:11:796 (5,6,7,8) - , I think make it as simple circle less spaced is better
09:28 sukiNathan: I see
09:29 sukiNathan: 00:16:116 (6) - NC for the 1/8?
09:29 sukiNathan: plus mapped to a different sound
09:29 Kin: ye, fixed
09:30 sukiNathan: hm
09:30 sukiNathan: if you put OD8
09:30 sukiNathan: I think this would become a pp map instantly
09:30 sukiNathan: im just saying
09:30 sukiNathan: since low bpm and a lot of circles owo
09:30 Kin: lol
09:31 Kin: I might consider it if people ask me to change it for the spread xD
09:31 sukiNathan: lmao
09:31 sukiNathan: this would be like the 2nd daidai genome
09:32 Kin: lol
09:33 sukiNathan: 01:15:156 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - whoa holy
09:34 sukiNathan: is there any way to make that rhythm easier
09:34 sukiNathan: lol
09:34 Kin: reducing spacing, lol
09:35 sukiNathan: hm I guess
09:35 Kin: but when I asked testplay, people played it fine
09:35 sukiNathan: yeah nvm
09:35 sukiNathan: I suppose it's just a part of the map
09:35 Kin: (well it was shARPII #900 and Demmon #300)
09:35 sukiNathan: ok
09:35 sukiNathan: well im starting to think od8 would actually be good
09:36 sukiNathan: and a challenge with this rhythm and bpm
09:36 Kin: well, I'm gonna change it to 8, since the map is harder later
09:36 Kin: or more complex
09:36 sukiNathan: ok
09:38 sukiNathan: 01:28:276 (2,2) - stack these?
09:38 sukiNathan: I mean that entire pattern has a strange flow
09:38 sukiNathan: and that stack would easen it a bit
09:39 Kin: At 1st, I wanted to stack it, but I though stack it, might confuse the player with the 1/3 and after 1/2
09:39 sukiNathan: hmm ok
09:40 sukiNathan: 01:38:056 (2,3) - decrease spacing here
09:40 sukiNathan: to accent 01:38:390 (4) - better
09:41 Kin: fixing it
09:41 sukiNathan: ok
09:43 sukiNathan: 02:05:390 (5,1) - stack?
09:43 sukiNathan: then you could rotate 02:05:057 (4) - to point towards (5)
09:44 Kin: I prefer to keep it since 02:05:724 (1) - is already stacked to 02:04:557 (2,4) -
09:44 sukiNathan: kk
09:44 sukiNathan: 02:11:724 (2) - NC?
09:44 Kin: ye, fixed
09:45 sukiNathan: did the testers try with hr
09:45 sukiNathan: I feel like this part will drain you to death
09:46 Kin: they didn't, but I watched it with auto, and looked fine
09:46 sukiNathan: ah ok
09:46 Kin: re watching to be sure
09:46 sukiNathan: kk
09:49 Kin: thanks to this slider you can still be alive 02:11:724 (1) -
09:49 sukiNathan: ah
09:49 sukiNathan: god bless the 1/16
09:49 Kin: ye lol
09:50 sukiNathan: 02:34:057 (1,2,3) - space these less
09:50 sukiNathan: since they're so quiet
09:50 sukiNathan: or
09:50 sukiNathan: slightly less
09:50 sukiNathan: quiet
09:50 sukiNathan: less loud*
09:50 sukiNathan: gg
09:50 Kin: wow
09:51 sukiNathan: is that a yes or no
09:51 sukiNathan: =w=
09:51 Kin: fixing it
09:51 sukiNathan: kk
09:51 Kin: I'm changing the spacing 1,8, to 1,6
09:51 sukiNathan: sounds good
09:52 Kin: now fixed
09:53 sukiNathan: 03:02:304 (7,8) - bring these a bit closer together
09:53 sukiNathan: so the jump in 03:02:519 (8,1) - is a bit bigger
09:53 sukiNathan: 03:02:733 (1) - since is the downbeat
09:54 Kin: I prefer to use the same spacing, I think the downbeat can be feel with the low SV
09:54 sukiNathan: oh good point
09:58 sukiNathan: hm
09:58 sukiNathan: yeah I dont have anything else
09:59 sukiNathan: this is an awesome map :D
09:59 Kin: wow, thanks \o
CC Kinounet voilà ton M4M :3

- General :
  1. Je trouve que le combo color 3 et 4 sont pas assez différents. J'aurais fait le 3 un peu plus foncé.
    Combo1 : 255,102,255
    Combo2 : 72,72,255
    Combo3 : 94,174,255
    Combo4 : 168,0,168

- Addiction :
  1. 00:01:236 (1) - Tu ne voudrais pas faire des greenlines pour faire une augmentation progressive du volume ?
  2. 00:16:116 (1,2,3,4) - En fait mon problème ici c'est que je trouve que ce pattern est un peu surprenant. On est encore que dans le début de la map et tu nous sort 4 1/8 sliders. Un simple reverse aurait suffit et aurait moins choqué.
  3. 01:15:156 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - et suivant : je trouve que utilisé ce spacing pour les 1/3 est un peu "violent". Je te conseil de le réduire au moins pour le premier histoire qu'on se rende compte que l'on va play du 1/3.
  4. 01:16:116 (1,1,1) - trouve qu'ils sonnent super mal en 1/3. Fait les devenir des 1/2 ça sera plus cohérent avec le slider suivant et follow mieux le rythme.
  5. 02:32:390 (1) - J'aurais peut-être ralenti ce slider (SV x0.5) pour souligner encore plus le ralentissement de la musique et le côté dramatique avec.
  6. 03:17:626 (5,6) - Pourquoi sur toute cette partie, certains comme ce pattern sont stack, et d'autre non ? Le plus logique serait soit de tous les stacks ou non. Je trouve vraiment ça étrange.
  7. 04:19:669 (3,4) - Je chipote le blanket pourait être un poil mieux.
  8. 04:43:305 (3,4,1) - Pourquoi le spacing est différent des autres ? Il n'y a rien dans la musique qui justifie ça.
  9. 04:49:896 (1,2,3) - ^
  10. 04:51:601 (4,1,2,3,4) - ^
  11. 04:52:964 (2,3) - ^
  12. 04:56:487 (2,3) - Fail blanket.
  13. 05:26:373 (1) - Je pense qu'il fini à 05:29:726 -

Que j'aime cette map <3<3<3 elle est vraiment cool.
Cherry Blossom
That lewd face BG :o (like my avatar /me runs)


  1. normal-sliderslide.wav is unused, you must remove it.


  1. 00:16:116 (1,2,3,4) - I don't really recommend you to make this stream like this, because you see that the player can easily get 100s here (you saw it when i was playing), each 1/8 slider's direction should be the same
  2. 00:42:036 (3,4) - This antijumps is a little weird compared to what you did before this pattern. (long jumps), and the vocal is strong here, i assume you mainly follow vocal on this part, so, there should be a little or a high jump between 00:42:036 (3,4) - to keep consistency with patterns earlier.
  3. 01:16:116 (1) - They are not snapped correctly, these slider should not be snapped on 1/3 ticks, they are 1/4 is you listen to them carefully. and same as 01:16:116 (1) - 01:19:956 (1) -
  4. 01:36:724 (2,3,4) - This is a little uncomfortable to play this triangle here, the movement can be smoother and better if you swap these circles 01:37:057 (3,4) -
  5. 02:11:724 (1) - Its beginning is inaudible, and that's an unrankable issue.

    Ranking Criteria wrote:

    Hitsounds from notes and sliders must be audible. These provide feedback for the player, and having them silent in a rhythm game doesn't make much sense. If you don't like the default sounds, then find replacements rather than silencing notes. You can use hitsounds from the Custom Hitsound Library or easily find others online. Lowering the volume of a few notes to provide a dampened effect is usually fine, but complete silence is always unacceptable. The end of a spinner (or even the entire spinner) the sliding sound of a slider, and the end of a slider can be silent, but only do it if it makes sense. Finally, you cannot silence both slider ticks and slider slides together.
  6. 02:32:224 (6,1) - Here, it was a little more difficult to handle this pattern than other patterns earlier. It should be better if you make it easier by decreasing the angle between 02:31:724 (4,5,6) - , you can make a angle of 90° like a semi-square, that will work better.
  7. 03:11:304 (1) - I don't really find that it is a good idea to decrease the DS between 03:10:876 (6,1) - because there is a sliderjump pattern after this reversed slider. 03:10:876 (6) - . It should be better if there is a higher distance between 03:10:876 (6,1) - to introduce the sliderjump better.
  8. 03:39:162 (2,3) - These sliders are snapped wrongly if you're supposed to follow wubwub, it's not 1/4 here, it should be this instead :
  9. 03:42:590 (2,3) - same as ^ and 03:48:590 (7,8) - and many more.
  10. 04:39:669 (3,4) - Here, the distance between both slider is not expected, this kiai part contains a lot of 1/4 slider jumps and this "antijump" looks out of place compared to what you did on this kiai part. So, there should be at least a higher distance between both sliders.

Good Luck.
Oni -
00:11:196 - perhaps make the stream go kdkddkkkkddddk, it plays quite fun in this way and goes along with the music a little better
00:15:156 - add something here, perhaps start here 00:14:916 - and go ddkdd
00:15:636 - change it to a don so the claps here 00:15:876 - make more sense musically
00:19:836 - add a don?
00:36:156 - a don here would be quite fun and adds a little punch!
00:59:196 - same for here ^ :D
01:16:356 - maybe add 2 dons here to make it go ddk, it sounds and plays good for me, you would also need to do it in the other places here 01:18:276 - 01:20:196 - 01:22:116 -
01:24:036 - a single don works here, here too 01:25:956 - 01:27:876 -
01:32:390 - maybe start a spinner here?
02:47:557 - don?
03:19:126 - here a don too, to make it a stream
03:24:590 - probably just make this a 1/3 stream till 03:25:019 -
03:58:769 - Maybe a kat here?
04:01:983 - don and 04:02:197 - don?
05:12:623 - Finisher?
05:14:442 - ^
05:16:260 - ^
05:18:078 - ^
05:19:896 - ^
05:21:714 - ^
05:23:532 - ^
05:25:351 - ^? you get the idea
05:26:260 - spinner might be better to end on

I really liked this map! you are talented!
M4M :)
I haven't found many issues with this map while testplaying, but I'll point out those I noticed.
  1. 02:27:057 would make a better preview point imo
  1. 00:12:276(9,10,11,12) The placement of these notes make the stream look faster, which is annoying
  2. 00:51:156 Spacing like this is pretty odd in general :L
  3. 01:15:636(4,5,6) Try to reposition the notes, it is hard to figure out that it is still the same pattern. Also, you copied the same positioning at 01:17:076
  4. 01:17:556(4,5,6) ^
  5. 01:54:724(4) Weird spacing. Try to keep the distance constant in this combo.
  6. 01:56:057(5) I see what you are aiming for, though. A little more distance between 4 and 5 will do quite nice.
  7. 01:57:390(5,6,7) ^
  8. 02:11:724 I think a break would be better than this
  9. 02:26:890 Spacing is ok, yet weird. Maybe experiment a little, but if you want to leave it you can do that too.
  10. 02:33:057 Maybe put this blue combo further away
    I didn't see any mayor problems later in the song.
Nice map, I'll give you a kudosu! Good luck getting it ranked! :)
Topic Starter

Nozhomi wrote:

CC Kinounet voilà ton M4M :3

- General :
  1. Je trouve que le combo color 3 et 4 sont pas assez différents. J'aurais fait le 3 un peu plus foncé.
    Combo1 : 255,102,255
    Combo2 : 72,72,255
    Combo3 : 94,174,255
    Combo4 : 168,0,168

- Addiction :
  1. 00:01:236 (1) - Tu ne voudrais pas faire des greenlines pour faire une augmentation progressive du volume ? j'aurais voulu, mais osu! aime pas les green lines avant la 1ere red
  2. 00:16:116 (1,2,3,4) - En fait mon problème ici c'est que je trouve que ce pattern est un peu surprenant. On est encore que dans le début de la map et tu nous sort 4 1/8 sliders. Un simple reverse aurait suffit et aurait moins choqué. il se joue exactement comme celui la, sans compter le flow 00:11:796 (5,6,7,8,9) -
  3. 01:15:156 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - et suivant : je trouve que utilisé ce spacing pour les 1/3 est un peu "violent". Je te conseil de le réduire au moins pour le premier histoire qu'on se rende compte que l'on va play du 1/3. j'ai plutot réduit 01:14:676 (2,1) -
  4. 01:16:116 (1,1,1) - trouve qu'ils sonnent super mal en 1/3. Fait les devenir des 1/2 ça sera plus cohérent avec le slider suivant et follow mieux le rythme. no je suis l'1/3 en melody >_>
  5. 02:32:390 (1) - J'aurais peut-être ralenti ce slider (SV x0.5) pour souligner encore plus le ralentissement de la musique et le côté dramatique avec. je comprends, mais étant donné que la SV est déjà assez basse, j'ai pas jugé ça super utile, et juste préféré baisser le spacing
  6. 03:17:626 (5,6) - Pourquoi sur toute cette partie, certains comme ce pattern sont stack, et d'autre non ? Le plus logique serait soit de tous les stacks ou non. Je trouve vraiment ça étrange. y en a certain, je juge que le fait de move est important, et inversement
  7. 04:19:669 (3,4) - Je chipote le blanket pourait être un poil mieux. + ou - fix
  8. 04:43:305 (3,4,1) - Pourquoi le spacing est différent des autres ? Il n'y a rien dans la musique qui justifie ça. ça accentue le "to" içi 04:43:532 (1) -
  9. 04:49:896 (1,2,3) - ^ Elle commence une autre partie de son lyrics içi 04:49:896 (1) -
  10. 04:51:601 (4,1,2,3,4) - ^ j'veux les "anata" avec le même spacings, différent des autres
  11. 04:52:964 (2,3) - ^ je le trouve pas superbe à joué si je le met en 1,8
  12. 04:56:487 (2,3) - Fail blanket. + ou - fixed
  13. 05:26:373 (1) - Je pense qu'il fini à 05:29:726 - à cet endroit la, c'est un petit son "tick" venant de celui la 05:29:697 -

Que j'aime cette map <3<3<3 elle est vraiment cool.

Cherry Blossom wrote:

That lewd face BG :o (like my avatar /me runs)


  1. normal-sliderslide.wav is unused, you must remove it.


  1. 00:16:116 (1,2,3,4) - I don't really recommend you to make this stream like this, because you see that the player can easily get 100s here (you saw it when i was playing), each 1/8 slider's direction should be the same I don't really like how it look with the same direction, + I don't think you go to the end of slider while play it
  2. 00:42:036 (3,4) - This antijumps is a little weird compared to what you did before this pattern. (long jumps), and the vocal is strong here, i assume you mainly follow vocal on this part, so, there should be a little or a high jump between 00:42:036 (3,4) - to keep consistency with patterns earlier. ctrl+g this one 00:42:276 (4) -
  3. 01:16:116 (1) - They are not snapped correctly, these slider should not be snapped on 1/3 ticks, they are 1/4 is you listen to them carefully. and same as 01:16:116 (1) - 01:19:956 (1) - fixed
  4. 01:36:724 (2,3,4) - This is a little uncomfortable to play this triangle here, the movement can be smoother and better if you swap these circles 01:37:057 (3,4) - I prefer to let it like this, the 1st left jump mouvement is for the clap, and the right one to make difference with the clap
  5. 02:11:724 (1) - Its beginning is inaudible, and that's an unrankable issue. changed to 15% (only this one)

    Ranking Criteria wrote:

    Hitsounds from notes and sliders must be audible. These provide feedback for the player, and having them silent in a rhythm game doesn't make much sense. If you don't like the default sounds, then find replacements rather than silencing notes. You can use hitsounds from the Custom Hitsound Library or easily find others online. Lowering the volume of a few notes to provide a dampened effect is usually fine, but complete silence is always unacceptable. The end of a spinner (or even the entire spinner) the sliding sound of a slider, and the end of a slider can be silent, but only do it if it makes sense. Finally, you cannot silence both slider ticks and slider slides together.
  6. 02:32:224 (6,1) - Here, it was a little more difficult to handle this pattern than other patterns earlier. It should be better if you make it easier by decreasing the angle between 02:31:724 (4,5,6) - , you can make a angle of 90° like a semi-square, that will work better. angle more on the top
  7. 03:11:304 (1) - I don't really find that it is a good idea to decrease the DS between 03:10:876 (6,1) - because there is a sliderjump pattern after this reversed slider. 03:10:876 (6) - . It should be better if there is a higher distance between 03:10:876 (6,1) - to introduce the sliderjump better. I prefer to have a short distance between those, because the timeline is meh
  8. 03:39:162 (2,3) - These sliders are snapped wrongly if you're supposed to follow wubwub, it's not 1/4 here, it should be this instead :
  9. 03:42:590 (2,3) - same as ^ and 03:48:590 (7,8) - and many more. fixed
  10. 04:39:669 (3,4) - Here, the distance between both slider is not expected, this kiai part contains a lot of 1/4 slider jumps and this "antijump" looks out of place compared to what you did on this kiai part. So, there should be at least a higher distance between both sliders. DS changed

Good Luck.

Mono98 wrote:

M4M :)
I haven't found many issues with this map while testplaying, but I'll point out those I noticed.
  1. 02:27:057 would make a better preview point imo
  1. 00:12:276(9,10,11,12) The placement of these notes make the stream look faster, which is annoying Because here 00:11:796 (5,6,7,8,9) - is louder than here 00:12:276 (9,10,11,12,1) -
  2. 00:51:156 Spacing like this is pretty odd in general :L I won't make it big here
  3. 01:15:636(4,5,6) Try to reposition the notes, it is hard to figure out that it is still the same pattern. Also, you copied the same positioning at 01:17:076
  4. 01:17:556(4,5,6) ^ But I like the flow of those triangle >_>
  5. 01:54:724(4) Weird spacing. Try to keep the distance constant in this combo. jump because 1 is strong
  6. 01:56:057(5) I see what you are aiming for, though. A little more distance between 4 and 5 will do quite nice. 2,4 DS is already ok, + I won't make it too fast
  7. 01:57:390(5,6,7) ^ same goes here, but it's not 2,4, because it's not a slider here 01:57:390 -
  8. 02:11:724 I think a break would be better than this it follow the sound behind, and RIP HR player without it
  9. 02:26:890 Spacing is ok, yet weird. Maybe experiment a little, but if you want to leave it you can do that too. the jump is ok
  10. 02:33:057 Maybe put this blue combo further away I NC because I NC, not because I want this color or this color here
    I didn't see any mayor problems later in the song.
Nice map, I'll give you a kudosu! Good luck getting it ranked! :)

Backfire wrote:

Oni -
00:11:196 - perhaps make the stream go kdkddkkkkddddk, it plays quite fun in this way and goes along with the music a little better nice one, fixed
00:15:156 - add something here, perhaps start here 00:14:916 - and go ddkdd I won't, there the melody here 00:15:036 (40) -
00:15:636 - change it to a don so the claps here 00:15:876 - make more sense musically fixed
00:19:836 - add a don? no because of finisher 1/4 after
00:36:156 - a don here would be quite fun and adds a little punch! fixed
00:59:196 - same for here ^ :D kat added
01:16:356 - maybe add 2 dons here to make it go ddk, it sounds and plays good for me, you would also need to do it in the other places here 01:18:276 - 01:20:196 - 01:22:116 - I want a 1/1 after all pattern 1/6+1/3
01:24:036 - a single don works here, here too 01:25:956 - 01:27:876 - I prefer to let a 1/1 here because of the note here 01:23:796 (389) - (same goes for those simular pattern)
01:32:390 - maybe start a spinner here? I hate spinner for this kind of sound in taiko >_>
02:47:557 - don? 1 prefer to let a break for the vocal
03:19:126 - here a don too, to make it a stream I don't think it goes with the vocal
03:24:590 - probably just make this a 1/3 stream till 03:25:019 - I prefer the kkk k 1/6 ; I think it emphasize more the woob
03:58:769 - Maybe a kat here? I prefer a break
04:01:983 - don and 04:02:197 - don? it doesn't goes with the woob
05:12:623 - Finisher?
05:14:442 - ^
05:16:260 - ^
05:18:078 - ^
05:19:896 - ^
05:21:714 - ^
05:23:532 - ^
05:25:351 - ^? you get the idea got the idea after the 2nd one, all fixed
05:26:260 - spinner might be better to end on same as earlier about spinner

I really liked this map! you are talented! wow, thanks \o/
Thanks everyone for mod !
your mod will coming tomorrow after school.
01:43:390 (471) - delete or change it as don, the sound is lack.
01:55:224 (527) - kat, only my preference D kdd on that part is more flow and good imo.
02:05:724 (584) - pizza kat. the sound is more perfect if you change this.

very nice taiko. Don't forget to untick widescreen on your Oni :P
call me back if you got 1 or 2 mods.
Topic Starter

Genocide wrote:

01:43:390 (471) - delete or change it as don, the sound is lack. changed as don
01:55:224 (527) - kat, only my preference D kdd on that part is more flow and good imo. I still prefer the ddd >_>
02:05:724 (584) - pizza kat. the sound is more perfect if you change this. fixed

very nice taiko. Don't forget to untick widescreen on your Oni :P damn, I forgot it ;w; fixed
call me back if you got 1 or 2 mods.
wow, already starred ôwô
thanks !
pas grand chose à dire...... well mapped gj

- 00:39:876 (170) - d ?
- 00:43:716 (190) - ^.
- 00:47:556 (210) - ^. Sonnent mieux en d pour souligner le gros k qui suit.
- déplaces - 01:17:316 (352) - à - 01:17:476 - ? sonne mieux imo.
- 01:28:516 (418) - mby del ? pas sûr qu'il soit worth ce pattern.
- 01:57:557 (539) - d ? si y'avait un break après ce dd au lieu d'un 1/4 ddd ça passerait mieux, là trop de d d'affilé et ça prolonge les k précedents (prolonge le vocal aussi). Tu peux aussi swap les couleurs de - 01:56:390 (534) - et - 01:56:724 (536) -, ça rendra encore mieux.
- 02:02:057 - ddk au lieu de dkd ? sinon c'est l'unique d qu'est placé au niveau du son fort ou y'a habituellement un k.
- 03:19:340 (114) - d ?
- 03:33:162 - est-ce qu'un kkkdddk 1/6 passerait pas mieux ici é_è ?
- 04:26:828 - dk kdk au lieu de kk k kpour suivre aussi la mélodie mby ?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

nice o3o
Topic Starter

Nofool wrote:

pas grand chose à dire...... well mapped gj

- 00:39:876 (170) - d ? je préfère le k
- 00:43:716 (190) - ^. ^
- 00:47:556 (210) - ^. Sonnent mieux en d pour souligner le gros k qui suit. ^
- déplaces - 01:17:316 (352) - à - 01:17:476 - ? sonne mieux imo. j'ai déjà structuré en ooo o sur la plupart des pattern, + je trouve que ça sonne mieux
- 01:28:516 (418) - mby del ? pas sûr qu'il soit worth ce pattern. fixed
- 01:57:557 (539) - d ? si y'avait un break après ce dd au lieu d'un 1/4 ddd ça passerait mieux, là trop de d d'affilé et ça prolonge les k précedents (prolonge le vocal aussi). Tu peux aussi swap les couleurs de - 01:56:390 (534) - et - 01:56:724 (536) -, ça rendra encore mieux. j'ai pas vraiment fix, mais j'ai changé le pattern
- 02:02:057 - ddk au lieu de dkd ? sinon c'est l'unique d qu'est placé au niveau du son fort ou y'a habituellement un k. j'préfère le garder pour le vocal >_>
- 03:19:340 (114) - d ? j'aime bien le k içi, mais peut être que je changerais si on me le redemande >_>
- 03:33:162 - est-ce qu'un kkkdddk 1/6 passerait pas mieux ici é_è ? j'préfère quand même garder mon full don >_>
- 04:26:828 - dk kdk au lieu de kk k kpour suivre aussi la mélodie mby ? j'ai juste rajouté un d, car je follow le drum içi
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

merciiii \o/

Lally wrote:

nice o3o
thaaanks for staar \o
i will modding!
Kin always makes good maps !

I love u man , continue like that
Topic Starter
wow, I didn't expect this, lol
thanks !
GG pour le circle.

Taiko Mod
12:43 Kurai: 01:43:390 (470) - supprime cette note, ya rien dans la musique, et meme si c'est jouable, ça donne quand meme un meilleurs effet de rien mettre
12:44 Kin: fixed
12:45 Kurai: 02:28:057 (600,601,602) - dkd
12:45 Kurai: 02:32:057 (620,621,622) - ddk
12:46 Kurai: 02:36:390 (624) - change par un k, ça passe quand meme beaucoup mieux :(
12:46 Kurai: 02:45:724 (666) - Pourquoi tu mets pas un d ici? :( ça passequand meme mieux
12:46 Kin: goes well with the vocal, fixed both
12:46 Kurai: 02:48:390 (678) - Un ptit finisher?
12:46 Kurai: 02:58:447 (7) - k???
12:47 Kin: 624 fixed
12:47 Kin: 666 c déjà d xd
12:47 Kin: 677 fixed
12:47 Kurai: 03:25:019 (146,147,148,149) - dkkd?
12:47 Kin: 7 : no, doesn't goes with the drum/melody
12:48 Kurai: 03:39:162 (241,242,243) - uh, un kkk (no racism) passerait bien ici
12:48 Kin: dkkd will be weird after the 1/3 k
12:48 Kurai: 03:44:947 (276) - un ptit k ?
12:48 Kin: ah, oui, j'ai décalé de 1/3 sans faire exprès pour le kkk
12:48 Kin: na, doesn't goes with melody
12:48 Kin: woobs
12:49 Kurai: 04:06:260 (408) - pourquoi tu mets pas un finish? :(
12:49 Kin: t'as du l'enlever sans fer exprès lol
12:50 Kurai: 04:13:760 (417) - k? ça va bien avec le pitch de la musique
12:51 Kin: fixed
12:52 Kurai: 04:58:760 (695,696,697) - kkd?
12:53 Kin: hm, ça irait pas trop avec le k k d'après
12:53 Kurai: ok
12:53 Kurai: bah
12:53 Kurai: c'est tout

Have fun
Topic Starter
thanks for IRC taiko mod, it was really helpful \o
aaaah scretipe ninja ;w;/ call me back after taiko icon \o3o/
hi o3o

  1. You have unused hitsounds in your folder -> normal sliderslide

call me back o3o/
Topic Starter
ôwô, thanks Genocide !
damn, I forgot it ;w;
removed !

Topic Starter
wow, thanks hyyyyyyyype *o*
Cherry Blossom
lol please, so fast.
When someone else who mapped it is still looking for BNs.
Hey Kin, sorry that I pop this bubble, but honestly, this map is not ready yet, especially not after so few mods (and so little time)

I'm going to give you few examples, which would probably have been modded if you gave it more time.

Sometimes the audibilty of the hitsounds is very borderline, please take care of them.

00:58:836 (1) - Sad to see this part is mapped so boring in comparison to the rest. Could have been way more outstanding!
01:00:276 (4,5) - 01:07:956 (4,5) - 01:09:876 (4,5) - 01:09:876 (4,5) - Weird spots for antijumps, but well, a matter of taste I suppose.
01:13:236 (8) - I suggest a NC here, so the combo doesn't get too long here, also to emphasize the cool sliders.
01:15:156 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Thats a fairly big diff spike if you compare to the rest. The other parts are mapped way easier (it also goes together because the flow of these 1/3 isn't really good), this just doesn't fit. I highly suggest nerfing it a bit. (goes for other 1/3 too)
01:16:116 (1) - 01:18:036 (1) - 01:19:956 (1) - Uhm... I can see what you did there, but it's really flow / rhythmbreaking. I'd honestly go for the other rhythm given.
01:29:724 (1) - Ending a spinner on a downbeat is very questionable, since a downbeat should be a clickable action.

..and so on.

I'd really like to give this map some more time, because I can see huge space for improvement here. If you need further help, you can also ask me, but I'm rather busy these days. Good luck!
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:

Hey Kin, sorry that I pop this bubble, but honestly, this map is not ready yet, especially not after so few mods (and so little time)

I'm going to give you few examples, which would probably have been modded if you gave it more time.

Sometimes the audibilty of the hitsounds is very borderline, please take care of them. 02:11:724 (1) - if you're talking about this slider, it's a way too ugly if we can clearly hear it.

00:58:836 (1) - Sad to see this part is mapped so boring in comparison to the rest. Could have been way more outstanding! it' can't be helped when the music is like this
01:00:276 (4,5) - 01:07:956 (4,5) - 01:09:876 (4,5) - 01:09:876 (4,5) - Weird spots for antijumps, but well, a matter of taste I suppose. those anti jump are for the vocal. As example for the 1st one mentionned : there's no vocal here to here 01:00:276 - 01:00:636 - . That's why I prefer to use anti jump here
01:13:236 (8) - I suggest a NC here, so the combo doesn't get too long here, also to emphasize the cool sliders. fixed
01:15:156 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Thats a fairly big diff spike if you compare to the rest. The other parts are mapped way easier (it also goes together because the flow of these 1/3 isn't really good), this just doesn't fit. I highly suggest nerfing it a bit. (goes for other 1/3 too) nerfed
01:16:116 (1) - 01:18:036 (1) - 01:19:956 (1) - Uhm... I can see what you did there, but it's really flow / rhythmbreaking. I'd honestly go for the other rhythm given. going for another rhythm will be only weird, the thing is, the whole pattern is following the weird melody 1/3, and the weird melody 1/3 is rhythmbreaking 1/4 here 01:18:036 - . Also, if I only make it rhythmbreak, it'll would be too weird toi have a rhythmbreak pattern on a rhythmbreak music on the same way/flow
01:29:724 (1) - Ending a spinner on a downbeat is very questionable, since a downbeat should be a clickable action. changed

..and so on.

I'd really like to give this map some more time, because I can see huge space for improvement here. If you need further help, you can also ask me, but I'm rather busy these days. Good luck! I'll try to ask you IG later >_>
thanks for checking !
Tout n'est que suggestions ~
Merci cependant de faire une réponse détaillée en expliquant pourquoi, dans la mesure du possible, tu n'as pas changé un point.

  1. 00:12:276 (9) - Tu pourrais ajouter un NC pour alléger le pattern et améliorer la lisibilité.
  2. 00:14:676 (1,2) - Le BPM a beau être lent, la musique est toujours tranquille ici, je vois pas pourquoi tu mets un spacing aussi grand, d'autant plus que juste avant tu en mets un plus petit 00:11:436 (4,5) - ...
  3. 00:50:196 (5) - Tu pourrais -peut être- améliorer le rythme ici. Ce que tu as fait est correct mais je verrais plus 2 sliders 1/4 a la place... ou prolonger celui-ci jusqu'au prochain blue tick. M'enfin...encore une fois c'est correct ce que tu as fait.
  4. 00:51:156 (8) - Tu peux ajouter un NC, puis mettre la note aux alentours de x128 y304. Vu l’intensité de la musique, tu pourrais presque avoir un DS 6x ca gênerai personne XD.
  5. 00:57:556 (4,2,4) - Encore juste une suggestion mais tu pourrais augmenter le SV de chaque en allant 1 par 1...plutôt que de 2 par 2: 00:57:076 (2) - x1.00 . 00:57:556 (4) - x1.10 . 00:58:036 (2) - x1.20 . 00:58:516 (4) - x1.30. <- Par exemple. Dis toi bien aussi que plus le dernier slider donc (4) est high SV plus ça donnera d'impact sur ce slider-ci 00:58:836 (1) - . Penses a ajouter un NC sur chaque si tu fais ça!
  6. 00:58:836 (1) - Par pitié ajoute un kiai ici. Ne serais-ce qu'une fontaine, si tu veux pas en faire une section.
  7. 00:59:796 (3) - Je suis pas fan de la forme du slider. Essai quelque chose de plus subtile.
  8. 01:01:716 (3) - ^
  9. 01:04:596 (1) - Add finish
  10. 01:05:076 (3) - ^ "auto' pour les additions (je parle des hitsounds) et ajoute un finish
  11. 01:05:556 (5) - add finish
  12. 01:05:556 (5) - Tu pourrais ajouter un NC pour alléger la suite du pattern... ça collerai avec la musique aussi. Ce n'est qu'une suggestion cependant.
  13. 01:06:516 (1) - add finish
  14. 01:08:436 (1) - ^
  15. 01:10:356 (1) - ^
  16. 01:10:356 (1) - Comme mon conseil d'un peu plus haut, essai quelque chose de plus subtile.
  17. 01:13:236 (8) - Met le 1er anchor rouge a x428 y 140
  18. 01:13:716 (9) - Pense a copier le slider précédent du coup si t'as fait l’étape du dessus.
  19. 01:14:196 (1) - Add kiai fountain?
  20. 01:15:156 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Essai d'arranger la forme du pattern :S Tout est permis en plus, tu peux faire un back and forth, square... stars... Juste un exemple : Parce que maintenant, ton pattern fait quand même un peu random.
  21. 01:17:076 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
  22. 01:18:996 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ Celui-ci a l'avantage d'avoir un bon flow...Mais je suis sur que tu peux trouver mieux!
  23. 01:20:916 (3,4) - Essai ca au niveau de la shape? (je sais pas si c'est toujours rankable cela dit xD), mais, encore une fois (desole hein) je suis vraiment pas fan de la shape de ces sliders.
  24. 01:21:876 (5) - J'aurais mit le NC ici.. Principalement car le slider parait plus rapide du coup (étant donne que les précédents ont pleins d'anchors).
  25. 01:23:796 (8) - ^
  26. 01:25:716 (8) - ^
  27. 01:27:636 (8) - ^
  28. 01:22:356 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Yay, j'aime bien! xD
  29. 01:23:316 (7) - ? (Pour la shape) juste un exemple, pour montrer que tu pourrais faire quelque chose de plus neat.
  30. 01:24:756 (4,5) - Ctrl+G?
  31. 01:25:236 (7) - Yayy, j'aime bien xD !
  32. 01:26:676 (4,5) - Ctrl+g ?
  33. 01:29:076 (1,2) - Tu pourrais mettre 4x 1/8 plutôt. ça parait un peu lent la, alors que la musique est quand même assez électrique.
  34. 02:05:724 (1) - Je mettrais l'avant dernier tick a x196 y200 et le tout dernier a x244 y128 pour améliorer le flow (et légèrement la forme aussi ^^)
  35. 02:08:390 (1) - Je propose ça: de façon a ce que le reverse se fasse de haut en bas (ou de bas en haut, w/e) pour un meilleur flow, a toi de voir si tu préfères ta version ou pas.
  36. 02:19:057 (1) - Place le dernier tick (donc celui de la reverse) a x272 y8 pour les mêmes raisons qu'au dessus.
  37. 02:35:557 (3) - Je deleterais et je rallongerai le slider précédent jusqu'ici je pense.
  38. 02:36:390 (1) - ^ (ca sonne pas très bien je trouve)
  39. 02:37:557 (1) - J'ai pas trop comprit le NC en jouant honnêtement, et même la... Je te conseillerai de l'enlever.
  40. 02:48:390 (1) - Add finish
  41. 03:26:304 (7) - bouge le deuxième red anchor a x304 y268 pour améliorer la forme un pwal.
  42. 04:08:078 (1) - Ce serait top que tu Ctrl+h ; Ctrl+j et le faire commencer par exemple pile a l;endroit ou 04:06:260 (1) - commence. Car la, le flow est vraiment pas top. C'est lent, on voudrait faire des ronds avec notre main pour accompagner les sliders, mais la, ce slider tel qu'il est break totalement le flow.
  43. 04:35:351 (1) - J'aime beaucoup cette partie
  44. 04:47:169 (1) - Mhh, un plus grand ds? Dans tous les cas ca va, mais bon, les 1/4 sont quand même fait pour se promener rapidement un peu de partout, quand ils sont trop rapproches comme ça, faut se retenir un peu, je sais pas si c'est mieux.
  45. 05:03:987 (6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - perfect flow :D
  46. 05:09:896 (1,1,1,1) - perfect hitsounds :D
  47. 05:26:260 (9) - NC?
03:09:590 (1) - A partir d'ici tu t'es vraiment améliorer au niveau des patterns, de la forme des sliders etc. :O
C'est une map sympas, bon courage pour la suite !
Topic Starter

Yales wrote:

Tout n'est que suggestions ~
Merci cependant de faire une réponse détaillée en expliquant pourquoi, dans la mesure du possible, tu n'as pas changé un point.

  1. 00:12:276 (9) - Tu pourrais ajouter un NC pour alléger le pattern et améliorer la lisibilité. added, avec un NC içi en + 00:11:796 (1) -
  2. 00:14:676 (1,2) - Le BPM a beau être lent, la musique est toujours tranquille ici, je vois pas pourquoi tu mets un spacing aussi grand, d'autant plus que juste avant tu en mets un plus petit 00:11:436 (4,5) - ... Perso, j'aime bien le rendu avec la melody içi >_> 00:15:036 (2) -
  3. 00:50:196 (5) - Tu pourrais -peut être- améliorer le rythme ici. Ce que tu as fait est correct mais je verrais plus 2 sliders 1/4 a la place... ou prolonger celui-ci jusqu'au prochain blue tick. M'enfin...encore une fois c'est correct ce que tu as fait. des 1/4 sliders irait pas trop avec le vocal içi
  4. 00:51:156 (8) - Tu peux ajouter un NC, puis mettre la note aux alentours de x128 y304. Vu l’intensité de la musique, tu pourrais presque avoir un DS 6x ca gênerai personne XD. Pour celui la, même si la note est forte, j'avais juste pas envie de mettre en jump, vu que la partie est calme
  5. 00:57:556 (4,2,4) - Encore juste une suggestion mais tu pourrais augmenter le SV de chaque en allant 1 par 1...plutôt que de 2 par 2: 00:57:076 (2) - x1.00 . 00:57:556 (4) - x1.10 . 00:58:036 (2) - x1.20 . 00:58:516 (4) - x1.30. <- Par exemple. Dis toi bien aussi que plus le dernier slider donc (4) est high SV plus ça donnera d'impact sur ce slider-ci 00:58:836 (1) - . Penses a ajouter un NC sur chaque si tu fais ça! J'préfère garder les SV change tous les 4/1 pour la symmetry
  6. 00:58:836 (1) - Par pitié ajoute un kiai ici. Ne serais-ce qu'une fontaine, si tu veux pas en faire une section. j'peux comprendre, mais perso, j'aime pas trop cette idée
  7. 00:59:796 (3) - Je suis pas fan de la forme du slider. Essai quelque chose de plus subtile.
  8. 01:01:716 (3) - ^ j'préfère en avoir un peu plus curved pour le vocal
  9. 01:04:596 (1) - Add finish y a pas de cymbal
  10. 01:05:076 (3) - ^ "auto' pour les additions (je parle des hitsounds) et ajoute un finish ^
  11. 01:05:556 (5) - add finish la cymbal est 1/4 plus tot, içi 01:05:676 -
  12. 01:05:556 (5) - Tu pourrais ajouter un NC pour alléger la suite du pattern... ça collerai avec la musique aussi. Ce n'est qu'une suggestion cependant. J'peux comprendre, mais je préfère garder le NC constant tous les 4/1 ou avec le vocal
  13. 01:06:516 (1) - add finish
  14. 01:08:436 (1) - ^
  15. 01:10:356 (1) - ^ y a pas de cymbal sur les 3
  16. 01:10:356 (1) - Comme mon conseil d'un peu plus haut, essai quelque chose de plus subtile. une simple curve me parrait suffisante
  17. 01:13:236 (8) - Met le 1er anchor rouge a x428 y 140 Le 1er anchor est de sorte que la slider ball soit sur le red point à ce moment exact : 01:13:356 -
  18. 01:13:716 (9) - Pense a copier le slider précédent du coup si t'as fait l’étape du dessus.
  19. 01:14:196 (1) - Add kiai fountain? pareil que pour l'autre kiai
  20. 01:15:156 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Essai d'arranger la forme du pattern :S Tout est permis en plus, tu peux faire un back and forth, square... stars... Juste un exemple : Parce que maintenant, ton pattern fait quand même un peu random.
  21. 01:17:076 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
  22. 01:18:996 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ Celui-ci a l'avantage d'avoir un bon flow...Mais je suis sur que tu peux trouver mieux! j'aime bien le flow de mes triangle illuminati avec le rotate :/
  23. 01:20:916 (3,4) - Essai ca au niveau de la shape? (je sais pas si c'est toujours rankable cela dit xD), mais, encore une fois (desole hein) je suis vraiment pas fan de la shape de ces sliders. ça change trop la SV, ce qui le rend unrankable
  24. 01:21:876 (5) - J'aurais mit le NC ici.. Principalement car le slider parait plus rapide du coup (étant donne que les précédents ont pleins d'anchors). ah oui, j'ai raté mon NC
  25. 01:23:796 (8) - ^ ^
  26. 01:25:716 (8) - ^ ^
  27. 01:27:636 (8) - ^ ^
  28. 01:22:356 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Yay, j'aime bien! xD
  29. 01:23:316 (7) - ? (Pour la shape) juste un exemple, pour montrer que tu pourrais faire quelque chose de plus neat. j'préfère en avoir un avec pas mal d'anchor pour mieux marquer la musique
  30. 01:24:756 (4,5) - Ctrl+G? [b]ça casse mon triangle rotate illuminati[/b]
  31. 01:25:236 (7) - Yayy, j'aime bien xD !
  32. 01:26:676 (4,5) - Ctrl+g ? pareil
  33. 01:29:076 (1,2) - Tu pourrais mettre 4x 1/8 plutôt. ça parait un peu lent la, alors que la musique est quand même assez électrique. J'peux comprendre, mais j'aime pas trop l'idée, sachant que c'est précédé par du 1/3 pattern
  34. 02:05:724 (1) - Je mettrais l'avant dernier tick a x196 y200 et le tout dernier a x244 y128 pour améliorer le flow (et légèrement la forme aussi ^^) J'aime pas trop la shape, + je dirais que ça gache un peu la représentation de breathing que j'ai faites sur le slider D:
  35. 02:08:390 (1) - Je propose ça: de façon a ce que le reverse se fasse de haut en bas (ou de bas en haut, w/e) pour un meilleur flow, a toi de voir si tu préfères ta version ou pas. ça donne trop l'impression que les 2 dernier point blanc sont des anchor
  36. 02:19:057 (1) - Place le dernier tick (donc celui de la reverse) a x272 y8 pour les mêmes raisons qu'au dessus. la shape me parrait trop tordu
  37. 02:35:557 (3) - Je deleterais et je rallongerai le slider précédent jusqu'ici je pense. je comprends le trucs, mais quand je follow le vocal, je pense que cliqué sur le vocal est mieux, est donc avoir à cliqué sur ce cercle me parrait mieux que de l'avoir inactif en tant que slider end
  38. 02:36:390 (1) - ^ (ca sonne pas très bien je trouve) ^
  39. 02:37:557 (1) - J'ai pas trop comprit le NC en jouant honnêtement, et même la... Je te conseillerai de l'enlever. Ce NC, j'ai pas l'impression qu'il appartienne à la partie précédente du vocal, et cette note : 02:37:724 - marque une nouvelle partie à mon gout
  40. 02:48:390 (1) - Add finish toujours pas de cymbal
  41. 03:26:304 (7) - bouge le deuxième red anchor a x304 y268 pour améliorer la forme un pwal. le current one est je dirais le mieux pour avoir le blanket avec un bon placement/spacing sur les prochaines notes
  42. 04:08:078 (1) - Ce serait top que tu Ctrl+h ; Ctrl+j et le faire commencer par exemple pile a l;endroit ou 04:06:260 (1) - commence. Car la, le flow est vraiment pas top. C'est lent, on voudrait faire des ronds avec notre main pour accompagner les sliders, mais la, ce slider tel qu'il est break totalement le flow. j'préfère garder le blanket D:
  43. 04:35:351 (1) - J'aime beaucoup cette partie
  44. 04:47:169 (1) - Mhh, un plus grand ds? Dans tous les cas ca va, mais bon, les 1/4 sont quand même fait pour se promener rapidement un peu de partout, quand ils sont trop rapproches comme ça, faut se retenir un peu, je sais pas si c'est mieux. celui la, je préfère l'avoir rapproché, étant donné que les 2 prochains jumps sont bien + gros
  45. 05:03:987 (6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - perfect flow :D
  46. 05:09:896 (1,1,1,1) - perfect hitsounds :D
  47. 05:26:260 (9) - NC? fixed
03:09:590 (1) - A partir d'ici tu t'es vraiment améliorer au niveau des patterns, de la forme des sliders etc. :O
C'est une map sympas, bon courage pour la suite !
merci pour le mod ! \o/
From modding queue

I took a look at this map but honestly couldn't find anything i can suggest. Maybe some possible nazi mods but meh didnt want to do that.

Since I already see this getting bubbles.. me throwing some lame mod for SP won't help either so...

Sorry for the late/useless thing but good luck!
Topic Starter
whoops, missclic with my phone, sorry ;w;
Random very short mod. I like your diff, is very better than this, so i want help a little.

  1. 00:15:036 (2,3) - make this closer or - for better readability.
  2. 00:15:876 (5,1,2,3,4) - Why slidestream? Is clap-clap in music
  3. 00:26:076 (9,1) - ^ etc
  4. 01:16:116 (1) - please, make it 1/2, there long and stringy sound in vocal, also 3\4 pause is not very pleasantly.
  5. 01:18:036 (1) - ^
  6. 01:19:956 (1) - ^
Topic Starter

tomhet65 wrote:

Random very short mod. I like your diff, is very better than this, so i want help a little.

  1. 00:15:036 (2,3) - make this closer or - for better readability. reduced a lil bit
  2. 00:15:876 (5,1,2,3,4) - Why slidestream? Is clap-clap in music the slider stream is for the piano
  3. 00:26:076 (9,1) - ^ etc I find this one ok with the flow D:
  4. 01:16:116 (1) - please, make it 1/2, there long and stringy sound in vocal, also 3\4 pause is not very pleasantly.
  5. 01:18:036 (1) - ^
  6. 01:19:956 (1) - ^ well, the musique is 1/4
thank you for your mod !
Fatfan Kolek

tomhet65 wrote:

Random very short mod. I like your diff, is very better than this, so i want help a little.
The disrespect is real, thanks!
Small mode. I'm sure you will reject all fixes (yep, i'm just too newbie for such a thing).
00:06:516 (3,4) - My right hand was asking for a little jump there.
00:26:916 (3,4,5) - Right hand, again. A little changes for better flow (i think this will not destroy beatmap's beauty).
00:48:036 (3,4,5) - ^
01:06:996 (2) - Maybe rotate horizontally? (right hand asking me for a better flow again and again)
01:48:724 (2,3,4) - For better flow, again.
02:19:057 (1) - Kinda strange slider D: (godlike sliders before it). Idk how to increase it's beauty, but if you'll find that necessary, try to think about it.
02:29:724 (1,2,3,4) - Maybe it's silly, but just moving 2nd and 3rd notes like this it becomes better for my mind (like a big pattern, yep).
03:19:876 (1) - Rotate vertically, then +10 degrees. Something like this
03:35:519 (2) - I found simple line-like slider a little bit boring. Maybe this will follow the rhythm better? 1st point [x260;y140] 2nd point [x276;y148]
04:01:876 (4) - Just changed it's form for better flow both to previous and next notes 1st point [x444;y224] 2nd point [x456;y276] 3rd point [x492;y304]
05:21:487 (3) - I'm not really sure about it, but for better flow I tried this
05:25:123 (4,5) - Firstly, rotate vertically, then -20 degrees angle. Like this 1st note [x260;y273] 2nd note [x292;y256]

Great beatmap. Sorry for such a mode :?

Fatfan Kolek wrote:

tomhet65 wrote:

Random very short mod. I like your diff, is very better than this, so i want help a little.
The disrespect is real, thanks!
Sorry, nothing personal, just mapping.
Ok. Go


  1. 01:05:796 (6,7) - How about Ctrl+G? maybe playing and flow batter
  2. 05:14:214 (3) - hmm i think this distance very high...
nice map!

call me back your already
Topic Starter

Nikollo wrote:

Small mode. I'm sure you will reject all fixes (yep, i'm just too newbie for such a thing).
00:06:516 (3,4) - My right hand was asking for a little jump there. I think the melody on the note 4 is kinda simular to 3, so I prefer to stack it
00:26:916 (3,4,5) - Right hand, again. A little changes for better flow (i think this will not destroy beatmap's beauty). idea is cool, but actually I want the triangle with those one 00:26:676 (2,3,6) -
00:48:036 (3,4,5) - ^ the spacing between 5 and 6 look a bit too close
01:06:996 (2) - Maybe rotate horizontally? (right hand asking me for a better flow again and again) well, it improve the transition between this note, and the previous one, but it change the transition between this note and the next one, I think I'm gonna let it like for now
01:48:724 (2,3,4) - For better flow, again. I use a jump on every clap, it'll break the consistant jump clap
02:19:057 (1) - Kinda strange slider D: (godlike sliders before it). Idk how to increase it's beauty, but if you'll find that necessary, try to think about it. improving it
02:29:724 (1,2,3,4) - Maybe it's silly, but just moving 2nd and 3rd notes like this it becomes better for my mind (like a big pattern, yep). I think it increase the spacing between 1 and 2 a bit much, I want to have a constant spacing between those note
03:19:876 (1) - Rotate vertically, then +10 degrees. Something like this yee, almost fixed
03:35:519 (2) - I found simple line-like slider a little bit boring. Maybe this will follow the rhythm better? 1st point [x260;y140] 2nd point [x276;y148] sometimes, simple is better
04:01:876 (4) - Just changed it's form for better flow both to previous and next notes 1st point [x444;y224] 2nd point [x456;y276] 3rd point [x492;y304] I think it change too the transition between this note and the previous one
05:21:487 (3) - I'm not really sure about it, but for better flow I tried this the current one is actually a straigh line (ever start of slider)
05:25:123 (4,5) - Firstly, rotate vertically, then -20 degrees angle. Like this 1st note [x260;y273] 2nd note [x292;y256] I prefer the current flow, + it'll change my DS >_>

Great beatmap. Sorry for such a mode :?
don't be sorry ! thanks for mod !

HabiHolic wrote:

Ok. Go


  1. 01:05:796 (6,7) - How about Ctrl+G? maybe playing and flow batter I prefer a simple flow here >_>
  2. 05:14:214 (3) - hmm i think this distance very high... reduced
nice map!

call me back your already
thanks ! \o/
Hey some suggestions before rebubble

asdf - nazi or suggestion
asdf - important

  1. 00:18:036(4)- I suggest a ctrl+g for a better movement of the cursor but to not destroy it then after you clicked (4)- I suggest to add a note on 00:18:396()- to keep the movement of the cursor better and there I hear music very well :p
  2. 00:19:476(4)- Would be better if you will add a NC here because I hear new vocals and a NC will fit it perfectly
  3. 00:23:796(7)- I suggest to place it to 224|320 to make a perfect isoscel triangle pattern
  4. 00:38:916(6,7)- Would be better if you replace those 1/4 sliders with 2 notes to follow the vocal much better and I don't hear drums :p
  5. 00:43:956(2)- This note have a bad stack with 00:42:276(4)- 's head. Place it to 258|110 for a better stack
  6. 00:45:156(8)- This slider can be a bit rebalanced. I suggest to rotate it to 1 degress for a better balance of the slider and for a better blanket with (1)-
  7. 00:46:116(3)- Another bad stack D: this note is not stacked good with 00:45:156(8)- Place it to 155|237 for a better stack
  8. 00:50:916(7)- I suggest to replace this 1/4 slider with a note to fit the end of the vocal.Also at the next note on 00:51:156(8)- would be better if you will add NC because there the vocal stops and a NC will fit really good ;D
  9. 00:57:876(1)- I suggest to remove the NC from this note because I don't hear new vocals :/
  10. 01:04:116(4)- I suggest to make a ctrl+j here for a better movement of the cursor and playability but would be better if you will rotate it with 1 degress to correct the balance of the slider
  11. 01:16:116(1)- For the vocal would be better if you snap it from 1/4 slider to 1/2 slider ( to red tick forward not backward)
  12. 01:18:036(1)- Same as above. Snap it to 1/2 I mean to red tick forward to follow the vocal better
  13. 01:18:036(1)- ^ from 1/4 to 1/2 to follow the vocal better
  14. 01:19:156(2)- Bad stack again D: Place it to 376|264 for a better stack with 01:17:716(5)-
  15. 01:19:956(1)- Snap it from 1/4 to 1/2 to follow the vocal better
  16. 01:49:057(4)- Would be better if you will rotate it with 1 degress for a better balance of the slider I don't lie it really looks pretty good :3
  17. 01:53:057(4)- I suggest to rotate it to -2 degress for a better movement of the cursor when you will going to click the next note and for a better blance of the slider
  18. 03:09:269(4,5)- I suggest a ctrl+g to reverse both notes for a better movement of the cursor
Topic Starter

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

Hey some suggestions before rebubble

asdf - nazi or suggestion
asdf - important

  1. 00:18:036(4)- I suggest a ctrl+g for a better movement of the cursor but to not destroy it then after you clicked (4)- I suggest to add a note on 00:18:396()- to keep the movement of the cursor better and there I hear music very well :p the ctrl+g will break the transition between 4 and the next note, also, add a note will make it kinda overmapped >_>
  2. 00:19:476(4)- Would be better if you will add a NC here because I hear new vocals and a NC will fit it perfectly where is vocal ? ôwô
  3. 00:23:796(7)- I suggest to place it to 224|320 to make a perfect isoscel triangle pattern it's already a perfect one >_<
  4. 00:38:916(6,7)- Would be better if you replace those 1/4 sliders with 2 notes to follow the vocal much better and I don't hear drums :p those 1/4 are for the hand's clap
  5. 00:43:956(2)- This note have a bad stack with 00:42:276(4)- 's head. Place it to 258|110 for a better stack fixed
  6. 00:45:156(8)- This slider can be a bit rebalanced. I suggest to rotate it to 1 degress for a better balance of the slider and for a better blanket with (1)- it's already ok with the transition
  7. 00:46:116(3)- Another bad stack D: this note is not stacked good with 00:45:156(8)- Place it to 155|237 for a better stack fixed the 1 pixel
  8. 00:50:916(7)- I suggest to replace this 1/4 slider with a note to fit the end of the vocal.Also at the next note on 00:51:156(8)- would be better if you will add NC because there the vocal stops and a NC will fit really good ;D but it's not mapped on vocal :( only NC fixed
  9. 00:57:876(1)- I suggest to remove the NC from this note because I don't hear new vocals :/ NC for speed up
  10. 01:04:116(4)- I suggest to make a ctrl+j here for a better movement of the cursor and playability but would be better if you will rotate it with 1 degress to correct the balance of the slider I prefer to keep this one for the "symetry"
  11. 01:16:116(1)- For the vocal would be better if you snap it from 1/4 slider to 1/2 slider ( to red tick forward not backward) I'm mapping melody, not vocal
  12. 01:18:036(1)- Same as above. Snap it to 1/2 I mean to red tick forward to follow the vocal better
  13. 01:18:036(1)- ^ from 1/4 to 1/2 to follow the vocal better
  14. 01:19:156(2)- Bad stack again D: Place it to 376|264 for a better stack with 01:17:716(5)- fixed
  15. 01:19:956(1)- Snap it from 1/4 to 1/2 to follow the vocal better
  16. 01:49:057(4)- Would be better if you will rotate it with 1 degress for a better balance of the slider I don't lie it really looks pretty good :3 the transition is already ok
  17. 01:53:057(4)- I suggest to rotate it to -2 degress for a better movement of the cursor when you will going to click the next note and for a better blance of the slider I prefer the current one with the clap
  18. 03:09:269(4,5)- I suggest a ctrl+g to reverse both notes for a better movement of the cursor I actualy find the current one better
thanks for mod ! \o/
back again

21:15 Kin: ôwô
21:15 Kin: Hi \o
21:16 Lally: lol i was xD
21:17 Lally: i was looking at the tread,is habi gonna to give you bubble? o3o and bby chen modded it
21:17 Kin: she did ? ôwô
21:17 Lally: yap 1 h ago :o
21:18 Kin: then I'm gonna check it righ now >_<
21:18 Lally: uguu o3o
21:47 Kin: I've just finish to check it ;w;
21:47 Kin: no big change
21:47 Kin: just pixel and 1 nc
21:50 Lally: i have to ask if i can give back bubble or standard icon because not sure about o3o
21:51 Kin: well, since Genocide gave the bubble, and was popped because of standard
21:51 Kin: I think I can count Genocide's bubble as taiko icon >_<
21:51 Kin: but yee, need to be sure
21:58 Lally: k can repair o3o
21:59 Kin: okay \o/
22:01 Lally: i'm gonna drop some things here;
22:02 Lally: 05:29:726 - here ahould be finish the last spinner 1/16 after after hearing it 843576938 times
22:02 Kin: fixed ôwô
22:04 Kin: Tell me when I can update ôwô
22:04 Lally: 02:11:724 (1) - the volume is to low to give a feedback for the players
22:05 Lally: this can be a reason for a DQ
22:05 Lally: i would do atleast 15-20 %
22:05 Kin: atm it's 15%
22:06 Kin: changing it to 30% whistle
22:06 Lally: 02:11:765 - from here was 5 %
22:06 Kin: And this one to 10% 02:11:765 -
22:06 Lally: i'm talking about that one
22:06 Kin: then changing this one to 20% ôwô
22:07 Lally: ok o3ob
22:08 Lally: 00:38:916 - is there any special reason for the changing of sampleset?
22:09 Lally: 00:51:636 - did you thought about to add one spinner in this break time?
22:09 Kin: If you remove this note 00:38:916 (6) - you can hear a hand clap here : 00:38:916 -
22:10 Kin: I don't really think a spinner will fit here >_>
22:10 Kin: that why I let it empty
22:10 Lally: 01:05:796 (6) - just by listening it feel naisu for me adding a clap here
22:11 Kin: the clap here, feel like it's too overhit sounded for me D:
22:12 Lally: 01:16:116 (1) - i feel like that i should end 01:16:296 - here
22:13 Lally: sorry 01:16:356 -
22:13 Lally: *
22:13 Lally: 01:16:356 - but here is a kind of sound aswell but totally has to be a 1/2 slider :V
22:14 Kin: this slider is following the melody >_>
22:14 Kin: 01:16:116 (1) - this one is also on melody, the 1/2 is the drum >>
22:14 Lally: same 01:18:036 (1) - * me aswell ,the last sound wich you reproducing with a slider is a longer one
22:16 Kin: About those 1/4 slider, I personnaly though it's 1/3, but people said the melody is 1/4
22:16 Kin: i'm confuse
22:16 Kin: d
22:17 Lally: i saw that irre mentioned in his mod aswell those parts
22:17 Lally: and personally i don't feel like 1/3 those
22:18 Kin: then, how about keep the 1/4 slider, and add circle here ? 01:16:476 -
22:19 Kin: well, feels more wrong to me, ignore this :w:
22:19 Kin: ;w;
22:20 Kin: I'm just gonna change it to 1/2
22:21 Lally: even adding one more 1/4 feels wrong imo the best choise is a 1/2 with sounds right
22:21 Lally: in the other aswell
22:23 Lally: 02:37:557 (1) - fells like an unecessary NC but i see what you wanted to create here so is fine i think
22:24 Kin: ye, I feel like this circle isn't from the previous & next part
22:27 Lally: k upload done o3o
22:28 Kin: then gonna update ôwô

  1. some rhythm changes
  2. minor changes
  3. snap changes in the last spinner

#1 repair
bubbled #2
Topic Starter
wow, thanks both of you \o/

Cherry Blossom wrote:

lol please, so fast.
When someone else who mapped it is still looking for BNs.
Asagi Mutsuki
we only stacked a note and that's sad :(

edit : will rank tomorrow cuz I can't rank two maps per day
But alacat's version is in qualified page ;w; Why you not wait till alacat's version will be on ranked maps page ?

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

But alacat's version is in qualified page ;w; Why you not wait till alacat's version will be on ranked maps page ?
Topic Starter
I've waited :D
Kin hentai owo)/

sukiNathan wrote:

Kin hentai owo)/
Fatfan Kolek

I would take a look here again. 02:32:390 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - They aren't snapped properly to the song, are they?

Other than that, congrats! :c

Fatfan Kolek wrote:

They aren't snapped properly to the song, are they?
Correct, it's actually all over the place.

There's actually a lot of poor snapping and circles which shouldn't exist in this entire song here 02:55:876 -

03:17:733 (6) - stuff like this on the next 1/12 for example
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